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§ 16. Director of the pathological institute. The commission shall, after a special civil service examination therefor, appoint a director of the pathological institute, who shall perform, under the direction of the commission, such duties relating to pathological research as may be required for all of the state hospitals for the insane. His office and laboratory shall be in the city of New York. He shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the commission, subject to the approval of the governor.


Institutions for the Care, Treatment and Custody of the Insane. Section 30. State hospitals for the poor and indigent insane.

31. Managers of state hospitals and their terms of office. 32. Appointment and removal of managers.

33. General powers and duties of boards of managers.
34. Appointments of resident officers by managers.

35. General powers and duties of superintendent.
36. The general and medical superintendents of the Long
Island and Manhattan State hospital.

37. Monthly meetings of superintendents.

38. Salaries of officers and wages of employes.

39. Monthly estimates of expenses; contingent fund.

40. Powers and duties of treasurer.

41. Monthly statement of receipts and expenditures; vouchers.

42. Actions to recover moneys due the hospital.

43. General powers and duties of the steward.

44. Purchases.

45. Official oath.

46. Actions against commissioners in lunacy, or officers or employes of state hospitals.

47. Private institutions for the insane.

48. Recommendations of commission.
49. Visitors to state hospitals.

30. State hospitals for the poor and indigent insane.There shall continue to be the following hospitals for the care and treatment of the poor and indigent insane of the state which are hereby declared to be corporations; but other insane persons, who

are residents of the state, may be admitted when there is room therein for them:

1. Utica State hospital, at the city of Utica, in the county of Oneida.

2. Willard State hospital, in the town of Ovid, county of Sen


3. Hudson River State hospital, near the city of Poughkeepsie, in the county of Dutchess.

4. Buffalo State hospital,. in the city of Buffalo, county of Erie. 5. Middletown State Homoeopathic hospital, at Middletown, in the county of Orange.

6. Binghamton State hospital, at Binghampton, in the county of Broome.

7. Rochester State hospital, at the city of Rochester, in the county of Monroe.

8. Saint Lawrence State hospital, near the city of Ogdensburg, in the county of Saint Lawrence.

9. Collins State Homeopathic hospital for the insane, in the town of Collins, county of Erie.

10. Long Island State hospital, at Kings Park, Suffolk county, Long Island.

11. Manhattan State hospital, in New York city and at Central Islip, Suffolk county.

§ 31. Managers of state hospitals and their terms of office. -Each state hospital shall be under the control and management of its present board of managers or trustees, subject to the statu tory powers of the commission, and to the provisions of this section as to the modification of their terms of office and the number of such trustees. Such trustees or managers shall hereafter be termed managers. On or before the thirty-first of December, after this chapter takes effect, and at which time the terms of the managers then in office shall expire, the governor shall appoint a board consisting of seven members for each state hospital by sa arranging terms of one, two, three, four, five, six and seven years, that a term shall expire on the thirty-first day of December in each year, beginning with the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, If a vacancy occur otherwise than by expiration of term, the appointment of a manager to fill such vacancy shall be for the unexpired term of the manager whose office became vacant; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to the Middletown

State Homeopathic hospital at Middletown, in the county of Orange, where the number of managers shall be thirteen.

§ 32. Appointment and removal of managers.—The managers and their successors appointed after the appointment and classification made pursuant to the preceding section, shall severally be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, as often as a vacancy shall occur by expiration of term, or otherwise; and they may severally continue in office until their successors are appointed and have qualified; and they shall be subject to removal by the governor upon cause shown and an opportunity to be heard. All managers hereafter appointed shall reside in the hospital district in which the hospital is situated for which they are respectively appointed, but no person shall be eligible to the office of manager who is either an elective state officer or a member of the legislature, and if any such manager shall become a member of the legislature or such elective state officer, his office as manager shall be vacant. All the managers of the Middletown State Homeopathic hospital and of the Collins State Homeopathic hospital may be appointed from any portion of the state and shall be adherents of homeopathy. If any manager fails for one year to attend the regular meetings of the board of which he is a member, his office shall be vacant, and the board by resolution shall so declare, and a certified copy of every such resolution shall forthwith be transmitted by the board to the governor.

