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CHAP. III. Transactions at Otaheite, and the Society
Islands; and prosecution of the Voyage to
the Coast of North America,

SECT. I. An Eclipse of the Moon observed. The
Island Toobouai discovered. Its Situa-
tion, Extent, and Appearance. Inter-
course with its Inhabitants. Their Per-
sons, Dresses, and Canoes described. Ar-
rival at Oheitepeha Bay, at Otaheite.
Omai's Reception, and, imprudent Con
duct. Account of Spanish Ships twice
visiting the Island. Interview with the
Chief of this District. The Olla, or God,
of Bolabola. A mad Prophet. Arrival
in Matavai Bay,





of a dead Chief. Another human Sacri-

fice. Riding on Horseback. Otoo's At-

tention to supply Provisions, and prevent

Thefts. Animals given to him. Etary,

and the Deputies of a Chief, have Au-

diences. A mock Fight of two War Ca-

noes. Naval Strength of these Islands.

Manner of conducting a War,

SECT. IV. The Day of Sailing fixed. Peace made with

Eimeo. Debates about it, and Otoo's

Conduct blamed. A Solemnity at the

Morai on the Occasion, described by Mr

King. Observations upon it. Instance

of Otoo's Art. Omai's War-Canoe, and

Remarks upon his Behaviour. Otoo's Pre-

sent, and Message to the King of Great

Britain. Reflections on our Manner of

Traffic, and on the good Treatment we

met with at Otaheite. Account of the

Expedition of the Spaniards. Their Fic-

tions to depreciate the English. Wishes

expressed that no Settlement may be

made. Omai's Jealousy of another Tra-


V. Arrival at Eimeo. Two Harbours there,

and an Account of them. Visit from Ma-

heme, Chief of the Island. His Person

described. A Goat stolen, and sent back

with the Thief. Another Goat stolen, and

"secreted. Measures taken on the Oсса-

sion. Expedition cross the Island, Houses

and Canoes burnt. The Goat delivered

up, and Peace restored. Some Account

of the Island, &c.

VI. Arrival at Huaheine. Council of the Chiefs.

Omai's Offerings, and Speech to the Chiefs.

His Establishment in this Island agreed to.

A House built, and Garden planted for

him. Singularity of his Situation. Mea-

sures taken to insure his Safety. Damage

done by Cock-roaches on board the Ships.

A Thief detected and punished. Fire-

works exhibited. Animals left with Omai.

His Family. Weapons. Inscription on

his House. His Behaviour on the Ships

leaving the Island. Summary View of his


Conduct and Character. Account of the

two New Zealand Youths,

SECT. VII. Arrival at Ulietea. Astronomical Observa-

tions. A Marine deserts, and is delivered

up. Intelligence from Omai. Instructions

to Captain Clerke. Another Desertion of

a Midshipman and a Seaman. Three of

the chief Persons of the Island confined

on that Account. A Design to seize Cap-

tains Cook and Clerke discovered. The

two Deserters brought back, and the Pri-

soners released. The Ships sail. Refresh-

ments received at Ulietea. Present and

former State of that Island. Account of

its dethroned King, and of the late Regent

of Huaheine,

VIII. Arrival at Bolabola. Interview with Opoony.

Reasons for purchasing Monsieur de Bou-

gainville's Anchor. Departure from the

Society Islands. Particulars about Bola-

bola. History of the Conquest of Otaha

and Ulietea. High Reputation of the Bola-

bola Men. Animals left there and at Ulie-

tea. Plentiful Supply of Provisions, and

Manner of salting Pork on Board. Va-

rious Reflections relative to Otaheite and

the Society Islands. Astronomical and

Nautical Observations made there,

IX. Accounts of Otaheite still imperfect. The

prevailing Winds. Beauty of the Coun-

try. Cultivation. Natural Curiosities.

The Persons of the Natives. Diseases.

General Character. Love of Pleasure.

Language. Surgery and Physic. Arti-

ticles of Food. Effects of drinking Ava.

Times and Manner of Eating. Connex-

ions with the Females. Circumcision.

System of Religion. Notions about the

Soul and a future Life. Various Super-

stitions. Traditions about the Creation.

An historical Legend. Honours paid to

the King Distinction of Ranks. Pu-

nishment of Crimes. Peculiarities of the

neighbouring Islands. Names of their

Gods. Names of Islands they visit. Ex-

tent of their Navigation,

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age. Remarks on the Mildness of the Wea-

ther, as far as the Latitude 44° North.

Paucity of Sea Birds, in the Northern He-

misphere. Small Sea Animals described.

Arrival on the Coast of America. Appear-

ance of the Country. Unfavourable Winds

and boisterous Weather. Remarks on

Martin de Aguilar's River, and Juan de

Fuca's pretended Strait. An Inlet disco-

vered, where the Ship's anchor. Behavi-

our of the Natives,

CHAP. IV. Transactions amongst the Natives of North Ame-

rica; Discoveries along that Coast and the

Eastern Extremity of Asia, Northward to Icy

Cape; and return Southward to the Sandwich


SECT. I. The Ships enter the Sound, and moor in a

Harbour. Intercourse with the Natives.

Articles brought to barter. Thefts com-

mitted. The Observatories erected, and

Carpenters set to work. Jealousy of the

Inhabitants of the Sound to prevent other

Tribes having Intercourse with the Ships.

Stormy and rainy Weather. Progress

round the Sound. Behaviour of the Na-

tives at their Villages. Their Manner of

drying Fish, &c. Remarkable Visit from

Strangers, and introductory Ceremonies.

A second Visit to one of the Villages.

Leave to cut Grass, purchased. The Ships

sail. Presents given and received at parf-


II. The Name of the Sound, and Directions for

Sailing into it. Account of the adjacent

Country. Weather. Climate. Trees.

Other Vegetable Productions. Quadru-

peds, whose Skins were brought for Sale.

Sea Animals. Description of a Sea-Otter.

Birds. Water Fowl. Fish. Shell-fish, &c.

Reptiles. Insects. Stones, &c. Persons

of the Inhabitants. Their Colour. Com-

mon Dress and Ornaments. Occasional

Dresses, and monstrous Decorations of

wooden Masks. Their general Disposi-

tions. Songs. Musical Instruments. Their



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