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From Friend to Friend



HE happiest business in the world
Is that of making friends,

And no "investment" on "the Street"
Pays larger dividends.

For Life is more than stocks and bonds
And Love than rate per cent,

And he who gives in Friendship's name
Shall reap as he has spent.

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From Friend to Friend

NE cannot go far in life without entering upon partner

ships either in business or politics or friendship. We need each other in whatever we undertake, and the man who attempts to sneak through life without giving a fair exchange for what he receives should be held for larceny.

In business and politics one cannot always choose his partners, but in our partnerships in friendship, the choice. is ours alone. As a result the character of a man is almost infallibly revealed by the friends he makes.

The partnership agreement between friends is hardly a legal document and might not stand in court, but it is very real and very binding nevertheless. Even when it is broken by one party through illness or absence or carelessness, this does not release the other party from the obligations entered into, but rather calls for a more scrupulous observance on his part. Just as it takes two to enter into a partnership, so it takes two to dissolve it. No friendship was ever broken without the aid and consent of both parties thereto.

Life holds few sadder experiences than the dissolving of long friendships that have yielded inspiration and kindliness and mutual profit. The loss of a friend is rightly counted as one of Life's tragedies.

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