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When I was acquainted only with books and had not become conversant with men ; I ignorantly thought them every where the same that they possessed the same notions in every part of the world: and that they were as much governed by general principles, as they were sensible to the revolutions of the spheres ; the rising and falling of the sea and the effects of heat and cold ;-but I am now perfectly convinced that nature has been most bountiful to the Amerithenians, and that they are the greater people inhabiting the earth. One would have thought, that the universe itself could not have boasted so many persons, free from every human frailty, as those for whom these eulogies, orations, and sermons were composed. But I was present at many times, and no one of the assembly ever rose to contradict the speaker. They rather testified their approbation and esteem, and clapped their hands together in the air.

tion, and cheerful inquiries, what is wanted for "In the afternoon I attended divine have been pronounced here within the last our comfort or our pleasures-not to announce service at the chapel, attached to the orphan month on great men, who have died with the the friendly circle, to relax care, to witness house, so called. This is a charitable institu - | plague. Each excelled the other in piety, and share our felicity-but to hear the sigh, tion somewhat similar to our Female Asylum, generosity, benevolence, and patriotism. Yet I produced by my silence, and the evidence of but upon a much more extensive plan, em- am told, they formed but a small part of the misery, stamped on my brow; to hear the in- bracing as objects of its beneficence children of community, and their loss is scarcely pernocent juvenile request, which I cannot grati- both sexes, without regard to circumstances of ceived. fy; to contend with and suppress the emotions | birth, &c., and supported by individual subof despondence, which a tender but fruitless scription and donations to an extent of liberaliregard to the feelings of my family have indu- ty highly honourable to the city. There are ced me to conceal. While revolving in my now within its kindly shelter about seventy mind this sad reverse of fortune, combatting boys and sixty girls, who are comfortably fed the recollections of past scenes, to which and clad, exhibiting the cheering spectacle of must bid adieu forever-dreading now the ef- an innocent, industrious, and happy communifects of that sensibility, which won my affec-ty. An extensive square in a remote part of tion and spread a charm over all my enjoy the city is appropriated for the buildings, with ments ;while pacing the room with a fever- a garden sufficiently large to produce all ed brain or sitting in a stupid, motionless their vegetables, and a spacious area for the gaze on some indifferent object, the interroga- children to enjoy their juvenile sports. A tions of my children, originating in impres- school master and mistress are provided to insions which I had communicated, and rendered struct them; and, as their characters develop habitual in a perfect contrast of circumstances, and their capacities and inclinations ascertain often surprises me into a severity of reply, ed, so are they educated. Thus the foundation which starts the tear of repulsed ingenuous- is laid for their future usefulness and respecness, and sharpens the pang of disappointment, tability in society. It is a pleasing fact that by the upbraidings of conscience. Sir, I will many who have received the advantages of confess to you all my weaknesses. There this noble establishment have already become have been moments of distraction of mind, its grateful patrons and zealous supporters. when I have cast a look of complacency on Divine service is regularly performed in the my pistols, as my friends: but thank Heaven, chapel on the sabbath by the different the belief that I am still of consequence to clergymen of the city, and attended by many those around me, and a sense of moral obliga- of the first families, who occasionally worship tion, and the strong ties of attachment, have here, though belonging to other churches; influmade me turn from them with horror. enced by the worthy motive of giving respectability to the institution and setting a pious example to the orphans, who have thus an opportunity of joining with their earthly benefactors in offering to their common Father in Heaven thanksgiving and praise.

I have thus imperfectly sketched a situation, not conjured up by fiction, but drawn from the life. It is no consolation to me, that I am not alone that many, like me, are now affecting a smile on 'Change, while the prey of inextricable embarrassment. My only consolation is, that my misfortunes can be imputed to no crime of mine, nor am I conscious of any act of folly, which has blasted my purposes. The several `measures which have sacrificed our commerce, have ruined me. It is for those who have planned these measures to judge of their wisdom; and for that part of the community, which has yet an interest in the course of publick affairs, to determine what sort of politicians best deserve their support. Events may increase the number of my companions in calamity, but no event can restore me to my former prospects. MISERRIMUS.


ASYLUM FOR DESTITUTE BOYS. "Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of one of "these, ye did it unto me."

EVERY friend of humanity must feel happy in learning that the proposal for an asylum for poor and destitute boys meets with very gene. ral approbation and encouragement. The great advantages which are every day felt and acknowledged as resulting from the Female Asylum-the number of little children, which have been "snatched as brands from the burning" by means of that excellent institution, should excite the patriotick and charitable of this metropolis to similar exertions in favour of the one now contemplated.

We are aware that the calls upon the wealthy for aiding benevolent establishments have been many and loud, and we are right glad that these calls have been kindly listened to and generously answered.

If in your opinion the following extract of a letter from a gentleman lately at Charleston, S. C. should contain any hints which may be serviceable, you will have the goodness to insert it in the Spectator, and oblige one of your readers and a friend to the Asylum.

