Cook's River. The Ships return down it.
Various Visits from the Natives. Lieute-
nant King lands, and takes Possession of
the Country. His Report. The Resolu-
tion runs aground on a Shoal. Reflections
on the Discovery of Cook's River. The
considerable Tides in it accounted for,
SECT. VII. Discoveries after leaving Cook's River.
Island of St Hermogenes. Cape Whitsun-
day. Cape Greville. Cape Barnabas. Two-
headed Point. Trinity Island. Beering's
Foggy Island. A beautiful Bird described.
Kodiak and the Schumagin Islands. A
Russian Letter brought on Board by a
Native. Conjectures about it. Rock Point.
Halibut Island. A Volcano Mountain.
Providential Escape. Arrival of the Ships
at Oonalaschka. Intercourse with the Na-
tives there. Another Russian Letter. Sam-
ganoodha Harbour described,
VIII. Progress Northward, after leaving Oona-
lashka. The Islands Oonella and Acootan.
Ooneemak. Shallowness of the Water
along the Coast. Bristol Bay. Round
Island. Calm Point. Cape Newenham.
Lieutenant Williamson lands, and his Re-
port. Bristol Bay, and its Extent. The
Ships obliged to return on account of
Shoals. Natives come off to the Ships.
Death of Mr Anderson; his Character;
and Island named after him. Point
Rodney. Sledge Island, and Remarks
on landing there. King's Island. Cape
Prince of Wales, the Western Extreme of
America. Course Westward. Anchor in
a Bay on the Coast of Asia,
IX. Behaviour of the Natives, the Tschutski, on
seeing the Ships. Interview with some of
them. Their Weapons. Persons. Orna-
ments. Clothing. Winter and Summer
Habitations. The Ships cross the Strait, to
the Coast of America. Progress North-
ward. Cape Mulgrave. Appearance of
Fields of Ice. Situation of Icy Cape. The
Sea blocked up with Ice. Sea-horses kill-
ed, and used as Provisions. These Ani-