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ivory and ebony; the ocean became her
highway, and mountains sank down before
her enterprise and energies; her search
extended and her hand reached every
where, and every where she gathered into
her garners all that was valuable for its
beauty or its use.

order, dismounts, and is going away.] Stop a mo- from Canada to Chili, into colonial states | pendent, India will soon follow in the same ment. I had forgotten something. Just now, as I and provinces;-then this same spirit turn- course; not by freeing herself from bondwas coming through the marketplace, I heard a ed itself eastward, and filled New Holland age, for that cannot be; the Hindoos have curious story passing from one to another. The sagacious tradespeople were saying that Persia and the eastern isles with European estab- been so long without exerting any thing was in a state of complete uproar, and that an am-lishments, and conquered India, and peopled like a political will, that faculty may well bassador was on the way to pray for the protection the shores and capes of Southern Africa. be deemed extinct; but there will no doubt of Athens. They are asking each other, in good Europe became the head and sovereign of be an end, probably a speedy and a sudden earnest, whether it will be well to grant the request. the earth. She had sent out her children end, to the wonderful anomaly of the BritHave you heard any thing of it? Philistus. I heard something of the sort just to take possession of a large proportion, ish empire in India. Some European pownow from Damocles, the tailor,-one of our most and controlled, directly or indirectly, al-er will declare itself independent there; simple and credulous quid-nuncs. But do you most all the remainder. She took away perhaps the Indian English themselves will know that he mentioned your house as the source the precious metals from Potosi, Peru, and raise the standard of national sovereignty, of this strange news? Mexico, by the right of ownership; and and the mild and docile millions of that "Eucrates. The lying rascal! My house? with them, and the fabrics of her workshops, country will gladly gather around, to find How did he make that out? "Philistus. He says your steward received the and the strength and terror of her arms, beneath its shadow the repose and securshe commanded the comforts and the luxu-ity of a common empire, which they have "Eucrates. How? The sharper! I'll put an ries of all the world to be brought home to never enjoyed since the days of Aurengeend to such doings. He shall leave my house at her storehouses, and spread abroad for the zebe. All The colonies on the coasts of Africa, New "Philistus. Be not wroth, Eucrates! Moder- universal enjoyment of her nations. ate thy righteous indignation. I will give you a climes poured into her lap the tribute of Holland, and the isles of the Eastern Arkey to the mystery. My friend Perdiccas, the great all their products; China wove her silks chipelago, while they remain weak settlemerchant, amused himself, when he last dined with and gathered her teas; India contributed ments, existing only by the protection of you, by telling this tale to your major-domo, instead her shawls and muslins, and spices and Europe, and drawing their life-blood from of a fee when he left the door, being well acquaint-pearls; and Africa offered up her gold and their mother-lands like unweaned infants, ed with his credulity. Thus you see, respected Archon, how the news of the day is got up in need not be taken into the account; but Athens, and by what means our people are kept when they too grow to be nations they cancontinually in a condition between dreaming and not linger long behind their predecessors. What then will Europe be? Her various [To be continued.] nations will differ from their many children, only as the parent is enfeebled by age, while the offspring rejoice in the spirit and The chain of her dominion enwrapped the the strength of youth and manhood. It is whole earth; but the emancipation of these doing America no justice, to say that she states severed its continuity, and the links will then be the equal of Europe; Europe are now falling asunder every where. As will not then be her equal. The colonies the supremacy of Europe was founded on the from which were born the nations of this commerce which grew principally out of continent, were for the most part formed of the colonial system, and upon her unques- her very essence. True it is, that Spanish tionable superiority over other quarters of America was originally conquered by men, the globe in arts and arms; so this power for whom no more fitting name can be must be destroyed by the establishment of found than that of demons; true it is, that new empires, upon a new continent, ac- for many years, cruelty, rapacity, and all knowledging in her no moral or political manner of wickedness flourished there luxsupremacy, and at least as independent of uriantly;-but it is also true, that even her as she is of them. The establishment then and there, it was the misfortune of of such empires must be the inevitable those countries, that they who were most consequence,-nay, it is the actual conse- thoroughly imbued with all iniquity, were quence of our independence. These new their most remarkable men, and stand forth nations are and will be possessed of all the in their histories with undue prominence. intelligence, science, and energy which These individuals were not all the Eurohave placed Europe in advance of her sis- peans there; nor had they power to imter continents; and enjoy all these ad- press their own characters deeply upon the vantages, without the oppressive institu- institutions and manners of the colonies; tions, which are fastened upon her various and after Pizarro and Cortes, Albuquerque nations by the amalgamation of the princi- and Orando had passed away, their memory ples and institutions proper to Roman des- existed only to be accursed, and men of puripotism, with those which the free and mili- ty and piety and various excellence came When America was known to exist, it tary savages, who overran the empire, across the waters, and the shores of our was without delay taken possession of by brought with them from their northern for- southern continent were marked with many Europe, and, from that day to the achieve- ests. footsteps by them who were worthy to peoment of our independence, was an append- The system of colonization, was suggest-ple and civilize a land which Columbus disage-a suburban out-lying domain to that ed and commenced by the conquest of covered. At this moment the spirit of pocontinent. This possession was peopled; South America; that system, with its contenants were put into the vacant fields, and sequences, forms one of the distinctive and were encouraged to cultivate them, the characteristics of the period which has folfee always remaining in the crowns of lowed, and must be referred to the discoveEurope, who exacted from their transatlan- ry of this country, as its first cause. So tic estates a very sufficient rent in the the emancipation of this continent from shape of colonial trade and commercial European sovereignty, which is now all but monopolies. Thus grew up a colonizing completed, will be the commencement of a spirit and system totally distinct from any new period, the character and events of thing known to ancient nations. It needed which it may not be altogether impossible but a few years to parcel out America, to foresee. When America is wholly inde

