Слике страница

Troy, Mutual Bank of, act to amend articles of association of, - 102
151, 161, 187
Market Savings Bank of, act to incorporate the, 516, 523
Orphan Asylum,
31, 61, 66, 67, 94, 96, 97, 397
Savings Bank. (See Savings Bank.)
University, petitions for aid to, 66, 85, 90, 95, 100, 108
115, 116, 121, 126, 132, 133, 140, 141, 147, 153, 166
181, 182, 188, 197, 198, 199, 224, 239, 245, 297, 305

426, 440, 449, 692
116, 153, 173

University, memorial in regard to,......
Water Commissioners,.


Waterworks, act in relation to, 101, 151, 154, 160, 589



Warren Free Institute in. (See Warren Free Institute)
petition for act to aid in collection of taxes, &c, in, 181
act for,..
190, 226, 319, 329, 331,332,589,624
city of, act to authorize to borrow money,- 373, 387, 535


551, 625

city of, petition to fund floating debt of,


city of, act to authorize to raise money by tax, 534, 551

[blocks in formation]


625, 704, 739,801, 827

petition to repeal act for preservation of,.

Treasurer, Clerk of, in Kings county,

61, 90, 101


117, 127

Monroe county, relative to term of office of, 117, 127


Treasurers, county, act to better secure counties against losses

210, 361, 445, 471, 629, 710

Treasury, Solicitor of the. (See Solicitor)
Tremont, Union Stage company. (See Union Stage company.)
Truman, Mr., excused from voting,.

422, 853

Turnpike roads, act in relation to, 37, 44, 78, 140, 149, 153, 159

233, 240, 255, 510, 546, 569, 590, 663, 674, 714, 737
756, 955

and plankroads, act in regard to exemptions on, 278, 284
roads, companies to construct. (See Plankroads.)

Tweedale, Edward, act to enable to take, hold and convey real


Ulster, county of, petition from supervisors of,....



act relative to election of Superintendents of poor in, 127

[blocks in formation]

act in relation to roads in,
act to erect a new town to be called. (See Denning.)

University of Albany. (See Law Department.)

of Buffalo. (See Buffalo.)
Madison. (See Madison.)
of Troy. (See Troy.)

Union Free School in Newtown. (See Newtown.)

Stage company of Tremont, to incorporate, ----- 395, 421

Union Stage company of Westchester, act to incorporate, 538, 552

[ocr errors]

569, 577, 692, 764, 770, 806, 828


Savings Bank, remonstrance against bill for,-
Savings Bank, of Batavia. (See Batavia.)
Dime Savings Institution, act to incorporate the, 577, 614
706, 716, 752, 800
Navigation company, act to incorporate the,---- 410, 441

United States, petition in behalf of. (See Arsenal grounds.)
of America, act vesting in, jurisdiction over piece of
land in West Troy, 409, 452, 476, 487, 528, 859, 873
Warehouse company, act to incorporate the, 715, 841
849, 901, 916


Unsafe Buildings in New York. (See New York.)
Upper Irving, bridge over creek at. (See Supervisors of Erie

Usury Laws, to repeal. (See New York.)
Utica, city of, act to amend charter of,

118, 129, 156, 271, 433
505, 526, 531, 616, 621, 660
city of, act in relation to J. R. Timon. (See J. R. Timon.)
Woolen Mills company, act to change name of, 199, 202
213, 225, 360, 365, 411, 486, 576


[ocr errors]


Vacancy in the 11th Senatorial district, - - - 4, 26, 27, 36, 112, 115
247, 314, 315, 342, 359
370, 377, 378

report of committee on,
Vagrants and lunatics, act in relation to, &c.,- --
Van Beck, George F., act in relation to establishing a ferry,- - - 579


[ocr errors]

586, 613, 677, 729

Van Dyck, invitation from, to attend exercises of State Normal

Van Etten, town of. (See Hedding Society.)

Van Straphorst, Nicholas, and others, act to perpetuate evidence

of deaths of, - - - - - -


64, 75, 103

Van Wie, Henry A., resolution relative to papers of,-


act for relief of,

95, 125, 127, 138

Vandenburgh, W. G., petition to convey real estate,..... 141

[blocks in formation]

166, 268, 276, 291, 944, 946, 959

Veekl, Joseph, resolution relative to,
Veterans of war of 1812, petition of,.


66, 254

Victory, town of, act for Canal Commissioners to pay for bridge

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Voting, illegal, act to prevent, 137, 170, 390, 391, 419, 425, 433


493, 520, 533, 545, 638, 772, 812, 814, 884, 892

illegal, resolution to make special order,------- 434, 600
amendments to said bill, 639 to 647, inclusive.

171, 175, 563

27, 137


Wagner, David, act for relief of,

[blocks in formation]

620, 690, 844, 902, 917

ships in. (See American Prisoners.)

Warsaw, petition of trustees of,

Wallabout bay, act relative to prisoners who died on prison

act to amend act incorporating, 31, 38,58, 89,


Warden's office of New York,.

War of 1812, resolution relative to militia of,



Warren county, petition from,

petition for removal of county line of,
Free Institute, act to amend act to incorporate the,

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[blocks in formation]

village of, chief engineer of fire department of, act to
regulate election of,

[blocks in formation]

Warehousemen, wharfingers and others, act to amend act to

prevent issue of false receipts by, &c., - - 91, 96, 134, 222

232, 237, 860, 891
484, 494, 584, 664, 730
41, 314, 354, 373

Warwick and Minisink Turnpike company, act to amend act in
relation to,
Washington Market, lands in front of,
county, petition from,
courts of record in, act in relation to compensation of
jurors in,....

