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But go: and mine, be mine the pain;
Thy smile shall calm the boisterous main:
And when thou'rt far removed from me,
I still will think alone of thee.


When the bright dreams of youth no more
Shall fairy prospects round me throw,
And poesy with happy tints

No longer bids the landscape glow-
When time has silvered o'er my head
And frozen youthful fancy's vein,
O may a kindly current yet
'Within my heart unchilled remain!
The feelings which I cherish there,

Have long my dearest treasure been;
But fate, relentless, bids me keep

That treasure locked, that heart unseen. Bound by the spell, it vainly beats

For one, who may not, must not know How faithful, warm, and true a pulse Will throb for her in weal and woe!



THE interests of Cambridge College are, or should be, in a good measure identified with those of literature and all intellectual education. We cannot, therefore, doubt that the public will always be eager to learn all the circumstances which directly affect these important interests; nor can we any more doubt that they whose duty it is both to conduct and protect this venerable institution, will be ever disposed to avoid even the appearance of that reserve which tends to produce jealousy and feelings of unkindness, and frankly to acquaint the public, for whose use it exists, with its actual condition, its wants, its dangers, and prospects. With no further apology, and perhaps none was needed, we proceed to state, as matter of interesting intelligence, those circumstances respecting the University which have lately occurred.

through all ages, institutions and forms suit- ed to a gentleman, whose intellectual ed only to the days of darkness in which strength and practised skill, both in conthey were invented. Nothing of this sort, troversy and in writing, are distinctly indiand nothing approaching it, should be suf-cated in this little pamphlet. He assails fered here. If possible, let our Alma Ma- the Report on the ground of its inconsist ter be preserved in perpetual youth. Let ency; he says that the Committee aim at her advance with the progress of literature advantages essentially incongruous; that and of thought, aiming only to become what they would have a University, and yet apthe spirit of the age demands; content to ply to it a mode of discipline and processes perform the uses required of her, actively of instruction, fitted only to a College, or and efficiently; and distinctly recollecting, rather to a large School. But the stress of that her sole business is to teach valuable his argument lies against the exaltation of truth, to provide for her children a course the Presidential office. This change, he of study and of discipline, which will give thinks would necessarily tend to lessen such culture to the intellectual powers, and the dignity, the honourable zeal, and the lay up for future use such stores of knowl- sense of responsibility of the subordinate edge, as shall send them forth into the officers. The President, says this writer, world, prepared and disposed to be useful. should be “primus inter pares," and an atThen we may indeed say to her, not only tempt to make him more than the first with filial affection, but in the spirit of among his fellows, would probably cause prophecy, "Esto perpetua." the most important and essential duties of At a meeting of the Overseers, July 24, the officers of the College to be weakly 1823, a Committee, of which the Hon. and imperfectly discharged; because all Judge Story was Chairman, was appointed those motives which could move them to to inquire into the state of the University," high endeavours," would be taken away. and to report thereon. A report was read It is obvious that the changes which this on the 4th of May last, and taken into con- gentleman would recommend are precisely sideration at an adjourned meeting of the opposite to the principal measures suggestboard, in the State House in Boston, on the ed by the Committee. But our business is 1st of June. After much discussion, it was not to make an argument, to show whose determined to let the whole matter lie for plan we think best; we would only inform another year. This report may be consid- our readers what plans are in agitation. ered expressive of the opinions of many We have seen a third pamphlet,-not digentlemen of our community, whose opin-rectly connected with these two,-which is ions must have all the weight which can be in fact a Memorial to the Corporation of derived from their eminent intelligence and the College, claiming for the members of high standing in society; we would there- the Immediate Government, an admission fore state briefly, what, we suppose, gentle- into that body. This claim is made on the men whose views this report exhibits, de- ground of legal right, and is supported by sire. They would have the gradation of many arguments drawn from expediency. ranks, and the subordination of each to that As to the legal argument we can only say, above it, made more distinct, on the ground it appears to us in the highest degree comthat the officers of the government would plete and satisfactory. We are able to act with more efficiency, when they found find in it no flaw;-but understand that themselves under a more immediate and some gentlemen, whose opinions upon all inevitable responsibility. The President law matters we should respect infinitely should be wholly exempted from ministe- more than our own, say that the Memorial rial duties-have an absolute veto upon all exhibits but one side; if this be so, the the boards and departments of the Univer- other side will doubtless appear in due seasity, and a visitatorial authority and duty son. The question of expediency, as it rewith respect to the internal government of spects the claim advanced in this Memothe College; and he is to be directly re- rial, seems to us very similar to the princisponsible to the Corporation. Each Col- pal question in agitation between gentleReasoning from the nature of the case, lege is to have its own executive board, to men who approve the plans proposed by the one would readily conclude that this might be formed from the Professors and Tutors, committee of the Overseers, and those who be so. Universities, with all their institu- and to exercise all ministerial duties with oppose them. The effective control of the tions, fashions, and processes, are exceed-respect to the residents within that College. University is now in the hands of certain ingly apt to repose too quietly, while all The classes are to be so subdivided, that gentlemen who are selected to become things about them are in motion; they are each scholar may be very thoroughly ex- fellows of the College, but who, except naturally in stereotype. Hence, some have amined; all the Collegians are to be visited from the office to which they are thus choseven thought that they were but as a strong in their rooms, at nine o'clock, and all are en, have no connexion whatever with the anchor, which could hold the "ship of to wear some very peculiar College garb to College. The question,-shall it remain knowledge" fast to her moorings, while it be made by the College tailor; and other there or be restored to the members of the was no part of their business or use, to act plans are suggested for the purpose of im- Immediate Government,-must soon be deas sails and waft her onwards. This simili- proving the discipline of the University, and cided by the competent authorities. Certude may have some truth in foreign coun- lessening the expenses of a College educa- tain it is, that, as things now are, all the tries, but it should be utterly falsified in tion. We should have premised, that this advantages are secured to the University, our own. Past ages may have left many Report was printed but not published; it which can be derived from giving to the prejudices and absurdities in Oxford and in was, however, as we believe, extensively most distinguished and influential gentlethe elder Cambridge, as in a sanctuary; circulated; and was answered by "Re- men in the vicinity of Boston, a strong, time may have stood still for them, or pass-marks" purporting to be from "one lately direct, and permanent interest in the welled by with little injury and less good; and a member of the Immediate Government of being of the University. But it is no less there it may be considered wise to retain, the College.". They are commonly ascrib-certain that the officers of the institution

