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king, convinced that Holborn ("Alta via
Regia in Holbourn") was a deep and pe-
rilous road, ordered two ships to be laden
with stones, at his own cost, each 20 tons
burden, in order to repair it. This seems
to have been the first paving in London.


Jan. 30, 1643, an Order was agreed upon

by the House of Commons that Worcester

House in the Strand be forthwith fitted and

furnished for the Scotch Commissioners now

in town to reside in, and that furniture be

taken out of the King's Wardrobe, to fit

the said house for their entertainment, and

an inventory made of all such goods and

furniture taken out of the King's Wardrobe,

that none be wasted. - Perfect Diurnall,

No. 28.

GROWTH OF LONDON.-One of the Bills

presented and passed by Oliver Cromwell,
the Protector, in June, 1657, was an Act to
prevent Multiplicity of Buildings in and
about London. Francis Osborn, in his Works
(ninth edition, 1689, p. 147), says, "Nothing
is likelier to comply with the causes of ruin
in this nation than the vastness of London;
which, like the liver of an Italian goose, or
a rotten sheep, weighs more than the whole
nation, and may not only come in proba-
bility to starve that, but suffocate itself."


A gentleman has undertaken to climb to

the top of Bow Church. He has for some
weeks past been making experiments in
mounting and descending high buildings
and country church steeples with consider-
able ability, and his friends entertain but
FALL OF A GREAT PORTION OF WESTMIN- little doubt of his success. By a kind of
STER HALL.-On the morning of December parachute affixed on his shoulders he de-
19, 1770, during a high wind, a whole range scends any eminence, the perpendicular
of the East battlement of Westminster Hall height of which exceeds ten feet, in perfect
gave way. The stones fell upon Oliver's safety; and on this machine he rests his
Coffee House, broke through the ceiling, security in case he falls. - (September,
choked up the stairs, and some tumbled 1807.)
upon the area before the East gate of the
Hall, which had to be shut up, so that the
Members were obliged to pass through the
new way to their respective Houses.

of Bedford's estate, produced only £300 per
annum in 1710; but in 1774 it is recorded
to have brought in nearly £2000 a year,
clear of all taxes.

ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL.—In July, 1724, the

iron balcony over the cupola of St. Paul's

was gilt with gold at the expense of the

Right Hon. James Lord Viscount Lones-

borough, an Irish peer. On the 2nd of the

following month, he died at his house near

Hyde Park Corner, aged 74. He was

married to a sister of General Compton,

but left no issue.


DON.-On the 15th of July, 1724, as some
workmen were repairing the house of Mr.
Wright, Clerk of the Cheque at the Tower
(being the apartment at or near which
Queen Elizabeth was confined), 17 or 18
pieces of gold of King Edward IV. and
King Edward VI. were found among the
rubbish, which 'tis thought have been con-
fined there ever since, but were now dis-
closed by the bag bursting in ripping the
ceiling. It made merry work for some
time among the labourers and soldiers.

PLE.-In 1768, as Mr. Gustavus Brander
was riding in his carriage down Temple
Lane the horses suddenly took fright, and
rapidly ran down three flights of steps into
the Thames, and would have proceeded
into the middle of it, if the wheels had not
been so clogged by the mud, that the horses
could not drag them any further. The
servant behind was so terrified, that he was
unable to throw himself from the carriage;
but as soon as it stopped he jumped off, and

[blocks in formation]

