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and feelings; and if they are turned to ministers of sorrow, where shall she look for consolation? Her lotis to be wooed and won; and if unhappy in her love, her heart is like some fortress that has been captured, and sacked, and abandoned, and left desolate.

How many bright eyes grow dim, how many soft cheeks grow pale, how many lovely forms fade away in the tomb, and none can tell the cause that blighted their loveliness. As the dove will clasp its wings to its side, and cover and conceal the arrow that is preying on its vitals, so it is the nature of woman, to hide from the world the pangs of wounded affection. The love of a delicate female is always shy and silent. Even when fortunate, she scarcely breathes it to herself; but when otherwise, she buries it in the recesses of her bosom, and there lets it cower and brood among the ruins of her peace. With her the desire of the heart has failed. The great charm of existence is at an end. She neglects all the cheerful exercises which gladden the spirits, quicken the pulses, and send the tide of life in healthful currents through the veins. Her rest is broken,

the sweet refreshment of sleep is poisoned by melancholy dreams, " dry sorrow drinks her blood," until her enfeebled frame sinks under the slightest external injury. Look for her, after a little while, and you find friendship weeping over her untimely grave, and wondering that one, who but lately glowed with all the radiance of health and beauty, should so speedily be brought down to “darkness and the worm." You will be told of some wintry chill, some casual indisposition, that laid her low: but no one knows the mental malady that previously sapped her strength, and made her so easy a prey to the spoiler.

She is like some tender tree, the pride of the grove; graceful in its form, bright in its foliage, but with the worm preying at its heart. We find it suddenly wither. ing, when it should be most fresh and luxuriant. We see it drooping its branches to the earth, and shedding leaf by leaf; until, wasted and perished away, it falls even in the stillness of the forest; and as we muse over the beautiful ruin, we strive in vain to recollect the blast or thunderbolt that could have smitten it with decay.


ON Sunday, the 2d of July, 1820, the Duke of Calabria, eldest son of the King, returned from Sicily, where he had been as Viceroy, to Naples. A movement began to make its appearance that same evening, among the troops at Avelino and Nola. As soon as it was known at Naples that the regiments quartered in these districts had joined and declared for a free constitution, the troops on duty in the capital were marched out, and placed so as to intercept any communication between the insurgents and the city.

this society we gave a full account in one of our preceding Numbers. The mode employed by the promoters of the revolution, was the introduction of a majority of Carbonari into the bands of provincial militia, and which bear some analogy to our local militia.

The organization of this description of troops, as well as the choice of the indivi. duals composing them, rested principally on the commandant of the province, an office perfectly distinct from that of General of Division, and generally given to an officer of the rank of Colonel.

These corps were considered as ranking higher, in a moral point of view, than the regular forces, because most of them were landed proprietors. They were found use

On the night of the 5th of July, General Pepe left Naples, and joined the insurrection. Immediately on this a council was held, and in consequence of its decision the King issued a proclamation, announcing || his compliance with the wish of his sub-ful in defending the interior from those jects to have a free constitution. hordes of brigands which have infested the The attainment of a constitution had country from time immemorial. They long been the object of the Carbonari: of" were also often employed as escorts, in

conjunction with the regular troops, and were, of course, all provided with arms; while those who could afford it, were clothed and accoutred at their own expence.

The inhabitants of the capital showed but little surprise on being first informed of the insurrection: it was greeted without any appearance of enthusiasm, which seemed to prove that it had been anticipated. A discontent had been known to have existed in the regular army, and this facilitated the plan of the revolutionists.— The affability of the King, and his constant attendance on the manoeuvring of his army, had, however, gained him a high degree of popularity; so that at one time it was deemed expedient to defer the projected execution of the plan to a more favourable opportunity.

