will do his work, as well as their own understandings, the justice to weigh his reasons, before deciding against the doctrines, in support of which they are adduced. For, he will not anticipate the possibility, that any of them, however opposed to him in sentiment, instead of refuting his arguments by open and manly demonstration, will resort to the disingenuous and illiberal substitute, of impugning his motives. But, if otherwise; he must avow, that, he acts under his own impulse only, and has no understanding or connexion with any party whatever; and, being under oath to support the constitution, he has done so, in the only way in his power, to the best of his small ability. For the rest, he begs leave to adopt from Grotius, as translated by Barbeyrac, - Si j'ai avancé quelque chose de contraire a la piété, aux bonnes mœurs, a l'écriture sainte, aux sentimens reçûs de toute l'eglise chretienne, ou en un mot a quelque verité que ce soit, je le désavoue, et je veux qu'il soit tenu pour non dit.'