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Conference of American States-Con.

Aggression, resolution introduced
by Mexico, 13, 204-205
Anti-war, 10, 12-14, 20, 71-72,

Arbitration conference to convene
at Washington:
Text, 637-638

U. S. arrangements for conference
in accordance with. See
Conference of American
States on Conciliation and

U. S. participation, plans for:
Cuban invitation and U. S. accept-
ance, 527-528

Delegation: Instructions, 534–585;
personnel, 534n

Outline of policy concerning-
Commercial aviation, 548-551
Communications problems, 548-

Economic problems, 558-568
Frontier police, 548
Immigration, 561-566

Intellectual cooperation, 554-558
Juridical matters, 542-548
Pan American Union, 540-542,

Political questions and other
matters not on agenda of
conference, 573-585
Social problems, 568-572
Conference of American States on Con-
ciliation and Arbitration, Washing-
ton, Dec. 10, 1928-Jan. 5, 1929 (see
also under Boundary disputes:
Bolivia-Paraguay), preliminary ar-
rangements by United States, 621-

Gondra Treaty, U. S. efforts to secure
ratification by all signatories
prior to convening of conference.
See Inquiries and suggestions,

Inquiries and suggestions to other
countries, 621-623, 642; favora-
ble replies, 623-637, 638–641,

Invitation, 637-638; acceptances, 641,

Conferences, international:
American states. See Conference of

American States, Sixth Inter-
national; Conference of Ameri-
can States on Conciliation and
Arbitration; also Pan American
conferences, infra.

Copyright. See International Con-
ference on Copyright.

Emigration and Immigration:
International Conference of 1924,

1013, 1014-1015

Conferences, international-Continued.
Emigration and Immigration-Con.
Second International Conference.
See Emigration and Immigra-
tion, Second International Con-

Import and Export Prohibitions and
Restrictions, Second Interna-
tional Conference for the Aboli-
tion of. See Import and export
prohibitions, etc.: Conference.
Literary and artistic works, protec-
tion of. See International Con-
ference on Copyright.

Naval armament limitation, Three-
Power Conference at Geneva
(1927), 238-239, 245, 246, 268,
269, 283-284, 285

Pan American conferences (see also
Conference of American States,
Sixth International; Conference
of American States on Concilia-
tion and Arbitration): Confer-
ence of National Directors of
Public Health of the American
Republics, 570-571; Pan Ameri-
can Congress of Journalists,
557-558; Pan American Red
Cross Conferences, 571-572; Pan
American Sanitary Conference,
Eighth, 571

Telegraph Conference at Brussels,
Sept. 10-22, U. S. participation,

Consolidated Aircraft Co., demonstra-
tions of planes in Latin America,

Consular agents, Pan American conven-
tion concerning, 598-604
Consular officers, provisions in U. S.-

Austrian commercial treaty con-
cerning, 943-954, 968-969, 970-971,

Consular procedure, Pan American com-
mission relating to, 559-560
Convention Revising the General Act
of Berlin of 1885 and the General
Act and Declaration of Brussels of
1890, 433-443

Text signed Sept. 10, 1919, 437-443
U. S. ratification: Recommendation
by Secretary of State and con-
currence by the President, 433-
437; Senate reservation regarding
arbitral procedure, 436, 436-437,


Conventions. See Treaties,
Coolidge, Calvin (President):
tions, etc.
Communication to President of Para-

guay regarding boundary dispute
between Bolivia and Paraguay,
Franco-British compromise plan for
naval limitation, correspondence
with Secretary of State concern-
ing, 267, 267-270, 278


Coolidge, Calvin (President)-Con.
Message of congratulation to Zog I
upon proclamation as King of
the Albanians, 848; appreciation
of the King and Albanian people,
848-849, 850

Message to Congress (annual), vII-


Message to President of France on
conclusion of treaty for the
renunciation of war, 153; reply,
Recommendation for passage of legis-
lation relating to Austrian debt to
United States and proposed Aus-
trian investment loan, 897-902
Statement issued at time of signing of

Immigration Act of 1924, 564
Submission to the Senate of certain
international conventions, 419n,
428-429, 436-437
Copyright Union, International Conven-
tion of, as revised and signed at
Rome, June 2, 398-416
International Conference for the Re-
vision of the Convention of 1908,

Text, 403-416

Costa Rica (see also Conference of Amer-

ican States on Conciliation and Arbi-
tration): Pan American Airways,
establishment of San José-Limon
air mail service, 796-797, 798, 799;
treaty for the renunciation of war,
adherence, 157, 164

Cuba (see also Conference of American
States on Conciliation and Arbitra-
tion; Emigration and Immigration,
Second International Conference):