[blocks in formation]

Water company, Camden Spring. (See Camden Spring.)
Waterloo Union School districts, acts relative to, 91, 97, 104, 109



122, 202, 221
Watervliet Turnpike company, act to amend charter of, 105, 171
210, 503, 601, 613, 650, 664, 906, 916
Turnpike road, remonstrance against raising tolls on, 346
town of, act to regulate taxes in, 277, 281, 292, 396

Waterford, village of, act for appointment of commissioner of

148, 210, 361, 413, 518, 576

deeds in,.
town of, act relative to persons convicted of crime in.
(See Albany Penitentiary.)
village of, act to amend charter of, 621, 689, 704, 740


Waterloo, village of, act to further amend charter of, 535, 551, 570

Watertown, petition from,.

652, 729

village, Home for Homeless and Orphan Children, act
to establish in, 320, 331, 404, 407, 465, 476, 487, 714
village of, act to amend act to incorporate the, 501, 504
571, 585, 735, 782, 801



village of, fire department of, act to amend act to in-
corporate, 518,539, 625, 704, 740, 828, 873
village of, act in relation to purchase of site for new
court house in,


remonstrance against said act,


732, 769, 874, 891


Waverly Place, Greene and Mercer sts., remonstrance against

construction of railroad track in,....

209, 263

Wawarsing, petition from, for Troy University,

108, 116

Wayne county, fees of judge and surrogate,- - - 33, 39, 87, 102, 151

153, 160, 218, 802, 827

[blocks in formation]

72, 85, 101, 133

[ocr errors]

57, 79, 132, 133, 198

200, 205

fees and costs of suits and proceedings before justices
of peace in, act to regulate the,


act in relation to recording certain deeds, - - 485, 496, 539

Weapons, deadly, act to restrain carrying,...

Webb, Jemima, act for relief of,


Webb, Nathan, act for relief of,

- -----

Western House of Refuge,


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Westchester county, constable in, act in relation to, - - - 74, 80, 169

Justices of Sessions in,... 74, 80, 370, 443, 450, 457, 946
remonstrance from. (See Peekskill.)

act for sale of lands for non-payment of taxes in, 265, 266
387, 509, 539

West Troy, act relative to certain piece of land in. (See United
West Farms, public roads in, act to macadamize, --- 478, 522, 571
584, 663, 729

Westfield and Chautauque Lake Plankroad company, act in re-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

remonstrance against increased rates of, - - - 305, 310, 316

330, 356, 362, 371, 372, 384, 386, 420, 426, 440, 449

487, 829

resolution to print report on said act,


311, 319

Wheeler, O. B., resolution relative to charges of,..


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

President pro tem, thanks of Senate tendered to,
White, I. Jewett, act for relief of, - 31, 34, 134, 267, 443, 451, 456




Wolcott B., act for relief of,



Whipple, Squire, petition, &c. of,


act in relation to,.

157, 268

Whitesboro, village of, act relative to, -- 74, 91, 125, 128, 138, 221
Whitehall, village of, petition to amend charter of the,



act to, - - -


128, 137, 156, 223, 232, 236, 860, 874

White's Corners and Buffalo Plankroad company, act in relation
to tolls on,

390, 452, 571, 585, 663, 782

Whiteport Plankroad company, act to change route of road of,

&c., -
485, 494, 507, 542, 600
Whitcher, Benjamin W. and others, claims of. (See J. Wood-
Widows with small children, society for relief of, act to amend
act to incorporate,
759, 762, 836, 897
Williamsburgh and Cypress Hill Plankroad company,- - 28, 43, 151

165, 167, 172, 885, 892

local improvements in, - 28, 42, 56, 61, 76, 392, 404, 483
act relative to moneys and property of, 758, 766, 768


Williams, E. J., act to change name of,..
Williamson, Jane, petition relative to escheated land,

[ocr errors]

804, 828


act relative to,. - - 118, 122, 169, 344, 347, 353, 860, 891
Wills, act in relation to, - - - 583, 584, 622, 633, 650, 664, 691, 692
Wilkes, Matthew, and his children, act to authorize to hold
758, 772, 833, 894, 916
Witnesses, persons confined as, 27, 75, 128, 195, 418, 483, 490, 491
500, 511, 521, 533, 559, 569

real estate,



act to protect liberty of,
Wolcott, assessors of, act to legalize acts of,... 48, 67, 94, 98, 187



petition from,....
Wolfe, David John, act for relief of, - - 63, 101, 155, 343, 347, 349
Woman's Library, act to incorporate the,- - 562, 568, 625, 632, 682



Women, married, act in relation to property of. (See Married

Woodworth, Thomas F., act for relief of, - 479, 493, 844, 901, 917


Woodward, James, claims of, act relative to, 619, 690, 844, 901, 917


Yates, Evert L., resolution relative to, ---

Yonkers Savings Bank, act to amend act to incorporate the,

[ocr errors]

Wright, Luther, act for relief of,

627, 750




resolution relative to,.



village of, act to amend act to incorporate the, - 619,749

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Zoph, Margaret, resolution relative to escheated lands to, ----- 64

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