1838-January 2 to April 18. Clerk John F. Bacon. Sergeant-at-Arms - James Livingston. Doorkeeper - James D. Wasson. First District. Second District. Third District. Fourth District. Fifth District. Abljah Beckwith, Sixth District. Levi Beardsley, George Huntington, Daniel 8. Dickinson, Laurens Hull. Seventh District. Chester Loomis, John Beardsley, Samuel L. Edwards, John Maynard. Eighth District. Isaac Lacy, Chauncey J. Fox, Samuel Works, William A. Moseley, Sixty-second Session. 1839-January 1 to May 7. Clerk John F. Bacon. Sergeant-at-Arms - James Livingston. Doorkeeper-James D. Wasson. First District. Henry Floyd Jones, Frederick A Tallmadge, Gulian C. Verplanck, Gabriel Furman. 2 Vice Hasbrouck, deceased. 5 Vice Sudam. 8 Vice Kembie, resignel. Second District. John Hunter, Resigned September 29, 1885. 6 Resigned May 22, 1886. 9 Vice Bishop, resigned. THIRD CONSTITUTION. Seventy-first and second Sessions. 1848 January 4 to April 12. 1849- January 2 to April 11. Clerk Andrew H. Calhoun. Sergeant-at-Arms - Senter M. Giddings. Doorkeeper - Rensselaer Van Valkenburgh. 1 John G. Floyd. 2 David A. Bokee. 8 William Hall. 4 John L. Lawrence. 5 Samuel Frost. 6 William 8. Johnson, 7 Saxton Smith. 8 Alexander J. Coffin. 9 Samuel J. Wilkin. 10 Platt Adams. 11 Valentine Tredwell. 12 Albert R. Fox. 13 James M. Cook. 14 James 8. Whallon. 15 John Fine. 16 Thomas Burch. 17 John M. Betts. 18 David H. Little. 19 Thomas E. Clark. 20 Thomas H. Bond. 21 John W. Tamblin. 22 George Geddes. 23 Samuel H. P. Hall. 24 William I. Cornwell. 25 Timothy S. Williams 26 William M. Hawley. 27 Jerome Fuller. 28 A. Hyde Cole. 29 Allen Ayrault.1 29 Charles Colt.2 30 John W. Brownson. 31 John T. Bush 32 Frederick S. Martin. Seventy-third and fourth Sessions. 1850-January 1 to April 10. 1851-Jan. 7 to April 17; June 10 to July 11. Clerk-William H. Bogart. 1 William H. Brown 8 19 Charles A. Mann.4 2 John A. Cross. 19 Benj. N. Hunting8 Richard S. Williams ton.5 4 Clarkson Crolius. 20 Asahel Stone. 4 5 James W. Beekman.20 Moses P. Hatch.5 6 Edwin D. Morgan. 21 Alanson Skinner.4 7 Benjamin Brandreth 21 Caleb Lyon.5 8 John Snyder.4 8 Joseph Halsted.5 9 James C. Curtis.3 22 George Geddes. 28 Levi Dimmick.7 24 William Beach. 10 Marius Sch'nm'ker.6 25 Henry B. Stanton.3 11 Stephen H. Johnson 26 Geo. B. Guinnip.4,8 12 Thomas B. Carroll. 26 Wm. J. Gilbert.8 18 James M. Cook. 27 8amuel Miller. Seventy-seventh and eighth Sessions. 1854 January 8 to April 17. 1855- January 2 to April 14. : Clerk - Hugh J. Hastings. Sergeant-at-Arms-J. Garlinghouse. Doorkeeper-Samuel B. Tuell. 1 Hugh Halsey. 2 James Hutchins. 3 Thomas J. Barr. 4 Thos. R. Whitney. 5 Mark Spencer. 18 Ebenezer Blakely.9 6 Erastus Brooks. 22 James Munroe. 8 Robert A. Barnard. 24 William Clark. 9 John D. Watkins. 25 Josiah B. Williams. 10 Eliakim Sherrill. 26 Andw. B. Dickinson 27 William S. Bishop. 11 Clarkson F. Crosby. 17 Peter S. Danforth. 29 Myron H. Clark.11 Seventy-ninth and Eightieth Sessions. 1856-January 1 to April 9. 1857-January 6 to April 18. Clerk-Samuel P. Allen. Sergeant-at-Arms- Samuel B. Tuell. 20 M. Lindley Lee. 21 Gardner Towne. 22 James Noxon. 23 Geo. W. Bradford. 21 Samuel C. Cuyler. 25 James Huntington. 26 John K. Hale. 27 John E. Paterson. 28 Alonzo S. Upham. 29 Sidney Sweet. 80 John B. Halstead. 31 James Wadsworth. 15 Boomfield Usher.15 32 Roderick White.16 1853-January 4 to April 15; May 24 to July 21. 15 Zenas Clark.15 3 Resigned April 17, 1851; re-elected May 27, 1851. 5 Elected May 27, 1851, to fill vacancy. 2 Elected vice Ayrault, 1848. 4 Resigned April 17, 1851; not re-elected. 6 Resigned July 26, 1851. 7 Resigned November 12, 1851. 8 On special election, May 27, G. B. Guinnip and William J. Gilbert, each received 4,480 votes. The State Canvassers determined no choice. The Senate admitted Gilbert by a resolution passed July 2, 1851. 