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If the original equalled the picture, which I fee no reafon to doubt, what an amiable man was this? His opinions, I leave: but what a spirit was here? What faith, love, gentleness, longfuffering? Could mistakes fend fuch a man as this to hell? Not fo. I am fo far from believing this, that I fcruple not to fay, "Let my foul be with the foul of William Edmundfon!"

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Thurfday 18. The wind in our face tempering the heat of the fun, we had a pleasant ride to Dublin. In the evening I began expounding the deepest part of the holy Scripture, namely, the firft epiftle of St. John; by which, above all other, even infpired writings, I advife every young preacher to form his file. Here are fublimity and fimplicity together, the ftrongeft fense and the plaineft language! How can any one that would speak as the oracles of God, ufe harder words than are found here?

Sunday 21. Between eight and nine I began preaching in the Barrack-fquare, to fuch a congregation, as I never faw in Dublin before. And every one was as quiet, as if we had been in the NewSquare at Bristol. What a change, fince Mr. Whitefield, a few years ago, attempted to preach near this place!

Monday 22. I rode to Donard, a little town in the county of Wicklow. Here I met with more noife and ftupid, fenfelefs impudence, than I have found fince I left England. But the chief man of the town, having handled one of the difturbers roughly, and another of them being knocked down, not by a Methodift; I concluded my difcourfe without any farther hindrance.

July 23. I began, as ufual, at five. About the middle of the fermon, the rain, which was exceedingly wanted, began, and drove us into our friend's houfe; where I found his daughters, five fifters, all rejoicing in God their Saviour. Hence, I rode to Baltinglafs. But I had fcarce fpoken five minutes, when the rain drove us into the houfe here alfo. I had defigned to preach at Carlow in the evening: But the difficulty

difficulty was, where to find a place?

Our house was

too fmall: and there was little profpect of preaching quietly in the ftreet. While we were confidering, one of the chief perfons in the town, fent to defire I would preach in her Court-yard. This I did, to a multitude of people, rich and poor. And there was no difturbance at all. Nor did I obferve, that any went away, tho' we had a fharp fhower, almoft as

foon as I began.

Wednesday 24. I rode, in the hotteft day I have felt this year, to Dublin. Thursday and Friday morning, I spent in a Conference with our Preachers: in the afternoons, I fpoke to the members of the Society. I left four hundred and forty, and find above. five hundred; more than ever they were, fince my firft landing in the kingdom. And they are not increafed in number only; but many of them are rejoicing in the pure love of God. And many more refufe to be comforted, till they can witness the fame confeffion.

Sunday 28. I preached in the Barrack-Square, both morning and afternoon. The morning congregation was far larger than last week: but this was doubled in the afternoon. At both times my heart was much inlarged towards them, and my voice fo ftrengthened, that I fuppofe, feveral thoufands more, might have diftinctly heard every fentence.

Monday 29. I was defired by fome friends to take a ride to the Dargle, ten or twelve miles from Dublin: one of the greateft natural curiofities, they faid, which the kingdom afforded. It far exceeded my expectation. You have a high and fteep mountain, covered with ftately wood, up the fide of which a path is cut, and feats placed at fmall diftances. A deep vale, thro' which a clear river runs, lies between this, and another high mountain, whofe fides are clothed with tall trees, row above row, from the river to the very top. Near the fummit of the firft mountain, you have an opening on the one hand, which commands the fruitful counties of Kildare, Dublin

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and Lowth, as far in a clear funshiny day, as the huge mountains of Newry: on the other hand, is a fine landscape of meadows and fields, that terminates in a fea-prospect. Adding this to the reft, it exceeds any thing which I have feen in Great Britain. And yet the eye is not fatisfied with feeing! It never can, till we fee God.

Wednesday 31.

At the earneft defire of a friend, I fuffered Mr. Hunter, to take my picture. I fat only once, from about ten o'clock, to half an hour after one. And in that time he began and ended the face; and with a most striking likenefs.

