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when their Prifoners will bleed freely to have -fome Favour, or to be at large.

To MILL, to fteal, rob, or kill. Mill the Gig with a Dud, open the Door with a Pick-lock, or falle Key.


To MILL a Bicating Cheat, to kill a Sheep.
MILL-Clapper, a Woman's Tongue.
To MILL & Crackmans, to break a Hedge.
To MILL a Grunter, to kill a Pig.
To MILL a Ken, to rob a House; Mil-
ling the Gig with a Betty, Breaking open the

. Door with an Iron Crow.

MILL-Ken, a House-Breaker.

the City Charge, in Memory of the dreadful Fire 1666, which confumed the greater Part of the City.

MUMPERS, genteel Beggars, who will not accept of Victuals, but of Money or Clothes. The Mait Mamper cften appears with an Apron before him, and a Cap on his Head, pretending to be a decayed Tracel. man, who having been a long Time fik, hath spent all his remaining Stock, and is is weak he cannot work. At other Times be appears like a decayed Gentleman, who, típecially fince the fatal South Sea Scheme, has

MILL the Glaze, break open the Window. been undone, and reduced to the Necerity of

MILL them, kill them.

MILLER, a Killer or Murderer.
MINT, Gold.

imploring good People's Charity.

The Female Mumper will confidently knock at the Door of a House, and defire to speak with the Miftrefs, and after apologizing for her Boldness, the acquaints her how urgent her Neceffity is: That the has a Huiband

MISH, Shirt, Smock, or Sheet.
MISH-Topter, a Coat or Petticoat.
MISS, a Whore of Quality.
MOABITES, Serjeants, Bailiffs and their and two fmall Children lying at the Pant of


MOB, or MAB, a Wench or Harlot. MONGREL, a Hanger on among the Cheats. a Spunger.

MOON Curfer, a Link boy, or one that, under Colour of lighting Men (efpecially they who get in Drink, or have the Fields, or any uninhabited or By-place, to go over) robs or leads them to a Gang of Rogues that will do it for him.

MOON-Men, Gyplies.

Death: That she was a Gentlewoman born; but marrying against her Friends Confent, was by them difowned, and fo by ber Huiband's Sickness, is reduced to this miferab.e Condition. Sometimes the appears big with Child, and begs Cloaths or Linnen to make Clouts of. The Word Mamper is now ge nerally used to denote all Sorts of Beggars.

MUMPERS Hall, feveral Ale-houfes in and about this City and Suburbs, in Alleys, and By-places, much used by them, and re

MOPSIE; a Dowdy, or homely Wo-forted to in the Evening, where they will be


MOP'D, maz'd.

MOPUS, a Half penny or Farthing. MORGLAG, a Watchman's brown Bill; as Glaives, are Bills or Swords.

To MORRIS, to hang dangling in the Air, to be executed.

MORTS, Yeomens Daughters; alfo a Wife, Woman, or Wench.

MOTHER, a Bawd.

MOTHER Midnight, a Midwife, (often a Bawd.)

MOUCHETS, Patches for Ladies Faces. MOVEABLES, Rings, Watches, Swords, and fuch Toys of Value.

MOUSE Trap, as, The Parfon's MoufeTrap, Marriage.

MOUTH, a noify Fellow. Mouth balf cockt, gaping and ftaring at every Thing they fee.

MOWER, a Cow.

MOW Heater, a Drover.

MUCK, Money, Wealth.

MUFF, a Woman's Secrets, To the well

very merry, drunk, and frolick fome.

MUNNS, the Face; Teute bis Mant, Note his Phiz, or, Mark bis Face well. Pay bis Muns, i. e. Strike him in the Face, &c.

MUSICK. The Watch word among Highwaymen, to let the Company they were to rob, alone, in return to fome Courtefy from fome Gentlemen among them.

MUTTON Monger, a Lover of Women; alfo a Sheep-itealer.


MUTTON-in long-coats, Women.
Leg of Mutton in a Silk Stocking, a Woman's

MUZZLE, a Beard (usually) long and nafty.
MYRMIDONS, the Constable's Atten-
dants, or thofe whom he commands (in the
King's Name) to aid and affift him: Also the


wearing of your Muff, Mort; To the happyAB, a Hat, Cap, or Head, alfo a Cox

Confummation of your Marriage, Madam.
A Health.

