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[blocks in formation]

Alphabetical symbols, for pairs of Blake, William, 196, 197.

[blocks in formation]

Blank verse, 49, 225.

"Blank Verse," Symonds, quota-

tion from, 200, 267.

Boileau, 41, 49.

Bradley, Professor A. C., 3, 7.
Breathing, rate of, 36.
Bride of Abydos, 27, 35.
Bridge of Sighs, 45, 63.
Bright, John, 11, 267.
Browning, Elizabeth B., 53, 57, 58,
115, 142.

Browning, Robert, 23, 24, 33, 39, 40,
53, 56, 62, 65, 67, 70, 75, 76, 84, 86, 87,
105, 115, 185, 186, 202, 224, 242, 243,

Arnold, Matthew, 160, 184, 194, 196, Bryant, William Cullen, 109, 203,

Aristotle, 32.

198, 218, 265.

"Art of Poetry," 41, 49.

"Art of Verse," 248.

Assonance, 59, 61, 193.
Atalanta in Calydon, 74.

Balestier, Wolcott, 106.
Ballad, 20, 32; meter, 227.
Ballad of Beau Brocade, 104, 264.
Ballade, 160.

Ballade à double refrain, 167.
Ballade of Dreamland, 169.
Ballade of East and West, 264.
Ballade of Old Plays, 162.
Ballade of Prose and Rime, 167.
Ballade of Swimming, 164.
Ballade of the Armada, 259.
Banville, Theodore de, 157, 161, 163,
173, 248.

Barbara Frietchie, 103, 206.
Barham, Richard H., 64, 204, 205.


Bunner, H. C., 69, 84, 148, 150, 152.

Burns, Robert, 119, 123, 206.

Butler, Samuel, 205.

Byron, Lord, 13, 17, 27, 35, 50, 64, 87,
107, 108, 109, 111, 119, 129, 201, 202,
206, 222, 256, 257.

Campbell, Thomas, 210.

Canning, George, 65, 153.
Canterbury Tales, 211.
Carman, Bliss, 86.

Carpenter, Professor G. R., 198.
Catullus, 91.

Cavalier Tunes, 23.

Celtic origin of assonance, 61.
Century of Roundels, 152.

"Certain Notes of Instruction con-
cerning the Making of Verse,"
Gascoigne, quotation from, 80,

Chamber over the Gate, 95.

Chant-royal, 170.

Drayton, Michael, 38, 110.

Dreams, 126.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 112, 119, 160, 206, Dryden, John, 32, 73, 202, 208, 213,

208, 210, 223.

Child, Francis J., 263.

Child's Daughter, A, 82.

Christabel, 207.

Christmas Carol, 120.

Churchill, Charles, 205.
Classic hexameter, 189.
Coleridge, Samuel T., 2, 16, 25, 63,
84, 107, 109, 190, 207, 208, 235, 241,


Collins, Mortimer, 257.
Colliteration, 86.

Comedy of Errors, 60.

Common meter, 38.

Concord Hymn, 106, 109.

Contractions, 254.

Corson, Professor H. T., 79, 267.

Couplet, 103, 125, 178, 200.

[blocks in formation]

Enceladus, 116.

Endymion, 223.

England, My Mother, 183.

English hexameters, 187.

Courtship of Miles Standish, The, English verse, 225.

187, 188.

[blocks in formation]

English versification, only feet pos-
sible in, 15.

Envoy, 162.

Epic poems, 102.

Epistle, containing the Strange
Medical Experience of Karshish,
An, 243.

Essay on Criticism, 71, 73, 78, 217,

Etching, 179.

Evangeline, 187, 188.

Excelsior, 95, 113.

Fable for Critics, 64, 203, 210, 265.
Faery Queen, 118.

Familiar verse, 168.

Fatima, 124.

Faustus, 229.

Feet, number of, 35.

"Discourse on Epic Poetry," Dry- Feminine rime, 50.

den, quotation from, 73.

on Painting,"

nolds, quotation from, 4.

Distich, 178.

Field, Eugene, 68.

Rey- Fifine at the Fair, 39.

Divina Commedia, 141, 247.
Dobson, Austin, 17, 45, 46, 50, 75, 76,
80, 104, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 152,
154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 167, 168,
174, 248, 250, 259.

Don Juan, 64, 111.
Dorchain, Auguste, 248.
Double rime, 47, 50, 63, 75.
Drake, Joseph R., 13, 17.

"Fit of Rime against Rime, A
Jonson, quotation from, 176.
Fitzgerald, Edward, 107, 109.
Five-line stanza, 113.
Fletcher, John, 235.
Fly not yet, 120.
Foot, 33.

For Annie, 26, 35, 67, 99.
Ford, John, 235.
Foresters, The, 115.
Four Winds, 182.

French, terminal rimes in, 33; 225; | House of Fame, The, 206.

Alexandrine, 40, 225; dependence
upon rime, 177.

French verse, 248, 259.

Hovey, Richard, 36, 86.

How They Brought the Good News
from Ghent to Aix, 202.

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, Hugo, Victor, 173.


Future, The, 194.

Garden of Proserpine, 112.
Gascoigne, George, 80, 130, 244.
Gautier, Théophile, 173, 250.
Gay, John, 125.

Gilder, R. W., 98, 127, 134.

Goblet of Life, The, 116, 120.
God of Love, 170.

God Save the King, 40.
Goethe, 27.

Goldsmith, Oliver, 203, 204, 210, 221,


Gorboduc, 227, 228.