It seems, that while there is the most general and universal acknowledgment, that the members of the Corporation, and the officers of the government fully merit the high respect and confidence which they enjoy, there exists also a pretty general belief that changes in the institutions of the College have become necessary.

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Another thirty years, however, by means
of Sunday Schools, Bible Societies, and
other innovations, will make sad havoc
among these remnants of the olden phra-
seology. Our antiquarians must make the
most of their time."


are made the mere officials of a separate sive, obstinate. There is a letter also giv- | manifested a degree of perseverance and and supreme body. Whether this be, on en, written in the true Suffolk lingo, in fortitude which cannot be paralleled exthe whole, wise, or likely to give the which may also be detected many Ameri- cept perhaps in Parry's voyage. In fact, University a choice of officers among the can phrases and corrupt modes of pronun- the hardships encountered by the Russian first in intellect and literature in the coun- ciation. "What will the Yankees say,' expedition were probably greater than try, or to secure the most zealous and effi- says the reviewer, "if this volume should those to which the British adventurers were cient exertion of what abilities they may find its way to America, at learning that exposed. The latter could always retreat possess in promoting the best interests of such English is still spoken in the mother to their well-built and warm ships, whilst the the College,-many seem to doubt. So country? We ought not to be very se- former, in their excursions on the icy sea, much must be trusted to these officers, vere on the subject of Americanisms. which sometimes lasted for several weeks and the reposing confidence in men is so together, had, during the whole time, no apt to make them trust-worthy, we should shelter whatever, and were able to take hardly think it worth while to fear that with them, for their sustenance, only so these gentlemen would rob the College much dried fish as could be stowed away treasury, and give themselves undue salain narrow sledges, drawn by dogs, the chief ries; and the time has almost past for suppart of which was occupied by food for posing that scholars do or should or will these dogs; and they were in the same or live in such monkish seclusion as to know a worse situation with regard to fuel, of nothing of the world beyond their cells, and to be unfit to govern themselves. The transported on these sledges. In one of which they had none but what could be system of checks and balances may be carhis excursions the Baron went two hundred ried out, to the extinction of far better and thirty-five miles from the coast upon motives than it can supply;-and it must the ice of the Polar Sea, to the latitude of be a difficult task to provide for the College 72° 3', where he arrived at the open sea, a supreme power, out of the College, and and afterwards travelled many days to the other than that body of Overseers who rewestward, along the ice. All his provisions present the public, against which some being exhausted, he returned, after spendweighty objections shall not lie. ing forty-six days upon the surface of this ocean, without any shelter, the thermometer never arising above -15°, and frequently sinking to -24° R. (— 5) and 28° F.) In another excursion the Baron attempt


