Слике страница


STATION S, s. e. cor.B'way
and Howard street...
STATION T, 3319 Third av.
STATION U, 3d avenue
and 103d street........
STATION V, junction West
Broadway, Beach street
and St. John's Lane...
STATION W, 498-509 Co-
lumbus avenue...
STATION X, Westchester.
STATION Y, 1160-1162
Third avenue..

STATION Z, City Island..

Sub-Station No. 1, 63 Di-
Ivision street..
Sub-Station No. 2, 227

Seventh avenue....
Sub-Station No. 3, 562
Grand street.....
Sub-Station No. 4, 3 Sec-
ond avenue.....

Sub-Station No. 5, King

and Hudson streets....

[blocks in formation]

Sub-Station No. 6, Ave, New York...... Cornelius Van Cott

nue C and 6th street...

Sub-Station No. 7, 102

Sixth avenue......
Sub-Station No. 8, 91-93
Eighth avenue..
Sub-Station No. 9, River!
dale R. R. station.....
Sub-Station No. 10, cor-
ner 130th street and
Lenox avenue...
Sub-Station No. 11,
Eighth avenue and 23d


Sub-Station No. 12, 93
Sixth avenu

Sub-Station No. 13, 41st

street and Eighth ave

Manual for the use of the Legislature

of the State of New York

New York (State). Dept. of State, New York (State). Secretary's Office

Sub-Station No. 16, cor.

59th street and Madi

son avenue

[graphic][ocr errors]
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