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They talk of short-lived pleasure—be it so—
Expires, and lets her weary prisoner go.
Pain dies as quickly: stern hard-featured pain

The fiercest agonies have shortest reign;
And, after dreams of horror, comes again

the composition of the affair. Reins, as I beneath it, described in "Rob Roy," are | him. The tunes are, of course, in slow hinted to you above, were not required. An not now used for divine service, but only time, as Windsor, Old Hundred, &c. The old fellow, with a broad blue bonnet, and a for a burial place. The feats of Rob are clergyman's hair was combed straight over rope leading to the horse's nose, officiated, fresh in the memory of the older inhabit- his forehead, and he had altogether a very however, for form's sake, as coachman. At ants of Glasgow. The Scotch cottages in starched appearance. The service was one part of the road, from the iron being the neighbourhood of this city are filthy pretty long; first a psalm [saum] from the out of order, or some other cause, we per- hovels, of which you have seen a better de- Scotch version, then an extempore prayer; ceived, by the inclination of the establish- scription than I can give you in the "Cot- the preacher next read a part of a chapment, that an overturn might be calculated tagers of Glenburnie." The manners of ter of Scripture, and then delivered a lecon with some degree of certainty. The the Scotch ladies, whom I have seen, are ture upon it, which I mistook for the serwindows, or holes, were about eight inches very cordial; they always shake hands, mon, it being quite as long as sermons in square, and high up under the eaves of when they meet or part with each other, or Boston usually are; but we had another this extraordinary machine, and the door with gentlemen. In one family where I psalm and prayer before the real sermon. was not to be thought of; any attempt at spent the night, they shook hands round, Upon the whole, I was not much pleased opening it, by any one but an adept, being and wished each other good night before with the service; the sombre and Cameroquite out of the question. In this situ- going to bed, and a similar ceremony was nian appearance of every thing around, the ation of peril, we vociferated indignantly, repeated in the morning. To judge from squalling of the clerk, and the absence of as Dandy did to Mc Guffog, let's out, what I have seen as yet, either the right instrumental music, had rather an unpleasman, let's out, if ever ye wad hae a haill learned and pious Sam. Johnson lied like a ant effect. In the afternoon I attended the bane in ye're skin, let's out.' Onr threats Parthian, or else matters have changed College church, where I found the same and cries finally procured us liberation since his day. There seems to be plenty plainness and entire want of ornament; prior to the catastrophe; the vehicle was of wood in Scotland, and the land is highly there was little difference in any particular, righted, and we proceeded, without further cultivated. The hawthorn hedges are a except that the preacher's Scotch was adventure, to Kilmarnock. This is a Burgh much more ornamental and durable fence, broader, and his precentor a worse singer. of Barony, as it is called; it is in the county than either stone walls [stane dykes] or Adieu. of Ayr, and near the nativity of Burns, with rail fences. Oats are the staple here, callwhoin many of the inhabitants were, or pre-ed, by the Scotch, corn. Oatcakes, or bantended to be, well acquainted. During the nocks, I cannot yet endure, but I suppose I day, I saw a carriage in the inn-yard, bear- shall come to them by and by. A haggis I ing the motto "Bydand," which was an old have not yet seen. They are in the habit acquaintance to me, and would probably here of drinking whiskey toddy after dinhave been so to S― and D. However, to ner, instead of wine. Every man composes ascertain whether I was correct in my her- his own, hot or cool, weak or strong, as he aldry, I inquired of a waiter, who informed pleases, in a large goblet, and bails out me that it belonged to William Gordon of bumpers into a wine glass. This is a very Millrig. At six in the evening we left sociable custom, and has this advantage, Kilmarnock, and arrived at Glasgow, which that every man may suit his liquor to his we entered over the high bridge (vide Rob calibre. Sweetness, strength, and heat, Roy) about ten. Our road lay near many are the principal qualities of the most apinteresting spots, but it was too misty to proved compositions of this kind. The see much of the country. Since I have Hunterian museum is a very fine collecbeen here I have visited the botanic gar- tion, but would be a more agreeable and den. It is yet in its infancy, but very well instructive exhibition, if the various prelaid out. Like the garden at Cambridge, it parations were labelled. The ladies here has a pond in the centre, but instead of wear shorter cloathes than I have hitherto being a monotonous oval, one side of it been accustomed to see, and lest the top of rises to a considerable height, and is con- the gown should have the advantage of the structed with artificial rocks, over which bottom, they usually cut down as fast as tumbles a small cascade. I was much pleas- they cut up. I have occasionally seen a ed to see some of our old acquaintance, the Dandy, a strange monster, half monkey, Lobelia family, making a distinguished fig-half man. I am told they are not uncomure in the green-house, and greeted right mon in Edinburgh. I heard somewhere, amicably two or three enormous stalks of the other day, a singular account of the Indian corn, carefully secluded from the insolvency of one of these animals. His external air, and occupying large pots, and debts amounted to seven thousand pounds conspicuous places, among bananas, aloes, in tailors', stay-makers', and milliners' bills, orange, and lemon trees. Certainly, one &c., and his whole property to twelve does appear to greater advantage in good pounds, together with a share in a pew in a society. The environs of Glasgow are very chapel (for Dandy was come of pious papleasant; every gentleman's house has some rents) in right of mamma, "which, 'pon appellation, as Larch-grove, Shield-hall, &c. honor, having never been in, can't tell Within a few rods of the place where I am what it is worth." This is called "doing now writing, is the tolbooth [to'both], it has the flats." lately been taken down in part and rebuilt; but the lower part of the spire still remains, and the very door way, through which Rob and Osbaldistone were introduced by the Dougal creature on the night when they were surprised by the Baillie. Opposite the tolbooth is the Tron church, in which Dr Chalmers preaches, but, to my regret, he is now absent on a journey. The High church is a venerable building; the vaults

