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Dr. A.-And very complimentary truly to Dr. Abbot. Miss Julia, I thank you for your prompt, polite and very intelligent answers. Mrs. Gordon, I am happy to say, all which your daughter has stated I heartily approve; and I feel gratified to learn there is such growing attention to this hitherto much neglected accomplishment. Let it have a tithe of the time and care bestowed upon music-an acquisition I would be the last to discourage-and every one endowed with the requisite faculties, may possess it: and where means are wanting to acquire both, give me rather the one which enables me to talk, to read, and to speak, in an easy and becoming style; and supplies a constant source of enjoyment to myself and my friends.

Perhaps you might be interested with a short sketch of my early experience. More than twenty years ago, before I came to New York, I taught the academy in a beautiful country village. It was customary then, as I believe it is still, to have a large proportion of misses; often occupying a separate part of the same room, and sitting in the same classes at recitations, and taking rank among the young gentlemen according to merit. Many instances of this kind occurred in my classes in English, and in Latin and Greek: French, we did not study so much then. I took great pains to teach all to read and speak well; and I ever succeeded the best with the young ladies; and I had the most pleasure and satisfaction in teaching them. I was as particular to direct them in their manners, and how to make a graceful courtesy, as I was to direct the young gentlemen in theirs, and how to make a good bow: and at our public

examinations, those were prepared to step forward, and speak their pieces of poetry, as these were their orations : and to do it, too, with all the accompaniments of appropriate gesture; and it was beautiful. At the close of the year, before I left, we had a grand exhibition in the public hall; and it concluded with the enactment of an entire play, in which the young ladies took a part, and acquitted themselves to admiration. And that was the last play I ever had any agency in getting up.

Mrs. G.-And do you approve of bringing young ladies upon the stage to speak, the same as young gen

tlemen ?

Dr. A.-No, certainly not: I have no pleasure in seeing them upon the stage, either as speakers or actresses. Such displays seem rather to detract from that delicacy and refinement, which, to my mind, give to the sex their crowning charm. The wise saying of Agesilaus often comes to mind: when asked what things he thought most proper for boys to learn, he answered, "Those which they ought to practise when they come to be men." And so I would say of young ladies; let them be carefully instructed in whatever, it is certain, they will be required to practise; especially, in all that will most contribute to render them agreeable, useful and happy. And what can contribute more than a well cultivated, colloquial utterance; so that it may be said of her voice, she "discourseth sweet music," as well as, "She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Of course, her education, to make her agreeable, useful and happy, must be adapted to private, not to public life.



1. CONVERSATION does not consist in merely talking, though ever so well; but in so talking as to admit a regular interchange of thoughts and feelings. All can talk: few know how to converse. A person may have the faculty to talk learnedly, elegantly and even eloquently; and yet be a complete bore in a social circle. Wherever he comes, the life-spring of conversation is broken up it is no longer dialogue, but monologue: he takes it all to himself: of course it ceases to be conversation. If any one starts an idea, he instantly gives chase, and pursues it through all its windings to the very death.

2. Many years since, I heard a lady facetiously remark of the truly great and learned head of a literary institution, who was widely distinguished for his eloquence, that one could not even mention milk in his presence, but out would come a learned dissertation on the different properties of milk-goat's milk, cow's milk, mare's and ass's-and would never end till he had described all the different breeds of cattle-the short horn, broad horn, no horn; the Devonshire and the Durhamand traced the history of each all the way back to the great bull of Bashan.

3. There are some who disturb the pleasant flow of conversation by a disagreeable habit of opposing every thing that another happens to say: not by a flat contradiction—for that would be a rudeness to be found only among the lowest vulgar-but by undertaking to prove it could not be; that it was so, or so: this they often do, not so much to correct an error, and to show their love of truth and right, as to show off their knowledge and importance; or to indulge a naturally unamiable disposition. But if, in any instance, one should have just occasion to oppose another's statement or opinion, he should do it in the most gentle and courteous manner, and with great modesty.

4. No one may obtrude upon a social party his peculiar notions and sentiments, and indeed any thing likely to provoke discussion: his chief aim should be to please; not himself, but others: and, in the clash of argument, little pleasure is ever felt, except by those immediately engaged in it. All narratives-what sailors call long yarns—and even anecdotes, unless very short, and used for illustration, should be carefully avoided. When persons come into mixed assemblies, every thing, if possible, pertaining to their professions and occupations, should be left at home: even the clergy may not be ranked as entire exceptions.

5. It was said in the first lesson of the present work, that "children, and all persons while engaged in earnest conversation, or telling an interesting story, generally speak in such tones, and with such a degree of animation and force, as are best suited to give a clear expression of their thoughts and feelings." Still a person is

rarely listened to with pleasure who has a rough, harsh voice, a squeaking one, or a nasal twang; or who speaks upon a key raised to vociferation, or sunk to feeble indistinctness. Whoever, in his utterance, has any one of these defects, should make unceasing efforts to cure himself of it for this he can do, in almost every instance, by care and proper culture. Some, it is true, have the power to awaken, and to chain attention, in spite of such defects: but that is no reason why youth should carry them into mature years. One thing is very certain: however much the head may be affected, the heart is seldom reached but through a different medium.

6. How often it happens that a young lady by her beauty wins the admiration of all beholders, but to lose it, the instant she opens her mouth! And how often it is, that a lady whose face and figure are any thing but attractive, almost imperceptibly takes the heart captive by the clear sweet tones of her voice, and the charms of her conversation!

7. IMPORTANT HINTS.-Never venture to relate an incident, or tell a story with which you are not well acquainted; nor tire the patience of your auditors with little trifling details; nor keep them upon the torture, after raising expectation of something thrilling, by withholding it to the very last words. Go straight forward with whatever you have to communicate without repetition: state the principal points with clearness and precision; and, unless the matter itself is void of interest, you will be heard with pleasure. And, if there should happen to be any thing diverting, or witty in what you say, let the laughing be for others for, in

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