9 Vacated in favor of Storing, March 13, 1854. 10 Vice Blakely, March 14, 1854. 11 Resigned January 1, 1855; elected Governor. 12 Elected vice Clark, resigned; sworn in February 5, 1855. 13 Contested by Thomas J. Barr. 14 Contested by Benjamin Brandreth. 15 Clark resigned February 13, 1857; Bloomfield Usher, elec ed March 6, 1857, vice Clark, resigned. 17 Elected November, 1856, vice White, deceased. 16 Died at Olean, May 26, 1856. 1 Joshua B. Smith. 18 Joseph A. Willard. 2 Samuel Sloan. 19 Alrick Hubbell. 8 Francis B. Spinola. 20 Addison H. Laflin. 4 John O. Mather. 21 Cheney Ames. 5 Smith Ely, Jr. 2: James Noxon. 6 Richard Schell. 28 John J. Foote. 7 John Doherty.1 24 Lyman Truman. 8 Benj. Brandreth. 25 Alex. B. Williams. 9 Osmer B. Wheeler. 26 Truman Boardman. 10 George W. Pratt. 27 Alex. S. Diven. 11 W. G. Mandeville 2 28 John E. Paterson. 11 H. C. Wetmore.3 29 Horatio J. Stow.4 12 John D. Willard. 29 Geo. D. Lamont.5 13 George Y. Johnson. 30 John B. Halstead. 14 Edward I. Burhans. 31 Jas. Wadsworth.6 15 George G. Scott. 31 Erast. S. Prosser.7 16 Ralph A. Loveland. 32 John P. Darling. 17 Wm. A. Wheeler. Eighty-third and fourth Sessions. 1860-January 8 to April 17. 1861 Clerk January 1 to April 16. James Terwilliger. 1 Edw. A. Lawrence. 17 C. C. Montgomery. 2 Thos. A. Gardner. 18 James A. Bell. 3 Francis B. Spinola. 19 William H. Ferry. 4 J. McLeod Murphy. 20 Francis M. Rotch. 5 Bernard Kelly. 21 Andrew S. Warner. 6 Benj. F. Manterre. 22 Allen Munro. 7 Rich'd B. Connolly. 23 Perrin H. McGraw. 8 H. D. Robertson. 9 Robert Y. Grant. 10 Joshua Flero, Jr. 11 John H. Ketcham. 12 Volney Richmond. 18 Andrew J. Colvin. 14 Joseph H. Ramsey. 15 Isaiah Blood. 16 Nathan Lapham. 24 Lyman Truman. Eighty-fifth and sixth Sessions. Bergeant-at-Arms - Richard U. Owens. 1 Monroe Henderson. 17 C. C. Montgomery. 2 Jesse C. Smith. 8 Henry C. Murphy 4 Chr'n B Woodruff. 5 Chas. G. Cornell. 6 John J. Bradley. 7 R B. Connolly 8 H. D. Robertson. 9 Henry R. Low. 10 Jacob 8. Freer. 11 Wm. H. Tobey. 12 Ralph Richards. 18 John V. L Pruyn. 14 Jos. H. Ramsey. 15 John Willard 8 15 Wm Clark 9 16 Russell M. Little. 18 James A. Bell. 19 Alex. H. Bailey. 20 George A. Hardin. 21 Richard K. Sanford. 2! Allen Munro 23 Henry A. Clark. 24 Lyman Truman. 23 C. M. Abbott. 26 Charles J Folger. 27 Charles Cook. 28 Lysander Farrar. 29 Alm'or Hutchinson. 80 Wilkes Angel. 31 John Ganson. 32 Horace C. Young. Eighty-ninth and Ninetieth Sessions. 1868 January 2 to April 20. 1867-January 1 to April 20. Clerk-James Terwilliger. Sergeant-at-Arms- Arthur Hotchkiss. 1 Nicholas B. La Bau. 18 John O'Donnell. 2 Henry R. Pierson. 8 Henry C. Murphy. 4 Benjamin Wood. 5 Chas. G. Corneil. 6 Abraham Lent. 7 Thomas Murphy. 8 E. G. Sutherland. 9 Henry R. Low. 10 George Chambers. 11 Edw. G. Wilbor. 12 James ibson. 13 Lorenzo D. Collins. 14 Chas. Stanford. 15 Adam W. Kline. 16 Moss K. Platt. 17 Abel Godard. 19 Samuel Campbell. 20 Geo. H. Andrews. 21 John J. Wolcott. 22 Andrew D. White. 23 James Barnett. 24 Ezra Cornell. 25 Step'n K. Williams. 26 Charles J. Folger. 27 Stephen T. Hayt. 27 John I. Nicks.12 28 Thomas Parsons. 29 Richard Crowley. 80 W. J. Humphrey. 81 David S. Bennett. 32 Walter L. Sessions. Ninety-first and second Sessions. 1868 January 7 to May 6. 1869-January 5 to May 10. Clerk-James Terwilliger. Sergeant-at-Arms-John H. Kemper. Doorkeeper-Charles V. Schram. 1 Lewis A. Edwards. 17 Abrm. X. Parker. 20 J. B. Van Petten. 5 Michael Norton. 1 Died April 20, 1859. 2 Contested by H. C. Wetmore, who was admitted April 5, 1859. 8 Vice Mandeville. 4 Died at Clifton Springs February 19, 1859. deceased. 6 Resigned August 18,858. 5 Elected vice Stow, 7 Elected November, 1858, vice Wadsworth. 8 Died. 9 Elected December 4, vice Willard, deceased. 10 Contested by Henry R. Low who succeeded January 17, 1865. 11 Awarded Niven's seat January 17, 1865. 12 Elected vice Hayt, resigned. |