by law for town collectors, subject to the provisions of this act; and all taxes, water rates and assessments within the limits of the city shall be received or collected by him; and he shall receive, keep and disburse all moneys belonging to the city and to every board thereof. It shall be his duty to collect all moneys due the city, including taxes, assessments and water rates, with due diligence and any neglect in so doing shall be cause for his removal from office. He shall pay no moneys from the treasury of the city excepting upon warrants signed as herein provided, specifying from what fund and for what purpose the amount named therein is payable, together with the date of the resolution authorizing the payment thereof; he shall file all such warrants and keep an accurate account of all receipts and payments in such manner as the common council shall direct. He shall have power to appoint a deputy city treasurer who shall receive such compensation as the common council shall provide and who shall perform such duties as the city treasurer may direct and shall hold office during the pleasure of the city treasurer. The common council shall at its first meeting in each year designate some incorporated bank or banks located in the city of Watertown for the deposit of all moneys belonging to such city and shall notify the treasurer of such designation; a bank once designated shall continue to be the place of deposit until another shall be designated. Every bank designated as a depository of city funds pursuant to this section shall execute a bond to the city with such sureties and for such an amount as the common council may determine. The city treasurer shall deposit to the credit of the city of Watertown once in each day all moneys in his hands excepting one hundred dollars or less in such bank or banks as the common council shall have designated, as above provided. All interest allowed by such bank or banks upon any money so deposited shall belong to the city and be credited to the city by said bank or banks. The city treasurer shall present to the common council at its first meeting in each month a statement of the aggregate receipts and disbursements on account of each fund of the city during the preceding month and the balance on hand belonging to each fund of the city, and such statement shall be filed with the city clerk; he shall also at the end of each month present to each of the administrative boards of the city a statement of the aggregate receipts and disbursements during the preceding month on account of the fund set apart for such boards. He shall exhibit to the common council at its last meeting in each year a full account of all receipts and payments after the date of the last annual report of the treasurer and also the state of the city treasury. The treasurer shall not overdraw any fund but when any fund is exhausted shall notify the city clerk who shall notify the board whose funds may be exhausted; each of the funds created by virtue of the provisions of this act shall be kept inviolate and devoted to the purposes for which it is created and no moneys shall be drawn from any fund to supply deficiency in any other fund. § 2. Section fifty-seven of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 57. The city attorney.-The city attorney shall be the official legal adviser of the mayor, the common council and all the boards and other officers of the city; he shall prosecute and defend all actions or proceedings brought by or against the city or by or against any of its officers as such; he shall represent the city in all proceedings and prosecutions in the city court for the violation of any ordinance of the city; he shall represent the people in all criminal trials and proceedings in the city court where the offence charged is a misdemeanor, and shall be the legal adviser of the police in all matters pertaining to the police department; he shall upon being authorized so to do by the common council have power to appoint an assistant city attorney who shall receive such compensation as the common council shall provide and who shall perform such duties as the city attorney may direct and shall hold office during the pleasure of the city attorney; he shall pay overall moneys received by him for the city without delay to the city treasurer. § 3. Section fifty-eight of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 58. The city assessors.-The city assessors shall, except as herein otherwise provided, have as to the city all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed upon town assessors by the revised statutes and all other general laws of the state relating to taxes and assessments and shall make up the assessment-roll for the city within the same times and in the same manner as is provided for assessment-rolls of towns; it shall be their duty to make assessments for all local improvements in accordance with the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of the assessors to keep a book in which shall be entered a daily record of all transfers of real property within the city so far as it is possible so to do from the records in the office of the county clerk; said assessors shall also keep their office in the city hall and at least one of said assessors shall keep the same open from ten to twelve o'clock in the morning and from two to four o'clock in the afternoon on all business days, except when said assessors shall be engaged in the examination and valuation of the real property of the city; each assessor shall be a freeholder in the city and shall receive for compensation for all services rendered under this act or by virtue of any statute an annual salary of six hundred dollars. The mayor shall designate two of said assessors who shall be members of the board of review and such designation shall be in writing and filed with the city clerk. § 4. Section sixty-five of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 65. Aldermen.