I attended service this morning at the High church. The Scotch kirk rejects all manner of instrumental music, and I am told, that one church in Glasgow, in which an attempt was made, some years since, to introduce an organ, has been since stigmatized with the name of the "whistling kirk." The Clerk, or Precentor, gets up and sings the first line of the psalm, and then the whole congregation join in with

The welcome morning with its rays of peace.
Makes the strong secret pangs of shame to cease:
Oblivion, softly wiping out the stain,
Remorse is virtue's root; its fair increase

Are fruits of innocence and blessedness:
Thus joy, o'erborne and bound, doth still release
His young limbs from the chains that round him
A stable changeless state, 'twere cause indeed to
Weep not that the world changes-did it keep




Yet one smile more, departing distant sun!
Ere, o'er the frozen earth, the loud winds run,
One mellow smile through the soft vapoury air,

Or snows are sifted o'er the meadows bare.
One smile on the brown hills and naked trees,
And the dark rocks whose summer wreaths are

And the blue Gentian flower, that, in the breeze,
Nods lonely, of her beauteous race the last.
Yet a few sunny days, in which the bee

Shall murmur by the hedge that skirts the way,
The cricket chirp upon the russet lea,

And man delight to linger in thy ray.
Yet one rich smile, and we will try to bear

The piercing winter frost, and winds, and darkened



When first in ancient time, from Jubal's tongue
The tuneful anthem filled the morning air,
His music-breathing shell the minstrel woke.
To sacred hymnings and elysian song
Devotion breathed aloud from every chord :—
The voice of praise was heard in every tone,
And prayer, and thanks to Him the eternal one,
To Him, that with bright inspiration touched
And warmed the soul with new vitality.
The high and gifted lyre of heavenly song,
A stirring energy through nature breathed :--
The voice of adoration from her broke,