A Royal Society of Literature has been


press at Naples, a folio volume, with 107
There has lately issued from the royal
plates, under the title of Decorations of the
Walls and Pavements of the Chambers in
the ancient Pompeii. Here are represent-
ations of the Arabesques, Mosaics, and
other ornaments found in the houses of that
city. Among other groups and composi-
tions, interesting to the artist and antiqua-
rian, are six designs of the arenas of the
amphitheatre, preserving their memory, as
the originals have been destroyed. The
royal press has also made much use of the

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instituted in Great Britain within the last unpublished monuments of Winckelman, ed to examine the sea to the east of Cape

year. Its organization isʼsimilar to that of the Royal Philosophical Society. The Bishop of St David's is its President, and among its other office-bearers are many individuals distinguished for birth and rank, and some for their literary eminence. There is a provision for the election, by the Council, of ten Royal Associates, who receive from the king an annual allowance of a hundred guineas, Among those who have received this distinction are Mr Coleridge the poet, Mr Malthus, and Sir W. Ousely. At the late annual meeting of the Society, Mr Mitford, the venerable historian of Greece, was presented by the President with one of the beautiful gold medals which the king had enabled the Society to present annually.


and printed a new edition of them.


There has been found within a short time at Gordon in Berwickshire, (G. B.) a small horn, containing fourteen silver coins of about the diameter of the modern shilling, but not quite so thick. On one side is the head of the prince, with the legend Henriu di Gra. Rex. Ang. & Franc. On the obverse is the cross, with a border inscribed Posui deum, Adjutorem Meum; and on an inner circle Villa Calisie. These are taken to be a coinage of Henry V. (from the u in the name Henriu) and stamped by that great and victorious king at Calais.



An expedition was sent out by the RusA book with this title has been publish- sian government in March, 1820, under the ed in England, containing two thousand direction of Baron Wrangel, towards the five hundred leading words (as they are north pole, for the following purposes. To called) peculiar to the county of Suffolk. determine, by astronomical observations on It was compiled by Mr Moor, author of the coasts of the Frozen ocean, the extent a treatise on Hindu Infanticide, to whom of Eastern Siberia, and the true geographthe plan was first suggested, on return-ical position of Cape Schalagskoj, the northing to his native county, after twenty ern point of Asia; to decide the still disyears' absence, by hearing these long for-puted question, whether Behring's Strait gotten provincialisms, "which produced, be a real channel between Asia and Amerias they fell upon his ear, a sensation simi- ca, or only a deep bay, as Burney asserts; lar to the welcome sight of an old friend." and lastly, to examine more accurately Among the few of these Suffolk words, which are noticed in a review of this work in the Eclectic Review, we recognise several which are in common use in America. Such as Jingo, used as a familiar oath-Gumshun, or Gumption, signifying cleverness or talent-Gumshus, or Rumgumshus (rather, perhaps, Gumptious), quarrelsome, offen


He was informed by the natives that they could see land, in clear weather, to the N. E. and estimated its distance at eighty versts (fifty-four miles.) The Baron immediately set out himself, and sent one of the officers of his expedition in another direction with the same view. But he had hardly got thirty-three miles from the coast, when a violent storm, which continued several days, broke up the ice, and not only rendered it impossible for but even made his return to land very him to proceed further towards the north, and after passing several days on a piece of problematical. It was with great difficulty floating ice, among the masses piled up around him, in the utmost danger, and exposed to total want of provisions, that he at length succeeded in reaching the land, where the other party had also arrived after incurring a similar risk. By the breaking up of the ice the possibility of reaching the land pointed out by the Tschukutskoi was destroyed, not only for that year, but probably for several years to come.


