Conditional extension of time, to build railroad,... vol. 2, Adirondack Railroad Company. Taxation of lands of..... When, part of road, to be completed, . Adjutant-General. 1617 .vol. 2, 1618 .vol. 2, 2004 698 vol. 2, 1407 Additional compensation to clerks in office of,... Bureau of Military Statistics, transferred to department of, Proof of Debts, statute of limitations, when to be avail- Free bridge over Susquehanna river at... Agents and Attorneys for Indians. Agricultural College Lands. Avails of sale of United States lands, how invested, vol. 2, Cornell University, appropriation to,.... Agricultural Museum. See State Geological Hall. 753 1135 vol. 2, 1951 State Society, for investigation of causes of abortion among Cows, ...vol. 2, 1611 Westchester county, may sell or lease real estate, vol. 2, 1515 Alabama, Genesee County. Bridge across Tonawanda creek, in, - Albany Dispensary, appropriation for,- Albany Guardian Society and Home for the Friendless, Albany Orphan Asylum, appropriation for,.......vol. 2, City Attorney, to bring suits under building act,...vol. 2, ..vol. 2, 1098 Albany City. ..vol. 2, 1848 vol. 2, 1844 ..vol. 2, 1844 ..vol. 2, 1507 1630 Eye and Ear Infirmary, conditional appropriation to, vol. 2, 1849 National Commercial Bank, appropriation for, ...vol. 2, New Capitol, additional lands to be taken for,. - - - New Capitol, appropriation for,.. .vol. 2, 1942 New street, to be laid out by Capitol commissioners, vol. 2 1942 Legislature... vol. 2, 1942 Removal of present railroad bridge at.... 830 St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, appropriation for,..vol. 2, Soldiers' Home, appropriation for,.. Soldiers' Home, appropriation for chaplain, . State Library and Congress Hall, when to be Young Men's Association, charter amended,. Albany Water Works, taking of lands for, Capital Police District, patrolmen for,.... Cohoes Mastodon skeleton.. relief of,... 1066 615 801 634 Co-operative Iron Founders' Association of West Troy, ... vol. 2, parsonage, Schoharie Valley Railroad, town aid to,.. West Troy, claim of Patrick Rogers, for canal damages, vol. 2, 1457 West Troy Co-operative Iron Founders' Association, relief of. Watervliet, extension of time for collecting taxes, West Troy, village to vote on purchase of lot for engine house,.. (See also Albany City.) 31 844 939 vol. 2, 1651 Albany, Trustees of the Synod of, (Presbyterian). Bollerman Anthony and others, lands of released,.. to,.... Crawford Nancy, State title to lands released to,. 862 General act to confirm title, .vol. 2, 1060 Gordon Robert and Frances, may hold real estate, 175 -.vol. 2, Levere Maria T., may hold real estate on filing deposition, Moody William, State title to lands, released to... 257 Morenz Dorothea, State title to lands, released to,vol. 2. Sanches Benjamin, State title to lands, released to, vol. 2 Wilson John, lands of released,.. PAGE. 1415 982 984 1403 536 809 Towns in may subscribe to purchase right of way for rail- road, ...vol. 2, 1783 Wellsville, building and repairing sidewalks in,...vol. 2, 1415 |