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§ 14. Penalty for neglect or false report.- Any superintend ent of the poor or other officer or person having been an officer, who shall neglect or refuse to render any account, statement or report required by this chapter, or shall willfully make any false report, or shall neglect to pay over any moneys within the time required by law, shall forfeit two hundred dollars to the town or county of which he is or was an officer, and shall be liable to an action for all moneys which shall be in his hands after the time the same should have been paid over, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per centum per annum from the time the same should have been paid over. The state board of charities shall give notice to the district attorney of the county of every neglect to make the report required to be made to that board, and every officer or board to whom any such account, statement, report or payment should have been made, shall give notice to such district attorney of every neglect or failure to make the same; and such district attorney shall, on receiving such notice. or in any way receiving satisfactory evidence of such default, prosecute for the recovery of such penalties or moneys in the name of the town or county entitled thereto, and the sum recov ered, if for the benefit of the town, shall be paid to the overseer of the poor thereof, and if for the benefit of the county, shall be paid into the county treasury, to be expended by the overseer or superintendent of the poor for the support of the poor of such town or county.


Overseers of the Poor.

Section 20. Relief in counties having alms-house.

21. Expense of removal, and temporary relief.

22. How supported, and when discharged.

23. Temporary relief to persons who cannot be removed

to alms-house.

24. Relief in counties having no alms-house.

25. Overseer to make monthly examinations and audit


26. Overseers to keep books of account.

27. Annual report of overseers.

28. Accounts of town officers.

29. Overseers of the poor in cities.

When any per

§ 20. Relief in counties having alms-house. son shall apply for relief to an overseer of the poor, in a county having an alms-house, such overseer shall inquire into the state and circumstances of the applicant; and if it shall appear that he is a poor person, and requires permanent relief and support, and can be safely removed, the overseer shall, by written order, cause such poor person to be removed to the county alms-house, or to be relieved and provided for, as the necessities of the applicant may require. If the county be one where the respective towns are required to support their own poor, the overseer shall designate in such order of removal, whether such person be chargeable to the county or not; and if no such designation be made, such person shall be deemed to belong to the town whose overseer made such order.

8.21. Expense of removal, and temporary relief.-Unless such poor person is properly chargeable to the town, the overseer, in addition to the expense of such removal, shall be allowed such sum as may have been necessarily paid out, or contracted to be paid, for the relief or support of such poor person, previous to such removal and as the superintendent shall judge was reasonably expended while it was improper or inconvenient to remove such poor person, which sum shall be paid by the county treasurer, on the order of the superintendent.

§ 22. How supported and when discharged.— The person so removed shall be received by the superintendents, or their agents, and be supported and relieved in a county alms-house until it shall appear to them that such person is able to maintain himself, or, if a minor, until he is bound out or otherwise cared for, as hereinafter provided, when they may, in their discretion, discharge him.

§ 23. Temporary relief to persons who can not be removed to alms-house. If it shall appear that the person so applying requires only temporary relief, or is sick, lame or otherwise disabled so that he cannot be conveniently removed to the county alms-house, or that he is a person who should be relieved and cared for at his home under article five of this chapter, the overseers shall apply to the supervisor of the town, who shall examine into the facts and circumstances, and shall, in writing, order such sum to be expended for the temporary relief of such poor person, as the circumstances of the case shall require, which

order shall entitle the overseer to receive any sum he may have paid out or contracted to pay, within the amount therein specified, from the county treasurer, to be by him charged to the county, if such person be a county charge, if not, to be charged to the town where such relief was afforded; but no greater sum than ten dollars shall be expended or paid for the relief of any one poor person, or one family, without the sanction, in writing, of one of the superintendents of the poor of the county, which shall be presented to the county treasurer, with the order of the supervisor, except when the board of supervisors has made rules. and regulations as prescribed in section thirteen of this chapter.

