Smyly, J. S.. petition of citizens of Edgefield district, South Carolina, for a post Snavely, William. (See bill H. R. 514.) committee discharged and again referred Soldiers, resolution by Mr. Breese to extend the provision of 9th section, act 11th report. Solicitor of the Treasury, reports of- with the decision of the arbitrator on the claim of the Catholic Page. 154 128 229 229 88 100 165 report showing the operations of that office since its organiza- 295 Southampton, Bremen, and Havre, mail steamers to. 146 (See bill S. 394.) 185 54 South Carolina Legislature, resolution relative to slavery.. of Spanish vessels exempt from discriminating duties in certain cases. committee discharged, and again referred Spanish vessels, tonnage duty on, resolution by Mr. Westcott. Spanish vessels trading between Cuba and the United States, resolution by Mr. of Charleston, for the removal of restrictions on Speiden, William. (See joint resolution H. R. 14.) Spencer, Joseph, heirs and representatives of. (See James M. Lillard.) Springfield, Mass., citizens of, memorial for an amendment of the patent laws.. Stanert, John, adverse report concurred in... clerks employed in the department, report of the Secretary.. State, Secretary of, reports of- disbursements from the contingent fund of the State Department; dis- number and description of passengers who arrived in 1848. 188 244 3, 350 56 49 117 49 60 68 clerks employed in the department. 117 with despatches from the minister at Rio de Janeiro, relative to the 159 174 with correspondence relative to the imprisonment of Wm. H. Bush, States, land to the States for railroads and canals. (See bill S. 415.) cession of the public lands to the States in which situated, resolution by land to the States for internal improvements, resolution of the Legislature 252 212, 218 218 189 180 States, land to the States for certain purposes. (See bill S. 323.) Stealy, John, leave to withdraw.. Steam boilers, report of the Commissioner of Patents, relative to patents for the report of the Commissioner of Patents, relative to the explosion of Page. 155 106 106 report.. committee discharged, and again referred documents submitted by Mr. Davis, of Massachusetts, relative to Stephens, John L. (See Wm. H. Aspinwall.) Sterling, citizens of, memorial relative to postage on letters and newspapers.. Steuart, Adam D., petition referred.. motion to print referred ordered to be printed. committee discharged, and again referred.. 500 copies to be furnished to the Commissioner. the prevention of the explosion of steam boilers, to be printed. 106 147 147 119 251 364 184 53 271 176 Stevens & Ellison, and others, petition.. 224 Stevenson, W. W., documents.. 291 Stinson, Benjamin, petition. 53 Stockbridge Indians, petition relative to their lands. 61 treaty with, injunction of secrecy removed from the pro- 389 yeas and nays.. 392 51 Stocks, United States, establishment of an office for the transfer of, in New York, resolution by Mr. Dickinson ... report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Stockton, Commodore, despatches of, relative to the naval and military operations in California, resolution by Mr. Westcott.. Stokely, Captain Nehemiah, heirs of. (See bill H. R. 496.) Stout, Isabella, heir-at-law of James Samson, petition referred. Substitutes, extra pay and bounty land to. (See joint resolution S. R. 52.) resolution by Mr. Bright. report of the Secretary of the Treasury Superior, Lake, land district, reduction of the price of the mineral lands in. bill in addition to the act to regulate the exercise of appellate decisions of the judges of the Supreme Court in the case of resolution by Mr. Webster.. resolution by Mr. Foote yeas and nays Survey, joint resolution for a geological survey in detail. (See joint resolution Surveyor General of Arkansas, resolution of the Legislature of Arkansas for the 176 193 220 76 159 66 3, 350 122 138 226 368, 368 368 180 Sutton, Jesse. (See bill H. R. 498.) Swearing, punishment for false swearing in certain cases. (See bill H. R. 211.) 