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Lansing, Mich., January 2, 1901.

In conformity with the requirements of the constitution of the State of Michigan, and the statutes in such case made and provided, the Senate of the State of Michigan, on this day, at 12 o'clock m., convened in the Senate Chamber at Lansing, in said State, and was called to order by Hon. Orrin W. Robinson, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate.

Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hunt, of Lansing. The certified list of Senators elect was read by Charles S. Pierce, Secretary of the last Senate, as follows:

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Lansing, January 2, 1901.

Hon. Charles S. Pierce, Secretary of the Senate of 1899:

Sir-The accompanying is a list of the Senators elect of the Senate of the State of Michigan for the years 1901 and 1902, as appears from the returns of the clerks of the several counties of this State now on file in this office.

Very respectfully,

Secretary of State.

First District-Arthur L. Holmes.
Second District-James O. Murfin.
Third District-Horatio S. Earle.
Fourth District-Solon Goodell.
Fifth District-James W. Helme, Jr.
Sixth District-William H. Lockerby.
Seventh District-Frederick F. Sovereign.
Eighth District-James W. Humphrey.
Ninth District-Arthur D. Bangham.
Tenth District-Hugo Charles Loeser.
Eleventh District-George W. Moore.
Twelfth District-Jerome W. Nims.
Thirteenth District-William S. Pierson.
Fourteenth District-John Robson.

Fifteenth District-Anthony B. Schumaker.
Sixteenth District-Robert B. Loomis.

Seventeenth District-Augustus W. Weekes.
Eighteenth District-George E. Nichols.
Nineteenth District-Hiram M. High.
Twentieth District-Albert E. Sleeper.
Twenty-first District-Theron W. Atwood.
Twenty-second District-John Baird.
Twenty-third District-William D. Kelly.
Twenty-fourth District-Frank L. Westover.
Twenty-fifth District-Ellery C. Cannon.
Twenty-sixth District-Augustine W. Farr.
Twenty-seventh District-Ambrose E. Palmer.
Twenty-eighth District-Alfred J. Doherty.
Twenty-ninth District-Daniel P. McMullen.
Thirtieth District-Oramel B. Fuller.
Thirty-first District-Gad Smith.
Thirty-Second District-Charles Smith.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Lansing, January 2, 1901.

I, Fred M. Warner, Secretary of State of the State of Michigan, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed and foregoing list of all the members-elect of the Senate of the State of Michigan, for the years 1901 and 1902, with the original returns as transmitted to me by the clerks of the several counties of the State, and that it is a correct and true list.


In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State at Lansing, this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty-fifth. FRED M. WARNER, Secretary of State.

All the Senators elect, being present, came forward, took aud subscribed the constitutional oath of office, and entered upon the discharge of their duties as Senators.

The Secretary then called the roll, and a quorum of the Senate was found to be present.

The President addressed the Senate as follows:

Gentlemen of the Senate:

It is with pleasure I greet you on this occasion, the assembling of the Forty-first Legislature of the State of Michigan.

I anticipate a pleasant, harmonious and useful session, the results of which, when ended, will be satisfactory to your constituents and redound with credit and honor to each and every participant, whether member or employe. We are, in our official capacity, servants of the people and accountable to them for our conduct and work. Therefore it behooves us to see to it that we are faithful servants, true to the interests of those who have honored us by placing in our hands the welfare of our great State. As your presiding officer, I shall perform

my duty to the best of my ability, aiming at all times and under all circumstances, to accord one and all equal rights and privileges, under the rules you have adopted for my guidance. It is not the province of a presiding officer of an assembled body to become its ruler, but rather to see that the rules adopted by such assembly are adhered to, and if need be, enforced. In doing this successfully it is always necessary to have the co-operation of the members of such assembled body. I therefore desire and request your hearty co-operation. Experience has taught me that mistakes will be made, and differences of opinion will arise, but with a spirit of forbearance all such mistakes and conflicting opinions can be amicably adjusted with decorum and dignity.

The work of the present session will be watched by a zealous constituency, who will hold the dominant party to strict accountability in carrying out the pledges made in its platform. A short, business-like, economical session, with such laws enacted as will redeem all pledges, cannot help but meet with the approval of the citizens and taxpayers, who would be the beneficiaries. To this end I pledge you my hearty support and co-operation.

Mr. Loomis moved that the Senate proceed to the election of officers of the Senate.

The motion prevailed.

On motion of Mr. Loomis,

The Senate then proceeded to the election of a Secretary, and the roll being called, the Senators voted as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The President announced that Elbert V. Chilson, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was duly elected Secretary of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Humphrey,

The Senate proceeded to the election of Sergeant-at-Arms, and the roll being called, the Senators voted as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The President announced that Moses Parshelsky, having received at majority of all the votes cast, was duly elected Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. Atwood,

The Senate proceeded to the election of First Assistant Sergeant-atArms, and the roll being called, the Senators voted as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The President announced that John Hill, having received all the votes cast, was duly elected First Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate.

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