Слике страница

279 what is meant by chemical combination? 280 Distinguish between acids and alkalis?

281 what rocks are those in which the remains of animals and vegetables are found?

282 whatis meant by oxygenation, and what is produced by it? 283 what is that chemical agent which converts vegetable blues into green's?

284 How is the electric fluid confined or prevented from dif fusing itself?

285 what is the object of chemical science?

286 what is effected by burning or combustion?

287 what is the substance called pyrites?

288 How are Epsom salts formed?

289 why does mortar become hard?

290 How is the electric fluid accumulated, so as to give the electric shock ?

291 what are the uses of alkalies?

292 How is the magnetic ore brought into the shape of nee


293 which are the principal volcanoes of Europe, and what occasions their eruptions?

294 Repeat Thomson's lines on earthquakes.

295 What are the materials of an active galvanic trough? 296 What is that that gives the briskness of champaign to wines and water, and how is it detected?

297 How is the presence of arsenic in water discoverd? 298 For what gas do some metals burn spontaneously? 299 what is the chemical name of common table salt? 300 what are the elements of the moderns, the elements of the ancients being fire, earth, water, and air?

On Chap. XXIV.

301 How many sides are there in a square, a hexagon, and an octagon ?

302 What is the object of trigonometry?

303 What is the hypothenuse and right angle of a triangle ?

304 What is the proportion between the diameter and the circumference of a circle, and what part is the French metre of the distance from the equator to the north pole?

305 What are the uses of trigonometry?

306 What is the logarithm of 8, and what is the natural number of the logarithm 5?

307 Make a large drawing of the trigonometrical projection of sines, co-sines, tangents, &c. &c. writing against each line its name?

308 What is the difference in calculation between superficial and solid contents?

309 What is the purpose of perspective?

Questions on Chaps. xxv. xxvi. and xxvii. 310 What is the meaning of a, b, c, d, in algebra ? 311 How do we ascertain the existence of light? 312 How many rays must proceed from every object in a second to render it visible?

313 What is the purpose effected by the arrangement of the glasses of a telescope?

314 What is a refracting telescope ?

315 Which rays of light are turned the most out of their course by refraction?

316 How many shutters are there in a telegraph, and how many changes of signal will they effect? 317 In what do representations of phantasmagoria differ from those of the magic lanthorn?

318 What is the use of an air-pipe to a diving-bell? 319 What are those large massy clouds called that appear in the day-time?

320 What occasions noise in empty houses? 321 What occasions snow?

322 What is the primary cause of wind ?

323 Whence come the clouds ?

324 In vacuo, which falls quickest, a piece of wood or a marble?

825 As the rays of light from objects cross each other in the pupil of the eye, and reverse the image on the retina, how is it that we see them upright? 326 What is the large glass of a telescope called? 327 Do near-sighted persons require convex or concave spectacles?

328 What is the crystalline humour of the eye ? 329 What is refraction?

330 How do we ascertain the wonderful velocity of light?

331 Read +b- -C.

332 If a is equal to 3, b to 5, and c to 4, what is the value of ab+c


333 If a is equal to 7, b to 9, and c to 12, what is the value of babc


334 Read ab+z xa2 = cb √2 x.

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335 How is a fluxion expressed, and give an example. 336 What use has been made of hydrogen gas? 337 What is the cause of the ignis fatuus, or will-o' the-wisp?

338 Do stones ever fall from the clouds?

339 What is the cause of hail?

340 How fast does the wind blow in a storm?

341 What degree of the thermometer is called the freezing point?

342 What is the annual average depth of rain in Great Britain ?

343 What becomes of the water after it falls from the clouds ?

344 What are the hottest months in Great Britain ? 345 What degree of heat will Wedgewood's Pyrometer measure?

346 What are the distinct purposes of barometers and thermometers ?

847 Make a drawing of a telegraph ?

348 What are the relative properties of white and black?

349 Repeat Blackmore's lines on the prismatic colours, and draw in large the experiment of the prism, colouring the divisions.

350 What would the consequence be if there was no light?

351 How much larger will a man appear at two yards distance than at twenty?

352 What is a Galilean telescope?

353 Get two spectacle-glasses, of different convexities, at any optician's, and make the experiments described at page 220.

354 What is the purpose of all the humours of the eye? 355 What is the cornea? 356 What is reflection? 357 In old people, do the rays converge too far or

too near?

358 What is the cause of rainbows?

359 At what height is the atmospheric air dense enough to reflect rays of light?

360 What depth of water evaporates or ascends as vapour from water per annum, and what from land?

361 How many solid miles of water fall per annum on the land only?

362 Repeat Thomson's lines on the origin of springs. 363 What is the principal cause of terrestrial heat? 364 What might be effected by high metallic conduc. tors?

365 In what parts of the world do the winds blow always in the same direction?

366 What is thunder?

367 What is the difference between the average temperature of Great Britain and of the equator? 368 What are the prevailing winds in Great Britain? 369 What is the difference between the average depth

of rain in Great Britain and between the tropics? 370 What is the purpose of an air-pump?

371 Dissect with a pair of pointed scissors a sheep's


372 Draw the figure of a rainbow, and the

progress of the rays, at page 228, on a scale two or three times the size, colouring the rays and circles. 373 Why are there three lenses in the eye-piece of a telescope?

374 What is the magnifying power of a telescope, of which the focal distance of the object-glass is three feet, and of the eye-glass a quarter of an inch?

375 What is the purpose of a concave lens?

Chapters xxvIII. and xxix.

376 What are the aerial vibrations like that produce sound?

377 How rapid are the vibrations of sound?

378 What is the relative velocity of sound and light? 379 How do stringed instruments produce sound ? 380 How do wind-instruments, as the wind pipe of men and animals, and tubed instruments, produce their effect?

381 What is the concord of sounds?

382 What is an octave? 383 What is harmony 384 How is extension known to be infinite?

385 Why is sugar sweet, and vinegar sour?

386 Is motion natural to matter?

387 How is the property of infinite divisibility proved? 388 What is weight?

389 What are Sir Isaac Newton's and Sir Richard Phillips's opinions respectively on attraction?¡

390 What are the primary laws of motion?

391 What is meant by accelerated motion of aggre gates and of atoms?

On Chapter xxx.

392 How arose the division of the year into months? 393 Why is the second day of the week called Tuesday, and by the Romans Martis, and why is the second month of the year called February?

394 What was the distance of time from the death of Charlemagne to the accession of Napoleon Buonaparte ?

395 Turn the date of the death of Richard III. into a final syllable.

396 What were the names of the four great monarchies or empires of antiquity?

397 Who conquered France?

398 What king of England was beheaded, and when? 399 What were the Roman names of the English


400 Who were the great characters distinguished in Grecian history?

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