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Petrograd Soviet of Workmen's and

Soldiers' Deputies-Continued.
Duma, relations, 10, 11, 26, 43.
July uprising, attitude, 161, 162, 164.
November revolution, part in, 225,
226, 227, 293.

peasants' soviets, union with, 283.
peoples, appeals to, 19, 45-46, 49.
Provisional Government, relations:
support, 26, 34-35, 58, 59, 95, 98,
108; joint meeting, 43, 174-175;
opposition, 40, 41, 42-51, 72, 74,
76, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195-196,
199; coalition, 63-64, 79, 81, 142,
160; domination, 28-29, 59, 141,
171, 174, 225, 226.

Root mission, relations, 137.

treaties, publication, attitude, 35, 76.
war, attitude, 26, 40, 41, 42-51, 74,

[blocks in formation]

detention of soldiers in Moscow, 648.
self-determination: German attitude,

411, 413, 420-421, 437, 439; Pet-
rograd Soviet, attitude, 419-421.
Polish military committee, protection
of embassies, 234, 265.

Police power, 11, 45-48, 63, 166, 341,

Pouren case, 114-115.

Portugal, protest against Soviet terror,

Pravda (Truth), 60, 74, 413.
suppression, 163, 167.

Pre-Parliament (Democratic Council;

Council of the Republic):
authority, 202, 206, 214.
Bolsheviks, withdrawal, 210.
Kerensky, relations, 208-209, 225.
sessions, 204, 206, 210, 215, 217, 220,


censorship, 655-656.

freedom, constitutional provision,

suppression, 163, 167, 220, 225, 271,
300, 302, 355, 400, 490, 496, 507,
527, 681.

Prisoners, exchange of, 262, 516, 546.
Prisoners of war, reports of arming, 388,
483, 485, 489, 496, 499, 502, 563,
Propaganda, hostile (see also Appeals
to peoples; Publicity, U. S.; Revo-
lution, world-wide):

Bolshevik: Allied and American
countries, 268, 375–378, 380, 391,
485, 722-730, 732; diplomatic
privileges, abuse of, 722-723, 730-
731; funds, 722, 724, 726, 727, 728,
729; Germany and army, 259, 307,
359, 556, 583, 732; international,
380; Russia and army, 200, 205,
268, 374, 375; through Scandina-
vian countries, 722-732.

[blocks in formation]

expenses, 178.

industrial interests, attitude, 178,
180-181, 190, 193.

Ministry of Lvov, First (Mar. 15,

authority, 11, 45, 48, 51, 55.
coalition proposed, 63-64.
composition, 2, 4, 116.

Conference of Soviets, relations,

Duma, relations, 4, 6, 22.
Milyukov and Guchkov, resigna-
tion, 52, 66, 77-79.

Petrograd Soviet, relations, 26,
28-29, 34-35, 40, 41, 42-51, 58,
59, 72, 141.

policies, 5, 10-11, 24, 38-39, 54-55.
Ministry of Lvov, Coalition (May 18,

anarchists, arrest, 99, 104.

authority, 94, 104, 131-132, 141-
142, 162, 166.

Bolsheviks, demonstration, 98, 99,

composition, 66, 75, 79, 142.
Congress of Peasants' Deputies,
relations, 97.

Congress of Soviets, relations, 98,
99-100, 105-106, 142, 162.
July uprising, 159-161, 162-163,

Petrograd garrison, relations, 143.
Petrograd Soviet, relations, 74, 76,
79, 81, 95, 98, 108, 142, 160.
171, 174.

policies, 75-77, 79-81, 112.
railways, U. S. aid, 116, 125, 156-

resignation of Ministers, 159, 160,
161-162, 163-164, 165.

Ministry of Kerensky, First (July 20,

authority, 167-168, 179-180.
composition, 163, 170, 171, 175-


Provisional Government-Continued.
Ministry of Kerensky, First-Con.
Congress of Soviets, relations, 170.
Duma, relations, 175.

food shortage and riots, 172, 184-

Kornilov episode, 171-172, 178,
179, 186-190.

