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as an indication that she intended "to assist Greece in aggressive designs against Turkey." 11

The grand vizier, however, was unable to make good his pledge that the German crews would gradually be sent home. On the contrary, the Germans on the Goeben and Breslau were reënforced by others who came from time to time and found places in the navy and the forts in strategic positions near Constantinople. German gold and war materials also were sent to the Turkish capital. The Ottoman Government was thus, in the opinion of the British ambassador, entirely under the control of the Teuton foreigners.12

The British foreign office was very patient with the grand vizier despite his failure to make good his promises. The British and Russian ambassadors believed that he was sincere and really desirous of maintaining neutrality, but that he was not able to take a determined stand against the Germans. The Sultan, “a majority of the ministry, and a considerable section of the Committee of Union and Progress were, in the opinion of the English ambassador, "opposed to so desperate an adventure as war with the Allies." But Enver Pasha, the minister of war, seemed to be the dominating in

11 B. C. (13), 20.

12 R. O. B. (2), 36, 37, 39, 76, 86, 87, 88; B. C. (13), 31, 39, 40, 43, 46, 47, 76; B. C. (14), pp. 2, 3, 4; Turk. Doc.

fluence in the ministry and he was for war. 'Dominated by a quasi-Napoleonic ideal, by political Pan-Islamism, and by a conviction of the superiority of the German arms, (he) was from the first a strong partisan of the German alliance.'' 13

The press was also very hostile to the English. As the country was under martial law, the press was under a censorship, and, therefore, its utterances might be taken as an expression of the sentiments of the Government. Sir Louis Mallet, British ambassador at Constantinople, complained that not only was news in favor of the Allies suppressed, but that slander and vituperation against the Entente was indulged in without censorial restraint. The newspapers, not only of the capital but also of the provinces, were "enthusiastically pro-German."' 14

The Germans were, of course, trying to do all they could to bring Turkey into the war on their side. In support of their propaganda, they used, according to the contention of Sir Louis Mallet, such arguments as the following:

German success in the European war was said to be assured. The perpetual menace to Turkey from Russia might, it was suggested, be averted by a timely

13 R. O. B. (2), 36; B. C. (14), p. 1.

14 B. C. (13), 147, enclosure 1; B. C. (14), p. 3.

The Russian ambassador at Constantinople said (September 14) that he had information to the effect that the leading papers of the Turkish capital were subsidized by Germany and Austria-Hungary. R. O. B. (2), 53.

alliance with Germany and Austria. Egypt might be recovered for the Empire. India and other Moslem countries represented as groaning under Christian rule might be kindled into a flame of infinite possibilities for the Caliphate of Constantinople. Turkey would emerge from the war the one great Power of the East, even as Germany would be the one great Power of the West. Such was the substance of German misrepresentations.15

Great Britain, on the other hand, could not hold out such glowing prospects as an inducement for neutrality. In fa, it seems that the Entente powers made little or no effort at bargaining with the Porte.16 Besides, there seems

15 B. C. (14), p. 1; R. O. B. (2), 75.

18 Only one instance of such an attempt is recorded in the British official correspondence, and in that case the initiative was taken by the Ottoman Government. On August 20 the minister of marine approached Sir Louis Mallet with certain proposals. These and the answers given to them are ported by Sir Louis Mallet as follows:


Firstly, that the Capitulations should be abolished immediately. I pointed out the difficulty of this, and he suggested that the Minister of Finance should come and discuss the question with me.

Secondly, he demanded the immediate return of the two Turkish battleships acquired by His Majesty's government at the commencement of the war. I told him that this was impossible, but that I would endeavor to obtain as good terms as possible for them, and that I hoped they would not be needed during the war, and would soon be returned to Turkey; in the meanwhile they should be regarded as a loan from Turkey to a friend.

Thirdly, he asked for renunciation of any interference with the internal affairs of Turkey. This need not be taken seriously, and is, of course, an absurd proposal.

Fourthly, he asked that if Bulgaria should intervene against the Triple Entente, Western Thrace should be given back to Turkey.

Fifthly, he wanted the restoration of the Greek islands. I told him that this was impossible, and he finally agreed to the basis arranged just before the present war broke out.

to have been a fear on the part of the Turkish people that Britain had designs against the integrity and independence of their country. To alleviate these fears, Sir Edward Grey directed Sir Louis Mallet" to address the following communication to the Porte" "as soon as the French and Russian ambassadors have received similar instructions":

If the Turkish Government will repatriate immediately the German officers and crews of the Goeben and Breslau, will give a written assurance that all facilities shall be furnished for the peaceful and uninterrupted passage of merchant vessels, and that all the obligations of neutrality shall be observed by Turkey during the present war, the three allied Powers will in return agree, with regard to the Capitulations, to withdraw their extra-territorial jurisdiction as soon as a scheme of judicial administration, which will satisfy modern conditions, is set up.

They will further give a joint guarantee in writing that they will respect the independence and integrity of Turkey, and will engage that no conditions in the terms of peace at the end of the war shall prejudice this independence and integrity."

This communication was delivered by the ambassadors of all three of the Entente powers;

His final proposal was that the Allied Powers should undertake to oblige the Triple Alliance to accept any agreements which might be reached with respect to the Capitulations.

Sir Louis Mallet did not seem to take these proposals very seriously, because, as he frankly told the minister of marine, he considered the German admiral master in Constantinople. Sir Edward Grey regarded them as excessive, but considered "it preferable not to reject them, viewing them as material for negotiation." B. C. (13), 24, 28; R. O. B. (2), 34.

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but the Turkish Government, it seems, "attached no importance to the statement.'' 17

On September 9 the Ottoman Government issued a statement to the powers declaring the Capitulations to be abolished after October 1.18 Thereupon, the ambassadors of the powers, including Austria-Hungary and Germany, "sent identic notes to the Sublime Porte stating that capitulary régime ... cannot be abolished without consent of contracting parties." Therefore, "we cannot recognize executory force after that date (October 1) of unilateral decision of the Sublime Porte." Sir Edward Grey, however, said (September 16) that he was "prepared to consider reasonable concessions about Capitulations," as long as Turkey maintained neutrality. Russia was also willing to agree to concessions as to the Capitulations provided Turkey would demobilize and send away the German military officers.1o

England's forbearance toward Turkey continued despite the fact that the German crews still remained with the two vessels alleged to have been purchased from Germany, and also

17 B. C. (13), 21, 27, 28, 64; R. O. B. (2), 35.

18 The Capitulations were agreements that had been entered into by Turkey with the various European powers granting to the nationals of the latter who reside in the Ottoman dominions "liberty of residence and of travel, inviolability of domicile, freedom of religion, and, to a certain extent, the right to be tried by courts of their own nationality.”—Inter. Year Book.

19 B. C. (13), 73, 77; R. O. B. (2), 55, 56.

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