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the Undergraduate

A Prize Contest

It so
IT is what the undergraduate thinks that is really vital.

doesn't matter so much what college faculties think about athletics. It

The Outlook wants to know, and to help others to know, the trend of this undergraduate opinion; so we are offering ten prizes for the best letters of six hundred words or less from college undergraduates on Intercollegiate Athletics. There will be:

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1. Only college undergraduates are eligible to compete.

2. Write your name (add a pen name, if you like, for publication) and post office
address with college and class in the upper left-hand corner of your letter.

3. All letters must be typewritten on one side of the paper only.

4. Limit your letter to 600 words of average length.

5. Your letter, to be eligible, must reach us on or before April 15th, 1922.

6. We reserve the right to purchase for publication desirable letters not winning prizes.

7. Unavailable letters will not be returned.

8. The staff of The Outlook will be judges.

Address all letters to

Contest Editor, The Outlook Company

381 Fourth Avenue, New York City

THE OUTLOOK, March 22, 1922. Volume 130, Number 12. Published weekly by The Outlook Company at 381 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Subscription price $5.00 a year. Entered as second-class matter, July 21, 1893, at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879


"What Have You Read?"

When that big question is put to you, you will be glad you learned the secret of 15 minutes a day. Send for the book that gives it

HERE will be a dozen com


petitors for your big opportunity when it comes. What questions will be asked by the man who is to make the decision among them?

This question, almost certainly : "What have you read?" Business leaders are asking it more and more. "In every department of practical life," said ex-President Hadley of Yale, "men in commerce, men in transportation, and in manufactures have told me that what they really wanted from our colleges was men who have this selective power of using books efficiently.'

Not book-worms; not men who have read all kinds of miscellaneous books. Not men who have wasted their whole leisure time with the daily papers. But those who have read and mastered the few great books that make men think clearly and talk well.

Dr. Eliot's own plan of reading

What are those few great books? How shall a busy man find them? The free book offered below answers those questions; it describes the plan and purpose of


The books that make men think

straight and talk well

Every well-informed man and woman should at least know something about this famous library.


The free book tells about it-how Dr. Eliot has put into his Five-Foot Shelf "the essentials of a liberal education," how he has so arranged it that even fifteen minutes a day" are enough, how in pleasant moments of spare time, by using the reading courses Dr. Eliot has provided for you, you can get the knowledge of literature and life, the culture, the broad viewpoint that every university strives to give.

"For me," wrote one man who had sent in the coupon, "your little free book meant a big step forward, and it showed me besides the way to a vast new world of pleasure."

Every reader of The Outlook is invited to have a copy of this handsome and entertaining little book. It is free, it will be sent by mail, and involves no obligation of any sort. Merely clip the coupon and mail it to-day.



416 West Thirteenth Street, New York

By mail, absolutely free and without obligation, send me the little guide book to the most famous books in the world, describing Dr. Eliot's FiveFoot Shelf of Books, and containing the plan of reading recommended by Dr. Eliot of Harvard.



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Pres. Harding's The Outlook

Part in the
Seven Facts

WHICH show that Republicans voted for him

in confident expectation that his election meant either an association of nations which would be a safe and continuing insurance against another world war or else the League of Nations "amended or revised."

FACT FIVE. Senator Harding, from the 28th of August, on to the day the votes were cast, in every important campaign utterance, though he roundly denounced "those obligations" (the supposed superstate features of Article X and the League "brought over from Paris" which contained them and upon which he said he would turn his back), pledged an association of nations to prevent war or the existing League of Nations "amended or revised, if it is so entwined and interwoven in the peace of Europe that its good must be preserved." Seven million majority elected him. Was it in repudiation of those promises or in reliance upon them? This is not to challenge or hurry him. It is to express confidence that the father of the great Washington Conference will in his own good time bring to pass the fulfillment of his promise.

FACT SIX. The party platform, besides approving the Republican Senate stand, which was for the League of Nations with reservations, pledged "an international association . . the nations may exercise their influence and power for the prevention of war."

. so that


FACT SEVEN. But in that campaign, always in national political campaigns, that in which the voter put his trust more than in platform pledges or leaders' promises, was the consistent party record. What was the party record on the question of world peace? It was this, and only this, ratification of the League Covenant with the Lodge-McCumber compromise reservations, twice voted by the Senate Republican majority. That record of their party, discussed from one end of the land to the other, was the faith, and entry into the League upon that basis was the insistence of nine-tenths of the Republican voters for more than a year. Is there any good reason to believe that in repudiation alike of their leaders' advice, the platform and record of their party and their own year-long insistent position they reversed themselves on election day? These are only a few of the compelling facts which establish the truth as to the mandate of the vote. Read them all, not in a few shortened advertising lines, but established "beyond the peradventure of a doubt," as Arnold Bennett Hall says of it, in "The Great Deception," by Samuel Colcord.

$1.50 of Bookdealers, or Postpaid.






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450 451


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A Little Nonsense Now and Then... 462 From Both Sides of the Pacific...... 463 A Domestic Relations Court...... 464 By Richard B. Watrous

Fish as Guardians of Health......... 465 By Samuel F. Hildebrand

Uncle Ellis...