German interests, 787-788

U. S. interests:

Pan American Airways: Desire
for contract with Cuban Gov-
ernment, 787-788; permis-
sions in connection with
inauguration of air services
to_Latin America, 785-786
U. S. Department of Commerce
flight, 816-817

Trade with United States, 584-585
Treaty for the renunciation of war,
adherence, 157, 164-166
Curtiss Airplane and Motor Corp., dem-
onstrations of planes in Latin
America, 811-818
Czechoslovakia, participation in treaty
for the renunciation of war, 54-55,
59-60, 62, 90-95, 121-122

Danzig, Free City of, adherence to
treaty for the renunciation of war,

Denmark: Claims in connection with
property held by Alien Property
Custodian, 463-464, 466-467; repre-
sentations to United States con-


cerning Senate bill relating to
payment of advance wages to sea-
men on foreign vessels, 836; treaty
for the renunciation of war, adher-
ence, 157, 176, 206; U. S. proposal
of convention concerning naturali-
zation, dual nationality, and mili-
tary service, 497-499
Diplomatic relations between Chile and
Peru, reestablishment of, 647-660
Disconto-Gesellschaft vs. U. S. Steel Co.,
case cited, 479–481, 494
Dominican Republic (see also Confer-
ence of American States on Concili-
ation and Arbitration; and under
Boundary disputes): Pan Ameri-
can Airways, permissions in connec-
tion with inauguration of air serv-
ices in Latin America, 784–785, 790,
792-793; treaty for the renuncia-
tion of war, adherence, 157, 198-

Doolittle, Lt. James H., 811, 815-818,

Dual nationality, naturalization, and
military service, U. S. proposals to
European countries for agreements
regarding, 494-505

Duties and rights of states in the event
of civil strife, Pan American con-
vention regarding, 612-614


Aviation: German interests, 797; U. S.
interests, 797, 802, 823

Military equipment, U. S. policy re-
garding exportation to, 335
Treaty for the renunciation of war,
adherence, 157, 191-192
Egypt, adherence to treaty for the re-
nunciation of war, 157, 183-184,

Emigration and Immigration, Interna-
tional Conference of 1924, resolu-
tion relating to legal and judicial
assistance, 1013, 1014-1015
Emigration and Immigration,__Second
International Conference, Habana,
Mar. 31-Apr. 17, 505–527, 566
Organization, 513-514

Proceedings, report of U. S. delega-
tion, 512-524
Resolution_regarding a third confer-
ence: Text and discussion, 507-
508, 518-519, 523-524, 524; U. S.
inability to adhere to, 526-527
U. S. participation:

Arrangements for, résumé, 508-512
Delegation: Instructions, 505-507;

personnel, 511-512, 514-515;
report, 508-526

Expression of inability to partici-
pate in a third conference, 526-

Policy regarding immigration, 505–
507, 511, 515-517, 566


Equality of treatment in commercial | Gondra Treaty (1923) (see also under
matters, U. S. policy, 434
Estonia: Commercial treaty with United

States, cited, 938-939; treaty for
the renunciation of war, adherence,
157, 178; U. S. proposal of conven-
tion concerning naturalization, dual
nationality, and military service,

Ethiopia, adherence to treaty for the
renunciation of war, 157, 167, 225–


Boundary disputes: Bolivia-Para-

Establishment of Permanent Com-
missions in accordance with art. 8,
622, 644-646

U. S. efforts to secure ratification by
all signatories prior to meeting of
Conference of American States on
Conciliation and Arbitration, 622,
623; position of various countries,
624-628, 631, 633, 634, 635,
636-637, 638-639, 640, 642-643

Field, Glore & Co., 1025-1026, 1027- Good offices. See Aviation: U. S.


Finland: Treaty for the renunciation of
war, adherence, 157, 167-168; U. S.
proposal of convention concerning
naturalization, dual nationality,

and military service, 500-505
France (see also Naval armament limita-
tion: Franco-British compromise
plan; Preparatory Commission for
the Disarmament Conference; Spe-
cial Commission for the Preparation
of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms;
Treaty for the renunciation of war):
Aviation interests in Latin America,
791-792, 803, 805, 806-807
Films, proposed restrictions on.


under Import and export pro-
hibitions, etc.: Conference: Nego-

Recognition of Zog I, King of the

Albanians, 850, 851
Representations to United States con-

cerning Senate bill for deporta-
tion of certain alien seamen,

U. S. proposal of convention concern-
ing naturalization, dual national-
ity, and military service, 499-500

Geneva Opium Convention of 1925, 448-
449, 452-455
Germany (see also Special Commission

for the Preparation of a Draft
Convention on the Private Manu-
facture of Arms; Treaty for the
renunciation of war): Armament
limitation, participation in Prepara-
tory Commission for the Disarma-
ment Conference, 237, 247, 249, 256,
261, 262, 263–264; aviation interests
in Latin America, 787, 787-788, 792,
797, 801, 803, 805, 830; commercial
treaty with United States (1923),
cited, 924, 925-926, 929-930, 1016-
1017; military equipment, U. S.
policy regarding exportation to,
335-336; representations to United
States concerning Senate bill for the
deportation of certain alien seamen,
839, 843-844; shipping, valuation by
Reparation Commission, 485-487

interests; Bolivia: U. S. good offices;
Brazil: Loans: Claims of American
interests; Chile: Diplomatic rela-
tions; Boundary disputes: Guate-
mala-Honduras; also under Bound-
ary disputes: Bolivia-Paraguay.