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The exercise of eloquence, which these ceremonies occasioned, gave me an opportunity to admire the perfection of their oratory. In no country have I known it so powerful and persuasive ; so correct and pure ; so dignified and harmonious; and so thoroughly free from those errours, which render the best models in Babylon exceptionable.

first is used by those who harangue the people on national concerns; the second is peculiar to the priests; and the third is practised by the lawyers. The Auctionary eloquence belongs to those, who embrace the profession of vending merchandize in publick places; and this is by far the most profitable, and requires no inconsiderable art.

They have ingeniously divided it into three classes denominated « Popular,”« Pulpit” and "Bar." Beside these, there is another, the I cannot conclude this interesting subject" Auctionary," or commercial eloquence. The more to my own satisfaction, than by transscribing the words of an elegant historian of the south" Thus a free church was constituted, in which the gospel was preached without expense, not only to the orphans, but to all who chose to attend. It is remarkable that in the various services, which have been performed by the clergy of different sects of christians, nothing has been at any time introduced savouring of the peculiarities of sect or party. The truths of the gospel, in which all christians are agreed, and the principles of morality, sanctioned by universal consent, have been the only topicks brought forward. The astonished hearers, consisting of Jews and Gentiles, Catholicks and Protestants, Christians and infidels, found that religion tended to make men better; and that good men of all denominations substantially meant the same thing. They wondered at the contentions of christians, for they perceived that they all agreed on matters of the greatest moment, and only differed on serve rules, which seem best calculated to this subjects of minor importance. From charity purpose, and which are most conformable to in giving, an unexpected transition was made reason, to nature, and to truth. They well to charity in thinking. When they intended know, that the ever active mind of man often nothing more than to relieve the necessities of anticipates those measures, which are made the fatherless, they found their minds gradual- use of to reform his errours, inculcate the prinly cleared from the narrowness of thinking, ciples of his duty, and to persuade him to perwhich leads bigots of all descriptions to sup- form it: That, in a regular composition, subpose themselves exclusively right, and all oth-ject to the shackles of grammatical confineers wrong. Their minds expanded with good will and charity to their fellow citizens, though differing from them in modes and forms."



Teacher of Morality in the Recesses of Latin-
guin, from a Wanderer in the West.


No less than one hundred "Eulogies," seventy five orations, and fourscore sermons,

By the names of Popular, of Pulpit, and of Bar, you may be induced to imagine a distinction. But to such a degree of refinement have they attained, that there is no discernible difference between them. I should not have perceived the variation, had it not been told to me, that those delicate gradations, which separate the species in the eye of an Amerithenian, were so totally confounded in mine, that I considered the style of the priest precisely like that of the lawyer, and the manner of the popular orator, suited to both. As the chief object of each is to persuade, so they each ob

ment, in which the parts are dependant on each other, the speaker often has his labour for his pains, and, like the letting out of water, when he has proposed one argument, the audience know what is to follow. The orators pay no attention therefore to disposition in their discourses. They introduce the proposition, when they see it will be best received. The narration, confirmation, and refutation, they manage with as much, dexterity, introducing one in the place of the other, sometimes re





"At this time he was not without some

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"his ship alongside that of an enemy." One
of the last orders of this admirable man was,
that the name and family of every officer, sea-
man, and marine, who might be killed or
wounded in action, should be, as soon as pos-
sible, returned to him, in order to be transmit-
ted to the chairman of the patriotick fund,
that the case might be taken into considera-
tion, for the benefit of the sufferer, or his fam-

