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VOL. 12.

OCTOBER, 1899.

Condensed Lessons in Divine Science.

No. I.


OME who have read Science literature are still asking, as did Pilate of old, "What is Truth ?" What do you mean by Truth?

Truth is one, a unit, an undivided whole. To understand Truth is to perceive it as a whole, as the one All, just as it is. Truth is Principle, ever the same, without variableness or shadow of turning. It is Infinite, Limitless, Free, without limitation or hindrance. When the Word of Truth is spoken, the fulness of its definition and the power of its freedom is formulated and made manifest.

The spoken Word of Truth accords perfectly with the nature of Eternal Life, the conscious Law of Being, and is in perfect harmony with what the I Am is-with what is and was and ever more shall be-the Eternal. The spoken Word is the voicing of the known, and the knowledge of all Being and existence, all that truly is, the Creator and creation. by perceiving, thinking, speaking or acting it. can be perceived, thought, spoken and acted. thought out that does not exist.

We do not make Truth Truth is, and because it is, it Nothing can be perceived or

This definition should be studied and affirmed, over and over, until the reader has made it fully his own.

It is necessary for students of Divine Science to make a right beginning, and as Science is the Truth of Unity, of God the Good as the one All, inclusive of creative action and creation, a right beginning must be made within the Source in which all creation is expressed and of which it is an expression. To begin our work where all things begin and work faithfully from a knowledge of what Being is, it is essential that the truth of self be acknowledged as conscious Life and Law, capable of self-demonstration. The science of Infinite Spirit-Divine Scince and its application in healing-consists in defining the nature of Spirit, the manifestor and its manifestation; also in a knowledge of how to work the law of Spirit-the law that declares that like produces like, that what is begotten or expressed of Spirit is spirit; the law of equality and divinity, which knows no high, no low. "The law of the Lord is equal."

Science has a basis. That basis is a practical working basis. It is expressed in creation and can be demonstrated in all our ways. It is applicable in all our dealings with each other. The signs following its demonstration are strength of character, mental peace, satisfaction, and bodily health.

The following is an extract from "The Divine Science Statement of Being," which should be committed to memory as a working basis, and from which to reason in the lessons that are to follow :

God is Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence. All there is, is God, and God manifest-the Creator and creation.

God is Spirit; Spirit is all of Life, Love, Truth, Substance, Intelligence, Knowledge, Power, and Presence. That which is born of Spirit is spirit; hence, man is Spirit, Life, Love, Truth, Substance, Intelligence, Knowledge, Power and Presence. Thus, man is God's exact image and likeness, therefore he cannot be afflicted.

"I and my Father are One," for the unity of God includes Father and Son in a state of perfect equality. "As the Father hath life in himself, just so is it given to the Son to have life in himself."

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True success is knowing things as they are. The Truth of mentality is mental freedom. The explanation of mentality is that it is the activity of Infinite Mind-or Being. There is universal creative action everywhere manifest in nature. The universal activity in men and women is individualityindivisibility.

Mentality being the conscious activity or active part of man, it is essential that we know that it is not constitutionally opposed to itself. Mentality is not a contradiction, it is not composed of attributes that are working at cross-purposes. It does not think thoughts of love and hate, and have feelings of fear and trust, or doubt and certainty, joy and sorrow. It contains thoughts of love, feelings of faith and certainty, and its nature is joy and peace. It is conscious of knowing Truth, and reasons according to Principle. In Divine Science no theory of duality is considered true teaching or a basis for successful effort. It is just as false to claim duality of mentality as it is to claim it of mind. Just as untrue to claim it of doing-thinking-as it is to claim it of Being-the Thinker. Duality is just as false of the living as of Life.

Life is universally active in all things, and the law of activity, by which Life expresses itself, is a never-ending activity. Some claim there is nothing back of action-that action, or vibration, is all there is. But it is just as false to suppose there is universal activity without Power, Mind, Spirit or Being

back of it, which is the cause of action, as it would be to suppose that nothing could accomplish something.

Everything that is shaped, formed or expressed, is formed from within out. The within is Power, Mind, Spirit or Being-the I Am of every individual. The without is form-the visible-the shape.

