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public houses, and they are to be fent for when wanted to give evidence.


This day came on at Brentford the election of knights of the shire for the county of Middlefex. Mr. Wilkes and Serjeant Glynn, the two avowed candidates, fet off about eight in the morning in the lord-mayor's coach and fix, accompanied by his lordship and a very large train of voters in carriages and on horfeback. No other candidates appearing to oppofe them, the sheriffs declared them duly elected.

Bofton, New England, Auguft 28. On the 23d inftant the governor published the following proclamation:

"Whereas certain hand bills, have been pafted in fundry places in the town of Salem, calling upon the merchants, freeholders, and other inhabitants of the faid town, to meet at the town-houfe chamber, on Wednesday next, at nine o'clock in the morning, to confider of, and determine upon measures for oppofing the execution of divers late acts of parliament:

"And whereas, by a late act of parliament, all town meetings called without the confent of the governor (except the annual meetings in the months of March and May) are illegal :

"I do hereby strictly prohibit all perfons from attending the aforefaid or any other meeting not warranted by law, as they will be chargeable with all the ill confequences that may follow thereon, and answer the fame at their utmoft peril.

T. GAGE." Befton, Sept. 1. We are affured Mr. Danforth, late prefident of the

council, has refigned his feat at that board.

This morning a party of troops proceeded to Charles-Town, and took poffeffion of the powder in the powder houfe there, and are now conveying it round to Bofton in waggons; and then proceeded to Medford powder houfe for the fame purpofe; they alfo took the powder from Cambridge.

Williamsburg, Aug. 18. By an exprefs from the frontiers we learn that Col. M'Donald had just arrived from Wahatomakie, a Shawanefe town on the Mufkingham, which he has deftroyed, with all the plantations round it, taken three fcalps, killed feveral of the Indians, and made one prifoner, with the lofs of only two of his people, and fix wounded; and that an expedition is planned against some of their other towns, which, if fuccefsful, will probably put an end to the war. Several parties of Indians are daily feen on this fide of the Allegheny mountains, but they have done but little mifchief of late, except fcalping one family on the head of Cedar creek.

This day the feffions ended

at the Old Bailey; at this 25th. feffions nine prifoners were capitally convicted; 16 were ordered for tranfportation for 7 years; one for 14 years; 4 were branded in the hand, two of whom were for manflaughter; 9 were ordered to be privately whipt; and 35 were difcharged by proclamation.

Among thofe capitally convicted, were the notorious John Rann, (alias Sixteen String Jack) and William Collyer, for robbing the Rev. Dr. Bell, of his watch, and Is. 6d. on the highway near Gunnerfbury-lane; William Lane and


Samuel Trotman, for affaulting William Floyd on the highway in the Knightsbridge coach, and robbing him of 2s. and upwards in filver: Lane, immediately on ftopping the coach, ftruck at Mr. Floyd with a drawn knife, cut him acrofs the back of the hand through the finews, whereby he loft a great quantity of blood, and almoft the ufe thereof, and on putting his hand in his pocket to give him his money, Lane made another push with his knife at his pocket, which cut him across the finger, and thereby the knife was prevented from entering his groin; and Wm. Lewis, for uttering and publishing, as true, a forged draft upon Meli. Drummond and Co. for 481. 18s.

Mathias M'Mahon was convicted for feloniously killing and flaying Mary the wife of Tho. Cuddy, about four years ago in Eaft Smithfield, by throwing her down in a fcuffle, wherein the had intruded herself, by which the received a blow on the head, which occafioned her death. 27th.

Elizabeth Grieve, commonly called the Hon. Mrs. Grieve, was tried at Hicks's Hall for defrauding divers perfons of feveral fums of money, under pretence of procuring them places under the government, and fentenced to be tranfported for feven years. This is the woman who a year ago rendered herself fo famous at Bowftreet, having pretended to be the friend of the prime minifter, coufin to the Duke of Grafton, and to have various other connections of the firft rank.

At the final clofe of the poll, yefterday, at Covent-Garden, for reprefentatives in parliament for Weftminster, the numbers were,

for Earl Percy 4994; Lord Pelham Clinton 4744; Lord Mountmorres 2531; Lord Mahon 2342; Humphrey Cotes, Efq; 130: whereupon the two former were declared duly elected. Lord Thomas Pelham Clinton then returned thanks to the electors in a fhort speech; after which the Lords Mountmorres and Mahon spoke a confiderable time, the purport of which was, that they would ever be ready to ftand forth in the public cause, and for the public good. Mr. Cotes returned thanks to thofe electors who honoured him with their votes, uninfluenced, unfolicited, and uncontrouled.

