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Mr. William H. Ashley
William Babcoek
John Ranks
Noyes Barber
John S. Barbour
Daniel L. Barringer
Gamaliel H. Barstow
Isaac C. Bates
John Branch
George N. Briggs
Henry A Bullard
Tristam Burges
William Cahoon
Rufus Choate
John A. Collier
Lewis Condict
Silas Condit
Eleutheros Cooke
Bates Cooke

Richard M. Cooper
Thomas Corwin
Robert Craig
Joseph H. Crane
William Creighton, jr.
Henry Daniel

Henry A S. Dearborn

Harmar Denny

John Dickson

William Drayton

William W. Ellsworth
George Evans

Joshua Evans

Mr. Edward Everett
Horace Everett
John Gilmore

George Grennell, jr.
William Heister
James L. Hodges
Thomas H. Hughes
Jabez W. Huntington
Peter Ihrie, jr.
Ralph I. Ingersolf
William W. Irvin
Jacob C. Isacks
Daniel Jenifer
Joseph G. Kendall
William Kennon
Robert P. Letcher
Chittenden Lyon
Thomas A. Marshall
Robert McCoy
George McDuffie

Thomas M. T. McKennan
Charles F. Mercer
John J. Milligan
Henry A. Muhlenberg
Jeremiah Nelson

Thomas Newton

John M. Patton

Dutee J. Pearce
Edmund H. Pendleton
Nathaniel Pitcher
Franklin E. Plummer

Mr. David Potts, jr.
James F. Randolph
John Reed
John J. Roane
Erastus Root
William Russel

Benedict I. Semmes
William B. Shepard
Augustine H. Sheppard
William Slade
Samuel A. Smith
Isaac Southard
John S. Spence
William Stanbery
Andrew Stewart
William L. Storrs
Joel B Sutherland
John W. Taylor
Philemon Thomas
Christopher Tompkins
Phineas L. Tracy
Samuel F. Vinton
George C. Washington
John G. Watmough
Samuel J. Wilkin
Grattan H Wheeler
Elisha Whittlesey
Frederick Whittlesey
Charles A. Wickliffe
Lewis Williams
Ebenezer Young.

The motion of Mr. Wickliffe for the printing of 10,000 additional copies of the said report was then agreed to by the House.

The House proceeded, by ballot, to the choice of a Chaplain to Congress for the present session, on its part; and, upon an examination of the first ballot, it appeared that the Reverend William Hammet was duly elected. Ordered, That the Clerk acquaint the Senate therewith.

The House again resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union; and, after some time spent therein, the Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Lewis Condict reported that the committee had, according to order, had the state of the Union, generally, under consideration, particularly the message of the President of the United States at the commencement of the present session; and had come to no further resolution thereon.

And then the House adjourned until to-morrow, twelve o'clock, meridian.

THURSDAY, December 13, 1832.

On motion of Mr. Edward Everett,

Ordered, That the petition of John S. Audubon, presented February 20, 1832, be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

On motion of Mr. Briggs,

Resolved, That the Committee on Invalid Pensions be instructed to report a bill to transfer the pension granted by the act of July 14, 1832, to Benjamin Groun, to Benjamin Grover, for whom the said petition was actually intended.

Mr. Slade presented a petition of Joseph Holcomb, of the State of Vermont, praying for a pension; which petition was referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions.

On motion of Mr. Slade,

Ordered, That the petition of Roswell Hunt, presented January 10, 1831, be referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.

On motion of Mr. Slade,

Ordered, That the petition of Stewart and Matthews, presented December 15, 1828, be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.

On motion of Mr. Slade,

Ordered, That the case of Aaron Bellamy, presented December 22, 1831, be referred to the Committee of Claims.

On motion of Mr. Wardwell,

Ordered, That the petition of Whitford Gill, presented January 24, 1820, be referred to the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Heman Allen presented the petition of Margaret Chandonet, of the State of Vermont, praying to be reimbursed the expense of curing a wound received by a musket ball discharged by a United States' soldier; and, also, that a pension may be granted her.

Mr. Sutherland presented a petition of John Conard, late marshal of the eastern district of Pennsylvania, praying to be allowed and paid the fees to which he conceives himself entitled for levying writs of execution, at the suit of the United States, against a certain Edward Thompson.