Moscow Conference, 170, 177,
178-179, 180-181, 183.
Petrograd Soviet, relations, 171,
174, 175, 176, 190.
policies, 172-173, 176–177.
railways, U. S. aid, 171.
Ministry of Kerensky, Second (Sept.
13, 1917).

anarchy, conditions of, 198, 204-

Bolsheviks, relations, 193, 200, 202,
210; armed conflict with, 228,
229-230, 231-233, 234, 236, 239.
Committee of Five, 191, 194.
composition, 190, 191, 193, 195,
199, 200-201, 206.

Democratic Conference, 191-192,
195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204,
206, 209.

fall, 240-241.

Kerensky, flight, 224, 228, 229,
291, 292-293.

Minister of War, removal, 219-

Ministers, dispersion, 224, 225, 226,
227, 229, 293.

Petrograd Soviet, relations, 191,

192, 194, 195-196, 199, 225, 226.
policies, 212–214.

Pre-Parliament, 202, 204, 206, 208–

209, 210, 214, 215, 217, 220, 225.
republic proclaimed, 191, 192.
problems, 37, 51, 54.

recognition, 6, 12-14.

reform measures, 43, 88, 168, 213.

War Office, authority after Novem-

ber revolution, 240-241.

Ways of Communication department,
activities after November revolu-
tion, 264, 296.

Publicity, U. S.:

Moscow activities, 269.

official speeches, distribution, 128,
129, 133, 426.

purpose: counteract German propa-
ganda, 128-129, 235, 270-271;
improve Russian Army morale,
147-153, 214–215.

railway employees, aid to, 296.
war preparations, 121-122, 127.

Railway employees, 346.

civil war, part in, 404, 415.
November revolution, part in, 228,
231, 239.

shipments of shoes from United
States, 296, 329, 537, 543, 571.
strikes, 204, 231, 583.

Railways (see also Advisory Commis-
sion of Railway Experts; Trans-
portation; Trans-Siberian Rail-

control: German, 496, 501; military,
171; workers, 365.

defects, 135-138, 141, 264, 343, 489,
Recognition of Provisional Govern-
515, 532, 558.

France, 13.

Great Britain, 6, 13.

United States, 6, 12-14.

Recognition of Soviet régime (see also
Relations, informal):

all governments withhold, 316.
Allied officers at Murman, views, 552–
553, 562.

Belgium, attitude, 332.
Bulgaria, 554.

Missions, Allied and
American: agreement purposed,
248, 250; attitude, 245, 279, 287.
France, attitude, 272, 322.

Germany, 401, 428, 431, 434, 505–
506, 548.

Great Britain, attitude, 272, 273, 274,
276, 285, 299, 316, 319.
Inter-Allied Conference,


Italy, attitude, 332.

[ocr errors]


neutrals, attitude, importance of,
277, 286, 290, 297-298; Denmark,
300, 731; Netherlands, 286, 298;
Norway, 287, 298; Sweden, 297-
298; Switzerland, 548-549.
Soviet attitude, 250, 303, 498, 535,
538-539, 548.

United States: Ambassador, views,

336, 357, 369, 423; Chargé in
Denmark, views, 337-338; false
press statements, 488, 492, 504,
505, 511; Government, attitude,
253, 254, 257, 271, 289, 294, 487,
547, 550-551, 562; unofficial Ameri-
cans, views, 271, 291, 530, 531.
Red Army:

activities, 205, 365, 401, 490, 491,
518, 588.

Allied and American aid sought, 392,
396, 398, 418, 483, 484, 485, 487,
498, 499-501.

American aid: reasons for giving,
392, 487-488, 493, 494, 519; with-
held, 402, 495, 498, 517-518.
German attitude, 486, 517.
purpose, 486, 487, 488, 519.

Red Cross. See American Red Cross
Commission to Russia.
Red Guard:

activities, 60, 260, 266, 291, 302, 305.
358, 362, 483.

July uprising, part in, 166.

November revolution, part in, 234,

staff headquarters, occupation, 308,

Reed, John, appointment as Soviet |
consul, 363.
Relations, informal, United States with
Soviet régime:

Ambassador, views, 325-326, 357,
422, 423-424, 519.

commercial attaché as channel, 429,

communications, 523, 659.

Consul at Moscow as channel, 536,
541, 646-647, 655-658.
couriers, 303-304, 320.

economic aid, Soviet request, 485.
instructions, 381.