-It shall be the duty of every alderman in said city to attend the regular and special meetings of the common council and to act upon committees when thereunto appointed by the president of the common council or the common council, and each alderman shall possess such powers as are conferred by any general law upon aldermen of cities; and the alderman who shall be selected by the common council to be a member of the board of review as hereinafter provided shall receive such compensation by the day for services actually performed by him as a member of the board of review of assessments as the common council shall determine, but such alderman after he has been so designated shall not vote upon any resolution fixing his own compensation. § 5. Section sixty-eight of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 68. The board of review. The president of the common council, the city attorney and two of the assessors to be designated by the mayor, and one alderman to be selected by the common council at its first meeting in January of each year shall be a board of review of all assessments and shall have all the powers conferred and be subject to all the duties imposed by law upon town assessors sitting in review of their assessments; it shall be the duty of the assessors to make out the assessment-rolls according to the determination of the board of review of assessments. § 6. Section seventy-two of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Compensa tion of city officers. Reports to common council. New sections. Firemen's pension fund, how consti tuted. § 72. The mayor, president of the common council, the members of the common council and of all administrative boards shall serve without compensation; except that the president of the common council and the alderman selected by the common council shall receive such compensation as herein provided for services upon the board of review, and, except as herein otherwise provided, all other officers of the city shall receive such compensation as the common council shall determine. § 7. Section seventy-nine of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: $79. Whenever required by resolution of the common council to make a report upon any subject specified in such resolution a board shall report to the common council as required; it shall also be the duty of each board to make a report to the common council on the first day of January in each year of its receipts and expenditures for the preceding fiscal year; such annual report shall be verified by the clerk of the board and shall, together with the annual report of the city treasurer, be published by the city clerk in such manner as the common council may direct. 8. Title nine of said act is hereby amended by adding thereto three new sections to be known as sections one hundred and fiftyeight-a, one hundred and fifty-eight-b, and one hundred and fiftyeight-c to read as follows: § 158-a. There shall be established in the city of Watertown a firemen's pension fund, which shall be separate and independent from all other funds of said city, and which shall consist of: 1. All securities, property and moneys in the nature of gifts. or rewards to members of the fire department heretofore received which upon the passage of this act, are in the possession of the president of the board of public safety. 2. All fines, penalties, and forfeitures that from time to time may be hereafter collected from any officer or member of the fire department of said city by way of discipline collectable* from pay or salary. 3. All rewards, fees, gifts or emoluments that may be paid. or given for extraordinary services rendered by any officer or member of said fire department, except when allowed to be So in original. retained by said officer or member by the board of public safety, or given to endow a medal or other permanent competitive reward. 4. All sums of money or property that may be contributed by gifts or raised by entertainments given for that purpose. of fund § 158-b. The members of the board of public safety, and their Control successors in office, shall have the control, management and distribution of the firemen's pension fund as herein provided and not otherwise. One of said board of public safety shall be selected by said board to act as treasurer of the firemen's pension fund, and without compensation. Said treasurer shall, from time to time, as said board may elect, give a bond in such sum not less than double the amount of money and negotiable securities in his hands at any one time, and on such conditions as said board may require. The said board is hereby authorized to adopt rules and regulations relating to said firemen's pension fund and shall determine all applications for pensions according to the provi sions of this act, and shall cause to be kept a full and complete record of all its proceedings in reference to said fund. ment and discharge and mem depart ment. Pensions for officers and mem § 158-c. Subdivision 1. The board of public safety shall have the Retire power and authority, by a majority vote, to retire or discharge of officers from all service in the fire department, any officer or member bers of fire thereof who may be found on examination by a physician or sur geon, designated and paid by said board, duly certified under oath, disqualified physically or mentally for the performance of his duties in the department, by reason of long service, disease or disability caused or induced by the actual performance of the duties of his position, without fault or misconduct on his part. 2. Every officer or member of said department who may have ente become permanently incapacitated from performing full duty a fireman by reason of disease or disability caused or induced by from perinjury or by long service or exposure while in the line of his duty fremen. as a fireman, without fault or misconduct on his part, may, on his own application, be retired from service by a majority vote of such board of public safety, provided the applicant has been examined by a physician or surgeon, designated by said board and his sworn certificate filed, showing that the applicant is by reason of physical or mental disability permanently disqualified from performing the duties of a fireman. A pension shall be granted and paid to each person so retired, from the said fire as bers inca pacitated forming duties of |