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Law on Expropriations, &c.

(27 AND 28 VICTORIA, CAP. 60.)

An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal, and for other purposes.


(Assented to 30th June, 1864.)

HEREAS the Corporation of the City of Montreal have Preamble. by their petition represented that in consequence of the rapid extension of the City of Montreal, it has become necessary to make out a general plan of the said City, and to lay out, fix and determine the Public Streets and Squares opened or to be opened, continued, extended or widened, within the limits of the said City, and for that purpose to vest in the said City, incorporated under the name of the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of the City of Montreal, more ample powers than those conferred upon the said City, by its Act of Incorporation, and the Acts amending the same; and whereas much difficulty is oftentimes experienced in the carrying out of the laws now in force relating to expropriations, for the purposes of public utility, and the delays and loss of time consequent upon the defective working of the said laws and whereas it is expedient to make certain changes and modifications in the municipal administration of the said City: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows:


Corporation to employ surveyors to lay out streets of the city.


The said surveyors may enter upon property.

They shall make out plans of streets, &c.

They shall place bound

ary stones at corners of

new streets.

The laying out of streets


1. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation, at any time, to cause Public Streets, Highways, Places and Squares, within the whole extent of the limits of the said City, to be laid out, fixed and determined at the City's expense, under the direction and supervision of the Road Committee and the City Surveyor, and to give a name to each of the said Public Streets, Highways, Places, and Squares: and for that purpose the said Corporation may employ a sufficient number of Surveyors or other competent persons who shall, with all due diligence, proceed to lay out, fix and determine under the direction and supervision aforesaid, and under as uniform a system as circumstances may admit, such Public Streets, Highways, Places and Squares, of such dimension, width and extent, as may appear to them most desirable for the public interest; Provided any such Highway or Street shall not be less than forty feet in width.

2. The said Surveyors or other persons employed in the exercise of the duties assigned to them, in and by the preceding section, may, and they are hereby authorized to, enter in day time upon any property or real estate within the limits of the said City; they shall, under the direction and supervision aforesaid, make out plans or maps indicating the Streets, Highways, Public Places, and Squares now existing, as well as those which they shall lay out and determine, by and in virtue of the present Act; and they shall designate upon the said plans or maps, the new lines of the Streets, or sections of Streets, Public Highways, Places and Squares, that the said Corporation may have resolved to widen, in the interest of the public; and they are hereby enjoined to place solid and durable Boundary-stones at each angle or corner of the new Streets and Public Squares, and Places by them laid out and established; which said Boundary-stones shall be shewn upon the said plans or maps.

3. It shall be lawful for the said Corporation to cause the and plan may said Streets, Public Highways, Places and Squares, to be


laid out, and the plan or map thereof to be made for each be made by Ward separately, according to the present division of the City, beginning by such Ward as may be deemed advisable; but the plans or maps of the different Wards of the said City shall be so To form but made as to correspond with each other in such a manner as completed. that, when completed, they shall make but one and the same plan, to be known as "The General Plan of the City of Montreal."

one plan when

section, when

subject to

by Superior

4. When the plan or map for any one of the Wards of the Plan for each said City shall be completed, the said Corporation, by their completed, Attorney and Counsel, shall apply, by summary petition to the confirmation Superior Court for Lower Canada, in the District of Montreal, Court. to obtain the confirmation and ratification of the said plan or map, after having given public notice of the day and hour at which such petition shall be so presented, in four newspapers, two of which, published in the French language and two in the English language, in the said City; provided that the said notice shall have at least two insertions in each of the said four newspapers, and that one month at least shall elapse between the date of the last insertion of the said notice, and that of the presentation of the said petition; the same formalities shall be observed for the plan or map of each of the other Wards of the said City, as such plan is completed.

confirmed to

binding upon

all parties


5. Every such plan or map of a Ward, when confirmed by the Plan when said Superior Court, shall be final, decisive and binding upon be final and the said Corporation and the proprietors therein interested, and upon all other persons whomsoever; and no indemnity or damage shall be claimed or granted at the time of the opening of any of the new Streets, Public Places or Squares shewn on the said plan, or at the time of the widening of any of the Streets, Public Places or Squares indicated on the said plan, for any building or improvement whatsoever that the proprietors or other persons whomsoever may have made or caused to be made, after the confirmation of the said plan, upon any land or property, reserved either for new Streets, Public Places or Squares, or for the widening of any of the said Streets, Public Places or Squares of the said City; provided that nothing con

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