Lenin, attitude, 363, 389.

Marines, consent for entrance, 368.
military aid, 386, 392, 396, 398, 402,

418, 483, 484, 485, 487, 488, 493,
494, 495, 498, 517-518, 519.
military attaché as channel, 235, 245,
250, 253, 279, 282-283, 288-289,
294-295, 392, 396.

Murman, cooperation with local
officials, 486, 537, 542, 546, 569.
railway matters, 264, 296, 394-395,
483, 488, 498, 519, 526, 543.
Robins, Raymond, as channel, 356-
357, 358-359, 370, 422.
Rumanian-Russian commissions, So-
viet request, 488.
Soviet attitude, 303-304.
war prisoners, 483.

Rent. See Decrees, Soviet.

Reprisals. See Hostages; Retaliatory


Republic, proclaimed by:

Provisional Government, 191, 192.
Congress of Soviets, 365.
Constitution, 587-597.

Retaliatory measures by Soviet régime:
Allied nationals, arrest, 585, 642, 643,
644-655, 658, 663, 687.
Ambassadors, Allied and American:
"gentle reprisals," plan, 622; hos-
tages, detention as, plan, 630, 634,
650, 651.

Ambassador, threats
against, 320, 321, 323, 362.
Czecho-Slovaks, arrest and threats,
585, 645, 701-702.

funds of Diplomatic Missions, with-
drawal limited, 368.

internment of British nationals,
threat, 268, 276, 282, 285.
Military Missions, detention, 642,
646-655, 664-665.
Rumanians, threat, 481, 482.
visas, refusal, 303-304, 409.
Revolution, March (see also Army),

causes, 67-72.
problems, 37, 51.

Revolution, November (see also Army;
Military Revolutionary Commit-
tee; Petrograd Soviet; Railway em-
ployees), 224-241.

cause, immediate, 220, 293.

Revolution, November-Continued.
German influence, 333.

plans for, 191, 194, 200, 202, 209, 211,
Revolution, world-wide (see also Propa-
214, 216, 220, 294.
ganda, Bolshevik):

Congress of Soviets, plan, 101-102.
effect on existing governments, 486,

Foreign Commissars, statements,
407-408, 419, 707-708.
funds, 409, 724, 729.

Red Army, purpose of, 486, 487, 488,

Soviet tactics, 326, 336, 359, 380,
Revolutionary Committee.
421, 505, 521, 532, 544, 559, 588.
See Mili-
tary Revolutionary Committee.
Revolutionists, protests against U. S.
arrests of, 200, 201-202, 203, 322-

Robins, Raymond, 327, 328, 329, 501.
American Red Cross, messages, 301,
319, 356, 499, 503.

communications with Soviet to be
withheld, 301, 319.

contacts with Soviet régime and
U. S. Embassy, 321, 356, 358-359,
363, 369, 370, 389, 391, 398, 418,
422, 426, 484, 485, 487, 488, 508,
519, 526.

recall, 523-524, 525, 530-531, 543,

recognition of Soviet régime, views,
497, 499, 531.

war prisoners, arming, views, 483,

Rodzyanko, M. V., 2, 33, 55, 284, 311,


[blocks in formation]

arrest of Minister, 353, 357, 377, 378,
477-482; efforts of Diplomatic Mis-
sions for release, 477-478, 480-481;
Soviet reasons for arrest, 478, 480,

Bessarabia, agreement with Soviet
Russia concerning, 492; independ-
ence, 360.

Bolsheviks, relations, 377-378, 479.
interests protected by Great Britain,

retaliatory measures by Soviet Rus-
sia, 481, 482.

Root mission, 120, 128, 146.
Russian-Rumanian commissions, 488.
war with Soviet Russia, state of, 359.
Russian Extraordinary Embassy to the
United States, 153-158.
conversion into ordinary Embassy,

Russian Railway Service Corps (see | Siberia-—Continued.

also Advisory Commission of Rail-
way Experts), 524.

Russian Red Cross, 321, 508, 678.
Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Re-
public, 365, 506.
constitution, 587-597.

characteristics, 67-69, 71-72, 81, 82,
182-184, 550.

political theories, 139-140, 166-167,
398, 532.