We think we are living in one of those epochas which occasionally occur to divide the succession of time into distinct periods of uncertain and various duration. One such period extended from the foundation of the Roman empire to its overthrow by the irruption of northern nations; another was denominated the dark ages; a third began with the discoveries of Columbus and is now about to end. It would not be difficult to show, that each of these periods has its distinct character,-though perhaps not enough so, to make this classification of ages perfectly exact. Still there were in each of them certain general modes of feeling and thinking, and certain active principles of large extent and unresisted operation, which may be every where recognised with more or less accuracy. Our present concern is with the character of those periods, of which we suppose one to be approaching its end, and the other to be beginning.

litical regeneration is working there with intense activity. It encounters in the character of the people and their institutions, a resistance greater beyond comparison than any which opposed it here; but it derives great aid from the violent reaction of the very abuses it seeks to extirpate. It goes on, conquering and to conquer, and there can be but one termination to the conflict.

As for ourselves, we owe our origin to

the boldest and strongest spirits Europe numbered among her children; we have all the moral and physical advantages she ever enjoyed, and we have not the many disadvantages under which she has ever laboured. Europe acquired a mastery over Asia and Africa, not because she came to the conflict, with none of the impediments which obstructed them, but because they pressed upon her with less weight;-not because the feudal government, with its absurd oppressions, its seignories, its vassalhood, its military tenures, its inheritable authority and privileges, its devotion to war, and its contempt for peace and the useful arts,―was the best possible government, but because it was something better than the pure despotism of China, or the tyrannical anarchy of Turkey and other eastern nations. From all these things we are exempt, and such is the healthful energy of our political institutions, it is proper for us to hope, that every thing which is found to oppose their general spirit, will be expelled from them by the power of public opinion. We say less than the truth, when we assert that, in all those things which promote national advancement, and assist in the acquisition and establishment of every thing valuable, America is as far beyond Europe, as that continent ever was beyond the rest of the world. Now if the progress of human events be subject to the same laws it has obeyed in past time;-if similar circumstances indicate similar tendencies, and similar causes produce similar effects, then the inference from the comparison we have instituted between Europe and her emancipated colonies, and the changes of political relation we have rapidly sketched, is obvious and unavoidable.

