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Flit, to shift, 105.

Fashious, troublesome, 226.

Fasten - e'en, Fastern Even,



Fatt'rels, trimmings, 142.
Fauld, fold, 14.
Fause-house, see note to 64.
Fawsont, seemly, 110; hand-

some, 154.

Feat, trim, spruce, 63.
Feck, greater part, 49; value,


Fecket, vest, 260.

Fodgel, dumpy, 230.
Forbears, ancestors, 2, 4.
Forbye, besides, 139.

Forfairn, worn out, exhausted,
121, 177.

Forfoughten, exhausted. 198.
Forgather, to meet, 26, 35,
106, 173; forgather up wi',
take up with, 3.
Forjeskit, tired out, 36.
Fou, full, drunk, 5, 23, 25, 78.

Feckless, weak, worthless, 8, Foughten, troubled, 111.


Feckly, mainly, 139.

Feg, a fig, 17.

Fegs, faith! 172.

Feid, feud, 186.

Fell, keen, 191; strong, 90.

Fend, to look after, 2; to
ward off, 50.
Fere, comrade, 233.
Ferlie, wonder, marvel, 129,


Ferlie, to wonder, 109.

Fetch, to catch the breath, 46.
Fetch, to pull by fits and
starts, 104.
Fidge, to fidget, wriggle
about, 40, 114, 119, etc.
Fidgin-fain, excited with joy,


Fient, fien', fiend, devil; fient
a, not a, 26; fient-haet, not
a bit, 106, 11I.
Fier, sound, active, 17.
Fissle, to tingle, fidget, 36.
Fit, foot, 70.

Fittie-lan', a plough-horse (the
near one of the hindmost
pair), 104.
Flaffin, flapping, 154.
Flainen, flannel, 142, 246.
Fleechin, wheedling, 159.
Fleesh, fleece, 4.

Fleg, a kick, jerk, 37, 282.
Fletherin, flattering, 159.
Flewit, a sharp stroke, 173.
Fley, to scare; fley'd, 27, 68.
Flichterin, fluttering, 87.
Flinders, fragments, 165.
Flinging, kicking out, 246.
Flinging-tree, flail, 130.
Flisk, to fret, caper, 104.

Fouth, abundance, 231.

Fow, bushel, 105.

Freath, to froth, 99.

Fremit, strange, 281.

Fud, tail (of a hare, etc.), 85.
Fuff, to puff; fuff't, 66.
Furder, progress, 56.
Furr, a furrow, 48.
Furr-ahin, see note to 139.
Fyke, bustle, 247.

Fyke, to fuss, fidget, 61, 164.
Fyle, to dirty, soil; fyl'd, 50.

GAB, mouth, 63, 70, 75, 122,


Gab, to talk, 115.

Gae, gang, to go; pa. t. gaed;
pa. part. gaen, gane.
Gangrel, vagrant, 74.
Gar, to make, cause, compel,
35, 63, etc.

Garten, garter, 63.

Gash, wise, 106; self-impor-
tant, 50, 54.
Gashin, talking, 65.
Gate, way, 27, 111, 178; a' to
the gate, all away, 177;
gates, ways, habits, 2.
Gaudsman, goadsman (of a
plough-team), 140.

Gaun, going, turn, spell, 104.
Gausy, gawsie, buxom, jolly,
large and handsome, 54, 80,
Gawkie, an awkward person,


Gaylies, pretty well, 154.
Gear, goods, money, wealth, 1,
3, 17, etc.

Geck, to toss the head, 157.
Ged, a pike, 185.

[blocks in formation]

Gowling, howling, 162.
Grain, to groan, 30.
Graip, a dung-fork, 67.
Graith, implements, gear, 33,

99, 139; garb, attire, 50,
186, 267.

Grane, a groan, 68, 111, 185.
Grape, to grope, 63, 66.
Grat, wept, 206.

Gree, prize, victory, 41, 182.
Greet, to weep, 2, 45, 114; pa.
t. grat; pa. part. grutten.
Grien, to long for, 292.
Grozet, gooseberry, 142.
Grumphie, the pig, 68.
Gruntle, a grunt, 68.
Gruntle, the face, 101.