Russkiya Vedomosti, 183, 184, 185, 314,


suppressed by Soviet, 490.
Russkoe Slovo, 53, 183, 184, 403.

suppressed by Soviet, 300, 496, 507.
Russo-German peace. See Treaty of.
Brest Litovsk.

Salvador, protest against Soviet terror'

Samara, hostages, 701, 702, 713, 719,

Sands, W. F., on Russian conditions,

Savinkov, Boris V., 176, 178.
Scavenius, Erik, 718.

Scavenius, Harald, 676, 731-732.
Self-determination of peoples, 39, 112,

124, 211, 253, 317.

Allied Governments, attitude, 330-

application to sections of Allied
states, 406-407, 419; of Russia,

Baltic provinces and Poland, German
attitude, 411, 413, 420-421, 423,
432, 437, 599.

Central powers, attitude, 406.
Congress of Soviets, attitude, 365.
Soviet régime, policy, 410-411, 419-

Ukraine, position, 416.

United States, attitude, 427, 542.
Semenov, Gregory, 489, 507, 524, 571.

interview of Minister with Trotsky,

protest against Soviet terror, 710-

troops in Russia, 281, 491, 631.
Shingarev, A. I., 302, 305, 354n.
Shipping. See Merchant shipping;

Shoes, shipments to railway employees,
329, 537, 543, 571.


protest against Soviet terror, 693.
violation of Legation, 369.
Siberia (see also Intervention; Kolchak;
Semenov; Vladivostok):
Bolshevism, growth, 302, 349, 489,
502, 507.

governments organized: by Soviet,
535; by various groups, 349, 367,

grain, 576.

war prisoners, 489.

Singer Co., forced contributions, 502,

Sisson, Edgar G., 215, 295, 487.
Sisson documents, 371-378, 380, 381-

Skobelev, M. I., 211, 215, 217, 219, 293.
Social Democratic Party, 165, 237.
Socialist-Revolutionist Party, 350, 425,
679, 684.

Constituent Assembly, part in, 300,

foreign policy of Soviet, protest, 401,
507, 514, 540-541.

Mirbach, responsibility for assassina-
tion, 573, 578, 583.
revolt, 573-574, 578.

Socialists, 60, 63, 139-140, 166-167,
264, 265, 304.

World War, attitude, 50, 59, 61, 62,

Socialists, American, 55.

Society for Promoting Friendly Rela-
tions between Russia and the
United States, 32-33.

Southeastern federation, 342, 347-348,

Soviet. See Congress of Soviets; Petro-
grad Soviet; Soviet régime.
Soviet of People's Commissars, 249,
293, 591-592.

Soviet of Soldiers' Deputies, 10.
Soviet of Workmen's Deputies, 10, 17.
Soviet of Workmen's and Soldiers' Dep-
uties. See Petrograd Soviet.
Soviet régime (see also Armistice; Army;
Bolsheviks; Central Executive
Committee; Decrees; Diplomatic
and consular service; Diplomatic
immunity; Diplomatic privileges;
Finland; Industrial interests; In-
tervention; Peace; Propaganda;
Recognition; Red Army; Red
Guard; Relations, informal; Retali-
atory measures; Revolution, No-
vember; Terror; Treaty of Brest
Litovsk; Ukraine; World War):
alliance with United States, discus-
sion, 403.

Ambassador in Germany, 401.
anarchists, relations, 497, 499.
appeals to peoples, 105, 250, 251, 294,

bad faith, 581-582, 643, 649, 652,
659, 667.

agreement with Ru-

mania concerning, 492.
British representative, 337, 379.
compromise ministry suggested, 231-
232, 233, 234.

Congress of Peasants' Deputies, rela-
tions, 237-238.

Constituent Assembly, attitude, 271,
298, 302, 305-306, 317-318, 350,
354, 355, 357.

Soviet régime Continued.

