COLLATERAL INHERITANCE TAX. STATE OF NEW YORK: Comptroller's Office, Albany, June 26, 1894. To the Constitutional Convention, Albany, N. Y.: Gentlemen. - I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement of the total amount of collateral inheritance tax collected in each of the counties of this State; also the amount of fees paid to each of the county treasurers, and the amount of money paid in fees to the appraisers appointed by the several surrogates, in conformity with the resolution of your honorable body, passed June 22, 1894. Very respectfully yours, JAMES A. ROBERTS, Comptroller. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements on Account of Transfer Tax for Fiscal Year Ending Sept. 30, 1893. COUNTIES. Total tax paid County County Treasurers. Treasurers fees. Appraisers' fees. $127 98 6,261 26 Chemung 7,780 90 3,452 90 633 09 25 00 7,488 47 300 768 33 33,743 45 250 00 73,674 80 15 00 1,377 73 189 66 Albany... $39,446 81 $1,972 35 $567 00 Allegany... 4,057 44 202 87 27 50 $36,552 70 3,827 07 $354 76 Broome.. 6,100 29 305 05 342 90 33 25 5,419 09 Cattaraugus 5,051 21 252 49 568 44 4,230 28 Cayuga..... 7,265 51 363 27 513 00 Chautauqua 8,148 84 407 49 359 39 7,381 96 8,451 17 422 55 247 72 Chenango 3,962 67 197 57 312 20 ...... Clinton 2,484 37 124 22 546 65 1,813 50 Columbia 8,539 21 392 65 Cortland 811 93 40 60 Delaware... 1,355 70 67 78 204 58 1,083 34 Dutchess..... 37,957 01 1,897 74 2,315 82 Erie 77,143 71 2,180 28 1,038 63 Essex. 1,673 72 83 69 197 30 Franklin 4,367 47 218 36 6 00 4,143 11 Fulton 1,374 26 68 70 Genesee..... 7,225 61 361 62 231 55 Greene.. 3,690 07 184 77 178 19 Herkimer. 8,888 73 445 64 Jefferson 11,453 37 572 57 1,060 93 45 15 10,708 41 Kings.. 362,303 92 6,634 38 4,463 42 255 00 4,734 29 Lewis 2,518 14 125 91 Livingston 5,043 82 252,17 92 95 6 00 Madison.. 13,237 43 661 77 781 63 188 88 346,216 83 2,299 28 11,605 15 4,548 15 1,043 41 306 89 402 66 957 70 12,995 61 63 00 496 01 2,112 01 19,519 27 : { 4,488 07 (int. 18 45,690 49 1,340 90 Sullivan 2,106 80 105 40 42 60 Tioga...... 3,954 94 197 C3 385 68 1,958 80 3,371 63 Tompkins.... 6,882 30 344 08 382 91 160 49 Ulster.. 4,844 00 242 21 136 92 Warren 19,178 10 958 89 659 97 5,994 82 4.464 87 17,559 24 Washington 6,554 14 317 78 202 96 6,033 40 Wayne. 4,877 85 243 89 145 89 Westchester.. 48,789 50 2,088 09 1,010 92 1,622 66 81 13 200 63 426 52 21 33 24 00 84 50 296 69 $3,297,418 80 $64,401 32 $49,727 30 $5,156 57 $38,080 71 $3,071,687 09 $73,409 95 $3,302,462 94 Paid Treasurers' fees. Paid Appraiser's fees. Paid clerk hire, counsel 13 and asbursements... $64,401 32 3,071,687 09 73,409 95 $3,302,462 94 NATURALIZATION STATISTICS. Statistics of naturalization in certain counties of the State in response to the resolution of Mr. Roche : Total in COUNTY. Court. October, October, October, October, Total, Total, Total, Total, Total county. 1888. 1891. 1892. 1893, 1888. 1891. 1892. 1893. females. 1888, 1891, 1892, 1893. |