By Dorothy Canfield

Courses in English, Spanish, Mathematics, Chemistry, Drawing, Education, Business and in

STUDY 35 other subjects are given by correspondence. Begin any time.

The University of Chicago

30th Year


Division 10. Chicago, Ill.


23 Highland St., Natick, Mass. A College Preparatory School for Girls. 17 miles from Boston. Miss Conant, Miss Bigelow, Principals Gardening, Farming and Poultry Husbandry, the new pro

for women. SCHOOL OF HORTICULTURE, Ambler, Pennsylvania. 18 miles from Philadelphia. Two year Diploma Course, entrance September and January. Theory and practice. Unusual positions obtainable upon graduation. Spring course April 4th to June 24th._Summer course August 1st to 26th. Circulars. ELIZABETH LEIGHTON LEE, Director.


A School for Girls ANDOVER, MASS. Founded 1828. 23 miles from Boston. College preparation. Strong course for high school graduates. Outdoor sports. Address MISS BERTHA BAILEY, Principal.

KENT PLACE Summit, N. J.

20 miles from N. Y. A Country School for Girls. College Preparatory and Academic Courses. Mrs. SARAH WOODMAN PAUL Miss ANNA S. WOODMAN Principals.

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Breaking the World's Worst Traffic Jam 468 By Alfred E. Smith

The Book Table:

After the War Jottings.. The New Books..... From Famine Fields (Poem). By Martha Haskell Clark The Traveled John Milton... Contributors' Gallery.... Financial Department.. By the Way....






476 483

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Trail's End The Kentucky

Camp for Girls

Write for Booklet.

MISS SNYDER, 363 S.Broadway, Lexington, Ky.

WISCONSIN, Lake Snowdon, near Rhinelander.

CAMP Bryn Afon Screened sleeping bungalows with

hardwood floors; saddle horses; athletic field; craft house; all land and water sports. Tuition $375 for nine weeks. No extras. All counselors' positions filled. Booklet, LOTTA B. BROADBRIDGE, The Palms Apartments, 1001 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Michigan.


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Bridgton, Me. On famous Long Lake. In the foothills of the White Mountains. Small home camp. Bungalows. Booklet. LEWIS CALEB WILLIAMS, 98 Rutland Rd., Brooklyn, New York. Tel. Flatbush 3774. ROOSEVELT, WISCONSIN


Riding, tennis, swimming, canoe trips with guides, basebail, manual training, Scout work. Counselors college men, all specialists. Tuition $260. No extras. Booklet. G. M. ROGER, 700 West Euclid Avenue, Detroit, Michigan.


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The time for Vapo-Cresolene is at the first indication of a cold or sore throat, which are so often the warnings of dangerous complications.

Simple to use; you just light the little lamp that vaporizes the Cresolene and place it near the bed at night.

The soothing antiseptic vapor is breathed all night, making breathing easy, relieving the cough and easing the sore throat and congested chest.

Cresolene is recommended for Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Croup, Influenza, Bronchitis, Coughs and Nasal Catarrh. Its germicidal qualities make it a reliable protection when these diseases are epidemic. It gives great relief in Asthma.

Cresolene has been recommended and used for the past 42 years. The benefit derived from it is unquestionable. Sold by druggists. Send for descriptive booklet 31. The VAPO-CRESOLENE CO., 62 Cortlandt St., New York, or Leming-Miles Bldg., Montreal, Canada.



Safe and Efficient

Good Teeth-Good Health is a scientific fact.
See your dentist twice a year and use Colgate's
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Colgate's is safe and efficient-it does all that
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possible harm.




St. John's Riverside Hospital Training

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Registered in New York State, offers a 2% years' courseas general training to refined, educated women. Requirements one year high school or its equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses, Yonkers, New York.

To Proprietors of
Summer Camps

The Outlook will carry the announce-
ments of many of the best boys' and
girls' camps this spring. Camp adver-
tisements will be largely grouped in
the second and fourth issues of April,
May, and June.

Perhaps an inch or two of space will
be sufficient to convey your message
to thousands of Outlook families. The
rate is only 85 cents a line.

Send us your copy promptly for

The Outlook Company
381 Fourth Avenue, New York



WE offer to a selected number of ambitious people a personal correspondence Course in Play-Writing under the direct supervision of Theodore Ballou Hinckley, editor of THE DRAMA, and a group of noted authorities, with unusual resources at their command. It covers a year of carefully individualized instruction in dramatic technique. By easy stages, from the simplest rudiments to the actual completion of plays, you receive definite, constructive, practical criticism of your own work.

The great scarcity of good plays and the big royalties for successes make this Course as profitable as it is fascinating. This is the only Course of its kind. The class is small, the enrollment limited. This insures rapid progress in the development of latent talents and individual tendencies.

Learn all about this remarkable Course if you want to devote your spare time to profitable self-advancement. Let us tell you how this new form of individual instruction directs you in mastering the technique of play-writing. Simply mail the coupon for complete information.

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