Unto Thee, O my Strength, will I sing, for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy'. Hear my prayer, O Lord, give hear to my supplications: in Thy faithfulness answer me, and in Thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment with Thy servant; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified'. Glory be to the Father &c. III. I must work the works of Him That sent me while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work 3. But, Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps *. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and He delighteth in his way 3. O order my steps in Thy word; and let not any iniquity have dominion over me o. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; and keep the door of my lips'. Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and I will walk in Thy truth: O knit my heart unto Thee, that I may fear Thy name3. Behold, O Lord, how that I am Thy servant; I am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaid: Thou hast broken my bonds in sunder. Thou shalt hide me privily by Thine Own presence from the provoking of all men: Thou shalt keep me secretly in Thy tabernacle from the strife of tongues. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord'. My tongue shall speak of Thy righteousness and of Thy praise all the day long 10. Glory be to the Father &c. 1 Psalm lxi. 16, 17. 5 Psalm xxxvii. 23. 8 Psalm lxxxvi. 11. 3 John ix. 4. 4 Jer. x. 23. 2 Psalm cxliii. 1, 2. 7 Psalm cxli. 3. A devout Oblation of ourselves to God, and humble supplication for the protection and guidance of His Spirit and Providence. TO THEE, my most merciful Creator and Preserver, I humbly offer up myself, my soul and body, my thoughts and purposes, my words and actions, my hopes and fears, my wishes and desires, my interests and concerns, all that I have and all that I am, to be governed, guided, and sanctified by Thee this day and evermore. O that this day and all my days may be employed in Thy service, and to Thy glory. O that I may walk before Thee in the constant awe of Thy sacred presence; and in such a devout and heavenly frame of mind, as may dispose me to be frequently lifting up my heart unto Thee in acts of adoration and thanksgiving, resignation and dependence. Guard me with Thy blessed angels: preserve me from the power of wicked spirits, and from a wicked world. Let Thy good spirit direct and guide me; regulate my words and order my conversation aright; and so influence all my actions and behaviour, that I may neither omit any opportunity of doing good, nor yield unto any temptation to the commission of evil. Enlighten my understanding in the knowledge of Thy truth, sanctify my affections, and bring my will to a perfect conformity to Thy holy will. Lord, teach me how to pray; how to hear and read Thy holy word. Let not the reproaches of ungodly men make me ashamed to own myself Thy servant; but give me courage and wisdom to do my duty, what difficulties soever shall attend the doing of it. Make me all that Thou likest, and pardon and reform in me whatever offends Thee; that being sanctified with Thy grace I may live in Thy fear and service, and die in Thy favour; and at the general resurrection in glory everlasting, through the merits of Thine Only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. The more solemn devotions for the morning. Read a chapter in the Bible, or one of the sections of the preliminary instructions. Prayer for grace to worship God acceptably. O ETERNAL and most glorious God, the great Creator, gracious Preserver, and wise Governor of the world; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Which was, and is, and is to come; Blessed for evermore; I sinful dust and ashes, in a deep sense of my own weakness and wretchedness, and an humble dependence on Thine infinite power and goodness, present myself before the Throne of Thy grace to offer up my morning sacrifice of prayer and thanksgiving. O Thou That hearest prayer, and of Whose only gift it cometh that we are able to pray unto Thee as we ought, mercifully look upon my infirmities; and send down Thy Holy Spirit of grace and supplication upon me, that I may worship Thee in spirit and in truth, with fixedness of mind and fervency of desire, with humility and reverence, faith and charity, such as Thou wilt be graciously pleased to accept, through the mediation of Thine Only Son our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Confession of sins; and Petitions for pardon and grace. O LORD, I am not worthy so much as to lift up mine eyes to that holy place where Thou dwellest, Who art of purer eyes than to behold iniquity: my very nature is corrupt, extremely prone to evil, and impotent and averse to that which is good and in : the course of my life I have grievously offended Thy Divine Majesty, by innumerable transgressions of Thy holy laws in thought, word, and deed; I have left undone the things Thou hast commanded, and done the things Thou hast forbidden, sinning against the most abundant measures of grace, and the clearest convictions of conscience, and the most solemn engagements to the contrary. Lord, I confess that I do most justly deserve to be cut off from the means of grace and opportunities of repentance I have so frequently neglected and abused. O my God, I have no hope but in Thy tender mercies which are over all Thy works, and in the merits of Thine ever-blessed Son our Saviour. O remember that full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction, which He has made upon the cross for the sins of the whole world: and for His sake forgive, I humbly beseech Thee, all my sins; and by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit make me deeply sensible of the great evil of them; and work in me a hearty contrition for them. Turn me, O Lord, that I may turn unto Thee with all my heart, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. Holy Father, graciously vouchsafe to give me of that Spirit, Which renews us after Thine Own image in righteousness and true holiness. Shed the light of Thy grace abroad in my heart, and stir up all the powers and faculties of my soul to praise and glorify Thee, the God of the spirits of all flesh, in Whom we live, and move, and have our being. Deliver me, I pray Thee, from the bondage of sin, and from a slavish spirit in the ways of religion: and quicken me with Thy free spirit, that I may run the way of Thy commandments with delight and cheerfulness, and be always ready to do and suffer as Thou seest most fitting for me. Dispose me more especially to a conscientious and cheerful attendance on the duties of my station; [*or sacred calling;] and daily increase in me those graces and virtues that are necessary to the acceptable performance of all such good works as Thou hast prepared for me to walk in. [* or to the due execution of the great trust committed to me.] Above all fill me with an ardent love of Thee my God, and of my Saviour Jesus Christ; [or for the good of those souls committed to my charge, that I may watch over them and feed them as the sheep of Christ, whom He bought with His death, and for whom He shed His blood;] that I may diligently improve the time and talents committed to my trust; and when I appear before Thy dread tribunal to give account of my stewardship, I may mercifully be pardoned, and graciously accepted for the sake of Thy beloved Son Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. General Intercession. O MOST merciful God, to Thine infinite goodness and mercy I commend all my fellow-creatures. Bring in Thine ancient people the Jews; fill up the fulness of the Gentiles; unite and sanctify Thy holy Church; and make us all one fold under one Shepherd, Christ Jesus our Lord: and grant that all who name the name of Christ may depart from iniquity, and adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Be particularly gracious to this sinful land; pardon our great and crying impieties; heal our miserable distractions and divisions: turn from us all those evils which we most justly deserve Thou shouldst inflict upon us; and pour out of the abundance of Thy Spirit upon all orders and conditions of men amongst us, and especially on those whom Thou dost set in authority over us in Church and State, that all may turn unto Thee, from the highest to the lowest, and * For the use of the Clergy only. |