199 T. Talbot and others, Thomas. (See bill S. 45 ) Tariff of 1842, petition of citizens of mercer county, Pa., for 103 Tariff of 1846, construction given to, in respect to duties on articles, upon the report of the Secretary of the Treasury. Tariff, President's message, so far as it relates to, referred. Tariff, petitions of citizens in relation to- Columbia county, Pa.... Berks county, Pa.. .... Pa. Essex county, Ñ. Y..... Pennsylvania... Pa.. Chester county, Luzerne county, Pa.... Montgomery county, Pa.... Mercer county, Pa... Tatem, Henry, resolution for leave to withdraw Page. 72, 76 178 67 214 214, 217, 219 266 53 Taylor, Zachary, declared to be elected President of the United States. Taylor and others. Isaac W., report and bill (see bill S. 489). Taylor, William W., injunction of secrecy removed from the proceedings of the Teakle, Littleton D., adverse report concurred in, and committee discharged.... petition of P. A. Hargous, relative to a railroad across Telegraph register. (See Astronomical Clock.) Territorial governments, petition of citizens of Pennsylvania for the adoption of Texas Legislature, resolutions for the establishment of military posts between the petition of citizens of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, against........ yeas and nays resolution of the Legislature of Rhode Island. Texas, memorial of Ebenezer Allen and others, citizens of Texas, for a railroad 185 226 293 384 387 56 112 186 225 137 224, 255 165 107 140 140 278 146 United States district judge for, memorial of members of the bar of Gal- 154 additional district court in. (See bill S. 93.) and the adjacent Mexican States, report of the Secretary of War, show- 278 ports and harbors of, survey and examination of. (See bill S. 432.) map of, by J. De Cordova, resolution by Mr. Houston.... 147 Thomason, Elisha. (See bill H. R. 189.) Page. Thompkins, Christopher, widow of. (See Martha Dameron) Thompson, Charles, widow of. (See Emma C. B. Thompson.) Thompson, Emma C. B., petition.... Thompson, Philip W. (See Henry C. Miller.) Thompson, Samuel H., petition referred... leave to withdraw. Thompson, Mary W. (See bill H. R. 505.) Thompson, Farley D., petition.... Thornton, Captain Presley, heirs and legal representatives of. (See bill H. R. 536.) Tift, Annie, ship. (See bill S. 361.) (See bill S. 142.) Timber reserved for naval purposes, preservation of. Toler, Jesse. (See bill S. 205.) Tompkins, Nancy. (See bill H. R. 61.) 163 1 112 223 115 69 Canada in certain agricul- 209, 258 Tonawanda Indians, petition of citizens of Rochester, New York, in behalf of, adverse report concurred in .. Tonnage duty on Spanish vessels- resolution by Mr. Westcott.. report of the Secretary of the Treasury. trading between the United States and Cuba, res- Topping, William H., petition..... Totten, Colonel Joseph G., communicating the memorial of Isaac S. K. Reeves.. Trader's Point, bill to authorize the laying off of a town at. (See bill S. 408.) document.... 200 Transport vessels, transfer of, from the War to the Navy Department. (See Transportation for the United States squadron on the northwest coast, resolution Treasury Department, report and resolution relative to Robert Mayo's work on. (See joint resolution S. R. 57.) Treasury, Acting Secretary of, committee discharged from a report of, presented Treasury, Secretary of the, reports of- state of the finances.... additional copies ordered to be printed, yeas and nays..... 317, 318, 318, 319, 319, 320 281 50 50 62 193, 215 number of vessels and persons employed in the coast survey, com- municated by the President.. 205 warehousing system 244 report of the superintendent of the coast survey relative to the sur- 223 Treasury, Secretary of the, reports of-Continued. referred with annual report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office with a letter from the Commissioner of the General Land Office with communication from the Commissioner of the General Land with report of the Register of the Treasury on commerce and navi- tion establishment of an office in New York for the transfer of United payments for miscellaneous claims, expenditures for disabled sea- tonnage duty on Spanish vessels.. relative to additional rooms required for the War and Navy Depart- yeas and nays. Treat, Joseph, petition. Page. 246 63 209, 225 72 82 87 106 138 139 144 139 140 174 176 178 278 306 306 317, 318, 318, 319, 319, 320 76 93, 98 Treaties of reciprocity in navigation between the United States and other nations, rescinded... Treaties of commerce and navigation between the United States and other message from the President. Treaties of the United States, synoptical index to, resolution by Mr. Benton. 93, 98 271 115, 119 188 Trenton, New Jersey, citizens of, petition for a reduction of postage, &c...... ..... Trinity church at St. Augustine, Florida, memorial of the warden and vestry of ciates for railroad to Oregon. proceedings of a meeting of citizens of, for the abolition of the petition of citizens of, for the abolition of the spirit ration in Tucker, Oliver, petition... Tucker, John, resolution of the Legislature of Florida for compensation to..... Turney, Hon. Hopkins L., attended. motion to fix a time for the appointment of the standing committees.. |