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can only be indicated. But if organized labor, protected by the state, can bargain with L. M. S. the entrepreneur it can set its own price, if uninfluenced by an army of surplus labor. -Felix A. Theilhaber, Wilmersdorf, Die Neue Generation, May, 1919.

Der Frauenüberschusz.-Before the war, the surplus of women in Germany was 2.5 per cent; since the war, it is 8.5 per cent. The surplus of those of marriageable age amounts to from 14 to 15 per cent as compared with that of 5 per cent, which existed in pre-war times. The social and economic importance of this fact need not be emphasized. For an indefinite period, at least one-seventh of the women of marriageable age must remain unmarried. A part of these consist of war-widows. But this fraction, one-seventh, represents the minimum; for of the men of marriageable age many are unfit for marriage on account of disease or lack of vitality due to undernourishment or the effects of military service. This is balanced by the fact that women are increasingly entering occupations, another fact which either delays or hinders marriage. Furthermore, the high cost of living will tend to delay marriage. All of these conditions point to the approach of a period in which legal marriage will tend to be increasingly ignored, while the number of illegitimate children will increase. The deplorable results of all of these factors from the moral standpoint can only be hinted at. The percentage of criminals among the unmarried is known to be very high. The possibility that women may strike and refuse to become mothers should not be underestimated. The increasing number of abortions points that way. On the economic side, even if the approaching socialization of Germany will call for reduced production-which is still problematical-there can be no doubt that the present demands systematic distribution. This can best be approached by enforced reduction of the hours of labor, which will necessitate an increased number of female L. M. S. laborers.-Dr. Hans Guradze, Berlin, Die Neue Generation, June-July, 1919.

Die wirtschaflichen Wettbewerber in Südrussland.-Europe works feverishly on the reconstruction of her economic life. Her most important problem of today is Russia. Whether Soviet Russia will return to the capitalistic system is not yet certain, but her communistic experiments have resulted in the disorganization of her economic life. South Russia or Ukraine with her land and raw materials and her need of machinery and other manufactured articles offers an enormous market. Denikin's government has established a good order and business relations with other countries. The Allies have supported him. England seeks the South Russian markets. So also does America, and France, which has organized the Banque Nationale du Commerce Exteriour to finance the trade with South Russia. A commission of American commercial and financial interests headed by Rockefeller went to Rostov on Don to investigate the local situation, where, according to American consular reports, especially automobiles are in a big demand. Italy tries to get there with coal and other raw materials. Switzerland is again starting her exports. In Belgium the course of the Poland is also exporting ruble is going up because of the new investment interests. textiles to Rostov on Don and trying to establish firms for the trade with Ukraine. Also, a commercial treaty is being worked out for the export of goods from Poland to the Black Sea ports. Czecho-Slovakia with her highly developed industries seeks markets in South Russia for raw materials and her finished products. She is not afraid of English, French, American, and Japanese competition as she has the advantage with her proximity to the markets. The South Russian Ministry of Commerce sent delegates to Prague, in October, to make contracts with the Czech firms. Also Germany must start her relations with Ukraine and use the advantage of the low J. H. Russian exchange rate. There lies the greatest field for the German economic advancement.-Johann Gunther, Die Grenzboten, December, 1919.

Industrial Unrest: a Plea for National Guilds.-National guilds are not only a possible but also an adequate substitute for the existing wage-earning system. The main features of the proposed guilds are as follows: (1) It is proposed that all workers be members of guilds. (2) The guilds will take under control and superintendence all labor and its products. (3) The guilds will remunerate labor according to the service

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rendered and will hold themselves responsible for the material comfort of all workmen who belong to their membership. (4) They will give to each worker a definite place and determine the conditions under which he labors. (5) The guilds will take under their control all that pertains to commerce. They will purchase raw material, manufacture it into finished articles, and distribute them among consumers at prices which exclude profiteering. (6) Every industry will have its own guilds, but all the guilds will be closely related to each other, and also form one national guild directly under the aegis of the state. There will likewise be a guild congress, consisting of representatives from all the guilds in order to secure unity. (7) Within the guilds the only power which members will absolutely possess and use is the economic. Politics will not be their concern. The government keeps within its own province and does not even attempt the discharge of any individual functions. Herein national guilds differ from state socialism. They will, indeed, be a mediating influence between state socialism and syndicalism. Under them the state will provide for the workers' entire individual autonomy. (8) National guilds will be in cordial co-operation and will work in partnership with the state. On one side, land and industrial machinery used by the guilds will be property of the state, which will hold them as trustee; and on the other, the state will have a claim to a substitute for economic rent. Although it is not claimed that the guilds can be brought into full operation at once, yet, in the face of present social unrest, the proposed plan is worthy of consideration as embodying a positive and constructive measure.-J. W. Harper, Hibbert Journal, October, 1919. K. S.

Industrial Partnership.-Before this era of machinery the laborer's work satisfied his creative instinct. Then a single workman made a whole thing-a shoe or a sword. Such work released his creative energies and moved man to make more things. But today the laborer's work consists of shutting off this valve and turning on that one. This kind of work is drudgery; it is dehumanizing, brutalizing, and destroys individual initiative and sterilizes the artist. But the industrial system is here to stay. The problem is how to humanize it. Among many plans suggested are profit-sharing, betterment of living conditions, or industrial education. We cannot see how these things will correct existing evils, for none of them are aimed at the root of the industrial system's stultification of the individual workman's building instinct. Profit-sharing plus a voice in the control of the business, i.e., partnership has a chance of satisfying the workman's building instinct. "A share in the control of production might open up to the human machines of the factories the only labor that is happiness, the labor that knows that it will reap where it has sown and also according to its sowing, that shares in the execution and in the design and the responsibility, that pockets not a wage but a profit or a loss.”—John Manning Booker, Yale Review, January, 1920. C. N.


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