Among the ingenious novelties of the present day, is a machine invented by Mr Garden, a chemist in London, for the purpose of producing instantaneous light. This than has hitherto been done, the islands invention is founded upon a very remarkathat may exist to the north of the Jana, the ble property of platinum, discovered very Kolyma, and the country of the Tschukuts- lately by Professor Dæbereiner. When a koi. The return of the party was expect-jet of hydrogen is thrown upon a preparaed in the month of April, 1824, after hav- tion of this metal called platinum sponge, ing passed four years in the most desolate and the metal immediately becomes red hot, and inhospitable tracts of North-eastern Sibe- the hydrogen inflames. The whole conria, and on the ice of the Polar Ocean, and trivance consists in retaining a quantity of


hydrogen gas over water, which is perpetually produced by a mixture of sulphuric acid and zinc with water, and suffering it to pass in a stream upon some platinum contained in a little scoop. Inflammation immediately takes place, and a candle or lamp may be easily lighted. It forms an elegant little ornament, of small expense, and easily kept in order. Once charged, it will last many weeks or months.



By O. D. Cook-Hartford. Sketches of Connecticut forty years

Conversations on Chemistry. New edi

which have hitherto been obtained only by a great expenditure of fuel. There can be little doubt that these since. 1 vol. 12mo. general facts of the condensation of the gases will have many practical applications. tion. They offer easy methods of impregnating liquids with carbonic acid and other gases, By E. Bliss & E. White-New York. without the necessity of common mechanA new Novel, entitled "Redwood, a ical pressure. They afford means of pro- Tale." With a Sketch of the Manners and Characducing great diminutions of temperature, ter of the disciples of Anne Lee-The Shakers. by the rapidity with which large quanti-2 vols. 12mo. ties of liquids may be rendered aeriform; The present state of England in regard and as compression occasions similar effects to Agriculture, Trade, and Finance; with a ComA fossil skeleton of the Siberian elephant tic substance, there is great reason to beto cold in preventing the formation of elas-parison of the Prospects of England and France. By Joseph Low, Esq. (an extinct species, to which the term mam-lieve that it may be successfully employed moth was originally applied) has been dis- for the preservation of animal and vegecovered at Ilsford, in the county of Essex, table substances for the purpose of food." near London. It was found at a depth of By Collins & Co.-New York. sixteen feet below the surface, imbedded in All publishers of books throughout the Journal of a Second Voyage for the Disa layer of clay, such as is used for the making of bricks. The bones when taken out United States, are very earnestly requested covery of a North West Passage from the Atlantic of the clay were very soft, moist, and easily to forward to us, regularly and seasonably, to the Pacific Ocean; performed in the years 1821, '22, and 23, in his Majesty's Ships Fury and Hecbroken, but when exposed to the air for the names of all works of every kind, pre-la, under the orders of Captain William Edward some time and dried, became tolerably hard paring for publication, in the press, or re- Parry, R. N., F. R. S., and Commander of the Exand firm. Professor Buckland, the distin-cently published. As they will be inserted pedition. in the Gazette, it is particularly desired guished geologist, was present and superintended the disinterring of part of the bones. that the exact titles be stated at length. The skeleton appears to have been originally entire in the place where it was found; but in consequence of their fragile state few of the bones have been taken out whole,

and are in so crumbled a state as to render it impossible to connect them together in their natural form.


**The proprietors of Newspapers, for which this Gazette is exchanged, and of which the price is less than that of the Gazette, are expected to pay the difference.

