Слике страница

Uses of Seals-How applied-Who keeps the Great Seal-History of the
Great Seal-Jefferson, Adams, etc.-Failure of committees to please-
Efforts of Secretary of Congress—Adams and the English Baronet -
Description of the Seal.

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Origin of law in various kinds of government-In the U. S. all law springs
from the People-The fundamental law - Legislative acts-Laws by
Treaty-Universal law.

Its origin-Standard authorities on International Law-How it is enforced
-General features of Law of Nations-United States and England—A
future Supreme Tribunal.

Does not support religion - Shows respect to the sentiments of all its peo.
ple-Consequent policy.

Necessity of them from the commencement - Constitutional Compromise
-Missouri Compromise of 1820-Mason and Dixon's Line-Compro-
mises of 1850-Their failure brings on the Civil War.

Defined by the Constitution-The punishment inflicted.

Sectional divisions-Their disappearance-Circuit Courts-States-District
Courts-Congressional Districts- Counties-Towns-School Districts.

Prostration of the country after the war-Congress has no effective control
of finances-Negligence of the States-Shay's rebellion in Mass.-Vig-
orous action of Gen. Lincoln-Virginia urges call of a Constitutional
Convention-Meeting and result of the Convention-Last acts and dis-
solution of Continental- Congress-Washington's first Administration—
The rise of parties, Federal and Anti-federal — Washington's second
Administration- Difficulties with England - With France - Country
prospers-Adams' Administration-Naval war with France-Jefferson's
Administrations-Louisiana purchased-Increasing trouble with Eng-
land-Madison's Administrations-War declared.



Results of the war highly favorable to the U. S.- Gains respect abroad-
Party bitterness subsides - Compromise of 1820-Great prosperity —
Florida Purchase-Monroe's two Administrations-J. Q. Adams' Admin-
istration Sections divide on the Tariff-Jackson's two Administrations
-Nullification of South Carolina-Jackson's promptness-Seminole
war-Van Buren's Administration-Financial disasters-Harrison and
Tyler-Admission of Texas-Election of Polk.

Causes of the war-
—Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma-Taking
of Monterey-Battle of Buena Vista-Gen. Scott in Mexico-His long

Real causes of the Civil War-The elections of Nov., 1860-Made the pre-
text for Secession-South Carolina Secedes-Forts and property of the
government seized in the South-Southern States successively Secede-
Southern Confederacy formed-Want of energy in the Administration-
Inauguration of Lincoln-The Union to be defended.

Firing on Ft. Sumter-It electrifies the North-Call for troops—General
mustering for war-Capture of Harper's Ferry and Gosport Navy Yard,
Fighting in the border States-Experience gained in the general skir-
mishing-Reluctance to join the great issue-Battle of Bull Run-
Washington saved, if the battle is lost-Immense preparations by sea
and land-Confederate government in Richmond.

The large armies have acquired much discipline and experience-Move-
ment of McClellan on Richmond - Movement flanking Confederate
positions on the upper Mississippi-Severe battles near Richmond-
McClellan's failure-Success in the West-The rising fortunes of Grant
at Donnelson, Henry, and Pitttsburg Landing-Advance of Lee-Pope's
failure Battles in Maryland - Lee's retreat - Bragg's advance and
retreat-Battle of Fredericksburg-General results of the Campaign.

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Struggle of Grant and Lee in Virginia — Sherman's "March to the Sea"-
“Beginning of the end.”

General discouragement in the South-Capture of Seaboard cities - Re-
inaugeration of the President - Fall of Petersburg and retreat of Lee-
Close of the War-Assassination of Lincoln.

Opposed reconstruction policy of Congress and President Johnson-Fi-
nancial condition - Patrons of Husbandry - Election and re-election of
Gen. Grant-The centennial year.

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Legal form of Will-Statement of Testator - Disposition of Property —
Appointment of Executors-Statement of Witnesses - Circumstances
of Signature Necessity of two Witnesses — Articles of Copartnership
-Statement of Agreement - Conditions Mutually agreed to-Signature
-Agreement to continue Copartnership - Agreement to dissolve Co-
partnership Power of Attorney-How signed and acknowledged -
Form of Submission to Arbitration — Form of Award of Arbitrators-
General Form of Agreement -Agreement for sale of personal property-
Agreement for sale of Real Estate - How executed and acknowledged—
Form of Lease-Form of Warranty Deed-Form of acknowledgement
of execution of Deed - Witnesses to signature - Mortgage Deed-Ne-
gotiable Note-Non negotiable Note-Note transferable by delivery—
Due bill-Receipt - What statements required in Receipt.


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