On Sunday, the 9th of July, the regular troops, headed by General Napolitano, opened the march, and were followed by the whole mass of provincial militia, walking rapidly, and without rule or order, conducted by General G. Pepe and a priest named Menichini, who was a principal mover of the springs that set the revolution in motion. He was a man as intelligent as he was indefatigable, and attracted much notice and curiosity: he had passed several years, it seems, in England, and had been in Spain during the changes that took place in the Spanish government.

contrast in these same legions; they were equally well provided with arms of all descriptions, but they marched among the ranks of their picturesque companions, dressed in the full extreme of modern French and English fashions. All bore the Carbonari colours at their breast; while scarfs of the same, and different medals or emblems tied to their waistcoats, denoted the rank they severally held in that society. The emblems consisted of a hatchet, a hammer, and a kind of spade, with the other instruments that are used by real Carbonari, or charcoal-workers. They also carried banners, with inscriptions, in honour of this patriotic association. Nearly the whole of these individuals had been absent from their homes nine days, during which time they had never slept on a bed, or even under a roof; they all, however, seemed in good humour and high spirits, and appeared amply repaid by their success for all their hardships.

After passing before the palace, they filed off, in different divisions, to their respective quarters, assigned them in the empty barracks, but more particularly in a long range of buildings on the Portici road.— On the first night of their stay at Naples, a considerable proportion of these men slept on trusses of straw, among the oleanders, myrtles, and geraniums of the Villa Reale.

On the 7th and 8th of July, the town had been partially illuminated; but the appearance of an American ship of the line had created great uneasiness among the Neapolitans, as they took it for an English man-of-war, and considered, without the least regard to probability, time, or distance, that it had been sent to take an active part in the present proceedings of the nation; but the truth was soon discovered the ship only remained one day in the Bay.

The constitution, in a palpable shape, appeared in the procession, conveyed in a common one-horse hackney chair, called a curriculo. The bands of provincial militia formed a singular spectacle; though they were all most formidably armed, yet their weapons were as various as their accoutrements; it was but a few who were clad in a military uniform; the majority were habited in the different costume of their respective districts, which, however, had a very warlike appearance. The cartridge- The streets, on the evening of the 9th, belt, the sandalled legs, the broad stiletto, were crowded with carriages and foot passhort musket, and grey peaked hats, gave sengers; and the several deputations from them a similarity to those figures of ban- the provinces had established themselves ditti we so often see represented in Italian in the main street, each forming a place of paintings; and their sun-burnt complexions, rendezvous, where their countrymen could with their dark bushy hair and whiskers, || apply for any information or assistance rendered the resemblance yet more strik- they might require: these quarters had the ing. names of their respective districts displayThe opulent classes formed a strange ed on draperies of coloured silks, adorned

with flowers, and illumined by variegated || lamps. On the same evening, the great Theatre of Saint Carlo was illuminated, and opened, gratis, to the provincial troops, || so that it was filled to a degree unparalleled on any former occasion. The sight presented by the seats in the pit, filled with so motley an assemblage, many of which were armed cap-à-pić, was not one of the least remarkable exhibitions which the public had seen for the last twelve days. The Duke of Calabria and his family were present, and more than divided the applause bestowed on the performers. The festivities of the day were, however, damped by an event that spread considerable alarm through the metropolis. A large portion of the regiment of Fiarnese had received orders to repair to the fortress of Gaeta. This station, either from its isolated position, or the severe discipline imposed on its garrison, has always been looked upon by the Neapolitan army as a place of punishment, and, in fact, has, at times, been used as such. This, however, was not the case in the present instance, as the regiment in question had always conducted itself with the greatest propriety, and had also seen some very hard service; and was lately returned from Sicily, with testimonials of well-deserved approbation.

The idea of going to Gaeta had such an effect upon these misguided men, that, after a long altercation with their officers, who endeavoured to recall them back to their duty, they forced the gates of the barrack-yard, and rushed out, armed and accoutred, and in a tumultuous manner hurried through the most public streets, with the intention of deserting. They first proceeded to the residence of General Filangieri, an officer of high distinction,|| and very popular throughout the army. Unluckily, the General was absent from home; and they continued their way, shouting and brandishing their firelocks,|| towards the outskirts of the city, on the Portici road. Some officers, and the commandant of the town, followed them, and vainly tried to expostulate with them; they were deaf to their remonstrances, but lent a willing ear to those of General Filangieri, who, apprized of their intentions, had followed them in a carriage. He succeeded

