OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ELEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, WHICH CONVENED AT THE CAPITOL, IN DES MOINES, IOWA, JANUARY 8, 1866. DES MOINES: F. W. PALMER, STATE PRINTER. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HALL OF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, DES MOINES, MONDAY, January 8, 1866. At 2 o'clock P. M., the House was called to order by Hon. Hoyt Sherman of Polk county. On motion of Mr. McNutt of Muscatine, Mr. Wm. Hale of Mills county was elected Speaker pro tem. On motion of Mr. Finkbine of Johnson county, Mr. C. S. Wilson of Marion county, was elected Chief Clerk pro tem. On motion of Mr. Williams of Des Moines, Mr. J. D. Hunter of Hardin county, was elected Assistant Clerk pro tem. Mr. Maxwell of Story county, nominated Geo. Bailey of Dallas county, door-keeper pro tem. Mr. Griffith of Warren county, nominated G. M. Swan, for door-keeper pro tem. Mr. Bailey was elected. On motion of Mr. Knox of Wapello, Col. E. G. White was elected Sergeant-at-Arms pro tem. Mr. West of Henry county, nominated James McConnell, for door-keeper pro tem. On division of the House, Mr. McConnell was declared duly elected. On motion of Mr. McNutt of Muscatine, a Committee of five on Credentials was appointed, to-wit: Mr. McNutt of Muscatine, Barnes of Mahaska, Sapp of Pottawattamie, Russell of Jones, and Close of Black Hawk. On motion of Mr. Knox of Wapello, S. W. McEldery of Jefferson was appointed Postmaster pro tem. Mr. Russell of Jones, offered the following resolution, and moved its adoption: Rosolved, That the paper-folders and messengers of this House |