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banking and savings banks, by which in his opinion the system may be improved, and the security of billholders and depositors may be increased;

5. The names and compensation of the clerks employed by him, and the whole amount of the expenses of the department during the year, and the amount, if any, for which the treasury is in advance.

The expense of the report shall be charged among the general expenses of the department.

1 R. S., 1171, § 272; Laws of 1857, ch. 136, § 2, and
last clause of § 5.


§ 133. The bank superintendent shall not, either Qualifica directly or indirectly, be interested in any bank, expenses. or banking association, or in the business of any individual banker. He shall give to the people of the state a bond in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars, with two sureties, to be approved by the comptroller and treasurer, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. He shall employ from time to time the necessary clerks to discharge the duties he shall assign to them, one of whom he shall appoint as his deputy. He shall furnish the necessary furniture, stationery, fuel, light and other proper conveniences for the transaction of the business of his department; the expense of which shall be paid, on his certificate and the warrant of the comptroller, in the first instance, out of the treasury, and collected from the


banks as prescribed in the provisions relating to Banking contained in the CIVIL CODE.

1 R. S., 1168, § 263; Laws of 1857, ch. 103, §§ 1, 5; 1 R. S., 1170, § 267.






SECTION 134. Annual report.


135. Qualifications; deputy; expenses.

§ 134, It is the duty of the insurance superintendent to report annually to the legislature:

1. Tabular statements, presenting the information received from insurance companies, pursuant to the requirements of the CIVIL CODE;'

2. The names and compensation of the clerks employed by him, and the whole amount of the expenses of the department during the year.

The expense of printing the report shall be charged among the general expenses of the department.'

[blocks in formation]

§ 135. The insurance superintendent shall not, either directly or indirectly, be interested in any insurance company. He shall give to the people of the state a bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, with two sureties, to be approved by the comptroller, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. He shall employ from time to time the necessary clerks to discharge the duties he shall assign to them, one of whom he shall appoint as his deputy. He shall furnish the necessary furniture, stationery, fuel, lights and other proper conveniences for the transaction of the business of his department; the expense of which, with the monthly salaries of his clerks, shall be paid, on his certificate and the warrant of the comptroller, in the first instance, out of the treasury, and collected from the banks as prescribed in the provisions relating to Insurance contained in the CIVIL CODE.

Laws of 1859, ch. 366.



§ 136. The powers and duties of the attorneygeneral are prescribed by chapter I of title IV of part I of the CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, entitled "The Attorney-General;"

Those of the state superintendent of public instruction, and of the regents of the university, by the "School Laws;'

Those of the state assessors, by the “Fiscal Laws;" Those of the state superintendent of weights and measures, by chapter I of title IV of part III of this Code;

Those of the inspectors of gas meters, by the CIVIL CODE;

Those of the commissioners of excise, by chapter XI of title IV of part III of this Code;

Those of the commissioners of pilots of the portwardens of the port of New York, and of the harbor masters, by chapter I of title III of part III of this Code;

Those of the commissioners of police of the metropolitan police district, by a statute entitled "An act to establish a Metropolitan Police District, and to provide for the government thereof," passed 15th April, 1857.



SECTION 137. Seals.

138. Annual reports.

139. Offices of the secretary of state, the comptroller, the trea

surer, the attorney-general, the state engineer and surveyor, and the bank superintendent.

140. Certain officers to attend legislature.

141. Certain officers to file accounts of their fees.

142. Purchase to be for cash; form of vouchers.

143. Certain officers have power to administer oaths.

144. Extinguishment of claims.

145. Sales for quit-rents, if invalid.

146. Source of moneys for refunding.

147. Contract for public printing.

148. Contract for public binding.

149. Contract for printing the statutes.

150. Guaranty to be annexed to bids.

151. Legislative printing.

152. Certain copies to be full bound.

153. The state paper.

154. Proprietors to give bond.

155. Charges for advertising.

§ 137. Except where otherwise specially provi- Seals. ded by law, the seals of office of the various executive officers shall be such as they respectively shall have devised, and of which they shall have caused a description and impression, with a certificate of the governor's approval, to be filed in the office of the secretary of state. The privy seal of this state shall be the seal for military commissions and all such matters as have issued under the great seal since March 16, 1778, except copies of papers and records certified under the seal of office of the secretary of state, shall continue to be issued under the great seal, and shall be made out and recorded in the secretary of state's office.

1 R. S., 4 ed., 387, § 26.

This provision, in its general application, is
See Laws of 1859, ch. 366, § 4.



§ 138. Every officer required by law to submit Annual an annual report to the legislature must complete such report, for the preceding fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of September, on or before the tenth day of December succeeding, and deliver it on or before that day to the printer employed pursuant to this article.

Laws of 1859, ch. 437.

§139. The offices of the secretary of state, comporta troller, treasurer, attorney-general, state engineer the comp

Offices of

ry of state, troller, the

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