We are perfectly aware that the hypotheses which endeavour to anticipate the coming condition of Europe and America, must be in a great measure uncertain, but we are also well persuaded, that they need not be wholly so. History may be made to prophesy, if not with utterance so distinct that no tone can be lost and no word mistaken, yet with a voice, which we may hear if we will listen, and which it is not wise to disregard. We do not pursue this inquiry, or rather these reflections, because they lead to glorious anticipations of our country's absolute supremacy; for the facts from which we argue refuse to open to our imaginations any such prospect. We do however believe,—because it seems to us a plain inference, clearly deducible by the severest logic from acknowledged facts, that we must enjoy, for more ages than man's thought can penetrate, some very valuable advantages over Europe. We do not assert that the sovereignty of the earth will follow the steps of our fathers, and come to abide in our land; but we certainly think abundant reason exists for believing that America will be filled with civilized, cultivated, and improving nations, and that improvement of every sort will meet with more encouragement and less resistance in this, than in any other continent. We be


lieve that the ages we endeavour to antici- | vest, the surplus of which may go back to
pate, will not be characterized by the ex- Europe to purchase for him the commodities
altation and unquestioned predominance of and luxuries he will long continue to need.
any portion of mankind, but rather by a
great and universal amelioration in the
character and in the condition of the whole
human race, Africa and Asia have had
each its season of sovereignty. With the
culture of the Greeks, civilization, and
with the conquests of Alexander, empire,
deserted their ancient seats, and sought a
new home in barbarous Europe. This tide
will "pursue its westering way," with the
courses of the heavens, and though Ameri-
ca may establish no throne of universal
domination, all that is valuable in human
character and all that is happy in human
condition, may find here a kindred soil, and
draw from it a better nurture, and strike a
deeper root, and bear a richer fruit than
ever elsewhere. Can it be presumptuous
or fanciful to believe that will be, which
the history of perished nations and the re-
cords of past ages indicate as the result to-
wards which all existing circumstances are
obviously tending?

We see no good reason for supposing that Europe will not find means to retain a good share of that skill which earns money and of commercial intercourse; on the contrary we not only believe she will retain a fair measure of these things, but will also enjoy many blessings she has not yet known.

The period may not be very far offwhether Europe be consolidated or notwhen general wars will cease; a change very analogous to the abolition of private wars, which occurred but a few centuries since, and to be effected probably in a similar way; that is, in part by a general awakening of public sentiment as to the essential iniquity and uselessness of war, but chiefly by the establishment of such a political condition as shall make it cost more than it can be worth to any one. If this peaceable condition be established, the third part of the industry and skill of Europe will no longer be devoted to the science and work of destruction; and an emancipation from this miserable thraldom, will of itself be productive of infinite benefit. There may then be no more commercial restrictions and prohibitions and jealousies between the different parts of Europe, or between that continent and this, than now exist between the different parts of our national confederacy. The arts of life will be cultivated; the enjoyment and embellishment of life promoted; the science of happiness will be studied and learned and practised, and every thing which is good will be more wisely sought, and more successfully achieved, than it can be in these days of turbulence and insecurity.

The author of "Europe" gives many The condition we have thus described very strong reasons for supposing that the may seem so utterly repugnant to the prespresent violent and universal commotion ent state of society; it may seem so imamong the political elements of Europe possible, that peaceful happiness should may subside into the form of one general either exist with or grow out of the presEuropean state. We shall not repeat his ent objects, prejudices, and habits of social arguments, for we could not present them man, that such suppositions may be thought to our readers in a more clear or striking altogether chimerical. Let it be rememlight;—but we believe with him, that this bered, however, that to produce this condigreat result may happen, either by the ab- tion, there is needed neither the operation sorption of the smaller states into some one of a cause which has not yet acted, nor the of preponderating power, or by the volun- developement of tendencies which are not tary compact of the whole. When this yet manifested, nor the extinction of reshall take place, and there never was sisting or disturbing principles, which are a time when it could seem so near to not now decaying; but only the continued probability as now,-all the resources of progress of human institutions and opinthe different parts of Europe will be appli- ions in the path they are pursuing. We ed, not to counteract and destroy each deprecate the supposition, that all this other, but to their mutual and universal speculation is gratuitous conjecture or the expansion and increase. Her power would fantastic vision of a dreamer. We do not then be sufficient not only to rid her of suppose, that the circumstances we anticimany sore incumbrances, but to open new pate will occur in this year or in these resources. The encampment of the Turks twenty years;—but we do say, that as the upon her most fertile, most beautiful, and question is, whether it is more probable most sacred soil, may be broken up, and the that man will go on as he is going, or stop crescent driven to wane and set beyond short in his career, or retrograde, we think the Euphrates. The north of Africa may it more probable that he will continue to be wrested from the pirates, for whose sake advance, and we do believe that plain, its very soil is accursed into barrenness, sound common sense leads to this concluand energetic and systematic efforts made sion. If the past did not throw forward its to people Anatolia, the solitary wastes of light into the future, the whole stir and Tartary, and the shores of the Black sea motion of life would cease at once; and and the Caspian, with that redundant popu- why may not the ages which have gone illation, which now the waste of war cannot lustrate the ages which are to come, as consume fast enough. There, for many brightly as any lesser portions of duration. ages, all whom their mother-land will not But no possible supposition can be so resupport, may find a fruitful soil, ready to pugnant to all, which the history of all time welcome the husbandman to a new home; has taught, as this, that humanity has reachhis industry will be repaid with a rich har-ed a resting-place, and will stop here for