Friday, Auguft 2. One informed me, that the Captain, with whom I had agreed for my paffage, was gone without me, but had taken my horfe. I was content, believing all was for the beft. But we foon heard, he was only fallen down a few miles. So we took a boat and followed him; and about ten, we went on board the Felicity, bound for Whitehaven. In about an hour we fet fail. Soon after the wind turned, and was against us moft part of Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday I preached to our little congregation, thirteen in all, on, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gofpel." In a fhort time, the wind fprung up fair, but with intervals of calm. So that we did not reach Whitehiven Key, till Tuesday 6, between twelve and one in the morning. After fleeping two or three hours, I haftened away, and in the afternoon, came to Carlisle. Some friends waited for me here. We purpofed fetting out early in the morning: but one of our company being taken ill, we waited fome hours, fo that we did not reach Newcastle, till about one on Thurfday morning.

I fcarce ever faw the people here fo much alive to God; particularly, thofe who believed they are faved from fin. I was ready to fay, It is good for me to be here; but I must not build Tabernacles. I am to be a wanderer on earth, and defire no rest, till my spirit returns to God.


Sunday 11. I preached about feven at the Fell, to our honeft, lively Colliers: and about two in the afternoon, in the Square at Hartley, eleven miles from Newcastle. Thence I haftened back to the Garthheads, where was the largest congregation, which has been there for many years. Afterwards feveral hundreds of us met at the room, and folemnly renewed our convenant with God. About eight I was fo tired, I could hardly ftand: but after fpeaking another hour, all my wearinefs was gone, and I was as lively and ftrong as at eight in the morning.


Monday 12. I went to Sunderland. Here likewife is a people ready prepared for the Lord. Tuefday 13, I purposed to preach abroad at Durham; but the rain hindered. As many as could hear, behaved well; and many felt that God was there. Yarm, in the evening, one would have thought, the whole congregation loved or feared God: fo much thought appeared in all their faces: fo much decency in their behaviour..


Wednesday 14. I preached in the evening at Leeds, and the next morning rode to Huddersfield. Venn, having given notice on Sunday of my preaching, we had a numerous congregation. We had a warm ride from hence to Manchefter. But as my day, fo was my frength.

Friday 16. I rode over to Chefter, and preached to as many as the new houfe would well contain. We had likewife, a numerous congregation on Saturday morning as well as evening. How the grace of God concurs with his providence? A new houfe not only brings a new congregation, but likewife, what we have obferved again and again, a new bleffing from God. And no wonder, if every labour of love finds even a prefent reward.

Sunday 18. The houfe contained the morning congregation. But in the evening multitudes were conftrained to go away. So does truth win its way againft all oppofition, if it be fteadily declared with meeknefs of wifdom.

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Monday 19. I preached in Northwich at ten, and at Manchester in the evening. Our Conference began on Tuesday 20, and ended on Friday the 23. Sunday 25, having been all the week greatly ftraitened for room, I preached at feven in the New Square; the congregation was exceeding large; yet generally and deeply attentive. About one I preached at Stockport, on a Green, at the South end of the town. It was fultry hot; but few regarded it; for God fent a gracious rain upon his inheritance.

At fix in the evening I preached at Macclesfield, and fetting out carly in the morning, by long ftages came to Birmingham, where a large congregation waited for me. I began immediately to apply thofe comfortable words, "Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it." I foon forgot my wearinefs, and the heat of the place. God was there, and it was enough. On Tuefday 27, I rode on to Stroud, and the next morning to Bristol. After refting three or four days, on Monday, September 2, I fet out for Cornwall, and preached that evening at Middlefey. Tuefday 3, I rode to Tiverton, and in the evening preached near the Eaft end of the town, to a large and quiet audience. Wednesday 4, I rode on to North Taunton; a village where feveral of our Preachers had preached occafionally. About fix I went to the door of our Inn: but I had hardly ended the Pfalm, when a Clergyman came, with two or three, (by the cour tefy of England,) called gentlemen. After I had named my text, I faid, "There may be fome truths, which concern fome men only. But this concerns all mankind." The Minifter cried out, "That is falfe doctrine, that is Predeftination." Then the roar

began, to fecond which they had brought a huntfman with his hounds. But the dogs were wifer than the men: for they could not bring them to make any noife at all. One of the gentlemen fupplied their place. He affured us he was fuch, or none would have fufpected it. For his language was as bafe, foul, and porterly, as ever was heard at Billingfgate. Dog, rafcal, puppy, and the like terms, adorned almoft

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