Hunt, Leigh, 7, 102, 153, 210, 219, 220,

Hymns, 32.

Iambic heptameter. 17, 22, 34, 38,
227; hexameter, 17, 38; pentame-
ter, 17, 18, 37, 39, 42, 129, 133, 200,
208, 209, 210, 211, 223, 224; tetra-
meter, 17, 159, 186, 200, 205, 206,
207; trimeter, 186.

Iambic meters, substitution in, 20.
Iambic rhythms, frequency in Eng-
lish verse, 31, 32; termination, 50.
Idyllic poems, 102.

Il Penseroso, 206.

Gosse, Edmund, 144, 163, 173, 195, 263. Iliad, Pope's translation, 220.

Gould, Baring, 17.

Gower, John, 60.

Gramont, 195.

Gray, Thomas, 17, 117.

Greek dramatists, 227.

Greek hexameter, 225.

Greek poetry, rhythm in, 32, 40, 189,
190; lack of rime in, 177.

Greene, Robert, 231.

Grongar Hill, 39.

Gummere, Professor, 25, 29, 267.

Harte, Bret, 53, 114, 118.

Haunted House, 110.

Hazlitt, William, 25.

Hebrew lyrics, lack of rime in, 177.
Hebrew rhapsodists, 196.

Henley, William E., 147, 148,159, 179.
Hero and Leander, 212.
Heroic couplet, 32, 200.
Herrick, Robert, 111, 126.
Heywood, Thomas, 235.

Hiawatha, Song of, 36, 37, 186, 264.
His Majesty's Escape, 213.
Hodgson, Shadworth H., 225.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40, 57, 70, 119, 122, 187, 188, 207,

Homer, 40.

Homeric hexameter, 191.

Hood, Tom, 1, 13, 17, 33, 45, 53, 63, 67,
110, 119, 122, 246.

Hooker, Brian, 242.

Horace, 150, 260.

[blocks in formation]

Lady of the Lake, The, 206.
Lamb, Charles, 181, 183.

Landor, W. S., 98, 126, 128, 178.
Lang, Andrew, 88, 135, 152, 159
162, 170.

Lanier, Sidney, 74, 87, 267.
Last Leaf, The, 122.

Last Oracle, 120.

Latin dramatists, 227.

Latin hexameter, 40.

McFingal, 205.

Men and Women, 185.
Merchantmen, The, 110.
161, Meredith, George, 177.
Meter, 31, 33.

Latin lyrics, absence of rime in,


Latin rhythm the result of quantity,

Lemaitre, Jules, 170.
Lewis Carroll, 65.

Life and Death of Jason, 224.
Limerick, 144.

Lincoln, Abraham, 264.
Locker-Lampson, Frederick, 67, 247.
Long syllable, 18, 28, 189.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 13,
17, 18, 36, 39, 40, 77, 78, 95, 104, 113,
116, 120, 121, 122, 139, 140, 179, 180,
183, 186, 187, 188, 190.
Lope de Vega, 154.
Lost Love, 68.

Lounsbury, Professor T. R., 172.
Love among the Ruins, 75, 76.
Love and Age, 46.

Love's Labor's Lost, 212.
Love's Nocturn, 67, 123.

Lowell, James Russell, 10, 50, 62, 64,
119, 127, 137, 140, 173, 203, 204, 206,
209, 210, 216, 237, 246, 248.
Lüders, Charles Henry, 182.
Lyric poetry, 102.

Macaulay, T. B., 34, 38, 46, 94.

Mahoney, Francis, 120.

Maidenhood, 104.

Malayan pantoum, 173.

Marching Along, 23.

229, 230, 231, 233.

Miller, Joaquin, 68.

Milton, John, 16, 32, 42, 43, 44, 78, 85,
129, 133, 139, 190, 191, 206, 230, 236,
237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 247, 249, 254,
255, 259.

Miss Blanche Says, 118.
Mitchell, Weir, 186.
Monk's Tale, 112.
Monogamous rimes, 71.
Monosyllables, 78.

Monotony, avoided by substitutions
and suppressions, 32.
Moore, Thomas, 117, 120.
Morris, William, 105, 210, 224.
"Musical Basis of Verse," 267.

Narrative poems, 102.
Nash, Thomas, 192.
Nature, Longfellow, 138.
"Nature and Elements of Poetry,
The," Stedman, quotation from, 8.
Newman, Cardinal, 185.
Nicholas Nickleby, 11.
Nine-line stanza, 119.
Norton, Caroline E. S., 227.
Nursery-rimes, 20, 39, 60.

O Captain! My Captain, 197, 255.
Octave, 131.

Ode to Duty, 253.

Odyssey, The, 135.

Old Clock on the Stairs, 95.
Omissions, 21.

Omond, T. S., 31, 266, 267.

On a Distant Prospect of Eton Col
lege, 117.

On a Fan, 45.

On Himself, 126.

Marlowe, Christopher, 209, 212, 228, "On Translating Homer," Arnold,

Marmion, 36, 37, 206.

Marseillaise, The, 40.

Marston, John, 235.

Masculine rime, 50.

Massinger, Philip, 235.
Match, A, 149.

Maud Muller, 103, 206, 264.

May Queen, 95.

Mayor, Professor, 5.
McAndrews' Hymn, 66.

quotation from, 218.

On the Late Massacres in Pied-

mont, 133.

One, Two, Three, 69.

One Word More, 185, 186, 247.
Oriana, 95.

"Oxford Lectures on Poetry,"
Bradley, quotation from, 3.

Palamon and Arcite, 215.
Pantoum, 173.

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