It cannot be ;-man will go on or he will go back,-and let him who asks which path his destiny will take, look at the state of Europe five centuries ago, when it contained the civilization of the earth. Was it not desolated by private wars, and darkened with ignorance and monstrous superstition, and bound hand and foot in the slavery of those laws which made her millions the born thralls of a few untamed and untaught fighting savages; and would the change from the present condition, to such an one as we have anticipated, be greater than that which has been already effected? The obvious truth, the distinct reply of sober judgment is, that we have far more reason to expect that condition, than they, in those days, had to expect the present. Where then,-in what facts or arguments, shall we find a right to say, that the progressive and expansive energies of human nature must now be suddenly checked; that our Creator has given his children no capacity for happiness on earth, which has not been filled to its last drop;-that He who alone could say, "Thus far shalt thou come," hath fixed the impassable limit at this stage of our progress, and now stands ready to bid the flowing tide of human improvement recoil, and whelm with its refluent wave the good things He has given? We answer, nowhere; it is unreasonable so to say, it is unnecessary so to fear. We repeat that we do not pretend to see indications of a sudden ripening of earth into heaven, but that we believe the crepuscular gleamings of reason and science and virtue and religion and happiness, which are now visible, declare, that future generations shall see a fuller radiance and more unquestionable light and purer peace and goodness, as surely as the gilded clouds of morning prophesy of noon.

We had intended to remark more particularly upon the condition and prospects of our own land, and the relations it sustains with others, as we believe the spirit and tendency of this age to be in nothing so manifest as in the characteristics of this country and in our influence upon elder nations; but we cannot, in this number, do more than consider a few preliminary points.

It would be idle to pretend to look forward into the futurity of this country with exactness and certainty; it would be worse than idle not to see and not to say, that all the circumstances of our political condition bear united testimony to the high destinies which are opening upon us. A sober and sedulous inquiry into this subject certainly seeing to us justifiable, to say no more;

still we cannot begin it, but we are met by the fear of that reproach, which it is the fashion to cast upon us in Europe, and in some degree on our own side of the water; let us examine the grounds and the justice of this reproach.

The conquest of our independence excited, and almost justified considerable vanity in our countrymen; the successful experiment of our unprecedented government of laws inflamed this vanity, and, as

should be said. Other nations have a right, an indefeasible and sacred right, to have their attention directed by us to those things in our history, character, and condition, which make us what they are not, and what they are very far from being, but should strenuously strive to become, how long or arduous soever the struggle may be.

