vast number of resolutions have been submitted, proposing various amendments to the Constitution - a fact sufficiently striking to call the attention of the nation at large, seriously to consider the views and ponder on the arguments of those who opposed or advocated the Constitution at the time of its adoption. Hence, on entering the field of debate on constitutional topics, an acquaintance with these opinions and sentiments must certainly be of the first importance to public speakers. In exercising the powers of legislation, could Congress consult higher authority? In expounding parts of the Constitution which seem extremely doubtful, the publication of the Proceedings and Debates of the states must, at least, be useful; for what the states really intended to grant to the general government must be looked for in their acts, and in their discussions, which manifest their intentions, in a manner peculiarly satisfactory, touching constitutional topics, so frequently the subject of controversy in Congress, and in the legal tribunals of the country. There is a further, and perhaps not much inferior interest, that attaches to these Debates: they abound, it will be seen, in many of the most bold and striking features of eloquence, which do not yield, in force of argument, strength of intellect, or in statesman-like views, to the productions of any modern orator. With prophetic vision, (in our days singularly verified,*) a distinguished individual, who participated in these debates, looked forward to the high destinies of this republic, and foretold that political prosperity and happiness which an excellent Constitution is daily developing for the benefit of posterity. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 1830. JONATHAN ELLIOT. • General Hamilton's prediction in relation to imposts. SECOND EDITION. HONORED by the adoption of resolutions, in both Houses of Congress, directing these volumes of Debates to be furnished for the use of the senators and representatives, and gratified by an extensive demand, elsewhere, for this work, the Editor has been induced to publish a Second Edition, much enlarged and improved, not only by the insertion of additional illustrative matter, but also by a more extensive stock of Debates, which he hopes may confer greater value on his undertaking. The practice of the Constitution has likewise been brought down to the present time, in the form of " Opinions," delivered during debate, in the twentyfourth Congress. May 17, 1836. J. E. NOTICES OF THIS WORK. Extract of a Letter, dated Montpelier, July 7, 1830. "Dear Sir: - Being obliged, at my age, to economize my intellectual employments of every sort, I have only been able to glance over the selections illustrative of the Federal Constitution, you have appended to the last volume. They appear to be of a class which must add to the value of the work, such as that of which they make a part. "Mr. ELLIOT. • With well wishes and respect, JAMES MADISON." Extract of a Letter, dated Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 28, 1830. "Dear Sir: - I wish you to direct your Boston bookseller to send a copy of your work to the Law Library of Harvard College. I have not a doubt that it will find a ready sale among us. In a political view, I can scarcely imagine able present to the public; and to statesmen it must be invaluable, a the a more acceptas a repository of facts, as well as of arguments, respecting great points of constitutional law. I am, with great respect, your obliged and humble servant, "JONATHAN ELLIOT, Esq. JOSEPH STORY." From the Vice-President of the United States, dated Fort Hill, May 16, 1831. "Sir: - I have looked over, with care, your compilation, and consider it a valuable collection of facts and arguments, calculated to shed much light on the nature of our political institutions. "Such a work was greatly needed, and, if extensively circulated, must have a most salutary effect, by enlightening the public mind on points so important to be well understood as the powers and character of the general government. I wish you much success in so useful an undertaking. With respect, I am, &c. &c. "JONATHAN ELLIOT, Esq. J. C. CALHOUN." "A great body of valuable materials relative to the Federal Constitution is embraced in Mr. ELLIOT's work, published yesterday. The Debates and Proceedings of the General Convention, and the State Conventions, are given at large, as far as they have been reported. There is also a vast mass of matter touching the practice of the Constitution in the halls of Congress, and in the courts of the Union. Politicians must save labor by consulting it.' National Intelligencer, May 28, 1830. "Ample illustrations of the Federal Constitution have been produced, in a work just from the press, by Mr. ELLIOT, in which he has imbodied all the matter of the Journal of the Federal Convention, including Yates's Notes of Debates, Luther Martin's Letter, &c., at large; and a record of congressional opinions, collected from the files of forty years past, on controverted points on the Constitution. Such a work must possess a prominent interest, for the present as well as the future. To politicians or constitutional lawyers it will indeed be acceptable." United States Telegraph of May 29, 1830. "The Federal Constitution. - Mr. JONATHAN ELLIOT has just published, in four volumes, a collection of valuable materials illustrative of the Constitution. Full indexes to the whole make it a work of convenient reference, and valuable to the private citizen as well as to the statesman or constitutional lawyer. We trust that the work will receive a patronage commensurate with the great labor and cost of its preparation." - N. Journal, May, 1830. "The 'Debates on the Constitution,' a work which has lately been published by Mr. JONATHAN ELLIOT, of this city, in four volumes octavo, and which we briefly noticed a few days since, is one of the greatest importance that could have made its appearance at the present day. We cannot too strongly recommend it to all who desire to be enlightened upon the great questions which now occupy the public mind, as they will therein see the opinions as to the nature and powers of the Federal Government entertained at the time of its original organization, by many of the most eminent men of this country." - Banner of the Constitution, by C. Raguet, Esq., of June 8, 1830. 1774. GRADUAL APPROACHES TOWARDS INDEPENDENCE, Page. Year. Page. 22 1632. Maryland, 33 25 1664. New York,. 35 27 1664. New Jersey,. 35 30 1664. Pennsylvania, .... 31 1682. Delaware, 38 31 1663. North and South Carolina, 321732. Georgia, . 41 42 42 60 63 67 68 69 70 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE,. NOTES ON POLITICAL RIGHTS AND SOVEREIGNTY,......... 1777. OCCURRENCES INCIDENT TO THE ACT OF CONFEDERATION, ACT OF CONFEDERATION,.. OFFICIAL LETTER ACCOMPANYING ACT OF THE CONFEDERATION, Dr. Witherspoon, ........73, 1778. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION. 1783. PROCEEDINGS WHICH LED TO THE ADOPTION OF THE FEDERAL CONSTI 79 84 87 90 90 TUTION,... 92 ADDRESS TO THE STATES BY CONGRESS,... 96 1782. REPLY TO RHODE ISLAND OBJECTIONS TOUCHING IMPORT DUTIES. Dec. 16, 100 1784. POWERS OF CONGRESS TO REGULATE COMMERCE. April 30,... 106 1786. REPORT OF THE STATES ON THE REGULATION OF COMMERCE. Mar. 3, 108 1785. MADISON'S RESOLUTION FOR EMPOWERING CONGRESS TO REGULATE TRADE. Nov. 30, 114 1786. PROPOSITION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA. Jan. 21,..... 115 (ANNAPOLIS CONVENTION.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONERS TO REMEDY DEFECTS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Sept. 11, ....... 116 REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. Feb. 21, 1787. FEDERAL CONVENTION, (2d Monday in May, but the 25th was the day on which a sufficient number appeared,) List of the Members who signed, (39.) Who never attended, (10.) Those who attended, but did not sign the Constitution, (16.) Total, 65, ...... 124 .. |