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hundred North Carolina militia and sixty regular troops, under General Ash, having crossed the river, were defeated by General Prevost with great loss.

3. But General Lincoln, nothing daunted, marched his army toward Augusta, the head-quarters of General Prevost. His whole forces now amounted to five thousand. General Prevost, with twentyfour hundred men, left Augusta about the same time for Charleston. As Lincoln supposed this to be a feint to draw him from his design, he continued his march.

4. When the British were about half way from Augusta to Charleston they halted two or three days, which gave time for putting the latter in a state of defence. All the houses in the suburbs were burnt, cannon were placed around the city at proper intervals, and a force of three thousand three hundred men were assembled for its defence.

5. The enemy reached the city and summoned it to surrender on the 12th of May. The inhabitants contrived to spend the day in parleying, before they gave an answer, that they might gain time. When, however, they were told that if they surrendered, it must be as prisoners of war, the negotiation terminated, and they prepared for an assault.

6. To their surprise, however, no attack was made, and the British, during the following night, withdrew their forces, and, crossing Ashley Ferry, encamped near the sea. General Lincoln soon arrived, and stationed his forces near Charleston, unwilling to risk a general battle if he could help it.

7. However, he was not disposed to be idle, and learning the weak state of a British fort at Stone Ferry, he advanced against it with twelve hundred men. The Americans had the advantage in the fight, though they thought it necessary to retreat soon afterward. General Prevost, about the same time, left the vicinity of Charleston, and his main army retreated to Savannah.

2. Where did he station himself? What battle was now fought? 3. What of General Lincoln's forces? What of Prevost? 4. What preparations were made at Charleston for defence? 5. What of the inhabitants of Charleston? 6. What did the British now do? What of General Lincoln? 7. What engagement was there at Stone Ferry? General Pivost?



PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED.- -Attack of the Americans on Savannah.

1. COUNT d'ESTAING, after his fleet had refitted in Boston, sailed for the West Indies, where he remained till the next summer. He arrived on the coast of Georgia so unexpectedly to the British, that, before they were ready to meet him, he had captured one man-of-war of fifty guns, and three frigates.

2. General Lincoln had long expected him, and when it was known that he had arrived, he marched with his regular troops and a considerable body of Carolina and Georgia mila to Savannah. Before he arrived, however, d'Estaing was there, and had summoned the place to surrender.

3. General Prevost, on receiving the summons, asked for a day to consider it, which was granted. In the mean time, however, receiving a reinforcement of eight hundred men, his courage was so much increased that he determined to defend himself to the last.

4. On the morning of October 4, the American and French forces laid siege to the place, and, on the 9th, a direct assault was made, which was repulsed. The invaders rallied, and a desperate battle was kept up for some time, when the French and Americans were obliged to retire with a very heavy loss. Of the former, six hundred and thirty-seven were killed or wounded; of the latter, two hundred and forty-one.

5. Count Pulaski, the Polish nobleman, was wounded in the battle, and soon afterward died, as we have already stated. He was one of those who carried off Stanislaus, king of Poland, from his capital, and who, in consequence of this act, after the king made his escape, were proscribed as outlaws.

6. The attack on Savannah was doubtless ill-judged and premature. It was hastened on by d'Estaing. Had the siege been conducted more slowly it might have been successful. After the siege was raised, nearly all the American troops went to their homes, and d'Estaing re-embarked and sailed for Europe.

CHAP. CXIX.-1. What of Count d'Estaing after refitting his fleet? 2. What did General Lincoln do on the arrival of d'Estaing? 3. How was General Prevost encouraged? 4. Describe the siege and assault. What was the French and American loss? 5. What can you say of Count Pulaski? 6. Was the attack on Savannah well timed? What of the American and French troops?

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PERIOD OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, CONTINUED.-Events in Connecticut.-General Putnam.

1. THE northern department of the American army had chiefly wintered, 1778-1779, near the Hudson-some on the New Jersey side, and some on the other. Two brigades were as high up as West Point. Three brigades were also quartered near Danbury, in Connecticut.