MUFFLING Cheat, a Napkin.

MUM for that, not a Word of the Pudding.

MUM Chance, one that fits mute.
MUM Glafs, the Monument erected at

comb. I'll nab ye, I'll have your Hat or Cap. Nim tho Nab, Real the Hat or Cap. Nabbed, apprehended, taken or ar


NAB Cheat, a Hat.
NAB Girder, a Bridle.
NAN, a Servant maid.
NANNY-House, a Bawdy-houfe.



T. NAP, by cheating with the Dice to
fecure one Chance; alfo a Clap or Pox, and
a fhort fleep. Nap the Wiper, fteal the Hand-
kerchief. You bave napt it. You are Clapt.
NAPPER, a Cheat or Thief.
NAPPER, of Naps, a fheep-ftealer.
NAPPY Ale, very strong, heady.
NASK, or Nafkin, a Prifon or Bridewell.
The new Nafk, Clerkenwell Bridewell: Tut-
the Nafk, the Bridewell in Tuttle Fields: He
napt it at the Nafk; He was lafht at Bride-

NATURAL, a Mistress, a Wench.
NAY Word, a By-word or Proverb.
NAZIE, Drunken.

NAZIE Cove, a Drunkard.

NAZY Mort, a fhe Drunkard.
NAZY Nabs, Drunken Coxcombs.
NECK Stamper, the Pot Boy, at a Tavern
or Alehouse.

NEEDLE Point, a Sharper.

NETTLED, tiezed, provoked, made un

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NIGHT Magiftrate, a Constable.
NIGHT Walker, a Bellman; also a light
Woman, a Thief, a Rogue.

NIGIT, qu. an Ideot, i. e. a Fool.
NIGMENOG, a very filly Fellow.
NIKIN, a Natural, or very soft Creature.
To NIM, to steal.

To NIM, or wip off or away any Thing;
To Nim a Togeman, to steal a Cloak. To
Nim a Cloak, to cut off the Buttons in a
Crowd, to whip it off a Man's Shoulders.

NIM Gimmer, a Doctor, Surgeon, Apothecary, or any one that cu es a Clap or a Pox.

NINNY, a canting, whining Beggar; allo a Fool.

NIP, a Cheat.

T. NIP, to pinch or sharp any Thing. Nip
Bung, to cut a Purse.

NIWS, the Shears with which Money

was wont to be clipt.

NIZY, a Fool or Coxcomb.

NOB, a Head.

NOCKY, a filly, dull Fellow,

NODDLE, the Head.

NOOZED, or caught in a Nooze, mar
ried; also hanged.

NOPE. a Blow, a Knock on the Pate;
as We bit bim a Nope on the Coftard.
NOSE-Gent, a Reclufe or Nun.
NUB, the neck; alfo Coition.
NUBBING, hanging. To be nubbed, to
be hanged.

NUBBING-Cheat, the Gallows.
NUBBING-Cove, the Hangman.'
NUBBING-Ken, the Seffions House.
NUG, a Word of Love, as my Dear Nug,
My dear Love.

NUMMS, a fham, or Collar-shirt, to
hide the other when dirty.

NUT Crackers, a Pillory, The Cull looke thro' the Nut-crackers, i. e. The Rogue food in the Pillory.

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OLD Harry, a Compofition used by Vint-
ners when they bedevil their Wines.
OLD-Mr.-Gory, a Piece of Gold.
OLD Roger, the Devil.

OLD Toaft, a brisk old Fellow.
OLIVER's Skull, a Chamber Pot.
ONE in Ten, a Parfon.

ONE of my Cousins, a Wench.
OS-Chives, Bone handled Knives.
OUT-at Heels, or Elbows, in a declining
Condition, going down the Wind.
OYL of Barley, ftrong Drink.

OX-Houfe. He must go thro' the Ox-House to Bed, faid of an old Fellow that marries a young Woman.


PAD, the Highway; alfo a Robber there

PADDINGTON Fair, an Execution of Malefactors at Tyburn.

Ill cut your PAINTER for ye; I'll prevent your doing me any Mischief; The Tar Cant when they quarrel one with another.