in prevailing on them to return to town, and in order to inspire them with more confidence, he alighted, and marched back at their head. On passing the barracks near the Ponte della Maddalena, where a regiment of cavalry was stationed, and who had been called to arms to pursue the deserters, two shots were fired from behind these last, which, though their direction was uncertain, and they struck no one, were suspected to have proceeded from the cavalry, and considered by the delinquents as the prelude to summary punishment.— In a fit of despair, they discharged a volley of musketry at the mounted dragoons, who were under the gateway of the barracks, which wounded their Colonel, and called forth the immediate vengeance of his soldiers they rushed on the wretched aggressors, and charging them sword in hand, put them to flight in all directions, making, at the same time, dreadful havoc among them. The scene of action was an open space on the sea sand, which luckily, at this moment, was tolerably clear of passengers. Several of the infantry plunged into the sea, and there received their death from carbine and pistol shots, or were drowned in seeking to avoid them; and this unfortunate affray, which had no connection with the revolution, and which had taken place without one drop of blood being shed, caused the death of sixty persons. The remainder were taken and carried to the castle of St. Elmo, where they were tried by a court-martial, and a small portion of them suffered the punishment of a crime sufficiently heinous in itself, but, in this case, aggravated by the circumstances attending it.

In 1814, a project of a revolution, similar to what has taken place, existed among the Generals of Murat's army; but it was not, surely, to such Generals, that the people of Naples were to look up for a good government. As we have heard it very justly observed, the Roman Catholic religion, as it is exercised through Italy, must be modified and corrected, before the people can hope to obtain free institutions.

This drama lasted but a week, and then we might say that the Neapolitan revolu tion was over; for what followed were merely matters of course, and the dénouément only what we expected.


(Concluded from page 107.)

We travelled post, and gained, with-seeking to kill a few hours that hung heavy out meeting with any other obstacle, the on your hands, and I rather rejoiced on first village on the other side of the frontier. my son's account, persuaded that your soI was now near arriving at the summit of ciety would preserve him from falling into all my wishes; all nature seemed to smile more dangerous errors. I should have rearound me seated by my intended young joiced yet more, even when I perceived a husband, in the most sequestered apart- watch ornamented with diamonds, a ring, ment of the inn, I refreshed myself with a || and an etui had disappeared from my toilet; bottle of wine and a piece of gingerbread, for of many evils that may befall me, I am when, to my great astonishment, John always willing to endure the least. I saw, entered the room. John was an old ser- besides, with much satisfaction, the happy vant belonging to Mr. Burger, and the only turn you had given him for outward apone who had accompanied us." Madam," || pearances; for it is in that which ladies of said he, addressing himself to me, “ Ma- | your age and experience particularly excel, dame Burger, the mother of my young and you, my dear daughter-in-law, above master, gave me a charge, two or three every one succeed in this art; for really, if hours before our departure, to deliver this one had not the most authentic information letter to you, and I think this the most to the contrary, no one, to look at you, proper time.”—Mr. Burger seemed disturb- would think you more than twenty-seven ed and confused, while I took the letter | years of age. from John with a trembling hand. Alas! what was the situation of my mind on reading it! I will, however, transcribe this mortifying letter.

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"But I should not, I confess, have suspected your real design, if John had not informed me of it. He told me also that you wished to commence a law suit with your father-in-law. Believe me, I would advise you to do so. When you have gained your cause, you may yet pass your life agreeably, till you choose to turn devotee; or, if you like better, you can then purchase a husband, if you still resolve on marriage. As for my Leopold, you will please, Miss, to put him immediately under the care of the bearer of this letter, or under that of his friends whom you will soon see. If Leopold makes any resistance, I am determined to have him imprisoned for a profligate. I beg of you to give him notice of this."