[blocks in formation]

Haddin, holding, home, 290.
Haet, have it; damn'd haet,
the devil haet, not the least
bit, 28, 62 (cf. Deil-haet.
Haffet, temple, 90, 141.
Hafflins, half (adv.),
hafflins-wise, 53.
Hag, moss, bog, 56, 186.
Haggis, a


pudding (made of
sheep's entrails, oatmeal,
onions, etc., and boiled in
the animal's stomach), 196.
Hain, to save, spare, 40, 61;
hain'd, 105; weel hain'd,

Hairst, harvest, 67, 182, 199.
Haivers, nonsense, 198.
Hal', hald (hold), holding,
abode, 17, 72, 96.

Hale, whole, 7, etc.
Hale, health, 200.
Halesome, wholesome, 90.
Hallan, a partition in a cot-
tage, 90, 200.

Han'-afore, -ahin, see note to

Han'-daurk, daily labour, 108.
Hand-waled, hand-picked,
choicest, 189.

Hansel in, to introduce with a
gift, 102.

Hap, a covering, wrap, 174,


Hap, to cover, shelter, 165.
Happer, a hopper (of a mill),

Harn, coarse cloth, 247.

Har'st, see Hairst.

Hash, a blockhead, 34, 100.
Haud, to hold, 25, 62.
Haugh, a meadow, 43, 98.
Haurl, to drag, trail, 67, 237;
haurlin, tearing, 69.
Havins, good manners, 2, 35,

Hav'rel, half-witted, 64, 73.
Hawkie, a cow, 90, 95.
Hecht, to promise, 69, 279.
Heckle, a sharp pin, 182;
heckles, flax-comb, 213.
Heels-o'er-gowdie, head over
heels, 251.

Heeze, to hoist, raise, 158, 214.
Herd, a herdsman, 12-14, 44;
herd-boy, 57, 68.
Herriet, plundered, 154
Herryment, spoliation, 179.
Het, hot, 14, 20, 51, etc.
Heugh, a hollow, pit, 94.
Hilch, to hobble, limp, 21;
hilchin, 68,



Hing, to hang, 73, 121, etc.
Hirple, to limp, 48, 83. 126.
Hissel (hirsel), a flock, 44.
Histie, bare, 143.
Hizzie (hussy), a young
woman, 36, 48, 62, 78, etc.
Hoast, a cough, 101, 130. (Cf.

Hoddin, riding heavily, 50.
Hog-score, a line on the curl-
ing rink, 185.

Hog-shouther, to jostle, 42.
Hoodie-craw, carrion-crow,

Hoodock, grasping, miserly,

Hool, a case, shell, 70.
Hoolie, softly, 125.
Hoord, hoard, 95. (Cf. Huird).
Horn, a horn-spoon, 197; a
horn-comb, 142.

Host, to cough, 126. (Cf.
Hotch'd, jerked, 247.
Houghmagandie, fornication,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

155, 243.

Ingle-cheek, fire-side, 130.
Ingle-lowe, the fire, 131.
Ingle-side, fire-side, 57.
I'se, I shall, 34, etc.
Ither, other.

JAD, a jade, 50, etc.
Jauk, to trifle, dally, 88;
jaukin, delay, 66.
Jaup a splash, 177.
Jaup, to splash, 197; to be-
spatter, 283.

Jaw, to dash, throw, 265.
Jillet, a girl, flirt, 165.
Jink, a slip, 164.

Jink, to move smartly, frisk,
dodge, 61, 64, 72, 98, 188;
jinkin, 97.

Jinker, racer, 103; lively girl,

[blocks in formation]

Jouk, to duck down, 128, 288.
Jow, to swing and toll, 55.
Jundie, to jostle, 42.
Jurr, a servant, 73.

KAE, a jackdaw, 118.
Kail, kale, colewort, cabbage,
23, 98, 121; kail-blade, 29;
kail-runt, 28; kail-whittle,
72; kail-yard, kitchen gar-
den, 129, 294-

Kain, kane, rent in kind, 107,

Kebars, rafters, 76.

