IV. CHANGES IN LAWS, OTHER THAN THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS AND CODES, 1911 State Arsenal: 898 Sale of, in New York city, and purchase of new lands and build- 636 2021 Suffolk county: Police districts, §§ 1, 4, amended; § 7, repealed; § 8, amended; Syracuse: 1885 26 1906 Charter, § 9. 235 880 75 1906 520 Department of assessment and taxation, § 16. Municipal court, § 1, amended; § 3a, repealed; §§ 6, 7, 14, 34, amended; § 37, repealed; new § 37, added.. 38 98 1906 631 Water supply, § 2a, added. 1 449 1327 1997 356 Intercepting sewers, §§ 8a, 8b, added. 1910 676 1914 299 Court of special sessions, § 4a, repealed; new § 4a, added. 37 97 1914 300 Public works, §§ 1, 2. (See note, p. 1322).. Charter, § 4, subd. 2, §§ 5, 12, 16, 25, 53a, amended; §§ 53c, IV. CHANGES IN LAWS, OTHER THAN THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS AND CODES, Charter. All repealed. 462 1455 1914 428 Water department. All repealed (Conditionally repealed, see L. Bonds for highway improvements, § 2, amended; § 3, added. Sanitary trunk sewer, §1. 646 Sanitary trunk sewer, §§ 7, 11, 12, amended; §§ 14, 15, added; City. STATEMENT OF OPTIONAL CITY CHARTERS ADOPTED. Plan adopted. Date of adoption. Niagara Falls. 166 Nov. 3, 1914 (C) Limited council with appointive city manager May 1, 1915 It shall be the duty of the secretary of state to cause to be published separately under an appropriate heading, in the appendix of the session laws of each year, the names of the cities which have accepted any of the plans of government provided for in this act, with a statement of the plan adopted and the date of adoption, and such statement so published shall be conclusive evidence of such adoption." L. 1914, ch. 444, § 26. [178] Nassau Industrial School. Title to lands of William Smith, deceased. Proceedings, consents and franchises. Taxes on resident lands for 1912-17. Elections of commissioners in any town. Proceedings of supervisors, changing time for holding [179] |