vanity is apt to do, it often mistook the mat-
ters upon which it might look with justifia-
ble complacency. We did not,-nay, we
do not think so much of the simplicity,
equality, and thorough freedom which our
institutions secure, or of our deliverance
from the delusions, which taint with univer-
sal poison the whole mass of European
thought and feeling, as of the victory Even this will be called vain boasting by
which our fathers achieved. We assume many, for that happens to be the tone of
the fact as self-evident, that, inheriting as this day; but is it boasting to tell the sim-
children the liberty thus won, we take with ple truth, if that truth be denied or un-
it, as heirlooms of the inheritance, the wis-known? Is it vain boasting, or is it our
dom and courage which conquered. We duty, our bounden and imperative duty, to
have in past days been yet more apt than impress that truth upon ourselves and make
in the present, to consider European na- it known unto the world, when it is the
tions as, of necessity, less sensible, less most important political truth ever reveal-
valiant, or less vigorous than we, because ed to mankind? For the first time since
they are less free; forgetting that we take nations gathered together, an opportunity
our pure liberty as they take their want of offered to try the great experiment, wheth-
it, by descent, and that our fathers who er men might be governed by law made by
conquered for us, having always been free, them and for them, instead of the fluctuat-
never put on the chains which nations ac-ing and arbitrary pleasure or passion of an
customed to them must find it so difficult to individual or a mob; whether nations could
put off. Of course there was a great deal hold together with no other inequalities
of absurdity and folly in our national feel- than those which grow out of the essential
ings, which was seen abroad, and seen difference of character,-with no bondage
through a mist of much ignorance, and but that which binds together the strong
greatly exaggerated. The charge of ridic- and the weak, the high and the low, for
ulous vanity was brought against us con- mutual protection, and with full acknowl-
tinually; throughout Europe it was an es- edgment of these inequalities and abso-
tablished thing, that America was the very lute obedience to this bondage. The ex-
land of self-conceit, and all her sons were periment has been tried; the history of the
swollen with self-exaltation, for the want last centuries, is but the story of its prepa-
of those things which constitute the pride ration; a virgin and unvexed soil was ap-
and glory of elder nations. Look at Eng-pointed for its theatre; our fathers and
land; till within a few years, very few books, ourselves for its subjects; our condition and
which could by possibility be stretched and character, our progress and our prospects,
twisted far enough to reach America, have are its great result; and what right have
been published there, without the spicery we,-to put it on that ground alone,-to be
of some witty sneer and sarcasm upon our withheld from proclaiming this result to
republican conceit; and this weary descant the world, and thus teaching to the world a
was for a long season sung by their poets lesson it cannot so well learn without our
and declaimed by their mob orators, in and aid, but which, when learned, will be almost
out of parliament, and repeated by their omnipotent of good? How wretchedly de-
travellers in every possible variety of lie. graded must we become, ere we can be
Within a short time things have changed thus withheld by the abject fear, that the
vastly for the better; perhaps we have re- nations who should learn this lesson, may
ceived so much castigation, our vanity is turn round upon us, and in their rooted and
really mortified and sickened; however vain ignorance, tell us we are vain?
this may be, the castigation has ceased to
be very excessive. We are generally treat-
ed by foreign authors of this day with
great courtesy, which we would gladly re-
ciprocate.* We would admit at once, that
we used to have, and have still much of
the foolish conceit which is apt to befall
smart youths, until they get out into the
world and find their true measure,-and
would readily grant that our peculiar ad-
vantages are not without their peculiar in-
conveniences. But something more than this

*We say this, the last Quarterly notwithstanding. It was always a pity, that the ruffian who conducted that journal, had talents enough to give to his virulence lamentable efficacy; but it is certainly fit matter for rejoicing, that at last a scoundrel and a fool (an utter fool quoad hoc, being dementated by excess of malignity), can tell falsehoods about us, in England, of which the malice may be seen and rebuked even there. The last papers and journals in his own country are all upon Gifford for his unhappy lies, and we are not disposed to add a word.

We shall pursue this subject in another number, by remarking upon the true characteristics of this country, and the inferences which should be drawn from them. If our work crosses the ocean, it must meet an outcry of “American conceit," uttered to be sure less loudly and unanimously than heretofore, but still so uttered there, as to be echoed here. Let those, who, from the bosom of this land, respond to or awake that cry, look well to their motives; let them examine if they would not love very much to exchange our simplicity, our comparative poverty, our equality, with all their train of evils and inconveniences, for the comforts and luxuries, the respectful homage and the prompt servility, which, in the old world, wealth and station have ever at command. It is not strange, that those whose tastes or habits render them peculiarly sensible of our unquestionable discomforts, and, moreover, disable them from understanding or enjoying our unprecedent、

ed and unshared advantages, should call the pride which is taken in them, but foolish


That conceit and folly may be mingled with it, is certain, and we lament it deeply; but in our reflections upon this subject, we shall endeavour, with equal care, to avoid a presumptuous and groundless self-exaltation on the one hand, and, on the other, a timorous and craven abandonment of that, which it is our duty to claim and cling to, not for our own glory, but for the common good of the whole earth.



I saw an aged man upon his bier;

His hair was thin and white, and on his brow A record of the cares of many a year;

Cares, that were ended and forgotten now. And there was sadness round, and faces bowed, And woman's tears fell fast and children wailed aloud.