Britain (see also Alien Property

Custodian: British Public Trus-
tee; Naval armament limitation:
Franco-British compromise plan;
Preparatory Commission for the
Disarmament Conference; Special
Commission for the Preparation of
a Draft Convention on the Private
Manufacture of Arms; Treaty for the
renunciation of war): Commercial
treaty with Austria (1924), cited,
988-989; Pan American Airways,
desire for use of landing facilities
in British Honduras, 784, 796;
recognition of Zog I, King of the
Albanians, 850, 851; representations
to United States concerning certain
Senate bills relating to seamen,
831-832, 838-839, 840-842; U. S.
proposal of convention concerning
naturalization, dual nationality,
and military service, 497-499

Bulgarian reparation payments,
desire for agreement among in-
terested powers for new appor-
tionment of, 1035–1036; U. S. dis-
inclination to participate, 1036-

Recognition of Zog I, King of the
Albanians, 847, 849, 850

Treaty for the renunciation of war,
adherence, 157, 189-191

U. S. proposal of convention concern-
ing naturalization, dual national-
ity, and military service, 499-500
Guatemala (see also Conference of
American States on Conciliation
and Arbitration; and under Bound-
ary disputes): Pan American Air-
ways, efforts to secure contract,
778-780, 788; treaty for the renun-
ciation of war, adherence, 157, 192

Hague Opium Convention of 1912, nar-
cotic control based on principles of,


[blocks in formation]



Conference, etc.--Continued.
Negotiations, etc.-Continued.

396; U. S. position, 367,
371, 373-380, 381, 382-383,

Haiti (see also Boundary disputes: Import and export prohibitions, etc.—
Dominican Republic-Haiti; Con-
ference of American States
Conciliation and Arbitration):
Pan American Airways: Negotiations
for contract with Haitian Govern-
ment, 793-796, 799; permissions
in connection with inauguration
of air services in Latin America,
Treaty for the renunciation of war,
adherence, 157, 211-212

Hedjaz and Nejd, Kingdom of the,
adherence to treaty for the renun-
ciation of war, 157

Helium gas, U. S. reservation concerning
exportation, 376, 388, 391

Honduras (see also Boundary disputes:
Guatemala-Honduras; Conference
of American States on Conciliation
and Arbitration):

Arms and munitions embargo by
United States, 334

Pan American Airways


Negotiations, 780, 786, 790-791,
799; signature, 800

Treaty for the renunciation of war,
adherence, 157, 178

Huff-Daland Dusters, interest in es-
tablishing air lines in Latin America,
Hungary: Inquiries as to interpretation

of U. S. legislation concerning dis-
position of property held by Alien
Property Custodian, 469-471, 474,
484-485; military equipment, U. S.
policy regarding exportation to,
335-336; recognition of Zog I,
King of the Albanians, 847, 849,
850; treaty for the renunciation of
war, adherence, 157, 217-219

Iceland, adherence to treaty for the

renunciation of war, 157, 227-228
Immigration (see also Emigration and
Immigration): Immigration Act
of 1924, 563-564; international
aspects, U. S. position, 561-566;
legal protection to immigrants,
U. S. disinclination to enter into a
treaty with Austria relating to,

Import and export prohibitions and
restrictions, abolition of, 336-398
Conference, Second International,

Geneva, July 3-19 (see also
Convention, infra):
Agreements on hides and bones,

signed by certain states, 394
Date and agenda, 369-370
Negotiations in connection with in-
ternational convention signed
Nov. 8, 1927:
Exceptions requested by certain
states under art. 6 of con-
vention: Negotiations, 388-
389, 390-391, 392-393, 395,

French proposed restrictive
measures applying to films:
French inquiry to League of
Nations, 366-367, 368; U. S.
position, 368-369, 372-373,
378, 381, 382, 383-387, 390,


Ratification of convention, plan
for, 380-381, 392, 393-394,
394-395, 395–396, 397-398
Signature of agreement, July 11,
1928, supplementary to con-
vention, 398

U. S. delegation:

Instructions, 373-381, 387, 393,

Personnel, 372, 373

Speech by chief of delegation
concerning French proposed
restrictions on films, 382,
383-387; attitude of French
and other delegations, 396-
Suggestions and reports, 383-
387, 388-393, 393-395, 396-
398, 398