Swelling aloud in every breeze, and heard
Long in the sullen waterfall,-what time
Soft Spring or hoary Autumn threw on earth

the simplicity of the times of which they treat, and enriched with valuable exIts bloom or blighting, when the Summer smiled, planatory notes. This collection will form thirty volumes. The second is that of M. Petitot, which includes the memoirs from the thirteenth century to the middle of the eighteenth. Many of these are inedited. These two collections are followed by a third, consisting of M. Buchon's edition of the chronicles of Froissart, Monstrelet, the great chronicles of the Abbey of St Denis, and the memoirs of Duplessis Mornay, mak

Or Winter o'er the year's sepulchre mourned.
The Deity was there!-a nameless spirit
Moved in the breasts of men to do him homage;
And when the morning smiled, or evening pale
Hung weeping o'er the melancholy urn,
They came beneath the broad o'erarching trees,
And in their tremulous shadow worshiped oft,
Where pale the vine clung round their simple

And gray moss mantling hung. Above was heard
The melody of winds, breathed out as the greening, in all, sixty volumes. These three


Bowed to their quivering touch in living beauty,
And birds sang forth their cheerful hymns. Below,
The bright and widely wandering rivulet
Struggled and gushed amongst the tangled roots,
That choked its reedy fountain-and dark rocks
Worn smooth by the constant current. Even there

The listless wave, that stole with mellow voice

collections include the whole of the original history of ancient France. The fourth collection, consisting of memoirs relative to the French revolution; proceeds with rapidity, and will undoubtedly furnish the future historian with most valuable materials.


Madame de Genlis has written a large volume on the employment of time, which, however, treats of almost every thing except the employment of time. Of the twenty-six chapters composing it, nine are upon testaments, duty, vice and virtue, false glory, prejudices, literary glory, sensibility, and egotism: eight other chapters are employed on modern civilization; they are a long tirade against the present age, against modern inventions, and modern philosophers. Whether in thus waging a bellum ad internecionem against Diderot, Rousseau, Voltaire, &c. Madame de Geniis is making good use of time, is a question that The reader, of may be properly asked. course, needs not be told, that in a work of this writer there are parts that give evi

Where reeds grew rank on the rushy-fringed brink. The latest that have appeared are those of dence of superior talent, and prove that her

And the green sedge bent to the wandering wind, Sang with a cheerful song of sweet tranquillity. Men felt the heavenly influence-and it stole Like balm into their hearts, till all was peace;

Thibaudeau, who, having held important political situations under all the governments, had opportunities of observation under the Convention, the Directory, the

And even the air they breathed, the light they Consulate, and the Empire, which are cal


Became religion,-for the etherial spirit

That to soft music wakes the chords of feeling,
And mellows every thing to beauty,-moved
With cheering energy within their breasts,
And made all holy there-for all was love.
The morning stars, that sweetly sang together-
The moon, that hung at night in the mid-sky--
Dayspring--and eventide-and all the fair
And beautiful forms of nature, had a voice
Of eloquent worship. Ocean with its tides
Swelling and deep, where low the infant stormı
Hung on his dun, dark cloud, and heavily beat
The pulses of the sea,-sent forth a voice
Of awful adoration to the spirit,
That, wrapt in darkness, moved upon its face.
And when the bow of evening arched the east,
Or, in the moonlight pale, the curling wave
Kissed with a sweet embrace the sea-worn beach,
And soft the song of winds came o'er the waters,
The mingled melody of wind and wave
Touched like a heavenly anthem on the ear;
For it arose a tuneful hymn of worship.
And have our hearts grown cold? Are there on

No pure reflections caught from heavenly light?-
Have our mute lips no hymn-our souls no song
Let him that in the summer-day of youth
Keeps pure the holy fount of youthful feeling,-
And him that in the nightfall of his years
Lies down in his last sleep, and shuts in peace
His dim pale eyes on life's short wayfaring,
Praise Him, that rules the destiny of man.
Sunday Evening, October, 1824.