Mr. Chinn presented a petition of Sarah B. H. Stith, widow of John Stith, late of the State of Virginia, praying that the balance now due to the United States, on account of the purchase from the United States, by her late husband, of a tract of land lying in the county of Northumberland, in the State of Virginia, may be remitted.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Bergen,

Ordered, That the petition of the President and Trustees of the village of Brooklyn, on Long Island, in the State of New York, presented March 19, 1832, be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Wilkin,

Ordered, That the petition of William Townsend, presented January 12, 1824, be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

On motion of Mr. McDuffie,

Ordered, That the memorial of Susan Decatur, widow and representative of the late Captain Stephen Decatur, praying to be allowed and paid prize money for destroying the frigate Philadelphia, in the harbor of Tripoli, in the year 1804, together with all the papers on file in relation to that claim, be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Dickson,

Ordered, That the petition of John Van Fossen, presented July 2, 1832, be referred to the Committee on Accounts.

Mr. Wardwell presented a petition of inhabitants of the State of New York, praying that an appropriation may be made for the improvement of the navigation of Big Sandy creek, on Lake Ontario, as also for the erection of light-houses at the mouth of said creek; which petition was referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.

On motion of Mr. Silas Condit,

Ordered, That so much of the petition of inhabitants of the town of Newark, in the State of New Jersey, presented February 6, 1832, as relates to the improvemant of the navigation of the river Passaic, be referred to the

Committee on Roads and Canals; and so much of said petition as prays that the port of Newark may be made a port of entry, be referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Silas Condict presented a petition of the board of guardians of the free school, appointed by the Common Council of the town of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, praying Congress to grant pecuniary assistance to said school; which petition was referred to the Committee for the District

of Columbia.

Mr. Verplanck presented a memorial of Seth Capron, Samuel Haskell, James Osborn, and Simeon Draper, praying for further compensation for services as soldiers in the army of the revolution.

Mr. Chinn presented a petition of John McAdam, of the State of Virginia, praying to be paid the commutation of half pay for life to which his father was entitled as a captain in the army of the revolution.

Mr. Chinn presented the petition of Robert Beale, senior, and Robert Beale, junior, of the State of Virginia, heirs of George L. Turberville, deceased, an officer of the army of the revolution, praying to be paid the commutation of half pay for life to which the deceased was entitled as an officer aforesaid.

The Speaker presented a petition of Cary Drew and others, heirs of Carter H. Drew, deceased, praying to be paid the amount due for the services of the deceased as an officer in the revolutionary army.

Ordered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

Mr. Vance presented a petition of George D. Ramsay, a lieutenant in the army of the United States, praying that a certain portion of his pay, which has been retained for causes which have been proved to be erroneous, may be allowed and paid to him; which petition was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Vance,

Ordered, That the petition of the heirs of Joseph Pierce, deceased, presented January 16, 1832, be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Joseph M. White presented a petition of inhabitants of the counties of St. John, Alachua, and Musquito, in the Territory of Florida, praying that provision may be made for repairing the public road leading from St. Augustine to Wanton's post office, in Alachua county, as also for the repair of the road called "the Palatka road."

Mr. Joseph M. White presented a petition of inhabitants of East Florida, praying that provision may be made for repairing the road leading from St. Augustine, by Palatka and Micanopy, to Fort King.

Ördered, That the said petitions be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

On motion of Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts,

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, who, in conjunction with three members to be appointed by the Senate, shall direct the expenditure of the money which may be appropriated for the Library of Congress. Mr. Everett, of Massachusetts, Mr. Verplanck, and Mr. Wayne, were appointed of the committee on the part of the House.

On motion of Mr. Bates Cooke,

Resolved, That the Committee on Roads and Canals be instructed to inquire into the expediency of causing a survey to be made to ascertain the

practicability of connecting Lakes Erie and Ontario by a canal round the Falls of Niagara, in the district of Niagara, State of New York; and, also, to inquire into the expediency of causing a survey and estimate to be made. with a view to the erection of a pier in the Niagara, at or near the village of Youngstown, in the State of New York.

On motion of Mr. Washington,

Resolved, That the Committee for the District of Columbia be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing for the removal of the obstruetions to the navigation of the river Potomac, between Georgetown and Alexandria.

On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Maryland,

Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and Means be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making a further appropriation for the repair of the Cumberland road east of the river Ohio.

On motion of Mr. Patton,

Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a mail route from Orange court-house, in Virginia, to the town of Stanardsville, in the county of Orange.

