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there was no better sport for the Sir Launcelots and Sir Gawains than to go about cutting off their great blundering heads with enchanted swords. But things have wonderfully changed. It is the giants, now-a-days, that have the science and the intelligence, while the chivalrous Don Quixotes of Conservatism still cumber themselves with the clumsy armor of a by-gone age. On whirls the restless globe through unsounded time, with its cities and its silences, its births and funerals, half light, half shade, but never wholly dark, and sure to swing round into the happy morning at last. With an involuntary smile, one sees Mr. Calhoun letting slip his pack-thread cable with a crooked pin at the end of it to anchor South Carolina upon the bank and shoal of the Past.-H. W.]


MR. EDITER, As i wuz kinder prunin round, in a little nussry sot out a year or 2 a go, the Dbait in the sennit cum inter my mine An so i took & Sot it to wut I call a nussry rime. I hev made sum onnable Gentlemun speak that dident speak in a Kind uv Poetikul lie sense the seeson is dreffle backerd up This way

ewers as ushul


“HERE we stan' on the Constitution, by thunder!
It's a fact o' wich ther's bushils o' proofs;
Fer how could we trample on't so, I wonder,
Ef't worn't thet it's ollers under our hoofs ?"
Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;

“Human rights haint no more
Right to come on this floor,

No more'n the man in the moon," sez he.

"The North haint no kind o' bisness with nothin', An' you've no idee how much bother it saves; We aint none riled by their frettin' an' frothin', We're used to layin' the string on our slaves,' Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;

Sez Mister Foote,

I should like to shoot

The holl gang, by the gret horn spoon!" sez he.

"Freedom's Keystone is Slavery, thet ther's no

doubt on,

It's sutthin' thet's-wha' d' ye call it ?-divine,-
An' the slaves thet we ollers make the most out on
Air them north o' Mason an' Dixon's line,"
Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—
"Fer all thet," sez Mangum,

"'T would be better to hang 'em,

An' so git red on 'em soon," sez he.

"The mass ough' to labor an' we lay on soffies, Thet's the reason I want to spread Freedom's

aree ;

It puts all the cunninest on us in office,

An' reelises our Maker's original idee,"
Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he ;-
"Thet's ez plain," sez Cass,

"Ez thet some one's an ass,

It's ez clear ez the sun is at noon," sez he.

"Now don't go to say I'm the friend of oppression, But keep all your spare breath fer coolin' your broth,

Fer I ollers hev strove (at least thet's my impres



To make cussed free with the rights o' the North," Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—

"Yes," sez Davis o' Miss.,

"The perfection o' bliss

Is in skinnin' thet same old coon," sez he.

Slavery's a thing thet depends on complexion,
It's God's law thet fetters on black skins don't


Ef brains wuz to settle it (horrid reflection !)
Wich of our onnable body'd be safe ?”
Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—

Sez Mister Hannegan,

Afore he began agin,

"Thet exception is quite oppertoon," sez he.

"Gen'nle Cass, Sir, you needn't be twitchin' your collar,

Your merit's quite clear by the dut on your knees, At the North we don't make no distinctions o' color; You can all take a lick at our shoes wen you please,"

Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—

Sez Mister Jarnagin,

They wunt hev to larn agin,

They all on 'em know the old toon," sez he.

"The slavery question aint no ways bewilderin'. North an' South hev one int'rest, it's plain to a


No'thern men, like us patriarchs, don't sell their childrin,

But they du sell themselves, ef they git a good chance,"

Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;-

Sez Atherton here,

"This is gittin' severe,

I wish I could dive like a loon," sez he.

"It'll break up the Union, this talk about freedom, An' your fact'ry gals (soon ez we split) 'll make

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An' gittin' some Miss chief or other to lead 'em,
go to work raisin' promisc oous Ned,"
Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—

Yes, the North," sez Colquitt,

"Ef we Southeners all quit,

Would go down like a busted balloon,” sez he.

"Jest look wut is doin', wut annyky's brewin' In the beautiful clime o' the olive an' vine, All the wise aristoxy is tumblin' to ruin,

An' the sankylots drorin' an' drinkin' their wine,”
Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he ;—

Yes," sez Johnson, "in France
They're beginnin' to dance

Beelzebub's own rigadoon," sez he.

"The South's safe enough, it don't feel a mite skeery,

Our slaves in their darkness an' dut air tu blest Not to welcome with proud hallylugers the ery Wen our eagle kicks yourn from the naytional nest,"

Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—


O," sez Westcott o' Florida, "Wut treason is horrider

Then our priv❜leges tryin' to proon?” sez he.

"It's 'coz they're so happy, thet, wen crazy sarpints Stick their nose in our bizness, we git so darned


We think it's our dooty to give pooty sharp hints, Thet the last crumb of Edin on airth shan't be spiled,"

Sez John C. Calhoun, sez he;—

Ah," sez Dixon H. Lewis,

"It perfectly true is

Thet slavery 's airth's grettest boon,” sez he.

[It was said of old time, that riches have wings; and, though this be not applicable in a literal strictness to the wealth of our patriarchal brethren of the South, yet it is clear that their possessions have legs, and an unaccountable propensity for using them in a northerly direction. I marvel that the grand jury of Washington did not find a true bill against the North Star for aiding and abetting Drayton and Sayres. It would have been quite of a piece with the intelligence displayed by the South on other questions connected with slavery. I think that no ship of state was ever freighted with a more veritable Jonah than this same domestic institution of ours. Mephistopheles himself could not feign so bitterly, so satirically sad a sight as this of three millions of human beings crushed beyond help or hope by this one mighty argument,- Our fathers knew no better! Nevertheless, it is the unavoidable destiny of Jonahs to be cast overboard sooner or later. Or shall we try the experiment of hiding our Jonah in a safe place, that none may lay hands on him to make jetsam of him? Let us, then, with equal forethought and wisdom, lash ourselves to the anchor, and await, in pious confidence, the certain result. Perhaps our suspicious passenger is no Jonah after all, being black. For it is well known that a superintending Providence made a kind of sandwich of Ham and his descendunts, to be devoured by the Caucasian race.

In God's name, let all, who hear nearer and nearer the

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