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in concluding say once more how glad and proud are we, your sailor friends, to be with you. We should so love to feel, now and hereafter, that we have contributed to your beautiful ceremonies some little, however little, of their impressiveness and splendor.

The toast, "Our Visiting Governors," received a most eloquent and fitting response from Hon. Earl Brewer, Governor of Mississippi. In naming this toast, Prof. Fortier, the toastmaster, said that there is, at this banquet, the real article; two Governors: Hon. Earl Brewer, of Mississippi, and Hon. W. E. Clark, Governor of Alaska.

Governor Brewer's address was characeristic in humor at the start, and in lofty patriotism as he went along. He began with a smiling reference to the handicap he experienced while speaking from the platform in front of the Cabildo, when his speech on "Sister States," was interrupted by a conglomeration of noises, that prevented him from making the talk he had so carefully prepared. What with the music from the brass band, the shouts as the flag was being raised in Jackson Square, the booming of cannon, and the ringing of the bells of the St. Louis Cathedral, he was not able to say what he intended to tell the people of New Orleans.

"Well," remarked Governor Brewer, "all that got the best of me, and I had to subside. Now, as I missed my speech in the day time, I am entitled to two speeches, and I will deliver them. Will somebody please stand at the door and prevent anyone from leaving the banquet Hall. I will make one of these speeches in French because I have some things to say which I do not care a certain lady to understand, and that lady is my wife. However, if there is any objection I will waive the French and talk in plain United States language."

In serious vein, Governor Brewer spoke most fittingly relative to the necessity of educating the youth of the State in the history of Louisiana. This State should equal in intelligence any other State in the Union. Let us live and act so as to help in all things for the upbuilding of the Nation. The greatest menace to our Republic comes from demagogism and cowardice. Also from effete effects of wealth and luxury. Rome and Babylon are numbered with the events of the dead past, because luxury sapped the vitality of their national life.

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"Remember, gentlemen, that our people must come back to frugal habits, to those simple things that make life longer, and men stronger. Let us be honest and square and just and right with the people, and our glorious Republic will last for all days to come."

Governor Brewer next spoke of the inequalities of life; that not all men are equal. There is an aristocracy in the whole universe. The stars are not equal in size and brilliancy; the stately magnolia and the humble violet are not equal in size, in color and in exquisite fragrance. There is an aristocracy among the stars, from the tiniest little speck to the biggest sun near the throne of God.

There is an aristocracy among men, not of wealth or of inheritance, but one of character. When your people shall realize all of this, the time will come for Louisiana to come into her own.

Mr. T. P. Thompson, President of the Board of Curators of the State Museum, replied to the toast, "Louisiana State Museum." Mr. Thompson said:

"The institution over which I have the honor to preside is the product of the present century; while it contains the records and object matter of the two previous centuries, as they refer to Louisiana, it is only since our recent celebration of Cession of Louisiana in 1903 that the Museum has come into existence. The museum is the result in a great measure of the activities of the Louisiana Historical Society, and was suggested by an esteemed member of that organization, Mr. James Zachary, some some twelve

years ago.

"Like all great projects no one man is entirely responsible for its being. Dr. W. C. Stubbs was quite as much interested in the agricultural resources of Louisiana as Mr. Zachary was in the history. Their two ideas were joined for practical reasons, and the nucleus of the Louisiana exhibit at the St. Louis Purchase Exposition by the influence of Stubbs, Zachary and the Historical Society was brought back to New Orleans and eventually located at Jackson Square.

"Today after several years of preparation we officially open on the auspicious date of the beginning of the second century of the Statehood of Louisiana.

Is it not a splendid augury for the future prosperity and development of this favored section that her people are now aroused

to the sentiment and progress and grand future that the new century is to unfold, and like other centers of culture and commerce we are able to open today fully equipped an institution which we may all be proud to aid and support. I desire to felicitate the State through our Governor, the city through our worthy Mayor, and the Historical Society through President Fortier, for their magnificent support to this most worthy enterprise. And on behalf of the Board of Curators of the State Museum I desire to extend its hospitality tomorrow at one o'clock to our honored guests who are to make a historic tour of New Orleans, stopping at the Cabildo for refreshment and sight seeing. The hour is late and I will not detain you further. I thank you."

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