C. H. & Co.



By Cummings, Hilliard, & Co.-Boston. The New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery, published in this city, Florula Bostoniensis, a Collection of has been in existence for nearly thirteen Plants of Boston and its Vicinity, with their geneyears, and is, with, it is believed, only ric and specific characters, principal synonyms, one exception, the oldest Medical Journal descriptions, places of growth, times of flowering, and occasional remarks. By Jacob Bigelow, M. in the United States. It was originally D. Second edition, greatly enlarged. To which projected by an Association of Physicians is added, a Glossary of Botanical Terms employed of the highest talents and respectability, in the work. and has continued principally under their direction till the present time. The last number of this Journal contains a notice,

Arithmetic; being a Sequel to First Lessons in Arithmetic. By Warren Colburn. Second


Correspondence relative to the Prospects
Reception in India.

By Crocker and Brewster-Boston.

thor of "Hermit in London," "Hermit Abroad," &c. The Highlanders; a Tale. By the au"Songs by the Way, chiefly Devout.”


[blocks in formation]

Blair's Lectures.
Matthews' World.
"Valerius," " Adam Blair," &c.
Goslington Shadow.

A Romance of the
19th Century. By Mungo Caultershoggle Esq.
Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman
Empire. 6 vols. 8vo.

By Wilder & Campbell-New York. Hume and Smollett's History of England. Abridged and continued to the Accession of George 1 vol. 12mo. With IV. by John Robinson, D. D. 160 Engravings.

By Valentine Seaman-New York.
A new edition of Locke's Essay on the
Human Understanding, to which is added, I. An
Analysis of Mr Locke's doctrine of Ideas, on a
large sheet. II. A Defence of Mr Locke's Opinion
concerning Personal Identity, with an Appendix.

ing. IV. Some Thoughts concerning Reading and
Study, for a Gentleman. V. Elements of Natural
Philosophy. VI. A New Method of a Common
Place Book. Extracted from the Author's Works.

that it will in future be conducted by Dr of Christianity, and the means of Promoting its III. A Treatise on the Conduct of the UnderstandChanning and Dr Ware, both of whom have been previously partly concerned in its management, and that the other gentlemen composing the association have ceased to take any part in the conduct of it, or to be responsible for the manner in which it is conducted.

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By Abraham Paul-New York.

The Greek Revolution. An Address de-In 2 vols. 8vo.
livered in Park-street Church, Boston, on Thursday
April 1, and repeated at the request of the Greek
Committee in the Old South Church, on the eve-
ning of April 14, 1824. By Sereno Edwards
Dwight, Pastor of Park-street Church.

By Cushing & Appleton-Salem.
A Review of the Correspondence be-
tween Hon. John Adams, late President of the
United States, and the late W. Cunningham, Esq.,
beginning in 1803, and ending in 1812. By Timo-
thy Pickering. Second Edition.

By P. B. Goodsell—Hartford.
Catalogue of Minerals found in the State
of Vermont, and in the adjacent States, together
with their localities; including a number of the
most interesting Minerals which have been discov.
ered in other parts of the United States, arranged
alphabetically. By Frederick Hall, Professor in
Middlebury College.

A Journal of a Tour in Italy, in the year
1821. With a Description of Gibraltar.
panied with several Engravings. By an American.

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Matthews' Trip to America.

By A. Sherman-Philadelphia.
No. I. of the Medical Review, and Ana-
lytic Journal, for June, 1824. Conducted by John
Eberle, M. D., Member of the American Philosoph-
ical Society, &c. &c., and George Mc Clellan, M.
D., Lecturer on Anatomy, Physiology, and Surgery.

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[blocks in formation]

By Carey & Lea-Philadelphia. Conversations on Chemistry, new edition. With Notes, by Professor Keating.

Anatomical Investigations. By Dr God'man. 8vo. Plates.

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est." 2 vols. 12mo.

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oretical and Practical.
LL. D. Fourth American edition, with improve-
By William Enfield,


American Law, with Occasional Notes and Com-
A General Abridgment and Digest of
ments. By Nathan Dane, LL. D. In Eight vol-
Vol. VII.



to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire at the death of Sardanapalus, and to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the tation on the Creation and Fall of Man. By Samreigns of Ahaz and Pekah. Including the Disseruel Shuckford, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary, to His Majesty, George the Second.

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A Greek Grammar, designed for the use

of Schools.

An Introduction to the Differential and
Integral Calculus, or the Doctrine of Fluxions; de-

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A Greek and English Lexicon.