PALLIARDS, those whofe Fathers were Clapperdogeons, or born Beggars, and who The themselves follow the fame Trade. Female Sort of thefe Wretches frequently borrow Children, if they have none of their own, and planting them about them in Straw,

NODDY, a Fool. Knave Noddy, a Game draw the greater Pity from the Spectators, on the Cards.

fcrewing their Faces to the moving Postures, 4 R


and crying at Pleasure, and making the Children also cry by pinching them, or otherwife; mean Time her Com rogue, the Male Palliard, lies begging in the Fields, with Cleymes, or artificial Sores, which he makes by Sperewort, or Arfenick, which draws them into Blifters.

PANAM, Bread.

PANTER, a Heart. PANTLER, a Butler. PAPLER, Milk Pottage. -PARINGS, the Clippings of Money. PATRI-COVES, or Pater Cove, ftrolling Priests that marry under a Hedge, without Gofpel or Common-prayer Book: The Couple ftanding on each Side a dead Beaft, are bid to live together till Death them does part; fo fhaking Hands the Wedding is ended, alfo any Minifter, or Parfon.

PAUME, See Palm, PAW, a Hand.

PAWN, the fame as Palm, which fee. PEAK, any kind of Lace. PECK, or Peckage, Meat. good eating.

Rum Peck,

PECULIAR, a Miftrefs; alfo particular, private, proper.

- PED, a Basket.

PEEPERS, a Looking-glafs. Track the Dancers and Pike with the Peepers; Whip up the Stairs, and trip off with the Looking. glaffes.


PEERY, fearful, thy, fly. The Cull's Pery; The Rogue's afraid to venture. There's a Peery, 'us fnitch, there are a great many People, there's no good to be done.

PEETER, a Portmanteau, or Cloak-bag. Bite the Peeter, to whip off the Cloak-bag. -PEG Trantums, as Gone to Peg-Traniums, dead.

PELTING Village, blind, obfcure. PENNANCE Board, a Pillory. PENTHOUSE Nab, a very broad brimmed Hat.

PEPPERED off, foundly clapt or poxt.

PERIWINKLE, a Peruke, or Perriwig. PETER Lay, Rogues who follow petty Thefts; fuch as cutting Portmanteau's, c. from behind Coaches, breaking Shop Glafles, &c.

PETER Lug, Who is Peter Lug? who let's the Glafs ftand at his Door.

PETTICOAT Penfioner, a Gallant maintained for fecret Service.

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PHARAOH, very strong Malt Drink. PHENIX Men. See Firedrakes.


Pickle, Poxt. Rods in Pickle, or Revenge in

The Man gave me Six- pence.
PIG, fix-pence. The Cul tipt me a Pig,

PIG Widgeon, a filly Fellow.

To PIKE, to run away, flee, quit or leave the Place; alfo to die, Pike on the Been, run away as fas as you can. Piked off, run away, fled, broke; alfo dead. Pikes, to be out of Danger. There'sa Cull knows To pass the us; if we dont pike, be'll bone us, that Fellow us. fees us; if we dont fcour off, he'll apprehend be gone, all is well, the Coast is clear. Then we'll pike, 'tis all Boroman; we'll PIMP Wbifkin, a top Trader in pimping. Thing away. To pinch on the Parfon's Side; To PINCH, to fleal or convey flily any to fharp him of his Tithes. At a Pinch, upon a Push or Exigence.

PINK'D, pricked with a Sword in a reencounter or Duel. He pink'd bis Dubblet, he run him through.

PIT, the Hole under the Gallows, inte which thofe that pay not the Fee, (viz. 6 s. 8 d.) are caft and buried.

PIT a Pat, or Pintle de Pantledy, fadly feared, grievously frighted.

your Whids and flow them, Be wary what PLANT, to lay, place or hide. Plant you fay or let flip.

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PHILISTINES, Serjeants, Bailiffs ard their Crew. Alfo Drunkards. I fell among the Philifines. Ichopt upon a Knot of drunkena Fellows.

PICKING, little ftealing, pilfering, petty Larceny.

PICKAROON, a very fhabby poor


PICKLED, very arch or waggish. In

PLAISTER of bot Guts, one warm Belly clapt to another.

PLATE Fleet comes in, when the Money comes to Hand.

dinary faced Woman.
PLATTER Faced Jade, a very broad or-

away, at Gaming, fo much and no more.
PLAY it off, to play Booty; alfo to throw
He plays it off, he cheats.

