OF THE CONVENTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, PPA 1867-'68. VOL. V. FROM NO. 123 TO NO. 183, INCLUSIVE. ALBANY: WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS TO THE CONVENTION. 1868. i No. 123. IN CONVENTION September 14, 1867. MINORITY REPORT OF MR. C. C. DWIGHT, FROM THE COMMITTEE ON STATE 1 SECTION 1. There shall be a Board of Managers of prisons, 2 to consist of five persons to be appointed by the Governor, by 3 and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall hold 4 office for ten years, except that the five first appointed shall, in 5 such manner as the Legislature may direct, be so classified that 6 the term of one person so appointed shall expire at the end of 7 each two years during the first ten years; and vacancies in the 8 office afterwards occurring shall be filled in like manner. 1 SEC. 2. Such Board shall have the charge and superintend 2 ence of the State prisons, and shall possess such powers and 3 perform such duties in respect to the county jails, the local or (RECAP) .674 ป.5 4 district Penitentiaries and other penal or reformatory institu5 tions, within the State, as the Legislature may by law impose 6 upon them. 1 SEC. 3. Such Board shall from time to time, elect one of 2 their number secretary thereof, who shall perform such duties as 3 the Legislature or the Board may prescribe, and shall receive such 4 salary as the Legislature shall determine. The remaining mem5 bers of the Board shall receive no compensation other than 6 reasonable traveling and other expenses, while engaged in the 7 performance of official duty. 1 SEC. 4. Such Board shall appoint the warden (or chief officer) 2 the clerk, physician and chaplain of each State prison, and 3 shall have power to remove either of such officers, for cause 4 only, after opportunity to be heard in his own defense, upon 5 written charges. All other officers of each prison shall be 6 appointed by the warden (or chief officer) thereof, and shall 7 be removable at his pleasure. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES C. DWIGHT, Of the Standing Committee on State Prisons. |