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to the centers of the drawbars, for each of the several gauges of railroad in use in the United States, and shall fix a maximum variation from such standard height to be allowed between the drawbars of empty and loaded cars. Upon their determination being certified to the Interstate Commerce Commission, said commission shall at once give notice of the standard fixed upon to all common carriers, owners, or lessees engaged in interstate commerce in the United States by such means as the commission may deem proper. But should said association fail to determine a standard as above provided, it shall be the duty of the Interstate Commerce Commission to do so, before July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and immediately to give notice thereof as aforesaid. And after July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, no cars either loaded or unloaded, shall be used in interstate traffic which do not comply with the standard above provided for.


§ 6. Penalty for violation of the provisions of this act.That any such common carrier using any locomotive engine, running any train, or hauling or permitting to be hauled or used on its line any car in violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each and every such violation, to be recovered in a suit or suits to be brought by the United States. district attorney in the district court of the United States having jurisdiction in the locality where such violation shall have been committed, and it shall be the duty of such district attorney to bring such suits upon duly verified information being lodged with him of such violation having occurred. And it shall be duty of the Interstate Commerce Commission to lodge with the proper district attorneys information of any such violations as may come to its knowledge: Provided. That nothing in this act contained shall apply to trains composed of four-wheel cars or to locomotives used in hauling such trains.

§ 7. Power of Interstate Commerce Commerce Commission to extend time of carriers to comply with this act.— That the Interstate Commerce Commission may from time to time upon full hearing and for good cause extend the period within which any common carrier shall comply with the provisions of this act.

§ 8. Employes not deemed to assume risk of employment. That any employe of any such common carrier who may be injured by any locomotive, car or train in use contrary to the provision of this act shall not be deemed thereby to have assumed the risk thereby occasioned, although continuing in the employment of such carrier after the unlawful use of such locomotive, car or train had been brought to his knowledge.




investigation of, by Railroad Commissioners


railroad superintendents to furnish information of, to Railroad Commissioners....................... 422
Affidavits to amended certificates of incorporation.....


[blocks in formation]

throwing substance injurious to, in public places, a misdemeanor.


[blocks in formation]

affidavit that ten per cent. of capital stock has been subscribed and ten per cent. of that
amount paid in, to be recorded with articles....


when supplemental certificate may be filled......


purchasers of franchise at judicial sale may file articles of association

[ocr errors][merged small]

when corporate powers shall cease..........


defective, how amended....

companies may be formed for the purpose of constructing and operating railroads in
foreign countries.......

provisions as to consolidation of corporation owning continuous lines


357 et seq

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


402 et seq

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

rights of intersecting and connecting roads in transportation of..

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


powers as to guard-posts in prolongation of line of bridge trusses
powers as to increase or reduction of stock....
powers of, as to cessation of railroads in winter
powers of, in matter of change in gauge of road......
powers of, as to automatic freight couplers.....
powers of, as to change of motive power on street roads.
powers of, as to non-extension of a reorganized road...
powers of, as to cooking stoves in dining cars..

powers of, as to safeguards generally.......

powers of, generally as to automatic freight couplers
powers as to lighting and ventilating tunnels...

[blocks in formation]

Board of Railroad Commissioners



when may fix compensation for use of one company's tracks by another company......
misconduct of, and their employes..



[blocks in formation]

guard-post to be placed in prolongation of line of bridge trusses..
right to cross bridges substituted for bridge crossed for five years..
swing, lights upon.....




certain corporations may construct additional, across rivers forming a part of the
boundary of this State.......


[blocks in formation]

power of directors to change grade or route where track crosses canal........


power of superintendent of public works over so much of track as crosses or approaches
within ten rods of canal


parties owning canal may construct railroads on sides or in lieu thereof..


[blocks in formation]

ten per cent. of minimum amount authorized, to be subscribed at time of incorporation, 346
ten per cen.t of amount subscribed to be paid in

subscriptions, how paid.....


837, 846

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