Then rose another hoary man and said,

In faltering accents, to that weeping train, Why mourn ye, that our aged friend is dead? Ye are not sad to see the gathered grain, Nor when their mellow fruit the orchards cast, Nor when the yellow woods shake down the ripened


Ye sigh not when the sun, his course fulfilled,

His glorious course, rejoicing earth and sky, In the soft evening, when the winds are stilled, Sinks where his islands of refreshment lie, And leaves the smile of his departure, spread O'er the warm-coloured heaven and ruddy mountain head.

Why weep ye then for him, who, having run

The bound of man's appointed years, at last, Life's blessings all enjoyed, life's labours done, Serenely to his final rest has past; While the soft memory of his virtues, yet Lingers like twilight hues, when the bright sun is set.

His youth was innocent; his riper age

Marked with some act of goodness, every day; And watched by eyes that loved him, calm, and sage, Faded his late declining years away. Cheerful he gave his being up, and went

To share the holy rest that waits a life well spent.

That life was happy; every day he gave

Thanks for the fair existence that was his;
For a sick fancy made him not her slave,
To mock him with her phantom miseries.
No chronic tortures racked his aged limb,

For luxury and sloth had nourished none for him.

And I am glad, that he has lived thus long,
And glad that he is gone to his reward;
Nor deem, that kindly nature did him wrong,
Softly to disengage the vital cord.

When his weak hand grew palsied, and his eye
Dark with the mists of age, it was his time to die.


In the course of a desultory education, conducted pretty much according to my own likings, I have studied parts of the Greek Anthology. I had previously read the contemptuous opinion expressed of that work by Lord Chesterfield in his letters to his son. I had very little reverence for his lordship's literary taste, and on examination soon became satisfied, that it was the absence of all resemblance to the foppish affectation of his own style which had displeased him. The simplicity and adherence to natural feelings displayed in most of these inscriptions (to render literally their Greek name) were extremely captivating to me,



and I have spent many an evening delightedly em- | persons forming this establishment. ployed in translating them, as closely as I could, the archimandrite Hyacinthus, who has into English verse. The following specimens are at your service; should they please, I have more. lately returned to Petersburg, has applied would not have them compared with Bland's himself with great zeal to the study of the translation published some few years since, and Chinese history and literature. He has which I had not seen at the time mine were made; prepared a work in nine volumes folio, emfor our objects were different;-his was to write bracing the General History of China, from English poetry,-mine to give as faithful a tran- the year 2357 before Christ to A. D. 1633like the Anthology so well as I; but it would not script as possible of the original. Others may not one in two volumes folio on its geography seem to me very unjust to test any man's literary and statistics-a Russian and Chinese Dictaste, by his answer to the single question, Do you tionary-four works on the geography and relish the Epigrams of the Greek Anthology? and history of Thibet and of Little Bucharia if the answer were, No, to decide that his taste was hopelessly corrupted.

Wreathe no roses for thy hair,
Nor among its tresses wear
The embroidered diadem,
Sparkling far with many a gem.

Let other maids their pearls display;
Thy skin is whiter far than they.
Let them their golden trinkets show;
Thy locks of gold more richly glow.

Their gems of hyacinthine hue,
Shed radiance;-but thine eyes of blue
Beam a lovelier light for me,
Sparkle more deliciously.

N. B.

Ethereal elegance of form,
Dewy lips and blushes warm,-
While these enchantments are thy own,
Thou need'st not Cytherea's zone.

Loving, I should perish here,
Did not thy glances banish fear;
But those eyes forbid despair,
For lovely hope inhabits there.

Blind power of wealth, thy footsteps bend
Hence, nor longer linger here;
Nor to ocean's depths descend,
Nor borne upon the winds appear,
But to the gloomy realms begone
Of Tartarus and Acheron,
Where torture darts her sharpest stings;
For sorrowing grief, and angry strife,
And all the ill of mortal life,

From thee, the source of evil, springs.

Not dead, but flown to happier shores,
Prota, in those, the blessed isles,
Reclined on odoriferous flowers,
Or wandering through Elysian bowers,
Thou gazest round with joyful smiles.
There shall nor heat nor cold distress,
Nor shall dull care afflict thy mind,
Nor shall disease thy form oppress,
Nor shalt thou, in thy happiness,
Wish for blessings left behind.