peating them, and at others rejecting them al- On the 9th Nelson sent Collingwood what
together. When they perceive unfavourable he called, in his diary, the Nelson-touch. "I
symptoms in the audience toward them, they "send you," said he, "my plan of attack, as
ingeniously divert their attentions to some dar- "far as a man dare venture to guess at the
ling theme; they wander over their immense very uncertain position the enemy may be
tracts of uninhabited territory; extol their valour "found in but it is to place you perfectly at
in war, or their wisdom in peace; they fly from "ease respecting my intentions, and to give
North to South, from East to West they rc- "full scope to your judgment for carrying
turn-they instantly sail across the ocean, and "them into effect. We can, my dear Coll,
there wait, in some unexplored corner of the "have no little jealousies. We have only one
globe, till the assembly shall be in a humour to
"great object in view, that of annihilating our
receive them again. In an oration on a very "enemies, and getting a glorious peace for
great man, who had made many improvements" our country. No man has more confidence
in agriculture, instead of eulogizing his vir- "in another than I have in you; and no man
tues, expatiating on his unbounded charity," will render your services more justice than
his inconceivable piety, and his uncommon be- 66 your very old friend Nelson and Bronte."
neficence, the speaker entered into the history The order of sailing was to be the order of
of the French wars, and the advantages of mak-battle: the fleet in two lines, with an advanc-
ing cider; for he very wisely perceived, that ed squadron of eight of the fastest sailing two-
there were some in the assembly disaffected to- deckers. The second, in command, having
ward the deceased. This dexterity of address the entire direction of his line, was to break
is universal, although there is seldom occasion through the enemy, about the twelfth ship
to exert it; and so confident are the orators of from their rear: he would lead through the
their own powers, and of the success which in- centre, and the advanced squadron was to cut
variably attends them, that they begin their off three or four ahead of the centre. This
speeches with the appropriate epithet "My plan was to be adapted to the strength of the
enemy, so that they should always be one
fourth superior to those whom they cut off.
Nelson said, "That his admirals and captains,
"knowing his precise object to be that of a
"close and decisive action, would supply any
"deficiency of signals, and act accordingly. In
"case signals cannot be seen or clearly under-
cause of anxiety: he was in want of frigates," stood, no captain can do wrong if he places
the eyes of the fleet, as he always called
them to the want of which, the enemy be-
fore were indebted for their escape, and Bon-
aparte for his arrival in Egypt. He had only
twenty-three ships,-others were on the way,
-but they might come too late; and, though
Nelson never doubted of victory, mere victory
was not what he looked to, he wanted to anni-
hilate the enemy's fleet. The Carthagena
squadron might effect a junction with this fleet
on the one side; and, on the other, it was to About half past nine in the morning of the
be expected that a similar attempt would be 19th, the Mars, being the nearest to the fleet
made by the French from Brest in either of the ships which formed the line of commu-
case, a formidable contingency to be appre- nication with the frigates in shore, repeated
hended by the blockading force. The Roche- the signal, that the enemy were coming out of
fort squadron did push out, and had nearly port. The wind was at this time very light,
caught the Agamemnon and l'Amiable, in with partial breezes, mostly from the S. S. W.
their way to reinforce the British admiral. Nelson ordered the signal to be made for a
Yet Nelson at this time weakened his own chase in the southeast quarter. About two,
fleet. He had the unpleasant task to perform the repeating ships announced, that the enemy
of sending home Sir Robert Calder, whose were at sea. All night the British fleet con-
conduct was to be made the subject of a court- tinued under all sail steering to the south-east.
martial, in consequence of the general dissatis- At day-break they were in the entrance of the
faction which had been felt and expressed at Straits, but the enemy were not in sight. About
his imperfect victory. Sir Robert Calder, and seven, one of the frigates made signal that the
Sir John Orde, Nelson believed to be the only enemy were bearing north. Upon this the
two enemies whom he had ever had in his Victory hove to; and shortly afterwards Nel-
profession—and, from that sensitive delicacy son made sail again to the northward. In the
which distinguished him, this made him the afternoon the wind blew fresh from the south-
more scrupulously anxious to show every west, and the English began to fear that the
possible mark of respect and kindness to Sir foe might be forced to return to port. A lit-
Robert. He wished to detain him till after the tle before sunset, however, Blackwood, in the
expected action; when the services which he Euryalus, telegraphed, that they appeared de-
might perform, and the triumphant joy which termined to go to the westward," And
would be excited, would leave nothing to be that," said the admiral in his diary, "they
apprehended from an inquiry into the previous" shall not do, if it is in the power of Nelson
engagement. Sir Robert, however, whose sit-" and Bronte to prevent them." Nelson had
uation was very painful, did not choose to de-
lay a trial, from the result of which he confi-
dently expected a complete justification: and
Nelson, instead of sending him home in a frig-
ate, insisted on his returning in his own ninety
gun ship; ill as such a ship could at that time
be spared. Nothing could be more honoura-
ble than the feeling by which Nelson was in-
fluenced; but, at such a crisis, it ought not
to have been indulged.

signified to Blackwood, that he depended up-
on him to keep sight of the enemy. They
were observed so well, that all their motions
were made known to him; and, as they wore
twice, he inferred that they were aiming to
keep the port of Cadiz open, and would re-
treat there as soon as they saw the British
fleet: for this reason he was very careful not
to approach near enough to be seen by them
during the night. At day-break the combined

fleets were distinctly seen from the Victory's deck, formed in a close line of battle ahead, on the starboard tack, about twelve miles to leeward, and standing to the south. Our fleet consisted of twenty-seven sail of the line and four frigates; theirs of thirty-three, and seven large frigates. Their superiority was greater in size, and weight of metal, than in numbers. They had four thousand troops on board; and the best riflemen who could be procured, many of them Tyrolese, were dispersed through the ships. Little did the Tyrolese, and little did the Spaniards, at that day, imagine what hor rours the wicked tyrant whom they served was preparing for their country.