Kebbuck, a cheese, 54, 90;
kebbuck-heel, 55.
Keckle, to giggle, 182.
Keek, a look, glance, 68, 199.
Keek, to peep, glance, 57, 107,


Keel, ruddle, 230.
Kelpies, river horses, 176.
(Cf. Water-kelpies).
Ken, to know; pa. t. kenn'd,
kend, kent.

Kennin, a very little, 169.
Kep, to catch, 239.
Ket, a fleece, 4.
Kiaugh, anxiety, 87.
Kimmer, a wench, 37, 280.
King's hood, the second
stomach in a ruminant, 28.
Kirn, a churn, 95.
Kirn, harvest-home, 67, 81,

Kirsen, to christen, 35-
Kist, a chest, 38.

Kitchen, to give relish to, 99.
Kittle, fickle, 37; ticklish, 27,

Kittle, to tickle, 37, 40, 53, 81.
Kittlen, a kitten, 69.
Kiutlin, cuddling, 64.
Knaggie, bony, 102.

hammer, stone-

breaker's hammer, 33.
Knoit, to knock, 183.

Knowe, knoll, hillock, 4, 45,

Kye, cows, kine, 36, 113, etc.
Kyte, belly, 197.
Kythe, to show, 63.

LADE, a load, 243.

Lag, backward, slow, 94.
Laggen, the corner of a wooden
dish, 159.

Laigh, low, 160, etc.
Laird, squire, 128, etc.
Laith, loath, 40.
Laithfu', bashful, 89.
Lallan', lowland, 79, 97; lall-
ans. Lowland Scots, 43.
Lap, leapt, 70, 83, 200, 247.
Lave, the rest, 71, 81, 89.
Lav'rock, a lark, 48.

Lear, learning, 18, 34, 117.
Lee-lang, live-long, 112, 130.
Leeze me (leif is me, dear
is to me), commend me to,
53, 62, 98.

Leister, a fish-spear, 26.
Leugh, laughed, 120.
Lickit, whipped, beaten, 61.
Licks, a beating, 44.
Lift, the sky, 191, 286.
Lift, a quantity, 38.
Lilt, to sing, 120.

Limmer, a jade, 37; mistress,


Lin, linn, a waterfall, 69, 238.
Link, to trip quickly, 97, 246.
Lint, flax, 90.

Lintwhite, linnet, 42.
Lippen, to trust, 233.
Loan, lane, 113; loanin.
Loof, the palm of the hand,
51, 130; pl. looves, 161.
Loon, loun, fellow, 260, 289.
Loot, let, 69.

Loup, lowp, to leap, 182, 214,
234, 246.

Low, lowe, flame, 151.
Lowin, blazing, 54, 85, 94.
Lowse, to untie, 85; to let
loose, 58, 96, 266.
Luckie, dame, 235.

Lug, an ear, 70, 106; corner,
chimla-lug, 16.

Luggie, a wooden dish with
handles, 70, 197.

Luggit, having ears or han-
dles, 99:
Lum, chimney, 65.

Lunardi, a balloon-bonnet, 142.
Lunch, a large portion, 54.
Lunt, a puff of smoke, 66;
steam, 70.

[blocks in formation]


Mell, to meddle, 100; to asso-
ciate, 3.

Melvie, to soil with meal, 55.
Mense, good manners, 4, 176.
Menseless, unmannerly, 3.
Mess John, the parish mini-
ster, 172.

Messan, a lap-dog, cur, 106.
Midden, a dung-hill, 220.
Midden-hole, the dunghill gut-
ter, 69.

Mim, prim, 52; mim-mou'd,
prim-mouthed, 280.
Minnie, mother, 103, 203.
Misca', to miscall, abuse, 58,


Mishanter, mishap, disaster,
8, 188.

Mislear'd, mischievous, 27.
Mixtie-maxtie, confused, 117.
Mools, earth, dust, 182, 202.
Moop, to consort, 3.
Mottie, full of motes,dusty,130.
Moudiewort, a mole, 107.
Muckle, big, great, 1, 7.
Muslin-kail, thin broth, 128.
Mutchkin, a pint, 123; mutch-
kin-stowp, 114.

NAIG, a nag, 36, 160, 289.
Nappy, ale, 47, 109, 242, 243.
Natch, abuse, 171.

Neebor, neibor, neighbour, 4,


[blocks in formation]
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