PLUCK the Ribbon, Ring the Bell at the

PLUMP in the Pocket, flufh of Money.
PLYER, a Crutch, alfo a Trader.
POKER, a Sword.

POLT on the Pate, a good Rap there.
POPS, Pistols; To pop, to fire a Piftoì, Gr.
PORKER, a Sword.

POST, as From Pillar to Peft, from Conftable to Conftable.

POT Valiant, Drunk.
POULAIN, a Bubo.

POWDERING Tubs, the pocky Hofpital at Kingfland near London.

POISONED, big with Child.
POISON Pate, red Haired.
PRANCER, a Horse.

in a fham Seal to fuch a País.

PRANCER's Nab, a Horfe's Head, ufed

Tinder-box, or Touch-box.
PRATTS, the Thighs or Battocks;
PRATING Cheat, a Tongue.
PRATE Reaft, a talking Boy.
PREY, Money.


PRICKEAR'D Fellow, a Crop whofe Ears are longer than his Hair. PRICK Loufe, a Taylor.


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PRIGGERS of Prancers, Horse-stealers, who carry a Bridle in their Pockets, and a fmall pad Saddle in their Breeches.

PRINCE Prig, a King of the Gypfies; alfo Top Thief, or Receiver General.

PRINCOCK, a pert, forward Fellow. PRINKING, nicely dreffing. Prinked up, fet upon the Cupboard's head, in their best Clothes, or in State. Stiff-ftarched.

Mistress PRINCUM-Prancum, such a stiff, over-nice, precife Madam.

PROG, Meat. Rum Prog, nice eating. The Cull tipt us rum Prog, the Gentleman treated us very high.

PROPERTY, a meer Tool or Implement, to ferve a Turn; a Cat's Foot.

To PUMMEL, to beat, I pummelled bis Sides for him, I beat him foundly.

To PUMP, to wheedle Secrets out of any

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QUEERE Cull, a Fop or Fool, a Cod's head; alfo a fhabby poor Fellow.

QUEERE Degen, an Iron, Steel or Brafs hilted Sword.

QUEERE Diver, a bungling Pick-pocket. QUEERE Doxy, a jilting Jade, a forry fhabby Wench.

QUEERE - Drawers, Yarn, or coarfe Worsted, ordinary or old Stockings.

QUEERE-Duke, a poor decayed Gentleman, alfo a lean, thin, half-ftarved Fellow. QUEERE Fun, a bungling Cheat or Trick; alfo Game or Merriment.

QUEERE-Ken, an ill Houfe, a Prison or a Place of Correction.

QUEERE-Kicks, coarfe ordinary or old tattered Breeches.

QUEERE-Mort, a dirty Drab, a jilting Wench, a pocky Jade.

QUEERE-Nab, a Felt, Carolina Cloth or ordinary Hat.

QUEERE-Peepers, old-fashioned, ordinary or common Looking-glasses.

QUEERE Prancer, a toundered Jade, an ordinary low-prized Horfe: Alfo a cowardly or faint hearted Horfe- ftealer.

QUEERE-Topping, forry Head-dreffes.
To QUIBBLE, to trifle or pun,

Sir QUIBBLE-Queere, a trifling, filly, fhatter-brained Fellow, a meer Wittol or Punfter, likewife a Whiffler.

QUIDDS, Cash, or ready Money. Can you tip me any Quidds? Can you lend me any Money.

QUOD, Newgate; alfo a Prifon, tho' generally for Debt. The poor Dab's in the Quod. The poor Rogue is in Limbo.

QUOTA, Snack, Share, Part, Proportion or Dividend.

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RALPH Spooner, a Fool. RANGING, intriguing, and enjoying many Women.

RANK Rider, a Highwayman; alfo a Jockey.

RANTIPOLE, a rude wild Boy or Girl.
RAP, to fwap or exchange a Horse or
Goods, alfo a Polt on the Pate.

RAPPER, a swinging great Lye.
RAREE-SHOW- Min, poor Savoyards
ftrolling up and down with portable Bexes of
Puppet-shows at their Backs, Pedlars of

RAT, a drunken Man or Woman taken up by the Watch, and carried by the Conftable to the Compter. To smell a Rat, To fufpect a Trick.

RATTLER, a Coach.

RATTLING Cove, a Coach-man. RATTLING-Mumpers, such as run after, or ply Coaches, &c.