2. Thus arranged with regard to New York, they could not only watch the movements of the enemy, but keep up a communication with each other, and be able to act in concert, should it be necessary. General McDougall commanded in the Highlands, and General Putnam

CHAP. CXX.-1. How was the northern American army stationed during the winter of 1778-1779? 2. What advantages were derived from this arrangement? Who com. manded in the Highlands? Who at Danbury?

at Danbury. The British forces in New York were commanded by General Clinton.

3. In the spring of 1779, a British force was sent to ravage the coasts of Virginia. They destroyed every thing in their way-villages, shipping, and stores. They also seized on large quantities of tobacco. Being asked by the Virginians what sort of a war this was, their general replied, that "all rebels must be so treated."

4. Indeed, it seemed to be a leading object with the British, this year, to distress and impoverish the Americans as much as possible, in order, as they themselves said, "to render the colonies of as little use as possible to each other in their new connections." They plundered, consumed, and destroyed as much as they could, both at the north and at the south.

5. A month or two after the foregoing ravages were committed in Virginia, General Tryon was sent out to make similar ravages on the coast of Connecticut. In expectation of an attack, the militia of Fairfield were mustered and in arms. Tryon came to the spot, ordered them to surrender, and gave them an hour to consider his proposal; but, in the mean time, laid most of the town in ashes.

The harbor was

6. At New H. ven, all possible damage was done. covered with feathers poured out from the beds. Desks, trunks, chests and closets were broken open; the women were robbed of their buckles, rings, bonnets and aprons. East Haven was afterward burned, and Norwalk shared a similar fate.

7. Near Stamford, the British, with some fifteen hundred men, came suddenly upon General Putnam, who had no other means of defence than one hundred and fifty militia and two pieces of cannon. But with these alone, this brave officer was almost a match for them for some time. At last, however, he ordered his men to retreat to a neighboring swamp.

8. For himself, being hard pressed, he rode at full gallop down a steep rock. Nearly one hundred steps had been hewn in it, like a flight of stairs, for the people to ascend in going to church. The cavalry, who were pursuing him, stopped at the brink and discharged their pistols, but dared not follow him. He escaped with a bullet-hole through his hat.

9. This year, also, in July, a fleet of thirty-seven small vessels and fifteen hundred militia, under Generals Wadsworth and Lowell, was fitted out from Boston to drive the British from the Penobscot River,

3. What was done by the British in 1779? 4. What seemed to be a leading object with them? 5. What of General Tryon ? 6. What ravages were committed at New Haven? East Haven and Norwalk? 7. What was done near Stamford? 8. Describe Putnam's escape. 9. What fleet was fitted out in Boston, and for what purpose?



This was at a

in Maine, where they had collected and built a fort. place called Bagaduce, now Castine. The expedition, however, did not succeed.



1. AN anecdote of La Fayette, which belongs to this year, de


serves to be preserved in connection with the history of the United States. He had intended to make a visit to France toward the close of the year 1778, but had been detained several months by sickness. Again he was detained a while longer at Boston, to wait for the frigate Alliance to got ready, in which he was to sail.

2. The government of Massachusetts offered to complete the number of men necessary to man the Alliance, by impressment-a measure that had been sometimes resorted to during


the war; but La Fayette was too benevolent to permit this. At last, the crew was made up by other and more merciful means.

3. The Somerset, a British sixty-four-gun ship, had been wrecked on the coast of New England, and part of her men had found their way to Boston. Some of these men offered to go in the Alliance. There were volunteers also from among the prisoners. Added to these were a few French seamen.

4. With this motley crew, English, French and American, and strangers in great part to each other and to the ship, La Fayette, in simple but unwise confidence, trusted himself, and the vessel sailed the 11th of January. They had a tempestuous passage, but nothing happened worth relating till they were within two days' sail of the English coast.

CHAP. CXXI.-1. What did La Fayette intend in 1778? 2. What did the government offer to do? Did La Fayette accept their offer? 8. How were the men collected to mar the Alliance? 4. Describe the departure of La Fayette.

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