ration sermon

procured assistance from a neighbouring Pavilion estate. The house, which has now rather similar excavations, usually prepublic house. In consequence of this occur- also been removed, and which gave a name senting the appearance of well-like pits rence, the present gateway at the Temple to the spot, had no remote antiquity to boast or orifices in the earth, are discoverable in Stairs was erected, to prevent any future of, and certainly no beauty. It seems to several counties. There can be little diffiaccident of the same kind. Mr. Brander have been built by Mr. Holland about a culty, I think, in accepting the view of these from a sense of gratitude for his preserva- century ago, and as a local chronicler truly taken by J. A. Sparvel Bayly, F.S.A., who tion made the following bequest:-"Two observes, it had rather an "eccentric cha- has favoured me with some valuable inguineas for the Vicar, ten shillings to the racter." Most probably it was called the formation on the subject. He considers Clerk, and five shillings to the Sexton of "Pavilion" because the long colonnade on they were formed, in all probability, during Christchurch, in Hampshire [where Mr. the south side had some resemblance to one the Roman occupation of Britain, for the Brander died about 1787], for a commemo- form of the Oriental tent. More interesting sake of the chalk, since they are observon the third Sunday in than the house itself were the ruins of an able where chalk is obtainable or where it August, as an everlasting memorial, and as ancient priory on the lawn, the stone, and might be supposed to be. Chambers and expressive of my gratitude to the Supreme perhaps portions of the brick work, having underground passages, therefore, were oriBeing for my signal preservation in the year been brought hither from Esher, being some ginally connected with most of these holes 1768, when my horses ran violently down of the remains of a palace there, which once or shafts, some of which still remain, while Temple Lane, in London, and down three belonged to Cardinal Wolsey. As the his- others have been choked up in course of flights of steps into the Thames, in a dark tory of this structure was indubitable, it is time. One of the old chroniclers of Kent, night; and yet neither horses nor carriage, to be regretted that it was not preserved as I believe Hasted, alludes to the existence myself nor servants, received the least in- a relic, and removed elsewhere. Instead of deep and narrow-mouthed cavities in jury it was fortunately low water." of that, it would appear that it was rudely some of the woods, down which at times LOSS OF PARISH CHURCH PLATE.-In Feb- knocked down, and the fragments, I suppose, sportsmen and their dogs have fallen unruary, 1770, at a fire at a gingerbread-used towards the formation of the adjacent awares. Excavations in one or two inbaker's at Limehouse, all the church plate roadway, as were also sundry statues dis- stances have brought to light objects which of the parish of St. Ann was totally de- persed about the grounds, and which lost suggest that whatever may have been their stroyed, he having had the custody of it in their head and limbs through the missiles first intent, these places have been somehis house, as churchwarden. of Chelsea ragamuffins. A friend noticed times used for the purposes of burial. In also, in one border of the garden, an antique Essex, and elsewhere, such holes until restone coffin, which has very likely shared cently were called " Dane-holes," this name no better fate. Why have we not some society that could interest itself in looking after these things, when changes in the neighbourhood lead to the transfer of old houses to careless or indifferent hands? J. R. S. CLIFFORD.

In the night of May 29, 1770, some thieves broke into St. Andrew's Church, Holborn, forced open the vestry door, and took away the plates, used for the collecting of alms.


YEAR by year we witness the destruction
of one old building after another, in Lon- ANTIQUE REMAINS IN SWANSCOMBE

affording support to the conjecture that during the incursions of the Danes, and at other periods, people retired to them, hiding their mouths by covering them with branches. It is even possible that the chambers also served at a period in the past for habitations, though they must have been incommodious. Access to them was

gained by wooden ladders, or by steps

cut in the sides of the shafts, which are generally very smooth and regular, as if cut by measure.