To RATTLE, to move off, or be gone. We'll take Rattle, We must not tarry, but whip away.

READY Rhino, Money in Poffeffion. RECRUITS, Money (expected) Have you rais'd the Recruits? Is the Money come

in ?

RED Fuftian, Claret, or red Port Wine.
RED-Letter-Man, a Roman Catholick.
RED Rag, a Tongue.

ROGER, a Portmanteau, a Goo a Man's Yard. Likewife a Thieftaker. ROGUE, a Name which includes all the other Denominations.

ROMBOYL'D, sought after with a War


ROMBOYLES, Watch and Ward. ROMER, a drinking Glafs; alfo wider. ROOK, a Cheat, a Knave. To Rock, To cheat or play the Knave.

ROSY-Gils, fanguine or fresh colour'd. ROTAN, a Coach, or Waggon, any Thing that runs upon Wheels; but principally a Cart.

ROT-Gut, very fmall or thin Beer. ROVERS, Pyrates, Wanderers, Vagabonds.

ROUGH, as, To lie rough, to lie in one's Cloaths all Night.

ROYSTERS, rude, roaring Rogues.

To RUB, to run away. A Rub, an Impediment, Obftacle, Hinderance, Stop, Hardship, or Difficulty. Rub on, to live indiffe rently. Rub'd off, broke and run away. Rub through the World, to live tolerably well in it. He RUBS us to the Wbit, He fends us to Newgate.

RUFF, an old fashioned double Band, from whence the Pillory is called, The Wooden Ruff.

RUFFIN, the Devil; as, The Ruffin nab REMEMBER Parfon Melbam, q. d. Pray the Cuffin Quere, and let the Harman beck

Sir drink about. A Norfolk Phrafe.

RHINO, ready Money. RHINOCERICAL, full of Money. Cull is Rhinecerical; The Fop is full of


trine with bis Kinchins about his Col-quarron, i. e. Let the Devil take the Justice, and let The the Conftable hang with his Children about Mo-his Neck.

RIBBIN, Money. The Ribbin runs thick;
His Breeches are well lined with Money. The
Ribbin runs thin, He has but little Cash about

RICH Face, a red Face.
RIDG-Cully, a Gold-Smith.
RIFF-Raff, the Rabble or Scum of the
People, Tagrag and Longtail.

RIG, Game, Diverfion, Ridicule. See

RIGGING, Cloaths. I'll unrig the Blafs, I will ftrip the Wench.

Rum RIGGING, fine Cloaths. The Cull bas Rum Rigging, let's ding bim, mill bim, aud pike; The Man has very good Cloaths, let us knock him down, kill him, and fccur off.

RING, Money extorted by Rogues on the Highway, or by Gentlemen Beggars.

ROAST-Meat Cleaths, Holiday Cloaths. To rule the Roaft, to be Mafter or Paramount. Roifted, arrested. I'll Roaft the Dab, I will arreft the Rafcal: To Roaft, fignifies alfo to ally, to teize, to hunt, or banter. ROBERDS-Men, mighty Thieves, like Robin Hood.

ROCHESTER-Pertion, two torn Smocks, and what Nature gave,

RUFFLERS, notorious Rogues, who, under Pretence of being maimed Soldiers or Seamen, imp ore the Charity of well di pofed Perfons, and fail not to watch Opportunities either to fteal, break open Houses, or even commit Murder.

RUFFMANS, the Woods or Bushes.
RUFF Peck, Bacon.

RUG. It's all Rug, The Game is fecured.
RUM, gallant, fine, rich, beft or excellent.
RUM-Beck, any Juftice of the Peace.
RUM Bite, a clever Cheat, a neat Trick.
RUM-Bleating-Cheat, a very fat Weather.
RUM-Blover, a very handfom Mistress,
kept by a particular Man.

RUM-Bluffer, a jolly Hoft, Ian-keeper, or Victualler.

RUMBO, a Prison or Gaol.

RUM-Bob, a young Apprentice; alfo a fharp, ay Trick. Likewife a pretty short Wig.

RUM-Boile, a Ward or Watch. RUM-Booze, Wine, alfo very good or ftrong Drink.

RUM-Boozing-Welts, Bunches of Grapes. RUM Bubber, a dexterous Fellow at ftcaling Silver Tankards from Publick Houfes. RUM-Bugbar, a very pretty and valuable

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