H. W. L.


French literature seems to be principally directed, at the present time, to historical productions, of which great numbers are constantly issuing from the French press. There are, at this time, five distinct historical collections publishing simultaneously at Paris. The first, directed by the care of M. Guizot, embraces the first eight centuries of the French monarchy from Clovis to St Louis. The first eight volumes of this collection are published, faithfully translated from the barbarous Latin into French, which is suitable to

culated to make his memoirs very interesting. Two volumes are published. The memoirs of Condorcet, extracted from his correspondence, and that of his friends, have been announced, but are disavowed by his family. Madame de Genlis has advertised six volumes in 12mo of her own life. The fifth collection contains historical memoirs of the English revolution; among which have been published the Memoirs of Lord Clarendon, the Journal of his son, and Burnet's History of his own times.

Besides these and other extensive works which indicate the prevailing tendency of French literature, numerous miniature histories, in one or two volumes, are published; among the latest of which are those of Germany, of the United States of North America, and of Poland. Two volumes have just issued from the press, under the title of "Memoirs of Louis Jerome Gohier, President of the Directory on the 18th Brumaire." This work is said to contain new facts, though in no great number, and to be well written. These memoirs continually refute the memorial of Las Casas, and other late publications on Buonaparte, whence it is inferred that the author, an old man of seventy-seven, has had some assistance in the composition of his work. “The book is quite republican," says a royalist writer, "yet the effect is not bad; because if the author defends the directorial government of the French republic, one and indivisible; on the other hand he victoriously combats the usurpation of Buonaparte, his pretended election to the imperial throne, his violent and tyrannical govern ment, his council of state, and his servile tribunals. He does not declaim, but he proves; and his proofs are the more persuasive, as he at the same time does justice to the genius and military talents of him whom he assails; and notwithstanding the expression of his republican sentiments, he not only refrains from any seditious insinuation, but shows himself moderate, and even favourable to the government of the king."

style has not lost any thing of its elegance or correctness. Such is the chapter on old age, which she ingeniously compares, “to the end of a great harvest in threatening weather, when we hasten to bring under cover all that we have gathered; every moment is precious; we are unwilling to lose a single one."


Several important discoveries have been lately made in the geography of New South Wales. But the most interesting is the discovery, by Mr Oxley, an officer attached to the government, of a large river, called the Brisbane, which discharges its waters into Moreton Bay, four hundred miles to the northward of Port Jackson. This valuable discovery was only made in December last, in the course of a survey of Moreton Bay, with a view to form a convict penal establishment there. The river flows through a rich country, and is navigable for twenty miles for vessels of considerable burden, if not drawing more than sixteen feet of water. From this distance the water is perfectly fresh. Mr Oxley proceeded thirty miles further up the river, without finding any diminution in either the breadth or the depth of it, except that in one place, to the extent of thirty yards, a ridge of detached rocks stretches across, having not more than twelve feet at high water; and he obtained from a hill a view of its apparent course for thirty or forty miles further. As far as Mr Oxley went, the tide rose four feet six inches. It was impossible to pursue the investigation then from sickness, heat of weather, and shortness of provisions; but he was to renew his survey early in the autumn. The country was level all round, from south to northwest, in the apparent southwest course of the river; from which circumstance, and the slowness of the current, Mr. Oxley was led to conclude, that the river will be found navigable for vessels of burthen to a much greater distance, probably not less than Ififty miles. There was no appearance of hits being flooded; and from the nature of the country and other circumstances, he pes not think that the sources of the river will

be found in a mountainous region, but rather in its details, as no mention is made either
that it flows from some, lake, which will
prove to be the receptacle of those interior
streams to the northwest, crossed by him
during his land expedition in 1818. Many
conjectures have been hazarded with re-
gard to the ultimate sources of this river;
but whatever be its origin, it is certainly
the largest fresh water river hitherto dis-
covered in New South Wales, and promises
to be of the utmost importance to the colo-
ny, as it affords water communication with
the sea, to a vast extent of country, a great
portion of which appeared to Mr Oxley
capable of raising the richest productions
of the tropics.


