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HE wind is loud this bleak December night,


And moans, like one forlorn, at door and panc;
But here within my chamber warm and bright
All household blessings reign.

And as I sit and smoke, my eager soul

Somewhat at times from out the Past will win,
Whilst the light cloud wreathes upwards from the bowl,
That glows so red within:

And of the Protean shapes that curling rise,
Fancy, godlike, so moulds and fashions each,
That dead hands live again, and kindly eyes,
And even dear human speech.

Often in this dim world two boys I see,

Of ruddy cheek, and open careless brow;
And one am I, my fond heart whispers me,
And one, dear Tom, art thou.

With many a rosy tint the picture glows,-
Wild sport avenging school's hard tyranny,—
Bright holidays, with games and fairy shows,
And shouts of frolic glee;

Till all melts into air. Upon my ears

Sweet bells sound softly through the summer hours, And Oxford, fairest city, slow uprears

Her glittering spires and towers:

And here by Isis' banks, and Cherwell's stream,
And haunted Cumnor, and the hundred ways
Where thou and I, dear friend, were wont to dream,
My yearning spirit strays.

And now 'neath chestnut avenues we tread,
Now by gray arch, and lichen-cover'd wall;
Or on tranc'd ear, in pillar'd fanes, the dread,
Deep organ-thunderings fall.

And as the witching incense round me climbs,
I feel those wealthy summer eves once more,
When from full hearts we read our venturous rhymes,
Or favourite poet-lore,

And, pausing, saw the still night drawing on,

And o'er the turret-roofs, serene and clear

Within their order'd spaces, one by one,

The solemn stars appear.

So in this odorous cloud full oft I see

Sweet forms of tender beauty; and a tone

Steals through the echoing halls of Memory,

That these are all my own.

Yea, though, dear Tom, Death's passionless cold hand
Hath thrust her sable cloud 'tween thee and me,

And thou art lying in an alien land,

Beyond the Atlantic sea.

J. W. T.





T will be interesting in the present important political conjuncture, to take a rapid glance at the successive administrations of the present long reign, and those critical parliamentary divisions which have determined the fate of ministers and the character of our public policy. Mr. Disraeli has not waited for a parliamentary vote before resigning. It was manifest that he was to be checkmated, and he has preferred, without going through the dull processes of defeat, to toss up the chessmen and begin another fresh game. Nothing of the kind has ever happened before in the reign, and it is said that Mr. Disraeli has been sinning against the highest etiquette. But Mr. Disraeli is one of those who make etiquette rather than those for whom etiquette is made. He has followed his own bold originality in preferring abdication to expulsion, and in ignoring the last premier by advising the Queen to send at once for the right honourable member for Greenwich.

When her gracious Majesty came to the throne, a generation ago, there existed a variety of political conditions strongly akin to those that now exist, or which may be expected to arise. There had been some years before a Reform Bill passed, the result of which had been to give the Whigs a tremendous majority, a majority counted by hundreds, and almost to annihilate the Tory, or Conservative party. That majority, however, gradually grew less and less, and after the dissolution of parliament, consequent on the demise of the king, it hardly amounted to a dozen votes. This was a majority perilously small. Under the old system, when the third George was king, if the majority had not some five or six times exceeded this, any Ministry, except under very exceptional circumstances, would have resigned. When the Queen came to the throne, her Majesty unconsciously furnished VOL. XV.-NO. LXXXV.]

Lord Melbourne and his ministry with a large amount of political capital. The young Queen, hitherto brought up in strict seclusion, was now brought into sudden intimacy with many of the most brilliant and distinguished men in the country, readily giving them her fullest confidence and favour, and enlisting all her sympathies on their side against their political opponents. The Whigs surrounded the youthful sovereign with ladies of her chamber and court who were altogether devoted to their interests, and thus Her Majesty was made to appear in the unpopular light of a partisan. The Queen herself, in the 'Life of the Prince Consort,' has alluded to the perilous position in which she found herself placed. There were not wanting many persons at the time who protested against the real unkindness which placed the Queen in so unfair a position. Since that time she has fully mastered the theory of the Constitution, and is a most impartial arbitress amid the conflict of parties. The practical results of Lord Melbourne's personal policy towards the sovereign soon became apparent in the famous Bedchamber Plot. Those who fell into what Baron Bunsen speaks of as the mistake of supposing that the sovereign has no power, should see how the will of a young girl was able to thwart the almost absolute power of a statesman with a real majority of parliament and the nation at his back. The parliamentary division which produced the first ministerial crisis of the reign was on the vexed Jamaica question. This left the ministry in a minority of five. In consequence of this they resigned, and Sir Robert Peel was sent for to form an administration. It is said that almost accidentally Sir Robert Peel, on referring to the Blue Book, found how entirely the Queen was surrounded by ladies of a political character. He conceived that while this was the case he could not be