Laft week the mint officers prefented, for the approbation of his majefty in council, four boxes of very accurate weights, as ftandards for weighing the coin of these kingdoms; two feries of which, one for gold, and the other for filver, are to be preferved in the Mint, as originals; the others, as duplicates or copies of the fame, are to be delivered to a proper officer, who will now be appointed for comparing and marking all fuch weights for common use ; and after the laft day of December next, no money weights will be deemed legal but what are ftamped by the faid officer, according to the late act of parlia

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crett, for ftealing 18 guineas, and goods to a large amount, the property of Mr. De Guingard; William Griffiths, for breaking into the houfe of Jofeph Palmer, and ftealing fome plate; Charles Nangle, for forging on a bank poft bill for the payment of 50l. an indorfement of the name of Robert Swyer, and publishing the fame as a true indorfement; Wm. Hughes, for returning from tranfportation before his term; and John Holding, for ftealing 121. and a pair of breeches, in the houfe of Timothy Marshall, at Drayton; alfo John Lockett, alias Lockington, alias Wilfon, tried in April feffions, 1772, for forgery; and Abraham Abrahams, tried in laft April feffions for forgery.

The following were refpited; Richard Clarke, Jofeph Dogget, Fabius Lewis, and Lewis Lequint, Robert Edwards, Charles Shaw, Elizabeth Wigley, and John Robertson.

By an account of the number of inhabitants in the colony of Connecticut, taken the firft of January laft, and published by order of the General Affembly, there appeared to be in the whole fix counties, 191,392 Whites, and 6464 Blacks; by which ftate of the numbers, compared with an account returned in the year 1756, there is an increafe of 64,417 Whites, and 3445 Blacks.

The Bey of Tunis has fent a prefent to his majefty, confifting of two tygers, twelve fheep, and about two hundred very curious fkins of different animals. They are come over in the Lætitia, Captain Rofe.

Cadiz, O. 11. From the coaft

of Morocco we have advice that an English fhip, escorted by a frigate, arrived at Tangier the beginning of Auguft, and had brought back Sidi Tahar Fenis, whom the emperor, fome time ago, charged with a commiffion for England. His Britannic Majefty hath, on this occafion, fent to the Moorith prince a prefent, which confifts of 19 mortars, with their carriages, 2850 bombs, 30 iron cannons with their carriages; likewife four chefts of matches, 3200 bullets, and 25 bales, containing pieces of filver plate, mathematical inftruments, fabres, fufees, china, woollen cloaths, linens, and divers other effects. Sidi Tahar Fenis hath brought, befides, two brafs cannons, 24 pounders, which were recaft in England from fome old cannon out of the emperor's arfenal.

Bourdeaux, Oa. 8. People here are in great apprehenfion of an epidemical diftemper among the horned cattle making its way into this city. The magiftrates have ordered all cattle to be kept out of the gates, till warranted found by perfons of experience; and no milk is fuffered to be brought into the town. The diforder makes great ravage all round us.

On the 21ft inftant, the marriage of his Royal Highness Prince Frederick of Denmark, with the Princefs Sophia Frederica, of Mecklenbourg, was celebrated at Copenhagen with great magnificence. The feftivals on this occafion lafted three days.-Upon this occafion the following promotions were made, viz. His Serene Highness Prince Lewis of Mecklenbourg, father to the princefs, and five others, knights of the elephant; eleven


knights of the order of Danebrog; four new privy counsellors of conference; three privy counsellors; thirteen chamberlains; one rearadmiral; a new mafter of the ceremonies; and a great many promotions of inferior rank.

The late fcarcity of corn in Sweden is, by the uncommon plenty of the late harveft, converted into the oppofite extreme; and the low price at which it is now fold, it is thought will ruin the farmers.

On the 24th of September, the fea ebbed and flowed, in the harbour of Malaga, in Spain, thrice in the space of an hour, two feet perpendicular, without any apparent caufe. The fame phænomenon happened the fame day, and about the fame hour, at Leghorn.' Patrick St. John and Wilgift. liam Weft were apprehended, and charged, at the public office in Bow-ftreet, with robbing the houfe of Lady Parfons, in Kildareplace, Dublin, of plate, money, and jewels, to the amount of 2500l. Jewels and money, to a confiderable amount, were found upon them.