Cossacks, relations, 300, 301, 302,
308-311, 320, 492.
couriers, 303-304, 318, 409.
Czecho-Slovaks, relations, 561, 564,
565, 623, 645, 648, 687, 701-702,

dictatorship, 270-271, 294.
Diplomatic Missions, Allied and
American: removal from Vologda,
attitude, 585, 619, 620, 622, 626,
634, 646, 647, 656, 657; withdrawal
from Russia, effect on relations,
views, 355, 627, 637, 639, 640, 647-
648, 656, 657.

divergencies among members, 237,
434-435, 489, 492.

duration, estimates of probable, 291,
294, 361, 400, 531, 550, 553, 554-
555, 558, 559, 566.

foreign relations, Commissar's report,

formation, 225, 230-231, 244.
German Ambassador, 505-506, 583.
Germany, influenced by, 295, 296,

300, 314, 333, 370, 380, 385, 393-
394, 419, 425, 486, 487, 488, 490,
504, 517, 527, 538, 545, 563, 564,
567, 569, 580; Sisson documents,

guard for German Embassy, attitude,
577, 578, 581, 582-583, 618, 626-


hostages; taking of, 642, 645, 651,

652, 676, 677, 680-681, 684, 687;
threat, 630, 634, 650, 651.
internment of Russians in England,
protest, 268, 274, 276, 319.
land and peace, promises of, 225, 242,
294, 315.

leaders, responsibility for crimes,
642-643, 665, 666, 676, 678, 682,
693, 698.

mercenaries, use of, 691.
munitions, 415, 566.

Murman, cooperation of Allied and
American forces with local Soviet,
attitude, 486.

opposition: industrial interests, 558-
560, 561; parties, 231, 237, 302,
306, 350, 401, 507, 514, 540-541,
573-574, 578; peasants, soldiers,
and workmen, 216, 225, 226, 237-
238, 333, 358, 505, 521, 552, 554,
559, 570-571, 580, 589; treatment
of opposing parties, 302, 305, 306,
315, 325, 350, 354, 355, 357, 684.
program, 225, 242.

railway matters, U. S. aid accepted,

264, 296, 394-395, 483, 488, 498,
519, 524, 526, 543.

recall demanded: Consuls at Vladi-
vostok, 516, 520; French Ambassa-
dor, 509-510, 511, 513-514, 522;
German Chargé, report, 577-578.
representatives in United States ap-
pointed, 363, 551.

Soviet régime--Continued.

Rumanian-Russian commissions, U.S.
aid sought, 488.

self-determination of peoples, atti-
tude, 410-411, 419-421.
submarine warfare, German, protest,
534, 541, 553.

war, state of: with Associated Gov-
ernments, discussion, 620, 641-642,
643, 648-649, 650, 651, 659-660;
with Rumania, 359.
world-wide revolution, policy, 326,
336, 359, 380, 407-408, 409, 419,
421, 486, 487-488, 505, 519, 521,
532, 544, 558, 678-679, 707-708.
Soviets, local, 132, 340-341, 434-435,
495, 593-594.

Spain, protest against Soviet terror,


Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia
(Elihu Root, chairman), 92, 110, 112,
113, 125-127, 133-135, 144, 146.
members, 109-110.

plans and purpose, 107, 108, 110-111,

presentation, 116-117, 118, 120, 122–

publicity, discussion, 121-122, 127,
128, 129, 133, 214-215.

reports and recommendations, 120-
122, 128-129, 131-146, 147–153.
transportation, discussion, 135, 138.
Spitsbergen Archipelago, provisions of
Brest Litovsk treaty, 455.
Stevens, John F., 296.

Straits. See Constantinople and the.
Submarine warfare, German, 534, 539,
541, 553, 600.

Supplies, Allied and American. See

Supreme government of the northern
region, 630, 632, 633, 635, 713.
Supreme War Council, attitude toward
Brest Litovsk treaty, 438-439.
Sweden (see also Diplomatic Missions,
neutral; Neutral powers):
Bolshevik propaganda,

funds, 722, 724; Scandinavian con-
ference to prevent, 728.

Consul General at Moscow: British,
Italian, and Japanese interests as-
sumed by, 641, 644; efforts on
behalf of Allied and American
nationals, 645, 650, 651, 653, 661,
666-667; U. S. interests in Moscow
assumed by, 641, 643, 652, 653,
658, 667.

diplomatic relations with Soviet
Russia, 730-731.

nationalization of factories, attitude,

protest against Soviet terror, 694, 705.
recognition of Soviet régime with-
held, 297-298.

Switzerland (see also Diplomatic Mis-
sions, neutral; Neutral powers):
protest against Soviet terror, 697-

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