"Miss, or Madam, which you please, My affection for my son makes me hope that this letter will find you both in good health at the nearest village in the Polish territory. Do you think, Miss, that I have been ignorant of your connection with my son Leopold? I know it all; and that you seduced him; but that does not astonish me. The particulars of your history, which have been faithfully transmitted to me by an officer belonging to Helgenbeil, have given me a true idea of your character. I know that, reckoning sometimes on your large fortune and sometimes on your beauty, you have refused some advantageous offers; and I am inclined to believe that you have committed several faux-pas. || half a dozen red-coats belonging to the Therefore it seems natural enough to my way of thinking, that, finding yourself now in want of money, you tried to get hold of that young goose, my Leopold. But I should not have suffered his assiduities about you, if I had imagined that you thought of forming with him a serious connection. I fancied that by giving him access to you at all times, you were merely

Before I had read the letter thus far I actually saw walking into the apartment

Kaminieck regiment, who were then doing garrison duty at Elbing. They requested Leopold to follow them; and he obeyed without a murmur. I must now continue this letter.

"Now Miss, as you are alone, let us converse without disguise. Before my son became acquainted with you he was a sad gambler; you were good enough to cure

him of this fault, and I beg of you to accept my thanks; but I fear that when he is separated from you he will begin to play again; for to this present hour, neither his tutors nor myself could gain that influence over his mind which you have had. I fear also that in the new career which is open before him, some other female may make him commit fresh follies. To save him from this twofold peril, I have conceived a project which will seem to you a romantic one, but which, for that very reason, cannot displease you. If you consent to second it, John shall give you, from me, a letter of exchange for a thousand ducats. I engage myself also to re-establish your broken fortune, for I possess all the means for so doing. You are free, likewise, to go any where you please. The following is the plan in agitation.

"The officer commanding the men you have just beheld, is my brother, therefore you need not fancy to bribe him: Leopold does not know him personally, for he has never seen him. I propose to you, Madam, to go to the smallest neighbouring town in Poland. My brother has taken all the requisite precautions in this affair. You will be married very privately, but it will be my brother in the disguise of a priest that will marry you. And do not fear that you will commit a sacrilege. As you will be married in the Polish language, which Leopold does not understand, the priest will only pronounce a few sentences without any meaning. Before this sham marriage takes place, you shall exact an oath from my son never to play during your life time, except for the trifling sum of two or three ducats, and also the promise that he will depart immediately after the ceremony is over for England, to which place my brother will accompany him. He will there live in continual hopes of seeing you from day to day; and this hope, by preserving him from gaming, will serve as an egis to his virtue and his morals.

“If, Miss, your sole desire is to bear the

name of Burger, as a wife, my brother will make out a proper marriage certificate for you. With money any thing may be obtained. If you had rather pass for his widow, he shall transmit to you, in a

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mouth's time, an extract from the church books of the death of Leopold Burger. 1 shall take upon myself to explain matters to my son at a fit time.

"Consider, Miss, that there is nothing degrading to you in the proposals I have made you; that my son knows not who you are; that no one at Elbing knows it but my brother and myself; that I can, with money, impose silence on the officer at Heilgenbeil who informed me. Consider that Mr. Leicht, your father-in-law,. has disappeared with all the ready cash belonging to your mother, and which has been told me in a letter from your mother, which I inclose. In short, consider that it is in my power to put you in possession again of all your former wealth. My brother, if you desire it, can give you proofs of this.

"As for the rest, you may depend upon it, I will never consent to your marriage with my son. How could he find happiness with a wife chosen in all the giddiness of youth; how could you find it, when after a few more years you would discover the whole extent of your misconduct? In one word, Miss, I offer you my friendship if you second my plans; and my most just and lasting resentment at your refusal. Take your choice. I give you two hours to consider of it.


I was soon determined. I was not long in seeing what part I ought to take, however humiliating it was to accede to the proposals contained in the above letter. I received then the nuptial benediction from the officer in the disguise of a priest ; and since that time I have been a nominal wife under the name of Burger. The mother of Leopold has faithfully performed her promise; she brought an action against Leicht, and I have recovered all my possessions. It is now five years since I was married, as every body in Kouisberg firmly believes I was, and that in the most legal manner.

AMELIA DE H-, commonly called

S. G.

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