don and its suburbs, and though some of them have little beauty to boast of, they WOOD, NEAR DARTFORD, KENT. claim a passing look of regretful farewell, SWANSCOMBE WOOD (called also Swanscombe as such links are snapped which bind the Park by the natives, why I cannot conpresent to the past. A new company has ceive, as it has no memories of a former Approaching Swanscombe Wood by a taken possession of an extensive estate in residence attached thereto, and it is far too narrow path which leads across fields from Chelsea on the borders of Brompton, and thick to be park-like) is not very often the village of Southfleet to Swanscombe, we it is now engaged in making new lines of sought out by the excursionist, though it perceive that a portion of the wood presents road and approaches, so that a network of lies in full view of a much travelled-on a rather obtuse angle, behind the base of streets will ere long cover a spot which, railway line proceeding to Gravesend, which the ground rises considerably. In a though shut in by houses, still had a semi-Strood, and Maidstone. This wood, doubt-field fronting this part of the wood stands. rural aspect. Some parts of the grounds less a remnant of an ancient forest, that a solitary hawthorn tree, presumably attached to the Pavilion were once well-overspread North Kent when so much of planted as a landmark, to prevent persons wooded, but London smoke had thinned England was covered with trees, is re- falling unawares at night down the hole down the number of trees considerably. markable for having in it the remains of at the edge of which it stands. This hole There still survived, however, an avenue an entrenchment, probably of British date, or shaft evidently belongs to the class of of stately elms, to which one might justly and also some singular excavations, on which we have been considering; the sides have attributed a date during the Stuart which I have now to comment. These are sloping down, and covered with brambles Period, and these may have looked down situate on the edge of the wood, and in a and other plants, then suddenly contracting on the adjacent Chelsea Common, witness- field a few hundred yards off, and they are and becoming distinctly circular and smooth. ing there the martial exercise of Parlia- presumed to be of very ancient date, Hence an inspection of the bottom cannot mentarian troops in the days of the Civil though no authentic history is ascertain- be satisfactorily made, but the apparent Wars, or the strolling up and down of able. When the Swanscombe Manor Estate depth is about twenty feet-perhaps less; citizens in the reign of Anne, when Lon- was in the market a few years ago, it was representing, doubtless, by no means the doners oft visited "Chelsea meads," for held out as an inducement to prospective original depth, as each year it must re"red cow's milk," and-country air! The purchasers, that the wood contained the ceive quantities of earth and decayed leaves axe, anticipating natural decay, has levelled "remains of the early British village of washed down by the rain, which must be these old trees to the ground, and the scene Caerber-larber," a name of singular sound gradually filling it up. No local tradition is one of desolation, hardly suggesting the certainly, and for which I have sought in exists or is now ascertainable with regard possibility that here in Georgian days, vain in those histories of Kent to which I to this hole; yet it may be that it had at Capability Brown constructed one of have had access. The modern name given one time its legend, or else when the land those landscapes that the fashionables to the more conspicuous opening in the was cleared for cultivation, the owner would thought so remarkable. To the modern ground-viz., " Clappernapper's Hole," is have filled up what was disadvantageous to fashionable of Belgravian squares, however, presumed to be a corruption of the primi- his property. There is no question that the the locality was best known by a much tive designation; the evidence about this field was once part of the wood; and this frequented place of amusement, called is but slight. hole is still situate only a few hundred yards from the place commonly designated

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"Prince's," which occupied part of the Here, however, it should be noted that

"Clappernapper's Hole," on the border of the wood, surrounded with a thick growth of underwood.

passage places it between the hole and centre of the ancient province of Argolis. Rochester Castle, about nine miles off Great credit is due to Dr. Schliemann for which would have been something of an his energy in hunting up these antiquities. On examining this, we perceive the same engineering feat in days when steam and His work is entirely a labour of love. The peculiarities in the way of precipitous sides, machinery were unknown! A variety of excavations are carried on at his own exand a well-like shaft, but the circumference theories might be propounded with regard pense, and everything that is found by him is evidently less than that of the one situate to the cavernous gap or opening in proximity goes to the Greek Government, to be dein the field, and here we have also foot- to Clappernapper's Hole, and it may possibly posited in a National Museum of Ancient holes in the sides remaining, now, however, have been caused by an attempt in later Art at Athens. Some enormous rock-cufar too shallow to be trusted to for descent. times to reach the subterranean chambers tombs have been opened, some of them As this hole is situate at the foot of an ele- or passages without descending through containing remains of people who walked vation, a channel has been cut at some time the well-like shaft. But I am rather inclined in the flesh 3,000 or 4,000 years ago. or other, which brings into it a flow of to think this is actually one of the chambers, Surrounding these remains was a large water from the higher ground in wet the outline of which has become irregular quantity of most wonderful Archaic imweather. This circumstance, and the ne- through the removal at some period of the pressed ornaments of pure gold. Some of cessary accumulation of leaves, twigs, &c., stratum of earth which originally formed these are of beautiful workmanship. Earwith, it might be added, stones cast in by the roof. From the circumstance that the rings, representing an altar with two birds, curious visitors, must here too have greatly water which flows in a wet season into and Hercules slaying the lion, were found. modified the original depth. But moving Clappernapper's Hole does not accumulate In one large tomb there were a beautifully about half-a-dozen yards to the southward, there to any depth, as is discoverable by ornamented gold cup and large bronze we come upon a singular cavernous opening, dropping in stones, it may be conjectured vessels. Dr. Schliemann's conviction is which evidently must in some way have to that it runs away by some subterranean that these are the tombs of Atreus, Agado with "Clappernapper's Hole." Into passage still existant. this also much water flows at certain seasons, so that it then presents the appearance of a pond. When dry, access may be gained to it without much difficulty, for the