said to possess that entire confidence of her Majesty which he considered necessary for the stability of his ministry. Her Majesty declined to take the course he suggested, and which she declared to be repugnant to her feelings. A good deal of misapprehension existed on the subject of those ladies of the bedchamber. It was imagined that the Queen was called upon to part with the beloved companions of her youth, whereas those ladies had hardly been in office above a twelvemonth. Neither did Sir Robert desire to make a general revolution in the domestic department of the palace, for he only desired two alterations in that department.

This was especially the era of critical parliamentary divisions. At no other period during the reign were these divisions so close, so frequent, and so exciting. The real power lay with the Opposition. They could check, and they could almost carry any measure that they chose. The majority in the upper house was altogether with them. In the lower house they were only nominally in a minority,—a minority which any day might be converted into a majority. The sympathies of the Crown were supposed to be with ministers, but this hardly helped them in the popular estimation. Still, on the resignation of Mr. Abercrombie, the Whigs carried the appointment of Mr. Shaw Lefevre as the new Speaker, in opposition to Mr. Goulburn, who was supported by Sir Robert and his friends. The Tories afterwards abundantly acquiesced in the great merits of this appointment. The following year the subject of the Queen's marriage came before the House of Commons. The ministry proposed to settle fifty thousand a-year on the Prince. Colonel Sibthorp, famous for proposing utterly abortive motions, proposed that the grant should be reduced to thirty thousand a-year. To his huge delight Sir Robert Peel supported him. At first sight it certainly looked as if Sir Robert Peel was resenting the slight passed upon him in the previous year and making his power felt in a very practical way. But Sir Robert

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Although the majority was so great, more than a hundred, it was not considered decisive against the ministry, inasmuch as it was chiefly effected by the support of the large Radical section who sought to reduce the national expenditure as far as possible. Before long the Ministry retrieved their position by a favourable division. Sir John Yarde Buller brought forward his motion of want of confidence. On this occasion Mr. Macaulay made his first speech in the house after his return from India, and becoming a cabinet minister. The close parliamentary divisions of the period were of the most exciting nature, and had a truly dramatic interest. On this occasion the numbers were:

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election. It was known that the Melbourne Ministry were in a hopeless minority, but it did not occur to them to resign until an adverse vote was challenged and accepted from the house.

With a critical majority of ninety in favour of Peel, the era of close parliamentary divisions was closed for some years. Sir Robert was at the head of a strong Government, the strongest that had for many years been known. He had his difficulties; he had that special difficulty of Ireland, that rock a-head on which he made shipwreck at last; and the Opposition repeatedly measured its strength against him. But it cannot be said that there was a single division which in any degree imperilled his tenure of power. It was now known that his relations with the Queen and the Prince were of the most cordial description. His own party felt some dissatisfaction with him, and there was a section of them which would have preferred the leadership of Lord Lyndhurst. The Young England party, with its Coryphæus, Mr. Disraeli, looked upon him with dislike and suspicion. But the Minister maintained a position of unassailable strength. The augmentation of the Maynooth Grant shook his popularity, but here he was sure of the assistance of the bulk of the Liberals. Finally the convictions, slowly and painfully arrived at by Sir Robert, brought to an issue by the Irish famine, determined him to propose the repeal of the Corn Laws. It was, perhaps, unfortunate for his fame, that he remained in office to carry those measures which he had resisted in opposition. It was the story of the Catholic claims repeated over again. There was now an utter separation between the Conservative leaders and their rank and file. There was no doubt but Sir Robert, with the assistance of the Whigs, would triumphantly be able to carry the Repeal of the Corn Laws. Still there were memorable debates, in which Mr. Disraeli exhausted every weapon of scathing irony against the Premier, Sir Robert Peel. Perhaps he learned to regret that through ill advice he had neglected

Mr. Disraeli's claims for office, and he could little have foreseen in him a future Prime Minister. There can be no doubt but Sir Robert's course was dictated by motives of the purest patriotism. But that course was so tortuous, that he loft behind him only a chequered and ambiguous fame. It cannot be said that the papers published by his executors, Lord Stanhope and Mr. Cardwell, have effectually cleared his name. With the amplest sympathy and allowance for him, he still remains a political enigma.