Convention, international (see also
Conference: Negotiations,

Text of convention and protocol
signed Nov. 8, 1927, 336–356;
of supplementary agreement
and protocol signed July 11,
1928, 357-365

U. S. Senate reservation concern-
ing ratification, 365

India, participation in treaty for the
renunciation of war, 69-71, 89,
90-95, 116-117
International Acceptance Bank, 1025-
1026, 1027-1028
International Conference on Copy-
right, Rome, May 7-June 2, 398-
Convention of the Copyright Union
as revised and signed June 2,
text, 403-416

U. S. participation: Italian invitation
and U. S. acceptance, 398–400;
report of delegation, 400-402
International law, codification, 542-
544, 545-546

Iraq, adherence to treaty for the re-
nunciation of war, 157

Irish Free State, participation in treaty
for the renunciation of war, 69–71,
76, 90-95, 109


Italy (see also Special Commission for | Latin America (see also under Aviation):

the Preparation of a Draft Conven-
tion on the Private Manufacture
of Arms; Treaty for the renuncia-
tion of war):

Armament limitation: Attitude to-
ward Franco-British compromise
plan for naval limitation, 280
281; participation in Preparatory
Commission for the Disarma-
ment Conference, 252, 262
Austria, relations with: Attitude to-
ward Austrian proposal for settle-
ment of relief debts, 902-903;
claim against Austria for army
costs, question of priority over
relief bonds, 892, 893-894; op-
position to proposed Austrian
investment loan, 907-908, 909,
910, 910-911, 911-912

Consular convention with United
States, 1878, cited, 833-834;
supplemental convention of 1881,
cited, 837

Invitation to United States to par-
ticipate in International Con-
Iference on Copyright, and U. S.
acceptance, 398-400

Arms and munitions embargoes,
U. S., 334-335, 577; political rela-
tionships, 573-574; territorial and
political integrity of Latin American
nations, discussion of, 577-578;
trade with United States, 584-585
Latvia: Treaty for the renunciation of
war, adherence, 157, 208; U. S.
proposal of convention concerning
naturalization, dual nationality,

and military service, 500-505
League of Nations (see also Import and
export prohibitions, etc.; Narcotic
drugs; Preparatory Commission for
the Disarmament Conference; Spe-
cial Commission for the Prepara-
tion of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms; and
under Conference of American
States, Sixth International: Pre-
liminaries; also under Treaty for the
renunciation of war): Efforts for
settlement of boundary dispute be-
tween Bolivia and Paraguay, 686,
691, 698-700; financial committee,
policy in connection with Austrian
proposed investment loan, 872-873,

Recognition of Zog I, King of the Liberia, adherence to treaty for the re-

Albanians, 847, 849, 850
Representations to United States

concerning Senate bill relating
to payment of advance wages to
seamen on foreign vessels, 833-
834, 834; U. S. reply, 836-837
U. S. proposal of convention con-
cerning naturalization, dual na-
tionality, and military service,

Jackson et al. vs. the Archimedes, case
cited, 831

Japan (see also Special Commission for

the Preparation of a Draft Conven-
tion on the Private Manufacture of
Arms; Treaty for the renunciation
of war):

Armament limitation: Participation

in fifth session of Preparatory
Commission for the Disarma-
ment Conference, 252; Geneva
naval conference (1927), 238-239,

China, Japanese policy concerning
recognition of Nationalist Gov-
ernment, 216-217, 232-233
Commercial treaty with United States
(1911), cited, 925

nunciation of war, 157, 159–161
Limitation of armament. See Naval
armament limitation; Preparatory
Commission for the Disarmament

Liquor traffic in Africa, convention re-
lating to, 426-433

Text signed Sept. 10, 1919, 429-433
U. S. ratification: Recommendation
by Secretary of State and con-
currence by the President, 426-
429; Senate reservation regard-
ing arbitral procedure, 427, 428,
428-429, 433

Literary and artistic works, convention
for protection of, as revised and
signed at Rome, June 2: Interna-
tional conference for revision of
convention of Berlin of 1908, 398-
402; text, 403-416

Lithuania: Treaty for the renunciation
of war, adherence, 157, 188-189;
U. S. proposal of convention con-
cerning naturalization, dual nation-
ality, and military service, 500-505
Loans. See Investment loan and Relief
loans under Austria; also under

Luxemburg, adherence to treaty for the
renunciation of war, 157, 179

Kellogg Pact. See Treaty for the re- Maritime neutrality, Pan American con-

nunciation of war.

Keystone Airplane Corp., interest in
establishing air lines in Latin
America, 800-805

vention concerning, 604-612

Mexico (see also Conference of American
States on Conciliation and Arbi-
tration): Military equipment, U. S.


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