Soon after day-light Nelson came upon deck. The 21st of October was a festival in his family; because on that day his uncle, Captain Suckling, in the Dreadnought, with two other line of battle ships, had beaten off a French squadron of four sail of the line and three frigates. Nelson, with that sort of superstition from which few persons are entirely exempt, had more than once expressed his persuasion that this was to be the day of his battie also; and he was well pleased at seeing his prediction about to be verified. The wind was now from the west,-light breezes, with a long heavy swell. Signal was made to bear down upon the enemy in two lines; and the fleet set all sail. Collingwood, in the Royal Sovereign, led the lee line of thirteen ships; the Victory led the weather line of fourteen. Having seen that all was as it should be, Nelson retired to his cabin, and wrote this prayer:

"May the great God, whom I worship, "grant to my country, and for the benefit of "Europe in general, a great and glorious vic"tory; and may no misconduct in any one "tarnish it; and may humanity after victory "be the predominant feature in the British "fleet! For myself individually, I commit "my life to Him that made me; and may His "blessing alight on my endeavours for serving "my country faithfully! To Him I resign "myself, and the just cause which is intrust"ed to me to defend. Amen, Amen, Amen." To be continued.

[blocks in formation]

ON thee, chaste spirit of connubial love,
Who rather will 'mid humbler scenes abide,
Than where the artist in his gaudiest pride,
Hangs vaulted roofs, a senseless crowd above.

On thee I call to be my guide and friend,

To gild the hours which hasten life along ;
Do thou correct my thoughts, iuspire my song,
And thy sweet balm for human sorrows lend.
But in my Laura's form thou must appear,
Whose beauty first enthrall'd my willing heart,
Whose well tried virtues now perform the part,
Which makes a parent, wife and friend so dear.
Give me to strew her paths with simple flow'rs,
Cull'd, gentle Peace, from thy delightful bow'rs.





Price three dollars per annum, half in advance. Subscribers may be supplied with the preceding numbers.


VOL. 1.





THE INTEGRITY OF THE UNITED STATES still endure a government which is ingenious


THE brief but comprehensive remarks of President Washington on the mutual relation between the northern and southern states, would admit of ample illustration; but experience has rendered it unnecessary. Our coasting trade, which was immense, was proof enough, that his views were correct; and besides that, it is well known, that, while the commercial marine was principally furnished and owned in the north, a large proportion of it has been wanted and employed in the south. Were the unity of country to cease, the south could still, in time of peace, find a market, perhaps a competition in market, for its produce but separated from us, what could secure their tranquillity? If, as one of their most eloquent orators has stated in Congress, it is now the case that, when the bell rings unexpectedly, the mother instinctively presses her infant closer to her bosom, what would be their situation, if severed from our free white population? Discriminating dutics are but a trifling tax for the security of life. On the other hand, deduct from our navigation its employment in the south, and a large portion of the wealth of New England would disappear. That the whole Atlantick range of states are remarkably adapted, by nature, to a confederated, or common government, with a power to promote each other's prosperity, is a position too plain to require argument. A separation therefore must be a serious disadvamage to both parties, and ought not to be contemplated.

NO. X.

separation inquiring-must we then quietly ed advocates of the war. The Marylanders,
submit to certain destruction? Must we pro- the Virginians and Carolinians, cannot but dis-
tract a connexion which subjects us to the cover these striking facts. They must dis-
sacrifice of every thing but life? Must we cover that, in their hostility to us, they have
been fatal enemies to themselves. That to
in reducing us to want and misery?
distress the whole country between Maine and
God forbid that I should so mistake the char-Georgia, was to people and enrich the whole
acter, or turn traitor to the interests, of my tract from the lakes to New Orleans.
fellow citizens. If there were no alternative,
a separation, a speedy separation were devout-
ly to be wished. Not only so, but, in justice to
the reputation of this suffering community, I
would add, that it could not be averted-that
it would soon be effected. A large portion of
the New England population is already driven
to desperation by the tyranny of rulers, against
whose oppression we have no further consti-
tutional resource. We have expostulated, pe-
titioned, remonstrated and even menaced, until
our disgrace has equalled our wrongs.

We cannot do more by words-and between words and actions, there is a very important and critical distinction. It has often been remarked by venerable statesmen, and has recently been repeated both in legislative debate, and in our publick prints, that it is impossible to define the particular point, in time or circumstance, when a portion of subjects or citizens are authorized, by the immutable principles of equity and duty, to set the constituted authorities at defiance. That point however may be described in general terms. When the obligation of self-preservation requires the risk of all consequences to obtain a change. When there is a reasonable prospect of effecting a change for the better. When the community proposing to act, are so strong as to afford a reasonable hope of suc


It appears to me, (but I offer an opinion with deference, which I know opposed by not a few) that the time has not actually arrived, when it becomes a positive duty to take any decisive step, which should have for its object an important change in the political relation of the states; and for this sole, but, as I conceive, weighty reason.