From that time to this the Conservative party have never recovered that proud position of political predominance to which they had attained during the premiership of Sir Robert. A memorable division on the protection of life on the Irish Coercion Bill, in which Protectionists and Whigs coalesced, placed him in a minority of seventy-three, and ejected him from office. During the remaining years of his life, Sir Robert gave an effectual support to the Whigs. It seemed, indeed, not improbable, on one occasion, that he might yet effect a reconciliation with his former friends. This was on the debate on Lord Palmerston's foreign policy, a debate famous for three great speeches: the speech of Lord Palmerston, which was his greatest parliamentary effort; the grand speech of Mr. Cockburn, which virtually made him Chief Justice; and the speech of Sir Robert Peel, once more drawing near to his old friends, and made in the unconscious, imminent shadow of approaching death. He died; and for weary years the betrayed Conservative party, slowly electing its generals and disciplining its rank and file, continued in gallant ineffectual opposition, never able to make head directly against the Government, but with the chance of profiting by occasional combination with disaffected elements of that great Liberal party which, like the Matterhorn, is always undergoing a process of disintegration.

The critical divisions of late years have been pretty uniformly effected by a junction of the Conservatives with some portion of the Liberal host. The Whigs had so far im



proved their position, that on the
great party fight when Sir Robert
Peel made his last speech, they had
a majority of forty-six. In 1851
there was a ministerial crisis.
the beginning of the session, Mr.
Disraeli was only left in a minority
of fourteen in his motion on the re-
lief of agricultural distress. After-
wards came Mr. Locke King's
motion for equalizing the franchise
in counties and boroughs, when the
Government was defeated in a thin
House of only a hundred and fifty
members, and forthwith resigned.
Lord Derby on this occasion found
no Peelites willing to o-operate
with the Protectionists, and he ac-
knowledged that an adequate Cabi-
net could not be made from his
friends, who were almost entirely
destitute of any necessary official
experience. The progress of events
has subsequently taken away that
reproach, if such it were. The Whig
Government was then reinstated;
but, with the fatality that attends it,
they were left in a minority on an
income-tax question, by Mr. Disraeli
combining with a section of Radi-
cals. Government prevented a crisis
by acquiescing in the views of the
majority. It was well understood,
however, that it was in that pro-
gressive state of debility that no
long continuance could be expected
for it.

Next year an opportunity, for the
first time, came to the new Conserva-
tive party of obtaining political
power. Lord Palmerston had been
somewhat curtly dismissed by the
Premier, for writing important de-
spatches without the concurrence of
the Cabinet and the Queen. In re-
taliation Lord Palmerston proposed
an amendment on the Militia Bill,
and this being carried, Lord John
Russell resigned. Lord Derby was
sent for, and on this occasion he
resolved that he would not shrink
from the responsibility of forming a
Ministry. In the words put in the
mouth of the meanest criminal, but
not unworthy of the First Minister
of the Crown, "I elect to be tried by
God and my country." The new
Ministry, though unfledged in office,
got through their work with great
administrative ability; but it was

answered that they had only
brought forward the measures which
they found ready made in the Whig
pigeon-holes. In due course they
dissolved; but the General Election,
though it improved their position,
was very far from placing them in a
majority. Under these circumstances
their speedy ejection from office was
only a matter of time. They were
forced into the humiliating position
of accepting a vote of the utter re-
nunciation of the Protectionist doc-
trines. It was, however, on the
Budget that they went out. The
Peelites and the old Whigs defini-
tively coalesced against the Minis-
ters. Mr. Disraeli made his memo-
rable declaration, that England does
not love coalitions. Mr. Gladstone
denied that his opposition was fac-
tious: he opposed the Budget be-
cause he thought it was a bad
Budget, and fraught with mischie-
The rival
Vous consequences.
speeches of the two
afforded the finest possible example
of an oratorical duel. The great
combination of the two parties was
then formed, under the premiership
of the Earl of Aberdeen, whom both
Palmerston and Lord John were
willing to serve under, peculiarly
rich in administrative talent, through
its singular combination of the best
men in the two parties which had
been opposed in the earlier years of
the reign.

So we come to the year 1855.
That year proved the truth of Mr.
Disraeli's assertion, that England
does not love coalitions. The pow-
erful Government of Lord Aber-
deen, the Administration of All the
Talents, came to an abrupt close.
The evil days of the Crimean war,
when our fleets and armies were
rotting and perishing through the
neglect and mismanagement of the
home authorities, aroused a passion
of sorrow and indignation through
the country. Lord Russell, with his
usual tricky insincerity, shook still
more the falling Ministry through
Mr. Roe-
his selfish resignation.
buck's motion for a commission of
inquiry, hardly critical, since it was
well known how enormous a pre-
ponderance of numbers was on one
side, was carried by about two to

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