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erative Masons in the olden time, as indicating irregular Craftsmen who executed certain branches of mason and wright work. Such persons were, under restrictions, admitted to membership in some Masonic Incorporations, but their reception in Lodges was strictly prohibited. Besides, as is shown by the records of the Lodge of Haddington (1697) now before me, apprentices indentured to Lodges were taken bound" not to work with nor company nor fellowship of any Cowan at any manner of building nor Mason work." The earliest minute of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel,) July, 1599, records its deliverance on a breach of the statute prohibiting the employment of Cowans. Nothing can, we fear, be said with certainty as to the etymology of Cowan. Some Masonic students assign to it a Greek origin-from Ków, a dog. It is worthy of notice that Cu is also the Gælic word for dog. May the term, as one of contempt toward Craftsmen " without the word," not have been de rived from the Celtic word Cu? And may it not be in this sense that we find it employed in "Rob Roy" by the Great Novelist, who in the dispute between the Bailie and Major Galbraith in the public house in the clachan of Aberfoyle, makes the Highlander, whose broad sword had in a previous brawl the same night been opposed by the Bailie's "redhet-culter," speak thus superciliously of the Duke of Argyle ;—" She'll speak her mind and fear naebody -she doesna value a Cawmilmair as a cowan, and ye may tell MacCallum More that Allan Inverach said sae." Rob Roy was written in 1817-Sir Walter Scott was made a Freemason in 1801, and to his acquaintence with Masonic technicalities his use of Cowan as an epithet of contempt may be ascribed.-D. Murray Lyon, in London Freemason's Magazine.


BROTHER CHAPLIN,-I have just returned home from another tour among the . I started out on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, and permit me to express my thanks to the managers of this excellent route. I never found a more gentlemanly class of men than the operatives of this route, from the highest to the lowest. Should you ever pass over the road east, I hope you may chance to hit the train of which Brother O. B. Clark is conductor. My word for it you will find him a gentleman and true Mason.

My first stop was at Sturgis. Here I found the Craft prospering.

But my stay was too brief to accomplish much, or collect many facts.

I next called at Burr Oak, but found nothing to do in behalf of your magazine, for had not our worthy Brother, W. W. Stone, who has already sent you a club of thirty-two paid up subscribers, properly attended to that business? May his shadow never be less!

1 called at Bronson and Coldwater, and was very kindly received in each place, and was enabled by the coöperation of the Brothers to enlarge the list of patrons to the JOURNAL.

At Quincy, I was met by your agent, the whole-souled Brother Hawley, through whose assistance I soon added eighteen new names to the list. I greatly enjoyed my stay with these noble fraters and only regretted that I could remain with them no longer.

At Allen, I made but a short stop, and passed on to Jonesville, where I was kindly met, and passed around among a noble band of Brothers, whose courtesy I shall not soon forget. Though you had a good list of names here, I was enabled to add thirteen new subscribers. I found the Lodge doing good work, and prospering.

At Hillsdale, I found two in a prosperous condition under the judicious labors of W. Ms. L. S. Ranney and Dr. R. A. Everett. I visited one of these, and had proof of the good work of the Master who presided. Obtained only eight new subscribers, but have the promise of others.

Adrian was my next stopping place, and a beautiful city it is. Indeed most of the villages along this route are flourishing, and show every indication of thrift. In Adrian I found the Craft vigorously at work, and I was kindly received by the brethren. I was laid under great obligations by Bro. J. W. Finch. Twenty new subscribers were added, and I hope that the number will be more than double the next visit.

I called at Osseo and had a pleasant visit with our generous Bro. S. M. Huntington. I also am obliged to Bro. Lamb for kindness shown me. Here, too, I had the opportunity of visiting the, and saw a brother passed. It was well done. My appeal for subscribers was promptly met, and more promised on my next visit.

At Pittsfield I made a brief stop, got a few names, and promises of future aid.

My next stop was at Palmyra, Blissfield and Deerfield. In the last two places I met with good success. At Blissfield I found excellent quarters at the hotel kept by Brother W. H. Drew, who formerly held the honorable position of Grand Lecturer and Visitor in the State of New York for six or seven years. As Brother Drew

is accustomed to writing for the press, we hope to see communications from his pen in THE MICHIGAN FREEMASON.

I greatly enjoyed my tour along the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, and hope to see the good Brothers again and often. Long shall I remember their kindness to me, and their coöperation in behalf of THE MICHIGAN FREEMASON. Of my tour north I will speak in the next number.