But have not a supercilious pride, a local jealousy, a mean, contracted, hypocritical system of policy, in rebellion against the God of nature, sacrificed our portion of the advantages which were once derived from our political relation? Unquestionably. Instead of encouragement, protection, or even liberty to exercise our wonted industry and enterprise, The Atlantick states of the south have, thus has not the federal government, for ten years far, given their support to those measures, past, pursued a course of measures tending which have destroyed our prosperity. The directly to impoverish and ruin the north to selfishness of their demagogues; the supermake us abject colonists-to destroy our cilious character of the people generally; means of acquiring property-to force us their jealousy; their blindness to their weakfrom our native soil, or remain the degradedness; their ignorance of the difficulties to be ensubjects of a government, which, instead of a countered in their visionary projects; their blessing, has become a curse? Undoubtedly. shallow inattention to consequences upon Will not a few years more of such manage- themselves-all contributed to unite them with ment depopulate our sea-port towns, and the desperadoes west of the mountains. They spread desolation through the interior? Has have been the dupes of their envy, their vanity not the federal constitution, which was adopt- and their ignorance. They have ruined our ed by us for the purpose of defending our commerce, they have plunged the country inrights, increasing our prosperity," promoting to war. They have sunk us as low as they the general welfare, and securing the blessings could wish-but they have paid dearly for of liberty to ourselves and posterity," been so their folly. The navigation of the Un administered, by those over whom, owing to a States was the first sacrifice, but the next change of circumstances, we have no control, blow fell on southern agriculture. The war as to invade our national rights, ruin our pros- has pressed heavily on the whole Atlantick perity, sacrifice the general welfare, destroy coast, while it has driven an immense populaour liberty, and entail heavy burthens upon tion to the western country, giving birth to a our posterity? new world, opening a new sphere of actionnew prospects of ambition-new hopes of wealth to those, who, alone, were the interest

I can deny none of these implied positions, and anticipate the indignant advocate of a

It is not pretended that these important considerations will certainly cure our southern brethren of their folly, and unite them to us in policy, as we are respectively united in interest. Passion, we know, often maintains an obstinate and sometimes a successful combat with reason, nor are habitual prejudices easily eradicated. But the course which we must take, if we can expect no relief, is of such moment, it would seem to be the dictate of discretion and duty to await the result of causes, now in operation; and ascertain that inferences, which forcibly present themselves, are obstinately disregarded.

In the mean time let us be preparing our minds for either event. Whether Peace come, or War continue, does not materially affect the question of our future destinies. In war or in peace, the domestick policy of the federal government may easily be so directed, as to blast our prospects, and hold us fast bound in poverty and dependence, if we acquiesce, or are not strengthened by an enlightened and equitable policy in the South. What must be our remed ?


It is rather from a disposition to conform to custom, than from a mistrust of the consistency and correctness of the citizens of Massachusetts, that we offer any argumeut, in favour of the reelection of Governour STRONG. If the people of this state could be supposed to change with the moon, to be zealous in favour of a distinguished patriot one month, and on the next, ready, like a Roman mob, to throw him from the Tarpeian rock, we should sup pose a new candidate might supersede him. If such is not our character, his reelection cannot be doubted.

The course which Mr. Strong would pursue, if chosen last April, was anticipated by the people, who well knew his sentime His recommendation was that he w precisely what he has done. On ' uld do he obtained a large majority o .ais✩ground' of his fellow citizens; and the suffrages that his adherence to cannot conceive have had any other those principles can confidence, whic effect, than to confirm the he was last was reposed in him, when called to the chief magistracy of

the state.


s majority of the people of Massachuatts believe this war unnecessary. It is the avowed opinion of Governour Strong. They: tenanced. He has exercised his constit tional cwished its further progress might be discoun-authority for that purpose; if not so effectually


as some wished, they are not among his present opponents. He has refused to sport the lives of our fellow citizens, gratuitously, as Canada, a sacrifice to the foily of a profligate some men would, on the dreary frontiers of Wilkinson, or any project of a useless andi


hopeless invasion." He has been a faithful publick servant through life-always firm, moderate, and dignified in his conduct; devoted to virtue and the welfare of Massachusetts, he has always rendered her respected, when he administered her councils.

The question with a rational, enlightened community, cannot be, whether there is not another man among us, who may have talents -but why should we discard Governour Strong. If he has acted consistently, we cannot, and abandon him. This is an obvious truth, which no logick can refute.

But there is a more powerful argument in favour of continuing our support. The crisis demands, in a peculiar manner, the services of Governour Strong, in preference to any other candidate. This consideration invites to remarks which exceed our present limits.



FOREIGN. A vessel has arrived from France, which eft Nantz on the 26th of December, but she brings not a word of News. DOMESTICK. Soon after our troops left French Mills, the place was occupied by the British, who found deposited there, for their benefit, by our retreating army, 200 sleigh loads of publick property!

Feb. 25th, the frigate John Adams, having on board Messrs. CLAY and RUSSEL, sailed from New York, for Gottenburgh.