memnon, Cassandra, Eurymedon, &c. Other "finds" were vases of gold, silver, and bronze, some richly ornamented; about 200 large and splendidly engraved gold buttons, lances and swords of bronze, and sides are gradually crumbling down. This Ar the west end, over the entrance door adorned the rich costumes of royalty,-for innumerable smaller articles of gold which opening in the ground is pear-shaped, and of the little church here, there is a very instance, a man with a pigeon on his head, in the corner nearest Clappernapper's Hole curious sculptured stone, which serves as an is a hollow, which appears to have once led impost or lintel. It does not appear a sea-horse, a lion, two warriors fighting, to a door or passage, the way to which is have been figured in any of the works &c. Of the swords, many showed the renow obstructed by the "settling" which published relating to the island; but it mains of wooden handles studded with gold has taken place in the course of years. An individual acquainted with the neighbour- the late Rev. Dr. Neale, who does not even of the Acropolis has been entirely cleared appears also to have escaped the eye of pins, and one had a handle entirely of gold. The passage south of the Lions' Gate hood has observed a great alteration in the mention it in his " Ecclesiological Notes on locality since twenty years ago, and the the Isle of Man; " while Mr. Jenkinson, out, bringing to light the enormous thressurprising circumstance is, that the descent of soil and water from the uplands has not, unnoticed. too, in his Guide to the Island, passes it by hold, which consists of a very hard calcareous block 15 ft. long by 8 ft. broad. long ere now, entirely choked up these The figure of a bishop holding a pastoral The gateway is 10 ft. high, and 9 ft. wide openings or holes. From their position, staff occupies the one-half of the stone, and at the top, and 10 ft. wide at the bottom. they must always be more or less damp at objects of the chase fill up the other half. Dr. Schliemann has also exposed two very the bottom, hence one would imagine ill- The staff is held with the crook down-curious Cyclopean water conduits, with long adapted for abodes, though necessity, in the wards, instead of the usual position in which narrow reservoirs. Idols in various forms olden time, might have driven families into them for concealment. It is noticeable that have been the reason for this unusual posi-coloured terra-cotta tripods, in form of armwe are accustomed to see it. What can and large quantities of melted lead were discovered; also a number of small gayin this part of the wood the surface soil is tion of the crook being reversed? clay, though the chalk cannot be very far down, judging from the strata of this dis


Of recent descents down Clappernapper's Hole I cannot hear, but have been informed


chairs and cradles; ornaments of bone, stone, and alabaster. Full descriptions of these very interesting discoveries have been given from time to time in the Times, and from the pages of that paper the above particulars are taken.


Bp. Roolwer (or Hrolfr, a Norwegian), circa 1050, is said to have been buried been his monumental stone or coffin-lid. here: and it is supposed that this may have If it cannot be photographed, as stated that when a man went down some years ago by a local artist, perhaps a cast of it might he discovered a passage leading off from it, be taken: and how best to accomplish this, which he went along until the air extin-I should feel indebted for a suggestion. guished his light, when he thought it advisable to return. MATRIMONIAL ODDITIES. That there were unH. G. J. DE STYRAP. derground chambers is highly probable, EVEN matters the most serious are freconsidering what has been noticed elsewhere DR. SCHLIEMANN'S DISCOVERIES quently found to possess their comical asin the case of similar cavities, though one pect, all the more noticeable, perhaps, from may reasonably entertain a doubt of the its position in bold relief to the gravity of statement made by one authoress, that there DR. SCHLIEMANN has, by dint of great exer- the situation. Thus, the momentous and are a number of subterranean apartments. tion, brought to light some exceedingly important ceremony of marriage and its As might be expected, there are various valuable treasures in the Tombs in the surroundings, in the past no less than in the local myths concerning underground pas- Acropolis of the ancient town of Mycenæ, present, will be found to afford us some fitful sages. One story is, that there was a passage in the Peloponnesus. This town, which and humorous glimpses of men and manners leading from this spot to the Thames, made dates back some thousand or two years as they existed or now exist in this country, use of by smugglers when they wished to before the Christian era, was once the or in countries other than our own. Marconceal their goods, which has an air of capital of a kingdom, but it has lain in riages too, despite all that is asserted to the plausibility. Another tale connects Clapper- ruins since B.C. 568, when it was devastated contrary, still maintain their status as most napper's Hole with an opening in the ground by the Argives; and in the days of Strabo popular spectacles alike for those immenear Gravesend, which was filled up within the place where it stood was scarcely diately interested and non-interested therein. the memory of old inhabitants. The third known. It is situated on a small river, a To account for the popularity of the nuptial account of a supposititious subterranean tributary of the Inachus, in almost the ceremony is hardly difficult, when it is re

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