Mr. Groome, of the Red-Lion, in Drury-lane, being on a visit on board a fhip in the river, had the misfortune to fall overboard, and, before the body could be recovered, he was fuppofed to be quite dead; but one of the medical affiftants to the newly established fociety for the recovery of perfons fuppofed to be drowned, being fent for, he was, after two hours labour, brought to life.-This is the tenth perfon fo restored by means of the bounty allowed by this humane fociety.

During the courfe of the month


paft the ufual circular letter was fent from the fecretary's office to the peers of Scotland, fignifying the diffolution of parliament, and recommending a lift for the election of new members. From this lift the Marquis of Lothian, and the Earls of Dunmore, Stair, and Errol, late members, are excluded. The following letter to Mr. Bollan, late agent from the council at Maffachufett's Bay, written by the Earl of Stair, on the fubject of American affairs, feems to account for the omiffion of that nobleman's name in the above lift:


"Culborn, O. 4, 1774)

I am to thank you for your letter of the 29th of September, and likewife for a pamphlet you fent me formerly. My conduct in parliament, in thefe unhappy American matters, deferves not the acknowledgments the late council of the province of Maffachusett's Bay are pleafed to honour it with; all I can pretend to is a fincere affection to both countries, (whofe interefts, if rightly understood, are, and muft ever be, the fame) with little ability, and ftill lefs power to be of fervice to either. Great and repeated provocations have drawn down corrections, too precipitate, I think, perhaps too harth: but we muft look forward, and hope, that, through the mediation of men of temper, and of difinterested principles, conciliatory measures will be fallen on. To be in any manner inftrumental to which is my warmeft wish.


MARRIED lately, Mr. Ri chard Watley, a wealthy farmer, of Uplong,

Uplong, a village in Berkshire, to Mrs. Lowrel, a widow gentlewoman of Thames-ftreet; and the next morning about two o'clock, the bridegroom was taken ill, and expired in less than an hour after.



At a court of aldermen held at Guildhall, Alderman Trecothick defired leave to refign his gown, as Alderman of Vintry ward, on account of his ill ftate of health, which the court accepted; and Nathaniel Newnham, Efq; has fince been chofen in his room.

Two inhuman villains cut off the arm of a watchman, in Barrackstreet, Dublin, which was afterwards found wrapt up in the apron of one of their wives; by which means a discovery was made, and one of the favages apprehended, Six perfons were drowned 6th. in the new paffage between Bristol and Wales, by the obftinacy of one of the paffengers, who, having loft his hat, fuddenly caught hold of the helm, to turn the boat about, by which he was overfet, and all except one man perished. 7th.

This day, feven of the nine malefactors under fentence of death in Newgate, were executed at Tyburn. John Lockington, and John Ducret, were reprieved.

Cambridge, Nov. 2. The native of Otaheite has lately vifited this univerfity, where he appeared in our military uniform, with his hair dreffed and tied behind. Some one offered him a pinch of fpuff, which he politely refused, faying, that his nofe was not hungry. The doctors and profeffors in their robes ftruck VOL. XVII.

him wonderfully. He difcovered many marks of natural religion, by his fuperftitious dread of every thing which he looked upon as facred. In his own country he is himself in the priesthood, which may be an additional reafon for his attention to these things. He has learnt the ufe of fire arms fince he came amongst us.

As Lord Berkeley was pafth. fing over Hounslow-Heath, in the dutk of the evening, in his poft-chaife, the driver was called to ftop by a young fellow genteelly dreffed and mounted; but the driver not readily obeying the fummons, the fellow difcharged his piftol at the chaife, which Lord Berkeley returned; and, in the infiant, a fervant came up, and thot the fellow dead. By means of the horfe, which he had that morning hired, he was traced, and his lodg ings in Mercer-ftreet, Long-acre, difcovered; where Sir John Fielding's men were fcarce entered, when a youth, booted and fpurred, came to enquire for the deceased by the name of Evan Jones, This youth, upon examination, proved to be an accomplice, and impeached two other young men longing to the fame gang, one of whom was clerk to a laceman in Bury-ftreet, St. James's, after whom an immediate fearch being made, he was traced along the road to Portfmouth, and, at three in the morning, was furprized in bed at Farnham, and brought back to London by Mr. Bond, and other affiftants, The other accomplice was also apprehended, and all three were carried before Sir John Fielding; when it appeared, that thefe youths, all of good families, had la ely committed a number of rob[4]


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