of the size or materials of the boxes employed; and there is reason to believe that a certain portion of air was present in them. Dr Edwards, in order to guard against this objection, took boxes about four inches square, and having put some plaster in the bottom, placed the toads in them, and, surrounding them on all sides with plaster, shut and secured the boxes. The circumstance to be ascertained, was, whether those reptiles which were deprived of air by the contact of a solid body, or those by immersion in water, would survive longest; and it is sufficient, at present, to remark, that they lived much longer in the plaster than in water. A fact sufficiently remarkable, but what appears more extraordinary still, is, that they lived longer when Professor Gurney, of London, has made enclosed in a solid body, than in air. Four an additional improvement upon the cele- frogs were contained in a dry jug, and an brated blowpipe of Dr Hare, and has appa- equal number were placed in dry sand; the rently made this most potent agent quite third day, all those confined in air, were safe, both to the operator and the spectators, dead, except one, while all those enclosed which was very far from being the case, in sand were alive, except one; from which even after the improvements of Dr Clarke, it would appear, not merely that these rep and others. For, notwithstanding the retiles can live when surrounded by solid duction of the jet to the smallest possible bodies, but that placing them in this situadiameter, and the interposition of screens of tion is a means of prolonging their existwire-gauze, explosions would sometimes ence; a conclusion which is in accordance take place where the oxygen and hydrogen with those well authenticated narratives of gases were employed in a mixed state. animals of this class having been found in Professor Gurney, therefore, has construct- the centre of solid masses, where they must ed his gas magazine, not of iron or copper, have been enclosed during periods, concernwhose fragments, in the event of an explo- ing the duration of which, it would be in sion, were the chief cause of mischief, but vain for us to indulge in conjecture. of a bladder, or bag of varnished silk, pressThat the sand employed in the last mened upon by a pasteboard cover, as lightly tioned experiment contained air, is obvious; constructed as the requisite pressure will and that the plaster was pervious to air, Dr permit, and connected only by strings for Edwards proves by a very satisfactory exeffecting the pressure, by drawing down the periment. But, as it might be said, that cover upon the solid parts of the apparatus although some air passed through the plasbeneath. From this flexible magazine the ter, yet enough to sustain life could not be gas passes through a pipe, not immediately supposed to find its way through so dense a to the jet, but into a small strong safety body, toads and salamanders chamber, the lower part of which contains closed as before, and the boxes buried in wawater, only partly filling it, and its top is ter and quicksilver; they now died as soon only closed by a good cork; the last men- as when merely immersed without any covtioned pipe being bent down, so as to delivering. It would thus appear, that the fact of er its gas beneath the water's surface, and these reptiles living in solid bodies, is not an from above the water, another small pipe, in. exception to the general law, which regards tercepted by a succession of small wire-gauze air as necessary to the support of animal screens, conducts the mixed gas to the jet. life. The fact of their surviving longer in Hitherto no accident has attended the fre- plaster or sand, than in air, seems to depend quent use of this simple apparatus, nor does upon the waste by evaporation being thus there appear to be any source of danger lessened, it having been found by statical which is not guarded against. experiments, that, cæteris paribus, a frog confined in air becomes emaciated and


Dr Edwards, in a late work on the influence of physical agents upon animal bodies, has related some curious experiments, which tend to afford some explanation of the singular fact of certain animals, particularly toads, remaining alive for indefinite periods, although enclosed in solid bodies. In an experiment performed by Herissant, three toads were enclosed in boxes sealed with plaster, two of which were found alive at the end of eighteen months. The account of the experiment is not very satisfactory



shrivelled with much greater rapidity than
when surrounded by solid materials; the
rationale of which is too obvious to require

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the Oath of Jehovah; the Love of Jehovah; the
Prayer of Faith. Also, the main Objections Re-
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futed. Designed to vindicate the Character of


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to the Making of Latin Verses; A metrical Key to
the Odes of Horace; A Table showing the value of
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tirely useless. This will give room for the addi-
tions contemplated without increasing the size of
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CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & CO. HAVE preparing for the Press, by Judge Howe of Northampton, "The Lawyer's Common-Place Book, with an Alphabetical Index of most of the Heads which occur in general Reading and Practice." Its object is to aid the Student, by furnishing to his hand a Title, under which he may arrange nearly every thing he can find an interest in preserving.