§ 33. General powers and duties of boards of managers.Subject to the statutory powers of the commission, each board of managers shall have the general direction and control of all the property and concerns of the institution over which they are respectively appointed, not otherwise provided by law. They may acquire and hold in the name of and for the people of the state of New York by grant, gift, devise or bequest, property to be applied to the maintenance of insane persons in and for the general use of the hospital. All lands necessary for the use of state hospitals shall be acquired by condemnation as lands for public use are acquired, except those by gift, devise or purchase, the terms of which purchase shall be approved by the commission and the state comptroller. No public street or road for railroad or other purposes shall be opened through the lands of a state hospital, unless the legislature, by special act, consents

thereto. The managers shall not receive any compensation for their services, but shall receive actual and necessary traveling and other expenses, to be paid after audit as other current expenditures of the hospital. Each board shall:

1. Take care of the general interests of the hospital and see that its design is carried into effect, according to law, and its by laws, rules and regulations.

2. Establish such by-laws, rules and regulations as they may deem necessary and expedient for regulating the appointment and duties of officers and employes of the hospital, and for the internal government, discipline and management of the same.

3. Maintain an effective inspection of the hospital, for which purpose a majority of the board shall visit the hospital at least every three months, and the whole board once a year, and at such other times as may be prescribed in the by-laws.

4. Keep in a book provided for that purpose, a fair and full record of their doings, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of the governor of the state, the commissioners in lunacy, or any person appointed by the governor, the commission in lunacy, or either house of the legislature to examine the same. 5. Cause to be typewritten within ten days after each meeting of such managers, or a committee thereof, the minutes and proceedings of such meeting, and cause a copy thereof to be sent forthwith to each member of such board and to the commission.

6. Enter in a book kept by them for that purpose, the date of each of their visits, and the condition of the hospital and patients, and all such managers present shall sign the same.

7. Make to the commission, in October of each year, a detailed report of the results of their visits and inspection, with suitable suggestions and such other matters as may be required of them by the commission, for the year ending on the thirtieth day of September preceding the date of such report. The resident officers shall admit such managers into every part of the hospital and its buildings, and exhibit to them on demand all the books, papers, accounts and writings belonging to the hospital or pertaining to its business, management, discipline or government, and fur nish copies, abstracts and reports whenever required by them.

§ 34. Appointments of officers by managers.- Each of such boards shall continue to appoint for its hospital, as often as vacancies occur therein:

1. A superintendent, who shall be a well-educated physician and a graduate of an incorporated medical college, of at least five years' actual experience in an institution for the care and treatment of the insane. The superintendents and all assistant physicians of homeopathic hospitals for the insane shall be homeopathic physicians, but such homeopathic physicians shall not be eligible to appointment in or transfer to state hospitals that are not for homeopathic treatment.

2. A treasurer, who shall keep all the books, records and papers pertaining to his official duties, in an office situated where the board of managers may direct, who shall give an undertaking to the people of the state for the faithful performance of his trust, with sureties to be approved by the county judge of the county or a justice of the supreme court of the judicial district in which such hospital is located, and in such amount as the comp troller of the state shall name. Such superintendent or treasurer may be removed by a vote of a majority of the board of managers for cause stated in writing, an opportunity having been given them to be heard, and such action shall be final.

§ 35. General powers and duties of superintendent. The superintendent of each hospital shall be its chief executive officer, and in his absence or sickness, the first assistant physician or other officer designated by the superintendent shall perform the duties and be subject to the responsibilities of the superintendent. Subject to the by-laws and regulations established by the board of managers, the superintendent shall have the general superintendence of the buildings, grounds and farm, together with their furniture, fixtures and stock, and the direction and control of all persons therein, and shall:

1. Personally maintain an effective supervision and inspection of all parts of the hospital and generally direct the care and treatment of the patients. To this end the superintendent shall personally examine the condition of each patient, within five days after his admission to the hospital, and shall regularly visit all of the wards or apartments for patients at such times as the rules and regulations of the hospital shall prescribe.

2. Appoint such resident officers, including a woman physician, and such employes as he may think proper and necessary for the economical and efficient performance of the business of the hospital and prescribe their duties and discharge any of such em

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