§ 24. Relief in counties having no alms-house. If application for relief be made in any county where there is no county alms-house, the overseer of the poor of the town where such application is made shall inquire into the facts and circumstances of the case, and with the written approval of the supervisor of such town, make an order in writing for such allowance, weekly or otherwise, as they shall think required by the necessities of such poor person. If such poor person has a legal settlement in such town, or in any other town in the same county, the overseer shall apply the moneys so allowed to the relief and support of such poor person. The money so paid by him, or contracted to be paid, when the poor person had no legal settlement in the town, and charged to the town in which he had a legal settlement, shall be drawn by such overseer from the county treasurer on producing such order. If such person has no legal settlement in such county, the overseer shall, within ten days after granting to him any relief, give notice thereof, and that such person has no legal settlement in such county, to one of the county superintendents, and until the county superintendents shall take charge of the support of such poor person, the overseer shall provide for his relief and support, and the expense thereof from the time of giving such notice shall be paid to such overseer by the county treasurer, on the production of such order and of proof by affidavit of the time of the giving of such notice, and shall be by him charged to the county.

§ 25. Overseer to make monthly examinations and audit accounts. The overseer of the poor of a town or city shall at least once each month, examine into the condition and necessities of each person supported by the town or city out of the county almshouse, and provide within the provisions of this chapter for such

allowances, weekly or otherwise as the circumstances may in his judgment require. All accounts for care, support, supplies or attendance, connected with the maintenance of such poor person or family, shall be settled once in three months, and paid if there be funds for that purpose. No bill, claim or account for care, support, supplies or attendance, furnished to poor persons, by order of the overseer of the poor, or otherwise, shall be audited or allowed by the overseer, unless such bill, claim, or account be verified by the claimant, to the effect that such care, support, supplies or attendance have been actually furnished for such poor persons, that such poor persons have actually received the same, and that the prices charged therefor are reasonable, and not above the usual market rates.

§ 26. Overseers to keep books of account.- Overseers of the poor, who receive and expend money for the relief and support of the poor in their respective towns and cities, shall keep books to be procured at town or city expense, in which they shall enter the name, age, sex and native country of every poor person who shall be relieved or supported by them, together with a statement of the causes, either direct or indirect, which shall have operated to render such relief necessary, so far as the same can be ascertained. They shall also enter upon such books a statement of the name and age, and of the names and residences of the parents of every child who is placed by them in a family, with the name and address of the family with whom every such child is placed, and the occupation of the head of the family. They shall also enter upon books so procured, a statement of all moneys received by them, when and from whom, and on what account received, and of all moneys paid out by them, when and to whom paid and on what authority, and whether to town, city or county poor; also a statement of all debts contracted by them as such overseers, the names of the persons with whom such debts were contracted, the amount and consideration of each item, the names of the persons for whose benefit the debts were contracted, and if the same have been paid, the time and manner of such payment.

The overseers shall lay such books before the board of town auditors, or the common council of the city, at its first annual meeting in each year, together with a just, true and verified. itemized account, of all moneys received and expended by them. for the use of the poor since the last preceding annual meeting

of said board. The board or council shall compare said account with the entries in the book, and shall examine the vouchers in support thereof, and may examine the overseers of the poor, under oath, with reference to such account. They shall thereupon audit and settle the same, and state the balance due to or from the overseers, as the case may be. Such account shall be filed with the town or city clerk, and at every annual town meeting, the town. clerk shall produce such town account for the next preceding year, and read the same, if it be required by the meeting. The overseers of a town shall have such books present each year at the annual town meeting subject to the inspection of the voters. of the town, and the entries thereon for the preceding year shall there be read publicly at the time reports of other town officers are presented, if required by a resolution of such meeting.

No credit shall be allowed to any overseers for moneys paid, unless it shall appear that such payments were made necessarily, or pursuant to a legal order.

§ 27. Annual report of overseers.-Such overseer shall make to the town board, at its second annual meeting in each year, a written report, stating their account as provided in the last section, continued to that date, and any deficiency that may then exist in the town poor fund, with their estimate of the sum which they shall deem necessary for the temporary and out-door relief and support of the poor in their town for the ensuing year, and in counties where there is no county alms-house, their estimate of such sum as they shall deem necessary to be raised and collected therein for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. If such board shall approve the statement and estimate so made or any part thereof, they shall so certify in duplicate, one of which certi ficates shall be filed in the office of the town clerk, and the other shall be laid by the supervisor of the town, before the board of supervisors of the county, on the first day of its next annual meeting. The board of supervisors shall cause the amount of such deficiency and estimates, as so certified, together with the sums voted by such town for the relief of the poor therein to be levied and collected in such town, in the same manner as other town charges, to be paid to the overseers of the poor of such town, and the warrants attached to the tax-rolls in such county shall direct accordingly. The moneys so raised shall be received by such overseers, and applied toward the payment of such deficiency,

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