The utility of CommonPlace Books seems to be admitted by all. Few Lawyers have attained to any considerable eminence in the profession without adopting one of some sort. To facilitate the use of them so as to induce their adoption by every individual engaged in professional pursuits, is the design of the work.


CUMMINGS, HILLIARD, & Co. continue to
receive Subscriptions for Wordsworth's Po-
ems, at their Bookstores, No. 1, Cornhill,
and at Cambridge. Price to Subscribers,
$5,00 for the four volumes. Two volumes
are already published, and may be seen as
above; the other two will be published in
the course of the next month, when the Sub-
scriptions will be closed, and the price ad-
vanced to $6,50.

DENIO, CLARKE, & TYLER, of Greenfield,
Mass., have lately published

The Common Reader, consisting of a variety of Pieces, Original and Selected, intended for the use of Schools, and particularly calculated for the improvement of Scholars of the First and Second Classes, in the art of Reading. By T. Strong, A. M. Third Edition.

The Scholar's Guide to the History of the Bible; or an Abridgment of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, with Explanatory Remarks. By T. Strong, A. M. For Sale by C. H. & Co.






Published on the first and fifteenth day of every month, by Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. No. 1 Cornhill, Boston.-Terms, $5 per annum, payable in July.


Body and Soul. First American from the third London Edition. Philadelphia. 1824.

2 vols. 12mo.

No. 16.

do not avowedly secede from the English | second Eldorado, or an earthly paradise. Church, nor dissent from its doctrines, but There were among them knaves, who, assume, as a name of separation, the appel- doubtless, were accompanied by "the tools lation of Evangelical preachers or professors. that they do work with." There were young Of course, he is the conqueror in all argu- men and maidens; and the course of true ments, and his opponents are always silenc- love was no whit more likely to run smooth THIS book is in some respects like the "Re-ed or convinced. By the literary skill ex- in New England, than in other parts of the collections of Jotham Anderson," of which hibited in this work, the author will hardly habitable world. In short, our forefathers we gave our readers an account in a former gain great fame. With a general want of were men subject to the same affections, number. It is essentially controversial, being power, there are many important defects and actuated by the same passions, which intended to make manifest the truth of the of style, which indicate that he is not a have influenced mankind from the beginning doctrines, and the excellent wisdom of the practical writer, and will find it very diffi- of the world, as they will continue to do ritual, of the Church of England, by a series cult to become eminent in this vocation. till time shall end; and they were placed of tales or dialogues. The author chose Still, he deserves the praise, and no small in circumstances, which called forth these the singular title which the book bears, on praise it is,-of keeping his temper, and not affections, and excited these passions, in an the ground, as far as we can gather from altogether forgetting what candour and unusual degree. The picture of their time what he says of the matter,-that it is ne- honesty require, even while engaged in re- will be one of strong lights and deep shadcessary to consult the tastes and demands of ligious controversy. If this book exhibits ows; and we have longed to see it attemptthe body, if we would gain any influence no proof that he who wrote it is gifted in- ed by a pencil worthy of the subject. Nor over the soul. We presume so much of his tellectually as others are not, neither would do we despair that such an one will be production as is amusing or interesting, or any reader feel disposed to charge him with found. We trust that the time will come, intended to be so,—is supposed to be ad- having a bad heart. when the names of that day will be familiar dressed to the body; while all that is diin our mouths, as those of Člaverhouse, Burdactic, and meant for use, is more particuley, Rob Roy, or Rebecca; and that the larly adapted to the soul. Without stopping charm of classic association will be added to inquire how far his distinction is accuto the native beauties of the mountains and rate,-how far wit or pathos may be said to streams of our country; gratify the bodily taste, we must remark, that he does not appear to us to be eminently successful in either department of his labours. He has not made a very entertaining work; and can hardly hope to carry many readers fairly through his two volumes, unless they are bound, as reviewers, fairly to make an end of them; or are pleased with the book for some excellence entirely independent of its literary merits. As a didactic work, we think it can have no effect whatever, excepting upon a certain class of readers; we mean those who, already believing that the author is in the right, are prepared to have their opinions confirmed by the expression of similar opinions, and by such arguments and illustrations, if we may so call them, as are here used.