Mr. Wickliffe moved the following resolution, viz.

Resolved, That the Clerk of this House be directed to communicate to the Senate a copy of the report, with the original documents accompanying the same, made by the Committee on the Public Lands upon the subject of the Chickasaw treaty, and the reservation of four miles square in said treaty. And on the question, that the House do agree to the said resolution?


It was decided in the negative, Nays,



The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the members present, Those who voted in the affirmative, are,

[blocks in formation]

Mr. John J. Milligan

Thomas Newton
Dutee J. Pearce
Nathaniel Pitcher
David Potts, jr.
James F. Randolph
John Reed

William Russel

William B. Shepard
William Slade
Isaac Southard
William Stanbery
William L. Storrs
John W. Taylor
Christopher Tompkins
Phineas L. Tracy
Joseph Vance
Samuel F. Vinton
George C. Washington
John G. Watmough
Elisha Whittlesey
Frederick Whittlesey
Charles A. Wickliffe
Ebenezer Young.

Mr. John T. Bergen
Laughlin Bethune
James Blair

Mr. John Blair

Ratliff Roon
Joseph Bouck

John Brodhead
John C. Brodhead

Churchill C. Cambreleng
John Carr

Thomas Chandler
Joseph W. Chinn
Nathaniel H. Claiborne
Clement C. Clay
Richard Coke, jr.
Henry W. Connor
Richard Coulter
Robert Craig

Thomas H. Crawford
Thomas Davenport
Charles Dayan
Ulysses F. Doubleday
William Drayton
Joseph Draper
James Ford

Thomas F. Foster
Nathan Gaither
John Gilmore
William F. Gordon
Thomas H. Hall
William Hall

Mr. Joseph M. Harper

Albert G. Hawes
Micajah T. Hawkins
Michael Hoffman
William Hogan
Cornelius Holland
Henry Horn
Peter Ihrie, jr.
Leonard Jarvis
Daniel Jenifer
Freeborn G. Jewett
Edward Kavanagh
William Kennon
John King
Henry King
Henry G. Lamar
Garret Y. Lansing
Humphrey H. Leavitt
Joseph Lecompte
James Lent
Dixon H. Lewis
Chittenden Lyon
Joel K. Mann
Samuel W. Mardis
Jonathan McCarty
William McCoy
Rufus McIntire

On motion of Mr. Leavitt,

Mr, James McKay

Henry A. Muhlenberg
Daniel Newnan

John M. Patton

Edmund H. Pendleton
Job Pierson

Franklin E. Plummer

James K. Polk
Abraham Rencher
John J. Roane
Erastus Root

Augustine H. Shepperd

Samuel A. Smith
Nathan Soule
Jesse Speight
James Standefer
Philander Stephens
Joel B. Sutherland
Francis Thomas
Philemon Thomas
Wiley Thompson
John Thomson
Gulian C. Verplanck
Daniel Wardwell
James M. Wayne
John W. Weeks
Campbell P. White.

Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expedieney of a revision of the several acts of Congress relating to the naturalization of aliens, and of embracing, in one act, all the provisions on that subject.

On motion of Mr. Bullard,

Resolved, That the Committee on Commerce be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing Perry's bridge, on the Vermillion river, in Louisiana, as a port of delivery.

On motion of Mr. Bell,

Resolved, That there be allowed and paid by the Clerk of this House, to the Postmaster thereof, the same amount of compensation that is allowed, by law, to the Sergeant-at-Arms.

On motion of Mr. Boon,

Resolved, That the Committee on Roads and Canals be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making an appropriation for the purpose of removing certain obstructions to the navigation of the Wabash river.

On motion of Mr. Plummer,

Resolved, That the Committee on the Public Lands be instructed to inquire into the expediency of granting unto John A. Barnes, of Claiborne county, Mississippi, a pre-emption right to purchase, at the minimum price, so much of a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being situate in the county and State aforesaid, known and designated as parcel of township 13, in ranges 2 and 3, confirmed to John Anderson by the Board of Commissioners under and by virtue of the provisions of an act of Congress passed March 3, 1803, as exceeds the quantity of six hundred and forty acres.

On motion of Mr. Clay,

Resolved, That the Committee on Revolutionary Pensions be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing, by law, for the appointment of an agent for the payment of pensioners in North Alabama.

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