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1 The Ratification of the Book of Com-
mon Prayer.
The Preface.
3 The Order how the Psalter is ap- pointed to be read.
4 The Order how the rest of the Holy
Scripture is appointed to be read.
5 Tables of Lessons of Holy Scripture,
to be read at Morning and Evening
Prayer throughout the Year.
6 The Calendar.
7 Tables and Rules for the Moveable
as are of Riper Years, and able to
answer for themselves.
A Catechism; that is to say, an In
struction to be learned by every Person before he be brought to be
confirmed by the Bishop.
18 The Order of Confirmation, or Lay
ing on of Hands upon those that
are baptized and come to Years of Discretion.
19 The Form of Solemnization of Ma-
and Immoveable Feasts, together 20 The Order for the Visitation of the
with the Days of Fasting and Absti- Sick.
nence throughout the Year.
The Communion of the Sick.
22 The Order for the burial of the Dead.
The Thanksgiving of Women after
Child-Birth, commonly called the
Churching of Women.
8 Tables for finding the Holy-Days.
9 The Order for Daily Morning Prayer. 23
10 The Order for Daily Evening Prayer.
11 Prayers and Thanksgivings upon se-
veral Occasions, to be used before 24
the two final Prayers of Morning 25
and Evening Service.
12 The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, 26
to be used throughout the Year.
13 The Order for the Administration of
the Lord's Supper, or Holy Com-
Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea.
A Form of Prayer for the Visitation
of Prisoners.
A Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving
to Almighty God, for the Fruits of
the Earth, and all the other Bless-
ings of his merciful Providence.
Forms of Prayer to be used in Fami-
14 The Ministration of Public Baptism
of Infants, to be used in the Church. 28
15 The Ministration of Private Baptism
of Children in Houses.
Selections of Psalms, to be used in-
stead of the Psalms for the Day, at
the Discretion of the Minister.
16 The Ministration of Baptism to such 29 The Psalter, or Psalms of David.