"Fitz-James' horn Niagara's echoes wake, And Katrine's lady skim o'er Erie's lake."

A Peep at the Pilgrims, in Sixteen Hundred Thirty-Six. A Tale of Olden Times. By the Author of divers unfinished Manuscripts. Boston. 1824. 2 vols. 12mo. THE author of this work has entered upon a field, which we have long considered as With such expectations, it cannot be surone that promised an abundant harvest to prising that we should be apt to regard evthe enterprising and skilful adventurer. ery writer on this subject with a jealous The high and resolved characters of the eye, as one who may possibly turn out an leaders among our pilgrim ancestors, the unlicensed intruder on our land of promise, dangers which they defied, the sufferings nor that we should be disappointed by alwhich they endured, and their various ad-most any thing that is written, and ready ventures, whether peaceful or warlike, with to handle with some severity of criticism their savage neighbours; their courage, what, in other circumstances, we might zeal, and piety, and even their weaknesses think deserving of nothing worse than the and foibles, afford abundant materials for damnation of faint praise. the novelist and poet. Other sources of We intend, however, to resist the temptinterest are to be found in the habits, man- ation to be hypercritical in the present inners, and superstitions of the aborigines; stance, for two reasons, first, because it is and characters of less importance than no fault of the author, if he has not fulfilled Massasoit, Sassacus, Philip of Mount Hope, expectations, of the existence of which he or his martial kinswoman, have figured with could not be aware, and would not have Dr Freeman, the hero of the story, is the effect on the pages of romance. It may be intentionally disappointed if he had been; Rector of a large parish in a large town in objected, that the habits of the first settlers and secondly, that there is much merit in England, and represents our author's beau were of too grave and stern a character, the book, of which, without further preamideal of a regular clergyman of the estab- and their lives a scene of hardships too un-ble, we proceed to give an analysis. lishment. He is sincere in his belief, and varied, to admit of that admixture of light Major Atherton, a gentleman, and a solfaithful in his obedience to all the requisi- and comic description, which is demanded dier in the service of his majesty Charles I., tions of his office. He performs all his du- by the taste of the novel-reader of the is induced to take a voyage to New Engties with zeal and wisdom, and enjoys inno- present age. But it is not so. The adven- land, by the favorable representations of a cent pleasures with moderation, and with- turers were not all stern enthusiasts, nor friend, and the love of novelty and advenout remorse. He is, in one way or anoth-rigid sectaries. The leaders, it is true, ture natural to youth at any period, and er, successively engaged in circumstances were too often persecutors, as they had been which was particularly prevalent in many which are made to afford an opportunity for exiles, for conscience' sake. But many of countries of Europe during the sixteenth showing what the author supposes to be the and seventeenth centuries. His attention character and consequences of a religious was attracted, on the evening of his arrival, belief differing from his own. The Doctor by the melodious sounds of a female voice, meets, and holds long conversations with Uniengaged in singing a devotional hymn; and tarians, Fatalists, and those sectaries who on the morrow, chance favors him at the

their followers sought the shores of New
England from other motives. The res an-
gusta domi, the desire of gain, the love of
novelty, or a truant disposition, impelled
many to a land, which was described as a

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