Thirst nor hunger shall be there;
Far from thence all ill be driven;
Spirits shall thy feast prepare,
Nor thou for human life shalt care,
Surrounded by the blaze of heaven.
This last line is, in the original, so exquisite,
you must print it.

Αὐγαῖς ἐν καθαραῖσιν Ολυμποῦ πλησίον ὄντος.



Ever since the treaty of peace and comthe Russian government has maintained an merce between China and Russia in 1728, archimandrite and four ecclesiastics, with a suite of young men, at Pekin. Little has been hitherto done for literature by the

the history of the Mongols, and an account of the code of laws given them by the Chinese government-a description of Pekin-an account of the dykes and works erected to confine the waters of the Yellow River, followed by an accurate description of the great canal of China-a translation of the works of Confucius, with a commentary and several treatises on the manners, customs, festivals, and domestic employments of the Chinese; on their military art, and on the branches of industry in which they excel.

Some of these works will probably be printed by the Russian government.


A Latin MS. undoubtedly by Milton, long supposed to be lost, has lately been discovered in the State Paper Office in London. The subject is religious, and the arguments are all drawn from Scripture. There are many Hebrew quotations, and the work is one of considerable bulk, containing 735 pages, many of them closely written, and believed to be in the handwriting of the poet's nephew, Phillips, with many interlineations by a different hand. It was found in an envelope addressed to Cyriac Skinner, merchant. The situation which Milton held of Latin secretary to Cromwell, will account for such a discovery being made in the State Paper Office.


In our first number some account was given of the prolific state of the French drama. Their literature appears to be in a no less promising way in other departments. During the last year there were 6007 new works produced; being 185 more than in the preceding year. "If this progression should continue," says a French journalist, "we shall soon be at a loss for readers." The increase of musical compositions is still greater in proportion: in 1822 there were 229; the last year 365-one a day!


It is well known that Galland's French translation of the collection of "A thousand and one Nights," from which the versions into other European languages have been made, was so imperfect as to contain tales. only a small number of those celebrated interest that a translation is in considerable The public therefore will learn with forwardness in England, of that part of this collection which has not yet appeared in

an English dress, from a complete copy of the original, which the eminent oriental scholar Mr Von Hammer, of Vienna, was fortunate enough to obtain during his diplomatic mission to Constantinople.


The following quotation from an unrepealed statute of the reign of James I. providing punishment for the use of profane language upon the stage, shows in what light a practice so prevalent, and considered of so trifling importance at the present day, was then regarded.

"It is enacted, that if, at any time or times, any person or persons, do or shall, in any stage-play, interlude, shew, May-game, or pageant, jestingly or profanely, speak or use the holy name of God, or of Jesus Christ, or of the Holy Ghost, or of the Trinity, which are not to be spoken but

rich soil, produced an abundant increase. the best authorities to the present time, by
The principal stems were more than seven J. W. Gardner.
feet in length, and about 600 tubers were The principal works used in the construc-
gathered from the plants-the largest of tion of the terrestrial globe, were Bowditch's
which, although not arrived at their full Navigator, fifth edition; Worcester's Ga-
growth, were somewhat larger than a pi-zetteer, last edition; Horsburg's East In-
geon's egg. Some are white, others marked dia Directory; New Edinburgh Encyclo-
with blotches of pale red or white. Their pedia, with many other authorities, and with
flavour when boiled was exactly that of a the personal advice of ship masters from
young potato, although, in their natural various parts of the globe.
state, they are said to have a slightly bitter
taste. It is hoped that this return to the
original stock of the plant, may lead to the
production of some new and valuable varie-
ties of so important an article of food.


One of the most tremendous explosions from steam upon record, took place at a distillery at Lochrin in Scotland.


The authorities for the number and situ

ation of the constellations on the celestial sphere are about a century and a half later than those used for the newest English globes. Many catalogues of right ascension and declination of the stars have been used, but the one strictly followed is that of Bode.