Feb. 28th, the Legislature of this Commonwealth closed their session, having passed one hundred and twenty-eight Acts.

A motion is before Congress in favour of appointing Admirals in the Navy of the United States.

An order has issued from Washington, and been forwarded to Plattsburgh, to arrest General Wilkinson, and for his trial by a court martial-others say, to bring him before a court of inquiry.

A considerable number of prisoners of war, lately confined at Worcester, are about to be embarked for Halifax. The prisoners lately in Ipswich gaol are ordered to be placed in the fort, at Marblehead.

The news arrived yesterday, that Mr. Granger, Post Master General, is removed from office, by Mr. Madison, and General Meigs appointed his successor.

The Honourable D. Dewey, of Berkshire, is appointed to fill the vacancy in the Supreme

Judicial Court of this Commonwealth.

The Honourable H. G. Otis is nominated Judge of the new court recently erected by the Legislature for Suffolk county.

General Floyd has gained some recent advantages over the Creek Indians, but at the last dates apprehended an attack.

An extensive association of Counterfeiters were detected, and many of them arrested in this town, last Thursday. Their imitations are said to be good; but we do not learn that any of their paper is in circulation.

The coasting vessels, belonging to out-ports in this state, which have been sometime detained in this harbour by the last embargo, have received permission to return.

The state of Massachusetts has produced a phenomenon, to which we know no parallel in history-a political Rape, committed by the whole democratick party on one helpless individual Is there no law that can apply to such a monstrous crime?




[IT is probably a fact, and not one very fluttering to us
as a refined people, that not a single attempt has ev-
er been made, in this country, to give to marble the
"human form divine;" and therefore we cannot be
supposed to abound in connoisseurs in statuary. But
as it is a sublime art, in which every person of ele-
gant reading cannot but feel a pleasing interest, I
have translated some passages from a work by an
eminent German, on the subjects of Sculpture and
Painting, which will aid the imagination to con-
ceive of excellences we have never beheld, and of
pleasures we have never enjoyed.]

-IT is but by imitating the ancients,
that the sculptor can attain excellence; and
we may say of the artists of antiquity, particu-
larly of the Grecians, what has been justly said
of Homer-the more we study their works,
the more we shall admire them; because
genuine beauty becomes more striking, in pro-
Portion as we examine it with increased auen-


tion. In order to admire the Laocoon as we
do Homer, it is necessary to know this famous
statue, as we know an intimate friend, with
whom we are daily conversant; and it is by
contracting this intimate friendship, that we
can judge of it, as Nichomachus judged of
the Helen of Zeuxis; some
fects in the composition of this celebrated pic-
one finding de-
ture, "take my eyes, said he to the
and you will see that it is divine." With this
disposition, Michael Angelo, Raphael, and
Poussin beheld the productions of the Grecian
artists. They sought taste, truth, and beauty
at their source. Raphael sent into Greece
several eminent painters to bring him correct
drawings of all the precious monuments of an-
tiquity, which had escaped the
ravages of

A statue, from the chissel of an ancient ar-
tist of Rome, may be compared to the produc-
tion of the first Grecian sculptors, as we com-
pare the Dido and Diana of Virgil to the
Nausicae of Homer, whom the Latin poet
sought to imitate. The statue of Laocoon was,
to the artists of ancient Rome, a perfect model
of art.

human soul, where it was engraved by the author of all beauty.

It is very possible that the most perfect and best proportioned human form, to be found among any modern people, would no more resemble the most beautiful forms of antient Greece, than Iphicles resembled his brother Hercules. The temperature of a mild, pure, and serene atmosphere, without doubt, had great influence on the physical constitution of the Greeks; and the masculine exercises to which they were accustomed in their youth, could not fail to give them the most noble and elegant figure.

Let us imagine a young Spartan, descended from a race of heroes, whose movements, during his infancy, were never constrained by those wretched shackles, with which we now impede and oppress nature, in her first developements; who, from the age of seven years, is habituated to lie on the ground; who is carly inured to labour and fatigue, and whose very amusements, such as wrestling and swimming, have contributed to strengthen his body and give flexibility and energy to his and vigorous figure; let us, in idea, place limbs-let us imagine, I say, such a masculine him beside one of the delicate Sybarites of our times, and judge, which of these two models, an able artist would choose, if he had to represent a Theseus, an Achilles, or even a Bacchus.

The first (to avail ourselves of the expression of Euphranor, would appear a Theseus, who had been supported by animal food d; the other a Theseus, who had fed on roses.

To be continued.