A Summary of the Law and Practice of
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Law in Harvard University.

The Four Gospels of the New Testament
in Greek, from the Text of Griesbach, with a Lexi-
con in English of all the words contained in them;
designed for the use of Schools.

Seventeen Discourses on Several Texts
of Scripture; addressed to Christian Assemblies in
Villages near Cambridge. To which are added,
Six Morning Exercises. By Robert Robinson.

First American Edition.

An Introduction to Algebra. By War-
ren Colburn.

No. I. Vol. 2, of the Boston Journal of
Philosophy and the Arts.

Poetical Works of William Wordsworth.
In 4 vol. 12mo. [Subscriptions received at No 1,
Cornhill, Boston, and at the Bookstore, Cambridge.]

By Richardson & Lord-Boston.
Letters from the South and West. By
Arthur Singleton, Esq.

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The Political Writings of Thomas Paine,
Secretary of the Committee of Foreign Affairs in
the Revolutionary War. To which is prefixed a
Sketch of the Author's Life. 2 vols. 8vo.

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Sermons on the Principal Events and
Truths of Redemption. By John Henry Hobart,

D. D.

Sermons. By the late Rt Rev. Benjamin
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Professor Anthon, of Columbia College.
Alvary's Latin Prosody. Enlarged, by

A new edition of Neilson's Greek Exer-
cises, considerably enlarged and improved. By
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The Coquette; or the History of Eliza
Wharton. A Novel, founded on fact. By a Lady
of Massachusetts. New edition.

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Memoirs of the History of France dur-
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Generals Gourgond and Montholon.

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E. Littel, Philadelphia, proposes to publish by subscription, An Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. By Thomas Hartwell Horne, M. A. Price $12,00.

Proposals have been issued at Princeton N. J. for tuc publication of a weekly Religious, Literary, and Miscellaneous Journal. It is said that several of the Professors of the College are engaged in its support.


HAVE for sale the following new publi-rience, qualified to have produced the adventures of drawn from the best sources, and skillfully recas:,


assert with some confidence, that there are not ten been more judiciously prosecuted; a great variety men in the country who are, from their local expe- of the most necessary and pleasant instruction is brought within a narrow compass, under a neat, appropriate form.”

Hajji Baba. We may add, too, that such is our opinion of the talent displayed in them, that on A new edition of Conversations on Chem- that account alone we should not be inclined to inistry; and also on Natural Philosophy. crease that number very considerably, were we reBoth these works have just been repub-quired to say how many were capable of writing lished, having undergone supervision and them at all with the same easy humour, the same felicitous strokes of satire, with the same vigorous correction, the first by J. L. Comstock, M. delineations of character." D., and the latter by the Rev. J. L. Blake, A. M. These gentlemen have added to these valuable and popular School Books, "Appropriate Questions for Examination and Exercise."

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The Adventures of Hajji Baba. In 2 vols. 12mo. Said to be written by the author

of "Anastasius."

Extract from the Westminster Review. "This is a Persian Gil Blas, certainly not quite so full of genius as the amusing work of Le Sage, nor yet falling below it to an unmeasurable distance; something is wanting in the writer, as much or more in the nation to whom his hero belongs. Persia is the best scene for a light-hearted adventurer, after Spain; but it is in vain to look elsewhere

for the same rich materials of romance as are to be found in the manners, pursuits, occupations, and government of the latter most remarkable country. Like Gil Blas, Hajji Baba is tossed about from rank to rank with all that suddenness of elevation and depression which can only happen in a despotic government, where the fortunes of all men depend upon the will of one, and where, for the quick dispatch of business or pleasure, the tedious forms of law and justice are dispensed with. These rapid changes present every advantage to the novelist; and from his intimate acquaintance with the manners of Persia, the author of this book has been able to avail himself of them to a very great extent. Indeed, such is this writer's familiar, almost native knowledge of the people he describes, that we may


Hobomok; a Tale of Early Times. By
American. 1 vol. 12mo. price 75 cents.
Then all this youthful paradise around,

And all the broad and boundless mainland, lay
Cooled by the interminable wood, that frowned
O'er mount and vale.


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