The true basis for success is to know that the great universal law which is in operation everywhere, bringing things into visibility, is the only one now manifest in the earth; it is the law that must be, and is employed in thinking and speaking Truth. Its recognition is the foundation firm and strong upon which healing is done and harmony revealed. Many have been taught that it made no difference what they thought, if their thoughts were not voiced they would have no effect. Do not be alarmed by the stories told that unkind thoughts held about people and things, about yourselves and your affairs, are bound to rebound upon you and take shape in your bodies in the form of some disease-in some of the diseases said to have come upon the Egyptians, or the plagues that were with unbelievers in ancient times.

The Christ consciousness is true success, and is the whole Truth about thought. It knows that while it does not add one cubit to your stature, neither does it take from your stature or injure you in the least; nor does it detract from your high calling as sons and daughters of the Most High. This is having done all, and standing firm to the Truth of Being.

Then can we go on in an untrained, unkind, untrue way, and feel just as comfortable? No, we cannot: "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business." To feel at rest, at home with the Good, in the "Father's house" of plenty, we must do as the Father does. The only true or intelligent thinking and speaking is that which bears fruit of the Spirit, and is in perfect accord with our divine nature, which is one with God's nature.

To believe that all unkind, untrue, revengeful conditions have value to God and power to accomplish any purpose, or to work and become manifest in their own likeness, is equivalent to believing in a devil always lurking about "seeking whom he may devour," with power equal with God. It is true success to know that all true thoughts are thoughts of Truth, and are operative in the Law of Expression and work to upbuild.

To believe that error of judgment that comes from observation is a cause that forms disease that must disarrange our bodies and devour them, is a falsehood. But if we believe that this falsehood is true it will seem to be so. This belief is based in a false, and therefore a non-intelligent claim of physical causation. But some claim that it becomes a mental state, and that mental state is the cause operative in disease and failure, and all sense of inharmony. Well, this is simply transferring causation from the visible to the

mental, and the only difference is that this gives us a mental instead of a material devil to deal with. Do not fear your thoughts, words or acts, but have dominion over them, and thus give no place to a devil. Do not claim duality of Being, of thinking or speaking. Let not the loss of a devil cause grief or offense. Do not cling to duality, but love Unity, and affirm it. Be glad and rejoice in the only true freedom there is, "One God and Father of all," who is in all and includes all.



[NOTE.-The following sketch is from the pen of Miss Nora A. Smith, so well known in connection with the Kindergarten movement in America. "The Magic of Together,'" is taken from "Children's Rights," a book by Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin.

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I have not asked permission to reprint it, nor do I apologize for having done so, without. I know that the author's desire is always to have her stories read where they will do most good. So, with full appreciation, we print it here.-ALICE ECKMAN CRAMER.]

The Magic of "Together.”

T is an old, adobe walled Mexican garden. All around it, close against


the brown bricks, the Fleur-de-Lis stand, white and stately, guarded by their tall, green lances. The sun's rays are already powerful, though it is early spring, and I am glad to take my book under the shade of the orange trees. In the dark leaf canopy above me shine the delicate star-like flowers, the partly opened buds, and the great golden oranges, while tiny green and half-ripe spheres make a happy contrast in color. The ground about me is strewn with flowers and buds, the air is heavy with fragrance, and the bees are buzzing softly overhead. I am growing drowsy, but as I lift my eyes from my book they meet something which interests me: A large black ant is tugging and pulling at an orange bud, and is really making an effort to carry it away with him. It is once and a half as long as he, fully twice as wide, and I cannot compute how much heavier, but its size and weight are very little regarded. He drags it vigorously over alpine heights, and through valley deeps, but evidently finds the task arduous, for he stops to rest now and then. I want to help him, but cannot be sure of his destination, and fear, besides, that my clumsy assistance would be misinterpreted.

Ah! how unfortunate. Ant and orange bud have fallen together into the depths of a Colorado cañon, which yawns in the path. The ant soon reappears, but clearly feels it impossible to drag the bud up such a precipice, and

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