READING TO ADVANTAGE. THE name of Grotius is familiar throughout the republick of letters, but probably the following incident in his life may be new to many. Barneveldt, the Dutch ambassador to himself many enemies at home, by his atElizabeth and Henry IV. of France, caused Maurice,the second stadtholder of Holland. In tempts to restrict the authority assumed by revenge they accused him of a design to betray the country to the Spaniards; and though the charge was false, he was tried and beheaded, in 1619. We must not imagine, however, that even Grotius, the celebrated the best productions of the celebrated painters and confined in the castle at Louvestein. Durscholar and jurist was implicated in his fate, and sculptors of Greece are exempt from im- ing his imprisonment, he was permitted the perfections; but they are as partial spots, ob- indulgence of reading, and no man ever deliterated by the lustre of the beauties which surround them. The admiration which the voured books with greater avidity. With these his wife was allowed to furnish him; and havperfections of those works excite, do not suffering once brought a large trunk full, and ob us to perceive their slight negligences. Some of the greatest artists of antiquity limited their Grotius in the trunk, and remained, as though tained permission to enter the castle, she put ambition to finish the principal figures of each engaged with him, until her husband had fairwork, and neglected the rest. The dolphin ly made his escape. and Cupid which are seen at the feet of the Venus of Medicis-the accessories of the cel

ebrated engraved stone of Dioscorides, repre-
senting Diomede with the palladium, are dis-
tinguished instances. Cast your eyes on the
medals of the kings of Egypt and Syria, on
those even which are of the most finished exe-
cution, you will find the work on the reverse
of the medals very inferiour to that of the
heads. We must contemplate the productions
of some antient artists, as Lucien considered
the Jupiter of Phidius; he admired the god,
without attending to the pedestal.

Those who are qualified to judge of Gre-
cian statuary, will not only discover in their
master pieces well chosen nature, but some-
thing still more beautiful, more sublime.
They will discover that ideal beauty, the mod-
el of which is not visible in external nature,
and which, as Proclus remarks in his com-
mentary on Plato, cannot be found but in the

had gained the battles of Castiglione, Lodi, Ar the age of about twenty-six, Bonaparte and Arcole. When he set out to take command of the army of Italy, some person, says a French historian, remarked to him, "You are very young to undertake the duties of a commander."

"I hope," replied he, " to return of computation, during his late campaigns into very old." He did so ; but by his own mode Russia and Germany, he has quite renewed his age.

I Do not know that the Dutch have ever received much credit for their magnanimity, but the following authentick anecdote does the ject than generosity to a fallen enemy. nation credit, if their civility had no other ob

Lord Shaftesbury indulged the most inveterate prejudices against Holland, and regularly concluded his speeches in the House of Peers,

[blocks in formation]

"The soft kind of stone in Malta and Goza, is always more or less inclined to waste and dissolve, when exposed to the air it also undergoes a kind of saline efflorescence, which reduces it to powder, and this effect is hastened, by different accidents, and particular situations. The stones exposed to the air towards the south, are much sooner dissolved, than in any other aspect; but nothing wastes them in so short a time as sea water, one single drop of which suffices to rot them presently; and though only one stone should be touched, it frequently communicates itself to the next, and by this means speedily destroys, not only a whole rock, but a whole building, if a stone thus affected should happen to be employed in its construction. A sort of saline crust, composed of nitre, with alkali at bottom and seasalt, is formed over the stone, part of which is no sooner crumbled to powder, than the crust drops off, and others continue forming, till the whole of the stone is entirely destroy ed."

"THE following lines, written by Henry,
were presented, (according to the Editor of
the Nugae Antiquae) and sung to Anne Bo-
leyn, during the time of their courtship. Byrd,
in Queen Elizabeth's time, set them to mu-

The eagle's force subdues each byrde that flies,
What metal can resiste the flamynge fire?
Doth not the sunne dazzle the clearest eyes,

And melt the ice and make the snow retire?
The hardeste stones are pierced through with tooles ;
The wisest are, with princes, made but fooles."

CHARLES the First professed that he could not fix his love upon one that was never angry; "for," said he, " as a man that is without sorrow, is without gladness, so he that is without anger, is without love."


WHY does a wheel, whose axis is inclined, if put in motion, tend to a vertical position, and more so, the more rapidly it is turned?


Ir a wheel be put in motion, there is a current of air, from every part of its periphery, setting in the direction of the plane of the wheel. This effect becomes sensible, in a variety of ways, when the motion of the wheel is rapid. Place a feather, or any light substance, within the influence of its motion, and it will be repelled from the wheel with the current ; a candle will be extinguished at a considerable distance from the wheel; and the current of air is very sensible to the hand. This current

of air, from the part of the periphery inclined of Athens, or quoting bombast from novels
to the horizontal fixed plane, strikes the plane, with the same emphasis of head and hand,
and reacts on the parts of the wheel and axis with which a maiden devotee will sometimes
inclined to the plane; and the current of air quote commentaries on the bible, or a passage
from the opposite side of the periphery, not from Young's Night Thoughts, adding "as
coming in contact with any plane to produce a the poet says" at the close; you may set it
corresponding reaction, the wheel and of down that this is a very surprising, forward
course its axis will obey the impulse of this young lady. If after this, she should talk fa-
reaction and tend to a vertical position. The miliarly, attempt repartees, and even to flirt
diminution of friction on the upper gudgeon, with men of twice her age; it is still in char-
is only a consequence of this tendency to be- acter, and she must be considered a very for-
come vertical. If the plane of the wheel be ward young lady. Should you happen to be at
solid, the effect of reaction on it will be much a family concert, and after being tired with
greater, than if it be formed by radii; a long pieces, though performed by masterly
greater surface being presented to the reac- hands, a young miss should take her seat at
S. the piano and murder three or four battles
with the utmost nonchalance, her mamma smi.
ling all the time with ecstacy, while no other
face looked comfortable in the room; it
would be quite unnecessary for the good lady
to make further explanation.