TODD'S JOHNSON'S DICTIONARY. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. propose to stereotype Chalmer's Abridgment of Todd's

with fear and reverence, he or they shall boiler was intended to furnish steam of a Johnson's Dictionary of the English Lan

forfeit for every such offence ten pounds, one moiety thereof to go to the king's majesty, and the other half to him that shall sue for the same."

guage, with the pronunciation and notes

from Walker.

ed in London by Chalmers. The researchThis abridgment has lately been prepar

In 1701 Betterton and some other actors micircle, rose into the body of the boiler./es of Todd have added several thousand

were indicted and fined under this act.


spring from Great Britain for the prosecuNew expeditions are to be sent out this tion of discoveries in the arctic regions. It is said that Captain Parry in the Hecla and Capt. Hoffner in the Fury, are to proceed to explore Regent's Inlet; while the Griper, Capt. Lyon, proceeds to Repulse Bay, and remains there till the coast is surveyed to the Cape Turnagain of Franklin. This enterprising officer (Capt. Franklin) also renews his toils, and is appointed to go to Fort Enterprise (his old stand), and thence to survey the coast if possible to Icy Cape.


The Asiatic Journal for February, 1824 contains a notice of the discovery in India of a method of manufacturing a substance, to which has been given the name of Artificial Beeswax. It is intended as a substitute for the natural wax in the manufacture of candles. It is formed by a curious and ingenious process from vegetable oil. Candles made of it are little if at all inferior to those made of common wax, whilst they may be afforded at a much cheaper rate than even the coarsest of the ordinary kind.


It has always remained a question of some doubt what part of America was the native country of the Solanum tuberosum or potato. It has recently been found growing in considerable quantities, in ravines, in the immediate neighbourhood of Valparaiso, in lat. 34 S. and two of the tubers have been carried to Great Britain by Mr Caidcleugh, secretary of the British legation at Rio Janeiro. These specimens, having been cultivated with great care and in a very

high pressure for boiling the large stills of
the establishment; it measured 37 feet in
length, 3 feet in breadth at the bottom, 2
feet immediately under the top, and about
2 feet in height; the bottom forming a se-
Its whole weight was 9 tons, of which the
top and sides were estimated at 7 tons.
This portion of the boiler was torn from the
an arched covering of brick work, pene-
bottom by the explosion; it dashed aside
trated the roof of the boiler-house, rose in
the atmosphere to the height of seventy
feet, and then descended at a distance of
150 feet, alighted on the roof of another
building, carried every thing before it in its
fall, and even crushed in pieces one side of
a large circular vat of cast iron
lives of two workmen only were destroy-
ed, although the whole establishment was
crowded with people at work.


The engine at the time of the explosion was supposed to be at work with a pressure on the safety valve of only forty pounds to the square inch. This pressure might perhaps, by some mismanagement, have been greatly increased. Yet no probable increase of this pressure will altogether account for the force of the explosion, since, to calculate from the impetus with which the weight of seven tons was projected, the impulse given by the explosive force could not have been less than 215 pounds upon the square inch. It seems most probable that the immediate cause of the accident, was the unduly heated state of the end of the boiler next the feeding pipe; that there was a defect in the supply of water, by which this part was suffered to become red hot; and that' consequently upon the sudden admission of a jet of water there was an extrication of a greater quantity of steam than could be let off by the safety valves in season to relieve the walls of the boiler from its pressure.


Cummings, Hilliard & Co. have just published a pair of new and original globes, constructed differently from any other work of the kind now before the public, and from

words to the Vocabulary of Johnson, all of well as many which were purposely omitted which are retained in this abridgment, as tion complete, in all the parts of a manuby Johnson, in his own manual edition. For the sake of rendering the American edial dictionary, the publishers propose to add to it the notes and pronunciation of Walker.

With these improvements, the proposed edition, it is thought, will be the most perfect manual English dictionary which has yet come before the public. It will contain, of Todd's Johnson's Dictionary, amounting 1. All the words in Chalmers' abridgment to several thousands more than are contained in Johnson's original dictionary, or any Definitions of Dr. Johnson of all the words 2. The subsequent manual dictionary. not subsequently inserted in the Vocabulary, with the addition of every important Etymology: 3. The Pronunciation and

Notes of Walker.

The whole will be published under the particular superintendance of a diligent editor, and no pains be spared to fit it for the use both of the student of the English language and of the general reader.

All publishers of books throughout the United States, are very earnestly requested to forward to us, regularly and seasonably, the names of all works of every kind, preparing for publication, in the press, or recently published. As they will be inserted in the Gazette, it is particularly desired that the exact titles be stated at length.

C. H. & Co.




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