Yours fraternally,

S. S. Rasco, Agent,


THE heat of summer is over, and the refreshing, cool, long evenings of autumn are again welcomed by our Craftsmen. It is the season of Masonic labor, and the Lodge Halls will now be again filled with workmen who should strive to emulate each other in the endeavor to best work and best agree. We need not urge the duty of Lodge attendance, for all the members of the Order know full well that it is their duty to be present at Lodge meetings, and bear their part in the necessary labors. But it is one thing to know duty and quite another thing to do it. We often meet with grumbling members, who are full of complaints about the work done in the Lodge to which they belong; unfit material they say is admitted, and almost every thing done wrong. When asked why this is so, and if they were present when bad material was permitted to enter, they say they are rarely present at the Lodge meetings, business will not permit, or they have grown disgusted about some matter or other, and withdrawn or absented themselves from the Lodge. Now they can hardly speak cheerfully of the institution. Yet they pretend to have lost none of their love of Masonry, and would be glad to have matters in their Lodge go differently. But they stay away from the Lodge meetings and spend their time grumbling because the work is not done to suit them! I always have a rebuke for such members. Why do they not attend the Lodge and work for its interests? Why do they permit bad material to enter the Lodge, when by being at the post of duty they could so easily prevent it? Why will they permit bad work to be done without using at least their influence to correct it? I have no patience with such Masons. bers be prompt in Lodge attendance and support the Master in his work, and each fill his place and do the work allotted to him. The Officers of Lodges especially, should be prompt in attendance, and always in their places, and never behind time, unless prevented by some unavoidable circumstance. Thus they will be examples of

Let all the mem

promptitude to the Brethren. Especially should the Master be on time. Nothing is more deplorable, not to say aggrivating, than to have the Master behind time, and the Brothers anxiously awaiting his arrival.

And now is the time to subscribe for our MICHIGAN FREEMASON. The evenings are long, and there is more time to read. The Brethren need it, and we need their patronage. It should be taken by

every Mason in the State.


We are grieved to have to apologize for the inaccuracies in this and previous numbers, occasioned by inattention of our proof-reader. We had engaged a party to attend to the reading of the first two forms of each number, we to pay him for so doing. He was commended to us as fully competent. He did read a few numbers of our journal with care, and then neglected his duty, and permitted the forms to go to press full of errors. The excellent story of Bro. Coffinberry is greatly marred by these errors, and he is justly indignant over the matter. We can only say that we feel as indignant as any one concerned, and we will try to remedy the evil in future.

Since the above was put in type, we have had a conference with the proprietor of the printing house where our work is done, and we are assured that future numbers shall appear free from the errors complained of.


We are in receipt of several new books, a notice of which will appear in our next.

Mr. C. Smith lays us under special obligations. He is agent for the sale of the McGuffey series of School Readers, and a new and improved set of copy books issued by a Cincinnati publishing house. We commend Brother Smith as a gentleman, who is thoroughly skilled in matters pertaining to education. Of the books in a future issue.

PENINSULAR LODGE of Dowagiac, is one of the most vigorous growing Lodges in the State. Though young it is nearly or quite free of debt, with a very fine, well furnished Hall, in which they have recently placed an organ at the cost of some five hundred dollars.


PAST Grand Master Metcalf has returned home from his tour north much recruited in health and able to resume his business. He greatly enjoyed his trip, and hopes to be able to give a brief account of it in this journal. We never had a more faithful worker in the Grand East than he, and it will rejoice the many friends of Br. M. to hear of his better health.

WE recently made a brief call at Charlotte, and during our stay visited the new Masonic Hall which will be ready for consecration about the middle of October, should there be no unseen detention. The suit of rooms will be most ample, and will be surpassed by few in the State. We hope to be with the brethren on the festive day of dedication.

As we go to press with our present issue the General Grand Chapter and the Grand Encampment of the United States are about assembling in triennal convocation in Baltimore. There is no doubt that this will be one of the largest Masonic assemblages that ever convened in this country. The Sir Knights of Michigan go via the Michigan Central and Great Western of Canada, and are to be transported from Detroit to Baltimore and return, including board, for $25. We hope to receive a full account of the doings at Baltimore for our October issue.

BRO. C. W. MOORE says in the September issue of his excellent journal, "The Grand Lodge of Canada (Ontaria,) very unwisely refused at its recent communication, to recognize its sister Grand Lodge of Quebec, and has thereby continued an unavailing quarrel between the two bodies, which can only result in the injury of both, and the mortification of their brethren everywhere." To all which we fully subscribe. It is high time this unnatural quarrel was ended.

THE "kidnapped girl recovered through the efforts of the Masnoic Fraternity" at Lansing, proves to be a myth of the Munchhausen family. The Detroit Free Press is entitled to great credit for its enterprise in collecting news of all kinds, including Masonic, but this time it seems to have been victimized.

THANKS to Brother Gouley of the St. Louis Freemason for a photo of his genial countenance. We will comply with his wishes. when we shall find an artist who dares to operate on our homely face! Brother Bingham, of this city, gives us some encouragement that he will try his skill when the weather is favorable.

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