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In his last sickness, he was seen by the writer of this biographical notice. His intellect was partially clouded, but not entirely lost. He was a sufferer, but patient, tranquil, serene. He had always, in his healthy days, expressed an opinion that death was an event not to be trifled with; and he I doubted whether the indifference with which some good men professed to regard it, is not the result of ignorance rather than grace. He pronounced himself never to be above fear. Yet when he was asked, on the day before his expiration, what were his views, he replied, "For reasons which appear to me to be just, I rather wish to live; yet I leave the event with God. Not my will, but his be done." He died October 15th, 1825; and was followed to the grave by the esteem of his friends, and the tears of his people.

Besides occasional sermons, the works by which he has already appeared before the public, are: The Gazetteer of the Eastern continent, the History of New England, Modern Geography, and Gazetteer of the Bible.

These discourses are now presented to the public, to pass that wider test of criticism, which results from a general perusal. In the vicinity of the author's ministrations, they have been heard with great approbation and delight. It was always an exhilaration to an audience of taste, to see the author of these discourses enter the pulpit. Expectation was highly raised, and seldom disappointed. It was remarked, in several places, where some of these longest sermons were preached, that the hour was almost anni

hilated in the interest it excited. It is true, in different spheres, an author meets with different competitors, and is therefore estimated in a different manner. How this volume will be received by the world, we cannot say; but we should feel little solicitude, if its reception should be according to its merits.

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