THOUGH the Quere respecting the sinking of gold in water, has excited no little discussion; one correspondent only has ventured to send an opinion, with the reasons on which it was founded; and that is refuted by established facts. I again ask, would it sink to the centre or not?

THE following question will be easy of solution to the experienced mathematician; but may usefully exercise the reflection of many Tyros.

A makes B a present of a hundred dollars, on condition that he shall expend it in cows, sheep, and geese. Cows at 10 dollars each, sheep at 1 dollar, and geese at 1 shilling each, yet so as to have just a hundred in the aggregate of cows, sheep, and geese.. How many must he purchase of each?


I AM a great enemy to long stories, and having had my patience often tired by the eulogies of parents on the extraordinary talents of a son or daughter, I feel willing to try theirs a little, in turn, by a short speculation on the subject.

If at a ball you should discover a little figure of a woman, affecting alternate gravity and coquetry; complaining of the number of solicitations, if she is asked to dance; and at the same time betraying anxiety to be engaged with partners, whose hands she can scarcely reach; pretending to forget what steps she has just learnt, and talking sentiment in the midst of a cotillion; you need be at no loss for her character. If her partner should happen to smile civilly upon her, it might be well for him to avoid taking a seat by her mother; unless he is tired of dancing, and would like to be entertained for an hour with the biography of the child.

If you should fall into a box at the theatre, when, instead of hearing the play, you should hear a miss, just entered her teens, delivering her opinions like a little oracle, condemning Shakspeare in toto on account of vulgarities, and most modern plays for want of sentiment; representing all farces as low, and the Spoiled Child particularly as trifling, affording neither entertainment nor instruction; though all this may be accompanied by the most contradictory airs of solemnity and levity, you may be assur ed here is another female prodigy, the delight of her father and mother and the ornament of the family circle.

THE unprecedented sale at the auction of Chief Justice Parsons's Library cannot be contemplated without satisfaction and pride. Was this extraordinary bidding the effect of partiality to the respectable family, to whom the property now belongs, it was a display of noble sentiment. Was it a tribute of respect to the transcendant merit and virtues of the late proprietor, it was honourable to his memory, and to a community so sensible of his worth. Was it owing to the increase of literary taste, it never was so ardent. Probably all these considerations had their influence, and we know of no other that could operate. The reShould you prefer the play to her conversasult reflects credit on the state of society in tion, however, and remove to the opposite part Massachusetts. of the theatre for the sake of hearing; it is possible that you might find the counter part ; that is, a little manly figure, standing perhaps on the front seat, with his hat over one ear, precisely in a line between yourself and the stage. If he should chance to look round, he would probably place both arms akimbo, swelling himself into as great an obstruction as possible; and return to the contemplation of That peculiar characteristick or spark of the stage and himself. By the way, it ought genius, which makes this difference in chil- here to be remarked that others of "larger dren, is generally so latent, that it seems dis- growth" sometimes indulge in this practice of cernible by the parents only, in the first in- intercepting the sight; men no doubt of instance. They impart the discovery to the quiring luminous minds; but they ought first child, and as the little thing begins to practise to ascertain that their bodies are equally luupon it, they communicate it to their circle of minous, or that the performers are not fit to friends. It is then thrust forward on all occa- be seen, which indeed is too often the case. sions, and becomes a premature man or woBut to return to our young hero. The reason man, a sort of prodigy, which the world is you will probably find him here is, that, if any called upon to admire. Whether its gifts are such being happens to be in the house, he derived from nature or education may now be will be likely to take the greatest possible disleft to others to determine; but as these Lil-tance from the little lady just mentioned. For liputian ladies and gentlemen exhibit very dis- notwithstanding the similarity of character, tinct qualities, it may be well to describe which might be supposed to operate as a mu them, to save parents the trouble of pointing tual attraction; they have the most singular them out, long after it ceases to be necessary. aversion, and feel a sovereign contempt for If you meet in company with a miss of ten each other. This is one striking mark by or twelve years, dressed in the style of a lady which they may be known in company. The of twenty, affecting to converse in a matronly miss will not even appear to see the little tone, discoursing learnedly of Greece and Ida man; while he will devote himself entirely to

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